Induction Guide for New Staff 2020

Page 1


Section 1: General

1. List of New Teaching Staff 2. Useful Information for Staff – to be reviewed 3. Estates Information and Fire Safety Briefing 4. Lesson Timings 5. Blank Teacher Timetable 6. Term Dates 2020-21 7. System for Purchasing Goods and Services

List of New Teaching Staff: September 2020 Donna Carpenter

Teacher of English

Kyle Fayers

Teacher of Maths

Kent Li

Teacher of Maths

Gemma McGregor

Teacher of Biology

Simon McShane

Head of DT and F & N

Stephen Powell

Second in Maths

James Skarratts

Teacher of Mandarin

Tom Thake

Teacher of Chemistry

Beth Waters

Teacher of Classics

Katy Walker

Teacher of English

RGS Staff leading Induction Session Shaun Fenton


Mary-Ann Collins

Senior Deputy Head

Sarah Arthur

Deputy Head

Helena Briggs

Assistant Bursar

Dawn Holmes

Head of Human Resources

Useful Information for Staff 2020-21

Office Matters

Email Address


Absence, Registration, Attendance matters

All absence from school or lessons including registration matters. (x 346 Reception).

Letters and emails for distribution

Office x 320 (JNT: Jane Tyson), x 322 (GCS: Georgie Shaylor), x 338 (SJD: Sue Dewar) or x 347 (KEM: Kelly Mumford).

First Aid and Medical Parent Portal General office support and admin. (inc stationery) Room changes

Ad hoc (ie for exams etc) Jane x 320. Permanent - Sue x 338

Room Bookings: Interview Room/Boardroom/C Hall/PMH/S Hall/Old Library

Availability to be checked on SOCS, then email schooloffice@

Recital Room

Keri Smith, Music

IT Rooms (Rms 19/S15/S16/Lang Lab). Dance Studio. HC21

Book via Room Bookings spreadsheets accessible via My Day/Room Bookings or Sharepoint/Staff Admin

Cover (SLT) (admin)

Please email staff absence to Huw Jones (HTJ) and Jane Tyson (JNT) before 7.30am.

Training and CPD (SLT) (admin)

Mary-Ann Collins (MAC) and Amanda Adams (AMA). CPD forms available on

Sharepoint/School Office Public/CPD or Useful Forms ISAMS - reporting and timetabling (SLT); (admin)

Chris Smith (CWS). Brendan Stones (BPS). Sue Dewar (SJD)


All calendar, trips and events booking requests should be sent via both AND

Huw Jones (HTJ) and School Office (schooloffice@)

Weekly Bulletin: news/achievements/updates and events. Deadline - Weds pm.

x 331 (Bronwen Eustace)

Student holidays in term-time

bge@reigategrammar (for HM)



x 424

IT Matters

Email Address


Any IT needs, and ISAMS


x 378

Estates Matters

Email Address



x 366 (Carmel Grater); x 361 (Rob Stannard); x 342 (Andy Allingham): x 494 (Rachael Todd)

Day to day maintenance Fire and Premises Health and Safety Moves and office layout changes Car parking Holiday access Transport Matters

Coach bookings and minibus arrangements Furniture and small fittings Pool facility arrangements

x 414 (Ben Rutland)

ID badges and Security for ID badges

x 341 (Sally Wadey) for ID badges


x 465 (Meriel Thom)

Hartswood Sports Ground

01737 247502


x 365/362

x 391

x 352


Lesson Timings


Registration. Pupils go to Form Rooms




Assembly or Form period, according to the day of the week

9.00 9.45

Period 1

9.45 10.30

Period 2 First to Third Forms

Fourth to Seventh Forms

10.30 10.55


10.30 - 11.15

Period 3

10.55 11.40

Period 3

11.15 - 11.40


11.40 12.25

Period 4

12.25 1.10

Period 5 (Finishes at 1.00 for First Form and at 1.05 for Second Form)

1.10 2.10


2.15 3.05

Period 6 Including 5 min registration on iSAMS

3.05 3.50

Period 7

There is a fortnightly Staff Briefing, which all staff are required to attend, on Tuesday at 8.20 am in the Old Library. This is alternated with a Teaching and Learning Briefing.






