Board of Governors
Mr Mark Elsey
Mr Duncan Anderson
Dr Shrilla Banerjee
Mr Marc Benton
Mr Brian Day
Mr Chris Dixon
Mrs Mary Edmunds
Mrs J Hamilton
Mr Luke Herbert
Mrs Maxine Hulme
Mrs Lisa Page
Mrs Maggie Shipley
Mrs Rebecca Sturt
Mr Nicholas Weber
Mr Ed Wheeler
Mr S Fenton OBE BA (Oxon) MA (Oxon) FCCT NPQH
Deputy Heads
Miss S Arthur BA (Durham) History sja
Mrs M-A Collins BEng (Bristol) Physics mac
Dr B Stones BSc PhD (Edinburgh) Mathematics bps
Assistant Heads
Mrs C Hosegood BSc (Durham) Biology, Chemistry cmh
Mrs C Lawson BA (Liverpool) Classics chl
Miss M Pope MA MSci MA (Cantab, Sussex) Biology, Chemistry mlp
Miss L Robertson BA (East Anglia) MA (Lancaster) MEd (Buckingham) English ljr
Bursar & Clerk to the Governors
Mrs H Briggs BA (Durham) FCA bursar
Staff may be emailed by prefixing @reigategrammar.org with the initials or department name listed
Heads of Section & Heads of Year
Sixth Form: Lower & Upper Sixth Forms
Director of Sixth Form: Mrs E Taylor BA MA eet
Head of Upper Sixth Form: Mrs E Mitchell BEd ejm
Assistant Head of Upper Sixth Form: Mrs Anderson MA MSc taa
Assistant Head of Upper Sixth Form: Mrs Masefield BA cam
Head of Lower Sixth Form: Mr R Verdon BA MBA rhv
Assistant Head of Lower Sixth Form: Mrs Reynolds BSc MSc cdr
Upper School: Third, Fourth & Fifth Forms
Head of Upper School: Mr M Hetherington BA mhh
Assistant Head of Upper School: Mrs C Cline BSc clc
Head of Fifth Form: Mrs C Cline BSc clc
Assistant Head of Fifth Form: Mr J O’Dowd BSc jjo
Head of Fourth Form: Ms E Stephen BA els
Assistant Head of Fourth Form: Mrs V Ramsden MSc BSocSc vlr
Assistant Head of Fourth Form: Mr A Welch MA MPhil alw
Head of Third Form: Miss S Carraro BA slc
Assistant Head of Third Form: Mr J Evans BSc jre
Lower School: First & Second Forms
Head of Lower School: Miss C Case BA cdc
Head of Second Form: Miss H Rose BSc hsr
Assistant Head of Second Form: Miss D Carpenter BA dlc
Assistant Head of Second Form: Mr W Murray BSc wdm
Head of First Form: Mr S Rivers BA sgr
Assistant Head of First Form: Ms L Sheridan BA lcs
Assistant Head of First Form: Miss B Waters BA baw
School Counsellor
Extended Pastoral Team
Miss G Smith BA (UEA) gms
School Nurse schoolnurse
Mrs N Harvey RCN, SCPHN nch
Rev P Jackson BA (Cheltenham) BA (Bristol) pmj
Learning Support
Mrs K Bardell-Roberts BSc (St Mary’s Twickenham) MA (Kingston)
Head of Learning Support kbr
Mrs H Airey MA (Cantab) hxa
Mrs L Bastyan BA (Warwick) MPhil (Cantab) lab
Mrs G Dexter BA (Queen’s, Belfast) Cert SpLD gcd
Mrs R Hogarth BA (Kent) MA (Kingston) reh
Mrs L Sileo lms
Pastoral Support Worker
Mrs V Papadopoulou BSc (Chalkida, Greece) vxp
Child Protection & Safeguarding
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
Miss S Arthur BA (Deputy Head) sja
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSLs)
Mrs M-A Collins BEng (Deputy Head) mac
Rev P Jackson (Chaplain) pmj
Mr N Lobb BA (Online Safety Co-ordinator) njl
Mrs V Papadopoulou (Pastoral Support Worker) vxp
Dr B Stones (Deputy Head) bps
Mrs E Taylor BA MA (Director of Sixth Form) eet
Governor responsible for Safeguarding
Mr Luke Herbert
If you suspect a child is at risk of harm please contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL):
Miss Arthur sja@reigategrammar.org
Or, you may contact one of the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSL):
Mrs Collins mac@reigategrammar.org
Rev Jackson pmj@reigategrammar.org
Mr Lobb njl@reigategrammar.org
Mrs Papadopoulou vxp@reigategrammar.org
Dr Stones bps@reigategrammar.org
Mrs Taylor eet@reigategrammar.org
If you are not able to contact any of the above, and you think a child is at risk of harm, please contact the C-SPA (Children’s Single Point of Access) service on:
0300 470 9100
01483 517898 (out of hours) cspa@surreycc.gov.uk
Absence due to illness
If your child is unable to attend school, please email absence@reigategrammar.org and your child’s form tutor by 8.30am on each morning of absence explaining the reason(s) for absence.
The NHS and UKHSA advise that individuals stay home whilst contagious for a number of infectious diseases, and at RGS we ask all members of the community to follow their guidance:
• For diarrhoea and/or vomiting, individuals must remain away from school for 48 hours following their last symptoms.
• For respiratory symptoms, individuals are advised to remain home if they have a fever greater than 38°C (chest/back feels hot to touch) and/or their symptoms prevent normal activity. They should only return when these symptoms subside.
• Covid-19 testing is no longer required, unless advised by a medical professional. If you choose to test your child and they receive a positive result, they must stay home for 3 full days following the result. They are not advised to test prior to return.
• For other infectious illnesses, please contact the school office for advice.
We ask that your child stays at home if they have any symptoms which mean they are unable to carry out normal activities. Whilst ill, your child should rest, as this will enable them to recover more quickly. Therefore, we strongly recommend that absent students do not join lessons via Teams. If there is an exceptional reason why your child may need to access lessons remotely, please contact their Head of Year to discuss this.
If your child falls ill during the
If your child is unwell during the day at school they must report to the Health and Wellbeing Centre (Cornwallis) in the first instance where they will be assessed by the school nurse/first aider. Parents will be telephoned if necessary.
Absence for routine appointments
If you need to request absence for routine appointments please use the Absence Request Form available on the Parent Portal (Useful Forms) and email it to absence@reigategrammar.org and your child’s Form Tutor. On the day in question your child should sign out at the Health and Wellbeing Centre where the form will be checked. They must sign back in at the Health and Wellbeing Centre when they return to school.
Teaching Staff
Head of Department in bold † part-time
taa Mrs T Anderson MA (Glasgow) MSc (Strathclyde) Upper Sixth Form (Asstt), Mathematics
gaa Mr G Armstrong BSc (Sussex) Biology
sja Miss S Arthur BA (Durham) Deputy Head, Designated Safeguarding Lead, History
amb Mr A Bamford MPhys (Southampton) 2 i/c Physics
kbr Mrs K Bardell-Roberts BSc (St Mary’s Twickenham) MA (Kingston) Learning Support, Mathematics
kjb Mrs K Bell BSc (Brunel) Academic PE, Netball (Acting), Sport †
jeb Mr J Blenkinsop BA (King’s College) Classics
skb Miss S Branston BA (Wales) Director of Drama
gjb Mr G Browning BA (Manchester) MSc (Worcester) Director of Sport
lkb Mrs L Browning BA (Liverpool) Sport
jcb Mr C Burgess BA (Buckinghamshire) Director of Sport (Asst)
ejb Mrs E Burns BA (Canterbury)
Senior Teacher, Art & Design
mjb Mr M Buzzacott BA (Durham) Classics, Careers
dlc Miss D Carpenter BA (Chichester) Second Form (Asst), English
slc Miss S Carraro BA (Ca Foscari)
Third Form, French, Spanish, Italian, German
cec Ms C Cartron BSc (Toulouse, France) Science
cdc Ms C Case BA (Canterbury) Lower School, History
fcc Mme F Chartrain MA (Nantes) Modern Languages, French
mec Mr M Chesterton BA (Exeter) Politics
stc Mr S Chevalier MA (Oxon) English, Oxbridge Co-ordinator
clc Mrs C Cline BSc (St Mary’s College) Fifth Form, Upper School (Asst), Sport, Geography
mac Mrs M-A Collins BEng (Bristol) Deputy Head, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Physics
sac Mr S Collins BA (Durham) Cover Supervisor
lvc Mrs L Comber BA (York) Cover Supervisor †
ldoc Mr D Cooper BA (Exeter) Rugby, Sport
gbc Miss G Cooper BSc MEd (Exeter) Physics
Teaching Staff
Head of Department in bold † part-time
kgc Mrs K Cooper BA (Leeds) MA (Durham) Theology & Philosophy †
Ms R Cottam BSc (Manchester Metropolitan)
Head of Food Preparation & Nutrition
Miss H Cuthbert BSc (York) MSc (East Anglia) DofE, Outdoor Education (Asst Director), Biology
Mr T Dare MA (Cantab) MSc (Sussex) Biology †
Mr A Davies BSc (Bristol) Mathematics
Mrs G Dexter BA (Queen’s Belfast) Cert SpLD Mentoring, Geography, Learning Support
Mr H Edwards BA (Aberystwyth) Director of Theatre
vre Mrs V Ellwood BA (Durham) English †
jbe Mr J Emmerson BSc (Bath) Director of Sport (Asst)
Mrs S Enston BA (Warwick) English †
Mr J Evans BSc (Warwick) Third Form (Asst), Mathematics
Mr K Fayers BA (Chichester) Mathematics
Mr R Field BSc (Kingston) Hockey Development, Sport
Mr R Flook BSc (Cardiff) Director of Studies, Computing
Mrs S Garcia BSc (University of Waterloo) BEd (Queen’s) Physics †
sxg Mr S Gasson BA (Birmingham) MA (UEA) English †
Mrs S Genillard ATC (Goldsmith’s) Art & Design †
tgj Mrs T Glynne-Jones GRRNCM (RNCM) Choral Music
klg Dr K Gompels BSc PhD (St Andrew’s) Chemistry
frg Mrs F Gunning MA (Oxon) History, Politics
nxg Ms N Gunning BA (Warwick) English
ksh Miss K Hancock BSc (Bath) MEd (OU) Mathematics, Teaching & Learning Coach
mgh Miss M Hare BA (Guildford School of Acting) Drama
rih Mr R Hare BMus (Royal Academy of Music) Music
exh Mrs E Hargreaves BSc (Exeter) Whole School Attainment, High Performance Learning, Geography
kvh Mrs K Harris BSc (Southampton) Director of Sport (Asst), Netball
chh Ms C Harvey BA (Cardiff) MA (IoE) English
Teaching Staff
Head of Department in bold † part-time
wmh Mr W Harvey BSc (Loughborough) Biology
arh Mrs A Heslop BA (De Montfort) Art & Design †
amh Mrs A Hetherington BA (Birmingham) Geography †
mhh Mr M Hetherington BA (Nottingham) Upper School, Mathematics
teh Mrs T Hillsdon BA (Durham) MA (CSSD) Athletics (Acting), History, Theology & Philosophy, Sport
qxh Mr Q Hoad BTEC Football
erh Mr E Hogarth BA (Lancaster) MA (Exeter) Teaching & Learning, Theology & Philosophy
reh Mrs R Hogarth BA (Kent) MA (Kingston) Learning Support †
khw Mrs K Holbrook-Wilson BA (Johannesburg, South Africa) English
cmh Mrs C Hosegood BSc (Durham) Assistant Head, Biology, Chemistry
eah Mr E Hughes Meng (Imperial) Grd Dip Art Dip (RCM) Mathematics
hgi Mr H Ingham BA MA (Oxon) Classics
nmi Miss N Innes BA (UCL) Geography
daj Mr D Jackson BA (Middlesex) Drama †
pmj Rev P Jackson BA (Cheltenham) BA (Bristol) Chaplain, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Theology & Philosophy
jlj Mrs J Jakeways MA MLitt (St Andrews) Cover Supervisor
hkk Miss H Kinch BSc (Southampton) MSc (Winchester) Psychology
jmk Miss J Korzinek BA (Southampton) Music
chl Mrs C Lawson BA (Liverpool) Assistant Head, Director of Community, Partnerships & Engagement, Classics
sll Dr S Lawson BSc PhD (Plymouth) Biology
fjl Miss F Lee BSc (Surrey) Psychology, Economics (Acting)
pbl Miss P Lewty BA (Brighton) AI & Innovation, Computing
kll Mr K Li BA (Oxon) Mathematics, MFL
njl Mr N Lobb BA (Breton Hall) Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Online Safety Co-ordinator, Music, Senior Teacher
cel Mrs C Lutwyche BSc (Cardiff) Economics (Subject Lead)
bkm Ms B MacLean BA (British Columbia) MA (Toronto) DPhil (Oxon) Senior Teacher, Research & Learning, English
Teaching Staff
Head of Department in bold † part-time
rlm Miss R Mansfield BA (Southampton Institute) MA (Camberwell) Art & Design †
exm Mr E Marley BA MSci MA (Cantab) Asst Director of Studies (Exams), Mathematics
cam Mrs C Masefield BA (Bristol) Upper Sixth Form (Asst), French †
aeg Miss A McGinty BA (De Montfort) Business Studies
glm Miss G McGregor BSc (Newcastle) Hodgson, Biology
spm Mr S McShane BSc BArch (Cardiff) MA (St Mary’s)
Design Technology
jcm Ms J Miles BA (Sheffield) Mathematics †
ejm Mrs E Mitchell BEd (Exeter)
Upper Sixth Form, Sport
jxm Mrs J Mons BA (Wuhan China) Mandarin, RGSI Advisor †
lwm Mr L Morgan BA MA (Cardiff) Communications & E-Learning, History †
jam Miss J Morris BSc (Greenwich)
PSHEE, Chemistry
apm Mr A Morten BA (Kingston) MSc (Surrey)) Cover Supervisor †
wdm Mr W Murray BSc (Manchester) Second Form (Asst), Geography
pra Ms P Nair BA (Exeter) English †
nrn Mr N Newman BA (Newcastle) Economics
ncl Mr C Nicholson BSc (Loughborough) Sport †
chn Miss C Nisbet BSc (Kent) 2i/c Biology †
sjn Dr S Nolan MSc PhD (Bristol) Science
two Mr T Oates BA (Solent) MA Design Technology
meo Mr M O’Donnell BSc (Kent) Williamson, Junior Science, Biology, Chemistry
jjo Mr J O’Dowd BSc (Leeds) 2i/c DofE, Fifth Form (Asst), Mathematics
jcp Mrs J Pearce BA (Brighton) Photography, Art †
cjp Mrs C Peats BA (Nottingham) History, Economics †
lrp Miss L Peel BA (Liverpool) Bird, French, Spanish
mlp Miss M Pope MA MSci MA (Cantab, Sussex) Assistant Head, Biology, Chemistry, School Safety Manager
Miss S Pout BSc (Canterbury) MSc (Chichester) Cricket, Sport
Teaching Staff
Head of Department in bold † part-time
sxp Mr S Powell BSc (Leeds) Mathematics
abp Mr A Pruvost BA (Canterbury Christ Church) MA (Exeter)
Outdoor Education, CCF Contingent Commander, French, Spanish