P2 9.4510.30

P3 10.3010.55 Break 10.3011.15



P1 99.45



10.3010.55 Break 10.3011.15 10.3010.55 Break 10.3011.15 10.3010.55 Break 10.3011.15 10.3010.55 Break 10.3011.15

P4 11.4012.25

P5 12.2513.10


10.5511.40 11.1511.40 Break 10.5511.40 11.1511.40 Break 10.5511.40 11.1511.40 Break 10.5511.40 11.1511.40 Break 10.5511.40 11.1511.40 Break




P6 14.2015.05

P7 15.0515.50

Autumn Term 2020 Tuesday 1 September Wednesday 2 September Wednesday 2 September Thursday 3 September

Saturday 26 September Monday 19 October – Friday 30 October Friday 20 November Thursday 17 December (12.15pm)

Staff Training Day 1 Staff Training Day 2 Start of Term: All First, New Third, All Lower Sixth Forms & Upper Sixth Form Mentors Start of Term: All remaining students Annual Open Morning (students to attend) Half Term Staff Training Day 3 (school open; details to follow) End of Term

Spring Term 2021

Thursday 7 January Thursday 7 January Friday 8 January Monday 11 January Monday 15 February – Friday 19 February Friday 26 March (3.50pm)

Summer Term 2021

Monday 19 April Monday 31 May – Friday 4 June

Monday 7 June

Friday 2 July (12.15pm)

Staff Training Day 4 Start of Term: Fifth and Upper Sixth Forms 11+/13+ Entrance Examinations Day Start of Term: All remaining students Half Term End of Term Start of Term: All students Half Term Staff Training Day 5 (school closed to students with the exception of those doing public examinations) End of Term

Surrey County Council Term Dates 20202021

Bank Holidays 2020-2021

Autumn Term 2020 Tuesday 1 September – Friday 18 December Half Term: Monday 26 October – Friday 30 October Spring Term 2021 Monday 4 January – Thursday 1 April Half Term: Monday 15 February – Friday 19 February Summer Term 2021 Monday 19 April – Wednesday 21 July Half Term: Monday 31 May – Friday 4 June

Summer Monday 31 August 2020 Christmas Day Friday 25 December 2020 Boxing Day Saturday 26 December 2020 New Year’s Day Friday 1 January 2021 Good Friday Friday 2 Apr 2021 Easter Monday Monday 5 April 2021 May Day Monday 3 May 2021 Spring Monday 31 May 2021 Summer Monday 30 August 2021 (2021-2022 Academic Year

System for Purchasing Goods or Services

The current purchasing system is in place at RGS is as follows: 1. Before any goods can be ordered a Purchase Order Form needs to be obtained from Finance. Once completed and authorised by the Head of Department (or Budget Holder) the order form needs to be sent back to the Finance Department for authorisation if the goods are for under ÂŁ250. For purchases over ÂŁ250, the relevant SLT link will sign off the P.O. prior to giving it to the Finance Department. Once 80% of a budget has been spent, the SLT link will sign off all proposed purchases. Once the order has been authorised the yellow copy of the Purchase Order will be returned to you. 2. You may either place the order yourself or, alternatively, to speed up the process the Finance Department are more than happy to submit your order either: online, by email or by fax for you, providing the relevant supplier contact details and exact descriptions of what you to wish to purchase have been quoted on the Purchase Order. 3. Once you receive the invoice you need to sign it to indicate that you have received the goods or services and you agree that the school has been charged the correct amount(s), then return it to the Finance Department as soon as possible, so payment can be made. We make payments by BACS transfer at the end of each month, or we can raise cheques, if required. Please therefore plan ahead. If needs be, we can also process urgent payments by BACS. These take 3 working days to reach their destination. 4. Please inform the Finance Department immediately if you have any problems with an invoice so that we can help you work with the supplier to resolve your queries. Helena Briggs Director of Finance (email Finance Department email: June 2020

Estates Information for New Starters 2020/2021 The Estates Team operate a help desk facility for all day to day estates’ matters –

Estates Manager

Carmel Grater



Asst. Estates Manager

Rob Stannard



Estates Administrator

Rachael Trefty



Maintenance Supervisor

Andy Allingham



Maintenance Office – off playground

Cleaning Manager

Meriel Thom



Cleaning Office – Main Building



Front Entrance – Main Building


Steve Carey and Duty Porter Caretaking and Maintenance team

Swimming Pool Supervisor

Ben Rutland

Grounds Team based at Hartswood (for all Hartswood Sports Facility site arrangements)

Estates Office – Admin Building

Estateshelpdesk 342


414 and


If organising an event at Hartswood Pavilion please liaise with Rob Stannard. If you need support whilst on site when using the sports facilities then please liaise with the team based on the site Robert Bartholomew, Kevin Ford or Jack Bellars. General safety, fire and lockdown arrangements: Staff are issued with Photographic ID badges which enables access via the main entrances of the buildings during normal school hours. 7.30am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday. The school is not open at weekends or bank holidays except for specific events as per the school calendar in specific and access controlled areas of the site. Lone workings arrangements apply. The school is open each holidays and information on projects, works and restricted access areas is issued in advance via email and School Bulletin. Staff who organise holiday activities/revision sessions on site during the holidays must discuss this in advance so that the access needed can be considered in relation to site projects and works. ID badges must be worn at all times including holidays and staff are required to register in and out at the Porters desk during holidays – this is important for personal safety in the event of a site incident and for evacuation arrangements. See the next page for more detailed information on Fire Safety Matters and Lockdown procedures.