vlr Mrs V Ramsden MSc (Nottingham) BSocSc (Birmingham) Electives, Fourth Form (Asst), Geography
agr Mr A Reid BSc MInstP (London) EPQ Co-ordinator, Physics
cdr Mrs C Reynolds BSc (Coventry) MSc (Oxon)
Academic Enrichment, Lower Sixth Form (Asst), Chemistry, CCF Navy
emr Mrs E Rivers BSc (London) Science, Cover Supervisor †
sgr Mr S Rivers BA (Birmingham) First Form, History
ljr Miss L Robertson BA (East Anglia) MA (Lancaster)
MEd (Buckingham)
Assistant Head, English
hsr Miss H Rose BSc (Chester) Second Form, Biology, Physics
ejr Mrs E Russell BA (Birmingham) House System, Theology & Philosophy †
nms Mrs N Saunders BSc (OU) Cover Supervisor †
pas Mr P Saunders BEng (Southampton) Asst Director of Studies, Esports, Physics
kjs Mrs K Scaglione BA (Keele) English
lcs Ms L Sheridan BA (Leeds Metropolitan) First Form (Asst), Art, Photography
gjs Mr G Sillience BSc (LSE) Mathematics
jas Mr J Skarratts BA (Salford) Esports, Cranston, Mandarin †
ags Mr A Smith BSc (UEA) Computing
cas Mr C Smith BSc (Warwick) Mathematics †
mas Ms M Sowa BA (Kent) German, French
lps Mrs L Stack BSc (Queen’s Belfast) Mathematics
les Mrs L Starr BEng (Queen Mary) Asst Director of Studies, Physics †
mjs Dr M Stenning BA MA DPhil (East Anglia, Sussex) English
els Ms E Stephen BA (Aberystwyth) Fourth Form, English
ljs Mrs L Stephens BEd (Cambridge) Cover Supervisor †
pgs Mr P Stephens BSc (Aberystwyth)
Cover Supervisor †
bps Dr B Stones BSc PhD (Edinburgh) Deputy Head, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mathematics
osmu Mr O Sullivan MA (Cantab) Music
Mrs E Taylor BA (Nottingham) MA (UCL) Director of Sixth Form, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead,, History, Politics
Mr I Taylor BA (Manchester Metropolitan) History & Politics
Mr N Tennant BSc (King’s College London) Mathematics
Mr T Thake MChem (Warwick) Chemistry
Mrs D Trewinnard BA (Chichester) PE, Sport
Miss E Turner BA (Canterbury Christchurch) Access & Inclusion Lead
amv Miss A-M Vaughan BA (Durham) Spanish, Italian †
Mr R Verdon BA (Nottingham) MBA (Macquarie) Lower Sixth Form, History, Politics
Miss D Walet BSc (Bristol) 2i/c Chemistry
jsw Mr J Ward BSc (Brunel) Design Technology
Head of Department in bold † part-time Library
Miss B Waters BA (King’s College London) First Form (Asst), Classics, Theology & Philosophy
Mr A Welch MA MPhil (Cantab) Fourth Form (Asst), Chemistry
Mrs R Wickham BA (Ed) (Exeter) Hockey, Sport
Mrs C Wogan BA (Leeds) M Stud (Oxon) MEd (Oxon) Sixth Form (Asst), Classics
Mrs A Wright BA (Durham) Mathematics †
Mrs J Wright BA (Wales) BSc (OU) Spanish, French
Mrs S Wright BA (UCE, Birmingham) Art †
Mr B Zhang BSc (Southampton) Computing
Mrs A Archer NVQ3 Library Assistant
Mrs D Hall BA (OU) Community Library Director
Mrs P Fenton BSc (Coventry) MSc (City) Library Assistant
Mrs C Horsfall BA MA (Cantab) Library Assistant
Teaching Departments
Mrs C Reynolds
Mrs E Burns
Mrs S Genillard
Ms A Heslop
Miss R Mansfield
Mrs J Pearce
Ms L Sheridan
Mrs S Wright
Miss A GayleMcGinty
Mr M Buzzacott
Mrs T Anderson
Mr S Nicholson
Miss A-M Vaughan
Mr J Blenkinsop
Mr M Buzzacott
Mr H Ingham
Mrs C Lawson
Miss B Waters
Mrs C Wogan
Mr A Smith
Mr R Flook
Miss P Lewty
Mr B Zhang
Mr S McShane
Ms R Cottam
Mr T Oates
Mr J Ward
Miss S Branston
Mr H Edwards
Miss M Hare
Mr D Jackson
Miss F Lee (Acting)
Mrs C Lutwyche *
Mr N Newman
Mrs C Peats
Mrs V Ramsden
Ms C Harvey
Miss D Carpenter
Mr S Chevalier
Mrs V Ellwood
Mrs S Enston
Mr S Gasson
Ms N Gunning
Mrs K HolbrookWilson
Ms B MacLean
Ms P Nair
Miss L Robertson
Mrs K Scaglione
Ms E Stephen
Dr M Stenning
Miss N Innes
Mrs C Cline
Mrs G Dexter
Mrs E Hargreaves
Mrs A Hetherington
Mr W Murray
Mrs V Ramsden
Mrs F Gunning
Miss S Arthur
Ms C Case
Mr M Chesterton
Mrs T Hillsdon
Mr L Morgan
Mrs C Peats
Mr S Rivers
Mrs E Taylor
Mr I Taylor
Mr R Verdon
Mme F Chartrain
Mme F Chartrain
Miss S Carraro
Mrs C Masefield
Miss L Peel
Mr A Pruvost
Ms M Sowa
Mrs J Wright
Ms M Sowa
Miss S Carraro
Mr K Li
Mrs J Mons
Mr J Skarratts
Email addresses may be found on pages 8-13
Miss A-M Vaughan
Miss S Carraro
Mr K Li
Miss L Peel
Mr A Pruvost
Mrs J Wright
Mrs K BardellRoberts
Mrs G Dexter
Mrs R Hogarth
Mrs D Hall
Mrs A Archer
Mrs P Fenton
Mrs C Horsfall
Mr E Hughes
Mrs T Anderson
Mrs K Bardell-Roberts
Mr A Davies
Mr J Evans
Mr K Fayers
Miss K Hancock
Mr M Hetherington
Mr K Li
Mr E Marley
Mrs J Miles
Mr J O’Dowd
Mr S Powell
Mr G Sillience
Mr C Smith
Mrs L Stack
Dr B Stones
Mr N Tennant
Mrs A Wright
Miss J Korzinek
Mrs T Glynne-Jones
Mr R Hare
Mr N Lobb
Mr O Sullivan
Dr S Nolan
Mr W Harvey
Mr G Armstrong
Miss H Cuthbert
Mr T Dare
Mrs C Hosegood
Dr S Lawson
Miss G McGregor
Miss C Nisbet
Mr M O’Donnell
Miss M Pope
Miss H Rose
Mr T Thake
Dr K Gompels
Mrs C Hosegood
Miss J Morris
Mr M O’Donnell
Miss M Pope
Mrs C Reynolds
Mrs E Rivers
Miss D Walet
Mr A Welch
Miss G Cooper
Mr A Bamford
Mrs M-A Collins
Mrs S Garcia
Mr A Reid
Miss H Rose
Mr P Saunders
Mrs L Starr
Miss F Lee
Miss H Kinch
Miss J Morris
Mr G Browning
Mrs K Bell
Mrs L Browning
Mr C Burgess
Mrs C Cline
Mr D Cooper
Mr J Emmerson
Mr R Field
Mrs K Harris
Mrs T Hillsdon
Mr Q Hoad
Mrs E Mitchell
Mr S Nicholson
Miss S Pout
Mrs D Trewinnard
Mrs R Wickham
Mr E Hogarth
Mrs K Cooper
Mrs T Hillsdon
Rev P Jackson
Mrs E Russell
Email addresses may be found on pages 8-13
Director of Music
Miss J Korzinek jmk Music Teachers
Head of Choral Music
Mr R Hare rih
Mr N Lobb njl
Mr O Sullivan osmu
Mrs T Glynne-Jones tgj Music School Manager
Mrs K Smith kes
Peripatetic Music Teachers
Ms J Broad Voice jbmu
Mr A Charlesworth Violin acmu
Mrs T Charlesworth Bassoon, Oboe tcmu
Miss A Goodwin Cello aomu
Mrs K Harvey Voice ksmu
Mr P Legg Classical Guitar plmu
Mr D Locke Guitar dlmu
Mr E Maxwell Trumpet emmu
Mr M Osborn Drums, percussion momu
Mrs J Patrick Clarinet, Recorder, saxophone jpmu
Miss J Patrick Viola jomu
Miss M Persson Flute mpmu
Mr A Rees Voice arrmu
Mr A Saunders Piano asmu
Mr D Smith Guitar
Miss M Smyth Piano/Organ msmu
Mr I Stott French Horn ismu
Mr O Sullivan Voice osmu
Ms G Tse Piano gtmu
Mr S Walker Jazz, Rock, Pop Piano/ Saxophone swmu
Mr D Whitson Trombone, Tuba dwmu
Mrs J Wilson Violin jumu
To apply for RGS Music Lessons please visit: rgs.to/musiclesson
The Reigate Grammar School Saturday Music College is open to enthusiastic student musicians aged 7-18 from all schools. We aim to provide a lively music-making environment for all levels and offer two student concerts each term. There are also regular masterclasses and recitals given by visiting professional musicians. Lessons and workshops are currently offered for Piano, Violin, Viola, Cello, Recorder, Clarinet, Saxophone, Flute and Brass. We also offer ensembles for Flute, Strings and Recorder as well as Theory, Aural and Musicianship skills.
For further information:
Register interest via: rgs.to/saturdaymusiccollege
Email Mrs Smith via: kes@reigategrammar.org
Support and Non-Teaching Staff
Headmaster’s Office
PA to the Headmaster
Headmaster’s Secretary
Marketing & Admissions
Director of Marketing & Admissions
Head of Marketing
Marketing Executive
Events Co-ordinator
Admissions Executive
PA to the Bursar
Finance Director
Finance Manager
Management Accountant
Senior Finance Assistant
Finance Assistants
Human Resources
Head of Human Resources
HR Officer
HR and Recruitment Assistant
Payroll & HR Administrator
Bursary Emails
Mrs B Eustace bge
Mrs H Willard hgw
Mrs P Watkins phw
Ms J Hughes jkh
Mrs N Browne nyb
Mrs J Callaghan† jfc
Mrs M Walker maw
Mrs H Smith hrs
Mrs L Butterworth lrb
Mrs K Austin kaa
Mr L Maior lxm
Mrs M Thornley mgt
Miss S Parker srp
Mrs L Rush ldr
Mrs J Taylor jxt
Mrs S Thakor syt
Mr P Webster paw
Mrs D Holmes dlh
Mrs S Caldwell src
Miss E Mayell elm
Miss M Whittaker mcw
Human Resources hr
Finance finance
Purchasing purchasing
Support and Non-Teaching Staff
School Office rgsschooloffice
PA to Deputy Head & Office Manager
PA to Deputy Head & Office Assistant
Office Assistants
Mrs J Tyson jnt
Mrs G Shaylor gcs
Mrs S Dewar sjd
Mrs J Hollister jxh
Reception rgsreception
Miss E Franklin-Talbot† eft
Mrs C Jones† clj
Mrs J Leatham† jll
Mrs S Shepherd† sls
Mrs L Wotton† lhw
RGS Foundation foundation Director
Development Executive
Reigatian Community Officer
Office Manager
RGS International Education Director
Mr J D Hylton jdh
Mrs T Thornton tat
Miss J Lazarus jel
Mrs C Adams cla
Mr S Deady sdd
International Business Development Global Business Director Mr S Davey spd
J Moore jgm
Assistant Network Manager
D-J Rees
S Drew
Apprentice Miss D Woolford ith
Support and Non-Teaching Staff
Exams Office examsofficer
Exams Officer
Exams Administrator
MIS & Systems Analyst
Mrs J Fisher jxf
Mrs G Baker gpb
Mrs J Davies jmd
Catering Chartwells Independent catering
Group Catering Manager
Group Chef
Ms C Aleixo
Mr L Hardy
Departmental Administrators and Technicians
Art Technicians
Assistant Drama Technician
Drama/Careers Administrator
Duke of Edinburgh Award
Duty Supervisors
Food & Nutrition Technician
Modern Language Administrator
Modern Language Assistants
Science Technicians
Design & Technology Technician
Mrs C Camp czc
Miss A Parr alp
Mrs J Pearce jcp
Mr L Vasyukhnov lxv
Mrs S Wilson slw
Mrs S Shepherd† sls
Mrs I Fenton idf
Mrs H Murphy hvm
Mrs M Patel mxp
Mrs M Zaccarini mxz
Mrs Y Thomas yvt
Mrs C Allinger cha
Mrs S Higham (French) syh
Miss Svenja Seitz (German) sys
Miss G Hu (Mandarin) gih
Miss N Gonzalez Fernandez (Spanish) ngf
Miss A Barker alb
Mrs L Barker lxb
Miss A Cobb axc
Mrs W Leveridge wxl
Mrs M Orogo-Wenn mco
Mr R Tyler rlt
Mr I Winmill imw
Support and Non-Teaching Staff
Combined Cadet Force
Contingent Commander CCF
Officer Commanding Navy
Officer Commanding Army
Lt A Pruvost abp
Mrs C Reynolds cdr
Mr R Wilson rew
Officer Commanding RAF tbc
RAF Officer
School Staff Instructors
CCF/SSI Admin Assistant
Mr W Pollard wdp
Lt S Fairclough stf
Sgt C Fairclough csf
Mrs C Allinger cha
Print Room reprographics
Miss A Parr alp
Mrs L Wotton lhw
Estates & Premises
Estates Helpdesk estateshelpdesk
Estates Manager
Assistant Estates Manager
Estates Administrator
Maintenance Team Supervisor
Estates Team (via estateshelpdesk@)
Mrs C Grater cmg
Mr R Stannard rjs
Mrs R Todd† rct
Mr A Allingham aja
Mr P Backshall
Mr S de la Corte
Mr J Jones
Mr N Jones
Mr D Langdown
Mr P Maxwell
Mr D Price
Mr R Smith
Mr S Taylor
Property Maintenance Apprentice
Site Services Technician
Resident Caretakers
Cleaning Manager
Swimming Pool Supervisor
Grounds Team
Mr R Smith
Mr B Spiers
Mr S Fairclough
Mr C Fairclough
Mr D Lurkins
Mrs M Patel
Mrs M Thom
Mr B Rutland bcr
Mr R Bartholomew
Mr J Bellars
Mr K Ford
Heads and Deputy Heads of School
September 2024
Heads of School
Hannah Brewer
Henry Helm
Amika Sanun
Sasha Zadirov
Deputy Heads of School
Keno Agbandje
Fazeeha Mohamed Farzan
Matthew Oxtoby
Billy Radford
Edie Whittam
Student Leadership Committees
September 2024
Mrs Collins
Alleke Allum *
Lucas Cooper
Alexandra Coupland *
Emily Dawson
Owen Dewson *
Yerin Heo
Brayden Jose *
Eugene Kwok
Grace Symons *
Charity & Outreach
Miss Nair
Dahlia Alkhusheh *
Esaam Anwar
Jude Banerji
Erinn Curnow-Baker
Gabrielle Holland
Lily Jordan
Tyra Litten *
Ania Mahi-Moutih
Maysa Nochad
Gracie Owen
Abina Sivakumar
Laura Thame
Elise Whitely
Digital Technology
Miss Lewty
Abdul Alazzawi
Ruudi Annist-Kolanu
Benjamin Butcher
Ruhan Dagar
Zain Palmer
Edward Prowse
Daniel Romanov
Duke of Edinburgh Leaders
Miss Cuthbert
Keiron Abadioru
Daisy Alexander
Noah DominguezTchetche
Isabel Greensmith
James Harries Hood
Sasha Harrison
Oliver Higginbotham
Brayden Jose
Rohan Kumar
Tilly Palmer-Denning
Peter Rochford
Environment & Sustainability
Mrs Cooper
Polly Anderson
Hannah Chow
Charlotte Guest *
Cara KoutzaroffRichards
Ralph Moorhouse
Alma Moreno
Sophie Purves
Zia Stehrenberger
Henry Swinn
Megan Tanner *
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
Miss Arthur Leo Baker
Ibrahim Farook
Pragun Jindal
Sheha Rahman
Student Leadership Committee
September 2024
Marketing & Media
Mrs Lawson & Mrs Hughes
Omar Anderson
Charlie Doberman
Rachel Shortridge *
Matthew Tracy *
Tara Treon *
Scout Wyatt *
Model United Nations
Miss Pope/Mr Li
Ruth Charlton *
Harry Harcourt
Dominic Troughton *
Miss Korzinek
Eleanor Barnes *
Eleanor Brown *
Matthew Howard
Alexander Wood *
Liang Zhuang
RGS Foundation
Mr Hylton
Theo Lewis
Bronwen Roberts *
Asher Warshawski
Emi Watanabe *
James Way
Jasmine Wills *
Sixth Form
Mrs Taylor
Faizan Ahmed
Harry Belcher
Samuel Bongers
Chloe Burwell
George Greensmith
Georgina Iannucci
Lara Krnic
Georgina Watkin *
Mr Browning
Alex Butterfield
Noah DominguezTchetche