Estates Information for New Starters 2020/2021 KEY POINTS ON FIRE SAFETY ARRANGEMENTS What information is available to you as a new staff member on fire safety?

The fire procedures are available electronically as part of the Health and Safety Policy and Procedures – summary information is displayed in hard copy at key points around the site – Staffroom, Ballance Building, Wright Gallery/Concert Hall areas This note can act as a quick reference to the key points you need to know from day one.

What to do if you discover a fire?

Where to gather once outside?

Fire Wardens

Preventative measures

Take the time initially to know where your nearest call point/break glasses are in relation to your office and classroom/s. This will help you to you know where to trigger the fire alarm system from should you discover a fire.  Inform the Porters, Reception or Front office on ext 424, 346 or 320 as soon as you can of your actions.  Support the prompt evacuation of your students/colleagues  If you are a Fire Warden you will be trained/briefed on your duties  Main Site – bottom of playground area  Broadfield Site - Broadfield Lawn  Hartswood – Main pitch opposite the Pavilion Remain with your students and help to keep them calm.   

We have trained fire wardens to cover all sites Senior staff overseeing evening events act as the fire officer Wardens names and duties are displayed on notice boards in key areas around the site as per the fire procedures mentioned above  The wardens have specific responsibilities to check that all areas are cleared – as a staff member you are required to co-operate fully with them and support where possible. Everyone plays a part in keeping the school safe and free from fire hazards, you can help 

Policy and procedures

Always apply good housekeeping disciplines in your area of work and do not allow paperwork, un-emptied boxes, rubbish etc to build up.  Keep all exit doors and corridors free in your area and report any concerns promptly to the Estates Help Desk Service – or a member of the team, listed above.  Do not use “home” electrical items and switch electrical items off at the end of the day i.e. desk lamps, fans, heaters etc. Take time to become familiar with the arrangements in place. Read the more detailed information available and if in doubt PLEASE ask!

KEY POINTS ON LOCKDOWN ARRANGEMENTS If an emergency situation develops that requires the Designated Senior Staff to instigate a site LOCKDOWN, an alert will be made via – on screen message saying LOCKDOWN, communication via hand held loudspeakers and external sirens in key external areas (playground, broadfield lawn / coach park). Further updates will be given as the situation unfolds.

Upon hearing or seeing the alert RUN – run inside to the nearest classroom, office or key building area PMH dining hall, Harrison Centre or Main School Concert Hall taking your students and colleagues with you as you go. HIDE – once inside, stay inside and secure your area by whatever means you can, lock or wedge the door shut, use furniture if you have to, close the windows, gather students, stay calm and stay out of sight. Do not use mobile phones or social media and gather mobile phones from students calmly, keeping your own mobile phone free for updates from the school’s senior team. TELL – phone, email, text your HoD, Line Manager or SLT member to confirm your circumstances and any information that may assist with the live appraisal of the emergency situation. Stay safe and wait for further updates.

Section 2: HR 1. Medical Questionnaire 2. Pre-Employment Questionnaire 3. Personal Details – Teaching 4. Common Room Subs Procedure 5. Common Room Subs Form

Online Medical Questionnaire As part of our new starter process we would like you to complete an Online Pre-Placement Medical Questionnaire. You will receive an email with a unique access from Medwyn Occupational Health. I would be very grateful if you could please log on, follow the instructions and complete the assessment. An example email from Medwyn follows. Please send an email to once you have completed the assessment. Dawn Holmes Head of Human Resources

Medwyn Occupational Health Pre-Placement Questionnaire

Dear @Model["FirstName"] @Model["LastName"] Your employer has advised us that you have been offered the position of @Model["PostTitle"]. In order to establish your fitness for this job role we would be grateful if you could complete a pre-placement health questionniare at @Model["URL"]. To access the health questionnaire, please enter the following information: 1. Your First Name and Surname as shown: @Model["FirstName"] @Model["LastName"] 2. The PIN code: @Model["PIN"] 3. The Questionnaire Number: @Model["QuestionnaireNumber"] Please note that all the information you provide is held in strict medical confidence and will not be shared with your employer without your consent. If any health issues are identified which require further clarification, one of our team will contact you to organise a convenient time for our specialist nurse advisor or doctor to discuss this with you. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. Please note you CANNOT reply to this email directly. If you need to contact us please use the contact details shown below. Many thanks, The Medwyn Occupational Health Team Tel: 01306 873 936 Email:

Personal Details –Teaching Would you please complete this form and return it to Dawn Holmes, Head of Human Resources, Reigate Grammar School, Reigate Road, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 0QS, as soon as possible. Title:................... Surname: ......................................

First Name (s): ……………………………

Maiden Name: .. ......................................................... Date of Birth: ............................................ Address: ................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................ Post Code: .................................................................. Telephone Number: ……………………….. Mobile Number: ........................................................ Teacher Ref No:…………………………….. Email Address: ........................................................... Nationality:.................................................................. EMPLOYMENT DETAILS: Do you require a UK Work Permit? ........................ Job Title:………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Commencement Date: ............................................. National Insurance Number: …………….. BANK DETAILS: Bank: ................................................................................................................................................................ Branch: ........................................................................ Account Name: .......................................................... Sort Code: ...................................................................

Account Number: ...................................................... CAR DETAILS: Make: ........................................................................... Model: ......................................................................... Registration Number: ................................................ Colour: ........................................................................ MEDICAL DETAILS: Doctor: ........................................................................ Telephone Number: .................................................. Address: ................................................................................................................................................................ ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Next of Kin: ................................................................. Relationship: ................................................................ Telephone Number: .................................................... Mobile Number: .......................................................

Common Room Subs – Procedure Teaching Staff Subs are payable annually, at the start of the academic year, via deduction from Payroll. The agreed amount will be taken from the September pay and paid directly into the Common Room account. The deduction must be authorised by each member of staff – this need only be done once. Deductions will continue on an annual basis until the member of staff leaves or the deduction is stopped by the member of staff. Staff who do not authorise payment from Payroll will pay their subs individually via cheque payable to Reigate Grammar School. The Common Room account is controlled by the Common Room treasurer and managed by the school accounts department. The Common Room account is used to pay for staff gifts and cards on the occasion of their leaving, marriage, retirement etc. Support Staff Support Staff who wish to be Associate Members of the Common Room will pay their subs individually via cheque payable to Reigate Grammar School.

Common Room: Deduction of Subs

I hereby agree to an annual deduction being made from my September net salary starting in September 2020 for my Common Room Subs. The current rate is ÂŁ30. This will not be changed without full consultation with the Common Room. The deduction will continue to be taken from my September net salary until I leave RGS, cancel my membership, or cease to be a member of the teaching staff. I understand that I may cancel this payment at any time by writing to the Common Room Treasurer (with a copy to the HR Manager).

Name:_____________________________________________________________________ Signed:_____________________________________________________________________ Date:______________________________________________________________________

To be returned to HR June 2020

Section 3: Wellbeing and Fitness 1. Use of the Swimming Pool by Staff and their Families 2. Swimming Pool Medical Form (PARQ) 3. Health and Fitness Suite Consent Form 4. Health and Fitness Suite Medical Form (PARQ)

Use of the Swimming Pool by Staff and their Families Reigate Grammar School is keen to encourage the wider use of it’s sports facilities, specifically the swimming pool, by employees of the school. Staff wishing to use the pool must agree to the following points:              

The swimming pool is currently only open to employees of Reigate Grammar School and Reigate St Mary’s. Employees may only swim when the pool is supervised by a lifeguard and must not enter the pool until the lifeguard is present. When the lifeguard is present, there must be a minimum of two people swimming in the pool at any time. Employees who use the pool must complete a short registration form and have a short induction the first time they use the pool. Staff must sign in and out each time they use the pool. Staff must shower before using the pool. Family members are considered to be those members of the family living at the same address. Use of the swimming pool is not available for members of the extended family or friends of the family. Family members must be accompanied by a school employee while in the pool. Non-swimmers must not enter the water or act as parental supervisors. Children under 8 must be supervised by an adult in the water at all times. Children over 8 must be able to swim competently before they are left on their own in the water. However, in this case, parents must remain at the side of the pool at all times whilst their children are in the water. No children under the age of 1 year old will be allowed in the pool. Employees must counter-sign the consent form and medical form for each child. The pool maximum bather load is 25. The pool will be occupied on a first-come, first-served basis, and the numbers strictly controlled by the lifeguard. Should a member be in any doubt with regard to the current occupancy of the pool please ask the lifeguard before getting changed. RGS retain the right to carry out a DBS check and other background checks for all people registered to swim. The lifeguard’s decision is final and any inappropriate behaviour will be notified to Senior Management. This may lead to the removal of swimming privileges.