John Evans-Sarria *
Charlie Harris
Olivia Howard
Rio Mackrell
Arun McCarten
Keira Parkinson
Joe Simpson
Oliver Walker
Miss Arthur
Likhita Akkineni *
Daisy Alexander
Lauren Askew *
Annie Gadd *
Lucinthan James
Mithusha Muhilan
Bailey Parsons
House - Bird
Miss Peel
Keiron Abadioru
Edward Allinson
Daniel Davey
Sofiya Davis *
Luke Fowler
Maebh Gibbs
Ruari Gibbs
Sasha Harrison *
Oliver Higginbotham *
Abigail Lunberg
House - Cranston
Mr Skarratts
Jack Burke
James Harries Hood
Jinhee Hwang *
Neha Kapilarathna *
Finlay Minter
Jayashree Nadarajah
Ryan Panose
Ethan Paterson
Sophia Scaglione
Elizabeth Sears *
Annis-Clara Wright
House - Hodgson
Miss McGregor
Jake Gadd
Isabel Greensmith *
Robert Guest
Sofia Hennessy *
Ellen Hutchinson
Edward Lever *
Tilly Palmer-Denning
Diya Patel
Peter Rochford *
Seth Saunders
Yolanda Tsui
House - Williamson
Mr O’Donnell
Thomas Clarke *
Martha Cobb
Felix Frostick
Angelina Gao
Shreya Kirubakaran *
Rohan Kumar
Amy Richardson
Sammy Taylor
Dominic Uphill
Byron Wood
* Senior Prefect—
Lower Sixth Form
Clubs and Activities
The full programme of clubs and activities is available to pupils via SOCS and to parents via the school website. We encourage all pupils to engage fully with the clubs and activities programme to make the most of the opportunities available to them.
• All clubs and activities are registered on SOCS.
• Pupils should log on to SOCS by visiting https://www.socscms.com/ login/48, clicking the orange Pupil/Parent box and using their RGS email and password to log on. Here they can add clubs and activities to their profile.
• Pupils are encouraged to speak with the relevant Heads of Department if they require use of the department facilities – for example Music practice rooms, Art rooms, Drama areas, Computer rooms and DT workshops; many of these departments offer supervised drop-in clubs as a part of the clubs and activities programme.
• Pupils who are interested in starting a new club should contact the Assistant Head (Co-Curricular), Miss Pope via mlp@reigategrammar.org in the first instance.
• We fully encourage pupil-led clubs.
Useful Websites & Links
Clubs and Activities
Coach Service
Coach Service (Late Routes) rgs.to/latecoachmap
Headmaster’s Twitter Feed @rgsheadmaster
Parent Portal Login
RGS Facebook rgs.to/facebook
RGS Music Lessons rgs.to/musiclesson
RGS Twitter Feed @reigategrammar
RGS Website rgs.to/homepage
Sport rgs.to/sport
Sport Fixtures rgs.to/fixtures
Trips and Expeditions
Who’s Who rgs.to/whoswho
Key to Venues
Changes to diary events will be notified via the Weekly Bulletin. Please ensure your contact email addresses are up to date via Parent Portal or contact the school office. Events without times are all day; Match times indicate start times; Pupils and parents should note that the times of events are subject to change; Venues (where known) are in brackets:
6FC – New Sixth Form Centre
BH – Broadfield House
BL – Ballance Building
BR – Board Room
CH – Concert Hall
CW – Centre for Wellbeing/Cornwallis
DrS1 – Drama Studio 1
DrS2 – Drama Studio 2
DS – Dance Studio
FS – Fitness Suite
HB – Hamlin Building (Maths)
HC – Harrison Centre
HW – Hartswood
Innovation – Innovation Room
IR – Interview Room
MS – Music School
OL – Old Library
PMH – Peter Masefield Hall
PG – Playground
Pool – Swimming Pool
RR – Recital Room
SC – Studio Café
SH – Sports Hall
WG – Wright Gallery
Timings of the School Day
Time First, Second, Third Forms Fourth, Fifth, Sixth Forms
08:00 Library opens Library opens
08:35 AM registration, tutor time, AM registration, tutor time, assemblies assemblies
09:00 Period 1 Period 1
09:45 Period 2 Period 2
10:30 Break Period 3
10:55 Period 3 -
11:15 - Break
11:40 Period 4 Period 4
12:25 Period 5 Period 5
13:10 Lunch (First Form 13:00) Lunch
14:15 PM registration, period 6 PM registration, period 6
15:05 Period 7 Period 7
15:50 End of day End of day
18:00 Library closes Library closes
Term Dates 2024-2025
Monday 2 September
Tuesday 3 September
Wednesday 4 September
Thursday 5 September
Staff Training Day 1
Staff Training Day 2
Start of Term: All First Form, all Lower Sixth Form & Upper Sixth Form Mentors
Start of Term: All students
Saturday 28 September Annual Open Morning Students to attend
Monday 21 Oct – Friday 1 Nov Half Term
Friday 22 November
Staff Training Day 3
Friday 13 December End of Term (12:15)
Spring Term 2025
Monday 6 January
Monday 6 January
Staff Training Day 4
Start of Term: Upper Sixth Form
Tuesday 7 January 11+/13+ Entrance Exam Day
Wednesday 8 January
Start of Term: All remaining students
Monday 17 Feb – Friday 21 Feb Half Term
Wednesday 2 April End of Term (15:50)
Wednesday 23 April
Start of Term: All students
Monday 5 May Bank Holiday
Monday 26 May – Friday 30 May Half Term
Monday 2 June
Staff Training Day 5
Tuesday 1 July End of Term (12:15)
Term Dates 2025-2026
Monday 1 September
Tuesday 2 September
Wednesday 3 September
Thursday 4 September
Saturday 27 September
Monday 20 Oct – Friday 31 Oct
Friday 21 November
Tuesday 16 December
Spring Term 2026
Tuesday 6 January
Tuesday 6 January
Wednesday 7 January
Thursday 8 January
Monday 16 Feb – Friday 20 Feb
Friday 27 March
Monday 20 April
Monday 4 May
Monday 26 May – Friday 30 May
Monday 1 June
Staff Training Day 1
Staff Training Day 2
Start of Term: All First Form, all Lower Sixth Form & Upper Sixth Form Mentors
Start of Term: All students
Annual Open Morning Students to attend
Half Term
Staff Training Day 3
End of Term (12:15)
Staff Training Day 4
Start of Term: Upper Sixth Form
11+/13+ Entrance Exam Day
Start of Term: All remaining students
Half Term
End of Term (15:50)
Start of Term: All students
Bank Holiday
Half Term
Staff Training Day 5
Wednesday 1 July End of Term (12:15)
First Form Information Evening 2 October 2024
Parents’ Evening 19 November 2024
Second Form Information Evening 25 September 2024
GCSE Options Evening 6 March 2025
Parents’ Evening 20 March 2025
Transition Evening 17 June 2025
Third Form
GCSE English Information Evening 17 September 2024
Parents’ Evening 5 February 2025
Fourth Form Information Evening 10 September 2024
Parents’ Evening 1 10 October 2024
Mock Examinations 23 April to 2 May 2025
Parents’ Evening 2 22 May 2025
Fifth Form Information Evening 10 September 2024 A Level & BTEC Information Evening 19 September 2024
GCSE English Information Evening 26 September 2024
Mock Examinations 1 4-12 November 2024
Parents’ Evening 1 28 November 2024
Mock Examinations 2 24-28 February 2025
Parents’ Evening 2 13 March 2025
Lower Sixth Form Information Evening 12 September 2024
Mid-term Examinations 6-13 January 2025
Parents’ Evening 1 23 January 2025
End of Year Examinations 3-6 June 2025
Parents’ Evening 2 19 June 2025
Upper Sixth Form Information & Parents’ Evening 1 17 October 2024
Mock Examinations 6-13 January 2025
Parents’ Evening 2 30 January 2025
* new date
20 September 2024
22 September 2024
8 October 2024
14 October 2024
15 October 2024
16 October 2024
15 November 2024
26 November 2024
29 November 2024
13 December 2024
12 September 2024
18 September 2024
2 October 2024
8 October 2024
10 October 2024
15 October 2024
16 October 2024
17 October 2024
17 October 2024
6 November 2024
6 November 2024
13 November 2024
25 November 2024
4-7 December 2024
11 December 2024
House Gun Run
House Run Reigate
House Senior Quiz
House Events
House Lower School Esports
House Sixth Form Esports
House Upper School Esports
House Senior Debating (1)
House Senior Debating (2)
House Christmas Tree Decorating
House Singing and Esports final
Music & Drama Events
Drama: Theatre trip to War Horse
Music: Upper School trip to Wicked
Music: RGS Young Musician of the Year - Piano & Strings
Music: Concert & Cake
Music: Soloists Recital
Music: Unplugged
Drama: Theatre trip to Girl in the Machine
Music: RGS Godfrey Searle & Polyphony Recital
Drama: Theatre trip to 1984
Music: Concert & Cake
Drama: Theatre trip to Giant
Music: RGS Young Musician of the YearWoodwind & Brass
Music: RGS in Concert at Leatherhead Theatre
Drama: RGS presents Shakespeare in Love
Music: Carols by Candlelight
All events are subject to change, postponement, cancellation or to be held virtually subject to guidelines set by the DfE and other governing bodies.
M 02 Staff: Training Day 1 08:30-16:00
Girls’ Hockey: 1st XI 2nd XI 3rd XI U16A Preseason training (H) 16:00
Tu 03 Staff: Training Day 2 08:30-16:00
Girls’ Hockey:
U14AB&C U13ABCD&E Preseason training (H) 16:00
W 04 First, Lower Sixth and Upper Sixth Forms: Term starts 08:30
Th 05 Whole School: Term starts 08:30
Whole School: Start of Year assembly (CH/SH) 08:40-09:45
Third Form & Lower Sixth Form: 13+ and 16+ Admissions
Ceremonies (OL) 18:00-19:00
First Form: 11+ Admissions Ceremony (Church) 19:00-20:30
F 06 Staff: New Head of Year/Assistant Head of Year training (HC21) 08:10-08:30
Whole School: Clubs and Activities Fair (CH/SH) 13:00-14:10
Sa 07
Su 08 Week 1 September 2024
Girls’ Hockey: 1st XI 2nd XI v Hurst College (A) 09:00
U14A&B (H) 09:00
U13A&B (H) 10:30
U15A&B (A) 10:30
Boys’ Rugby: U16A U15A U12A v Colfe's School (A) 10:00
U18A U14A U13A (H) 10:00
U18B U15B U14B U13B U12B (TBC) 10:00
Foundation: Graduation Brunch (6FC) 10:00-12:00
Girls’ Hockey: U13ABC&D Internal Festival (H) 10:15
U12ABCD&E v Preseason (H) 11:15
All events are subject to change, postponement, cancellation or to be held virtually subject to guidelines set by the DfE and other governing bodies.
M 09 Sixth Form: Assembly (Church) 08:35-09:00
Sport: Gumshield fitting (WG) 09:00-13:00
Fifth Form: PSHEE drop down afternoon 1 (OL) 14:15-15:50
Outdoor Education: Ski trip information evening (PMH) 19:00-20:00
Tu 10 Staff: T&L/Admin briefing (PMH) 08:15-08:30
Outdoor Education: DofE Silver introduction talk (OL) 13:10-14:00
Third Form: PSHEE drop down afternoon 1 (OL) 14:15-15:50
Outdoor Education: DofE Bronze introduction talk (OL) 16:00-17:00
Fourth and Fifth Form: Parents’ information evening (PMH) 19:00-20:30
W 11 Upper School: Assembly (Church) 08:35-09:00
Fourth Form: PSHEE drop down afternoon 1 (PMH) 14:15-15:50
Football: U18A v Wellington College (TBC) 14:30
Th 12 Outdoor Education: RAF flight experience day (RAF Benson) 06:30-16:00
Mixed Golf: U18A v West Sussex invitational (A) 08:00
Staff: Tutor briefing 08:15-08:30
Lower School: Assembly (Church) 08:35-09:00
Admissions: Working Open Morning (PMH/OL) 09:00-11:30
Sixth Form: Year Group Photo (BL) 13:30-14:00
Fifth Form: Peer Leadership training (CH) 16:00-17:30
Swimming: U18 U15 U14 U13 v Whitgift School (A) 16:30
Drama: War Horse theatre visit 17:00-23:00
Lower Sixth Form: Parents’ information evening (PMH) 19:00-20:30
All events are subject to change, postponement, cancellation or to be held virtually subject to guidelines set by the DfE and other governing bodies.
F 13 Staff: New Head of Year/Assistant Head of Year training (HC21) 08:10-08:30
House Assembly: Hodgson (PMH) 08:35-09:00
House Assembly: Williamson (SH) 08:35-09:00
First Form: Party (BL) 16:00-17:30
Sixth Form: Pizza & Quiz (6FC) 16:00-18:30
Girls’ Hockey: 1st XI 2nd XI v CLFS (H) 16:45
Sa 14 Girls’ Hockey: U15A v CLFS (A) 09:00
U12ABC&D (H) 09:00
U13ABC&D (H) 10:15
U15B (A) 10:15
Boys’ Rugby:
U18A&B U13A&B v Wallington County GC (A) 10:00
U16A U15A&B U14A&B (H) 10:00
Su 15 Drama: Shakespeare in Love rehearsal (DS2) 10:00-14:00
Outdoor Education: Trek and Explore walk Surrey Hills 10:00-15:00 Week 2 September 2024
All events are subject to change, postponement, cancellation or to be held virtually subject to guidelines set by the DfE and other governing bodies.