I agree to abide by the above points and any further rules posted in the swimming pool:

Signed by the employee:_________________________________________________________ Name:_________________________________________RGS/RSM (please delete accordingly)

In the case of family members over the age of 18, please state your relationship to the above employee and sign to show your consent to the above:

Signed:________________________________________________________________________ Name and relationship to the employee:______________________________________________ Names and ages of any children:____________________________________________________

Swimming Pool Medical Form Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PARQ) Name:______________________________ The PARQ is designed to help you. Many health benefits are associated with regular exercise and the completion of the PARQ is a sensible first step to take if you are planning to increase the amount of physical activity in your life. For most people physical activity should not pose a problem or hazard. The PARQ has been designed to identify the small number of people for whom physical activity might be inappropriate or those who should take medical advice concerning the type of activity most suitable to them. Common sense is your best guide for answering these few questions. Please read carefully and circle the YES/NO opposite the question as it applies to you. 

Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition and recommended only medically supervised activity? YES/NO

Do you have chest pains brought on by physical activity? YES/NO

Have you developed chest pains in the last month? YES/NO

Do you tend to lose consciousness or fall over as a result of dizziness? YES/NO

Has a doctor ever recommended medication for your blood pressure or heart condition? YES/NO

lf you have a medícal condition that you feel you should mention, please write it here:

lf you have answered NO to all the questions accurately, you have reasonable assurance of your present suitability for: A Graduated Exercise programme - a gradual increase in regular exercise promotes fitness and improves overall health while minimising and eliminating discomfort. lf you have answered YES to any of the above, you should seek advice from your GP. Sígned:______________________________________Date:________________________________ Please sign and return to the Swimming Pool Supervisor.



Exercise programmes are designed to improve cardiovascular (heart and lungs) fitness, muscle tone and strength, endurance and flexibility and may include physical activities such as running, stretching and using gym equipment/machines. When participating in activity/exercise you are likely to experience difficult levels of intensity over varying levels of time. As a result you may experience quicker breathing patterns and become hot very easily, as well as feelings of awkwardness depending on your experience or level of fitness. Each part of the activity/exercise you participate in will be fully explained, you are strongly advised to ask questions if you are not clear about anything. Most exercise programmes contain certain risks: muscle pulls, joint strain, aches, pains and general discomfort from parts of the body not previously used. If, at any time, you feel pain or discomfort, stop performing the activity and notify the member of staff present. Likewise, if you feel you should not do a particular exercise for any reason you must inform the member of staff. Prior to taking part in the activity/exercise sessions you will need to complete a Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PARQ).

I have read and understood the conditions and risks of participation and I consent to: _______________________________ (name of participant) taking part in the required activities.

Signed participant:______________________________________________________ Date:_______________________________________________________________ Signed parent/guardian if under 16:__________________________________________ PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN TO THE SPORTS DEPARTMENT

Health and Fitness Suite Medical Form Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PARQ) Name:______________________________ The PARQ is designed to help you. Many health benefits are associated with regular exercise and the completion of the PARQ is a sensible first step to take if you are planning to increase the amount of physical activity in your life. For most people physical activity should not pose a problem or hazard. The PARQ has been designed to identify the small number of people for whom physical activity might be inappropriate or those who should take medical advice concerning the type of activity most suitable to them. Common sense is your best guide for answering these few questions. Please read carefully and circle the YES/NO opposite the question as it applies to you. 

Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition and recommended only medically supervised activity? YES/NO

Do you have chest pains brought on by physical activity? YES/NO

Have you developed chest pains in the last month? YES/NO

Do you tend to lose consciousness or fall over as a result of dizziness? YES/NO

Do you have a bone or joint problem that could be aggravated by the proposed physical activity? YES/NO

Has a doctor ever recommended medication for your blood pressure or heart condition? YES/NO

lf you have a medícal condition that you feel you should mention, please write it here:

lf you have answered NO to all the questions accurately, you have reasonable assurance of your present suitability for: A Graduated Exercise programme - a gradual increase in regular exercise promotes fitness and improves overall health while minimising and eliminating discomfort. lf you have answered YES to any of the above, you should seek advice from your GP. Sígned:______________________________________Date:________________________________ PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN TO THE SPORTS DEPARTMENT

Section Four: School Policies

Please click on the link below to access the School Policies on the RGS website:

Attachments to email:

   

Maps of the Site Quick Guide for New Staff Summary Brand Guidelines Health and Wellbeing Guide for Staff

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