M 16 Fifth Form: Headmaster's breakfast (PMH) 08:35-09:00
Lower Sixth Form: Assembly (CH) 08:35-09:00
Upper Sixth: Assembly (OL) 08:35-09:00
Boys’ Touch Rugby: U14C v KCS Wimbledon (A) 14:30
Admissions: Live Q&A (Online) 18:00-18:45
Tu 17
Staff: T&L/Admin briefing (PMH) 08:15-08:30
Fifth Form: Peer Mentors visiting Second to Fourth Forms 08:40-09:00
Mixed Golf: U18A v Smarden Bell (A) 09:00
First Form: PSHEE talk on personal safety (PMH) 09:00-10:30
Lower Sixth Form: Geography fieldwork trip to Camber Sands 09:00-16:00
Boys’ Touch Rugby: U13D v Emanuel School (A) 14:30
Third Form: GCSE English Language and Literature information evening (Online) 18:00-19:00
Library: Parents' Book Group (Library) 20:00-21:00
W 18
Parents: Coffee & Chat (OL) 08:30-09:00
Upper School: Assembly (Church) 08:35-09:00
Upper School: Music trip to Wicked 11:30-20:00
Football: U18B v Reigate College (H) 14:30
Governors: Education & Welfare committee (1) (OL) 17:30-18:30
Sports: Sport at RGS information evening (PMH) 18:30-20:00
Th 19
Mixed Golf: U18A v National Singles (A) 07:00
Staff: Tutor briefing 08:15-08:30
Lower School: Assembly (Church) 08:35-09:00
Outdoor Education: DofE Gold enrolment (OL) 16:00-17:00
Fifth Form: Sixth Form information evening 18:00-21:00
All events are subject to change, postponement, cancellation or to be held virtually subject to guidelines set by the DfE and other governing bodies.
Week 3 September 2024
F 20 Staff: New Head of Year/Assistant Head of Year training (HC21) 08:10-08:30
House: Gun run (Playground) 08:40-09:00
Careers: Zack Bland on Training to be a Police Officer (HC21) 13:30-14:10
Boys’ Rugby: U12ABC&D v Eltham College (A) 14:30
Boys’ Touch Rugby: U12D v St George's Weybridge (A) 14:30
Girls’ Hockey: 1st XI v Ardingly College (H) 16:45
Boys’ Rugby: U18A v Worth School (N) 18:30
Sa 21 Girls’ Hockey: U13ABC&D v Ardingly College (TBC)
2nd XI 3rd XI (A) 09:30
U14A&B (H) 09:30
U15A&B (A) 10:45
Skiing: Senior Ski Squad v ESSKIA Regional Finals (N) TBC
Boys’ Rugby:
U16A U15A&B U14A&B v Cranmore School (H) 09:30
U18B U16A v RAAS (H) 09:30
U15B U14A&B v RAAS (N) 09:30
U15A v RAAS (TBC) 09:30
U13A&B v Eltham College (H) 10:00
Girls’ Hockey: U12ABCD&E v Internal Festival (H) 11:30
Su 22 Mixed Golf: U18A v A&Q invitational (A) 07:00
House: Run Reigate 08:00-13:00
All events are subject to change, postponement, cancellation or to be held virtually subject to guidelines set by the DfE and other governing bodies.
September 2024 Week 4
M 23 European Day of Languages
Sixth Form: Assembly (Church) 08:35-09:00
Foundation: RGS Professional Golf 09:00-19:00
First Form: Macmillan Cake Sale (Playground) 10:30-11:40
Staff: Heads of Department meeting (OL) 16:00-17:15
Staff: Pastoral Care Committee (OL) 16:00-17:15
Outreach: MFL Mandarin Masterclass (MFL) 16:00-17:30
Classics: Greece trip information evening (HC21) 18:00-19:00
Sixth Form: Barcelona trip information evening (6FC) 18:00-19:00
PFA: AGM (PMH) 19:00-21:00
Tu 24 Staff: T&L/Admin briefing (PMH) 08:15-08:30
First to Fifth Forms: Flu immunisations (OL) 09:00-12:00
Fifth Form: Charity Concert (PMH) 18:30-20:30
W 25 Fifth Form: Assembly (6FC) 08:35-09:00
Fourth Form: Assembly (OL) 08:35-09:00
Third Form: Assembly (CH) 08:35-09:00
Second Form: PSHEE talk on eSafety (PMH) 08:40-13:45
Maths: Olympiad for Girls (OL) 09:00-11:30
House: Sixth Form Winter Sports (HW/MUGA) 13:15-15:50
Staff: Department Digital reps meeting (Innovation) 16:00-17:00
Second Form: Parents’ information evening (PMH) 19:00-20:30
All events are subject to change, postponement, cancellation or to be held virtually subject to guidelines set by the DfE and other governing bodies.
Th 26 Staff: Tutor briefing 08:15-08:30
First Form: Assembly (OL) 08:35-09:00
Second Form: Assembly (PMH) 08:35-09:00
Library: Reading Zone author event with Dan Smith (OL) 12:30-15:00
House: Fourth & Fifth Form Winter Sports (HW/MUGA) 13:10-15:50
Boys’ Rugby: U16A v Christ's Hospital (H) 14:30
Football: U18A v Cranleigh School (N) 15:30
Fifth Form: GCSE English Language and Literature information evening (Online) 18:00-19:00
F 27 Staff: New Head of Year/Assistant Head of Year training (HC21) 08:10-08:30
House Assembly: Bird (PMH) 08:35-09:00
House Assembly: Cranston (SH) 08:35-09:00
Boys’ Rugby: U12ABC&D v Dunottar School (A) 14:15
Boys’ Rugby: U18B v London Oratory School (N) 18:00 U18A (N) 19:30
Sa 28 Admissions: Annual Open Morning 08:30-14:00 Su 29
All events are subject to change, postponement, cancellation or to be held virtually subject to guidelines set by the DfE and other governing bodies.
M 30
Lower Sixth Form: Assembly (PMH) 08:35-09:00
Upper Sixth: Assembly (OL) 08:35-09:00
First Form: School Council meeting (BR) 08:40-09:00
Staff: First Form Tutor meeting 16:00-17:00
Outreach: MFL French Masterclass (MFL) 16:00-17:30
October 2024
Tu 01
Staff: T&L/Admin briefing (PMH) 08:15-08:30
Third Form: School Council meeting (BR) 08:40-09:00
Maths: Senior Maths Challenge (SH/BR) 09:00-10:30
Boys’ Rugby: U13A&B v Hurst College (A) 15:30
U12A&B (H) 16:15
Fifth Form: Theatre trip to Macbeth (1) 16:00-23:00
Lower School: Talent Show (CH) 18:30-20:30
W 02
Fifth Form: Assembly (CH) 08:35-09:00
Fourth Form: Assembly (OL) 08:35-09:00
Third Form: Assembly (PMH) 08:35-09:00
Second Form: School Council meeting 08:40-09:00
Music: RGS Young Musician of the Year Piano and Strings (RR) 16:00-21:00
Fifth Form: Theatre trip to Macbeth (2) 16:00-23:00
First Form: Parents’ information evening (PMH) 19:00-20:30
All events are subject to change, postponement, cancellation or to be held virtually subject to guidelines set by the DfE and other governing bodies.
Th 03 Girls’ Hockey: 1st XI v U18 Surrey Indoor (N) TBC
Staff: Tutor briefing 08:15-08:30
First Form: Assembly (OL) 08:35-09:00
Second Form: Assembly (PMH) 08:35-09:00
Fourth Form: School Council meeting (BR) 08:40-09:00
Drama: GCSE Component 1 exam (DS1/DS/BH) 09:00-15:50
Second Form: National Poetry Day workshops (OL) 09:00-15:50
Mixed Golf: U18A v Epsom College (A) 14:30
Boys’ Rugby: U15A&B v St George's Weybridge (H) 14:30
Boys’ Rugby: U16A v Sevenoaks School (A) 16:45
Foundation: Class of 2014 Reunion 19:00-21:00
F 04 Activities Day
Outdoor Education: DofE Bronze Qualifying Expedition (Surrey Hills) (departs)
Mixed Chess: U17D v Dunottar School (A) 16:00
Sa 05 Outdoor Education: DofE Bronze Qualifying Expedition (Surrey Hills) (returns)
MUN: ReiMUN 08:00-18:00
Girls’ Hockey: U13DE U12DE v Classic Clash (H) 09:00
Girls’ Hockey: 1st XI v Lingfield College (A) 09:00
U13B (H) 10:00
U13A (A) 10:00
U15A&B (H) 10:15
U12A&B (A) 11:00
U14A&B (H) 11:15
Girls’ Hockey: U16A U15B v Prior's Field School (H) 09:15
Boys’ Rugby: U18A&B U14A&B U12AB&C v St George's Weybridge (A) 10:30
U16A U13AB&C (H) 10:30
Su 06 Drama: Shakespeare in Love rehearsal (DS2) 10:00-14:00
All events are subject to change, postponement, cancellation or to be held virtually subject to guidelines set by the DfE and other governing bodies.
M 07
Boys’ Hockey 1st XI v U18 Surrey Indoor (N) TBC
Sixth Form: Assembly (Church) 08:35-09:00
Fifth Form: School Council meeting (BR) 08:40-09:00
Boys’ Touch Rugby: U14D v Caterham School (H) 14:30
Boys’ Touch Rugby: U14C v Reigate Grammar School (H) 14:30
Staff: teaching staff meeting (PMH) 16:00
Outreach: MFL German Masterclass (MFL) 16:00-17:30
Governors: Governance & RM meeting (1) (6FC) 17:00-18:00
Governors: Estates & Premises meeting (1) (6FC) 18:00-19:00
Sixth Form: Charity Concert (OL) 19:00-20:30
Tu 08 Staff: T&L/Admin briefing (PMH) 08:15-08:30
House: Senior Quiz (CH/SH) 08:40-09:40
Boys’ Touch Rugby: U13D v Caterham School (A) 14:30
Music: Concert and Cake (RR) 16:15-17:15
Admissions: Live Q&A (Online) 18:00-18:45
Careers: Art & Design careers evening (PMH) 19:00-20:30
W 09
Upper School: Assembly (Church) 08:35-09:00
Admissions: Working Open Morning (PMH/OL) 09:00-11:30
Cross Country U18 U16 U15 U14 U13 U12 v ESAA County Cup (H) 11:30
Mixed Golf: U18A v CLFS (N) 14:30
Admissions: 13+ Twilight Assessment (OL) 15:00-18:15
Staff: Sustainability Committee (Innovation) 16:00-17:00
Swimming: U14 U13 U12 v Caterham School (A) 16:30
All events are subject to change, postponement, cancellation or to be held virtually subject to guidelines set by the DfE and other governing bodies.
Th 10 Sixth Form: Brain Day for biologists and psychologists
Staff: Pastoral/Safeguarding training (Online) 08:15-08:30
Lower School: Assembly (Church) 08:35-09:00
Netball: U18A U16A v Surrey Prelim Tournament (TBC) 09:00
First Form (1LCS/1LKB/1LPS/1RJF): FPN Workshop (PMH) 09:00-10:30
Lower and Upper School: Flu immunisations (OL) 09:00-12:00
Music: Soloists Recital (St Matthew's Church, Redhill) 13:10-14:00
First Form (1BAW/1BWZ/1JCW/1KLL): FPN Workshop (PMH) 14:15-15:50
Fourth Form: Parents’ evening (1) (Online) 17:30-20:30
F 11 Staff: New Head of Year/Assistant Head of Year training (HC21) 08:10-08:30
Careers: Dominic Chalk on Careers in the Crown Prosecution Service (HC21) 13:30-14:10
Boys’ Touch Rugby: U12D v Tiffin School (A) 14:30
Mixed Chess: U17D v Emanuel School (H) 16:00
Girls’ Hockey: 1st XI 2nd XI v St George's Weybridge (A) 16:45
PFA: New Parents' Party (6FC) 19:00-21:00
Sa 12
Girls’ Hockey: U12ABC&D v St George's Weybridge (A) 09:00
U13ABC&D (H) 09:00
U14A&B (A) 10:00
U15A&B (H) 10:00
Boys’ Rugby: U18A U16A U15A&B U14A&B U13A&B U12A&B v CLFS (TBC) 09:30
Outdoor Education: Programme Launch Event (6FC/BL) 09:30-12:30
PFA: Nearly New Sale (PMH) 10:00-11:00
Su 13
All events are subject to change, postponement, cancellation or to be held virtually subject to guidelines set by the DfE and other governing bodies.
M 14
Lower Sixth Form: Assembly (PMH) 08:35-09:00
Upper Sixth: Assembly (OL) 08:35-09:00
House: Lower School Esports (OL) 13:15-14:10
Boys’ Rugby: U14A U14B v Caterham School (A) 14:30
Staff: Second to Upper Sixth Forms tutor meeting 16:00-17:15
Outreach: MFL Spanish Masterclass (MFL) 16:00-17:30
Tu 15 Staff: T&L/Admin briefing (PMH) 08:15-08:30
House: Sixth Form Esports (HC3) 13:15-14:10
Boys’ Rugby: U13AB&C v Caterham School (H) 14:30
Music: Unplugged (OL) 19:00-20:30
W 16 Fifth Form: Assembly (CH) 08:35-09:00
Fourth Form: Assembly (OL) 08:35-09:00
Third Form: Assembly (PMH) 08:35-09:00
House: Upper School Esports (OL) 13:15-14:10
Boys’ Rugby: U18A&B U16A v Caterham School (H) 14:30
Mixed Golf: U18A v Reeds (H) 14:30
Girls’ Hockey: 2nd XI 3rd XI v Reed's School (H) 14:30
Drama: Theatre trip to Girl in the Machine 17:00-23:00
Parents: Pastoral Care information evening (Online) 19:00-20:00
All events are subject to change, postponement, cancellation or to be held virtually subject to guidelines set by the DfE and other governing bodies.
Th 17 Staff: Tutor briefing 08:15-08:30
First Form: Assembly (OL) 08:35-09:00
Second Form: Assembly (PMH) 08:35-09:00
Music: Godfrey Searle Choir and Polyphony in Recital St
Matthew's (Church) 13:10-14:00
Drama: Theatre trip to 1984 13:00-17:00
Boys’ Rugby: U15A&B v Caterham School (A) 14:30
Upper Sixth: Parents’ evening (1) (Online) 17:30-20:30
F 18 Whole School: Own Clothes Day
House Assembly: Hodgson (PMH) 08:35-09:00
House Assembly: Williamson (SH) 08:35-09:00
T&P: Anthropology Day trip 09:00-16:00
Careers: Preparing for Oxbridge Interviews talk (OL) 13:30-14:00
Boys’ Rugby: U12AB&C v Caterham School (A) 14:30
Sa 19 Outdoor Education: DofE Silver Qualifying Expedition (South Downs) (departs)
Sixth Form: Maths, Design & Spanish trip to Barcelona (departs)
Sports: U14/U15 Rugby tour to Spain (departs)
Su 20 Geography: Sixth Form trip to Norway (departs)
All events are subject to change, postponement, cancellation or to be held virtually subject to guidelines set by the DfE and other governing bodies.
M 21 Outdoor Education: DofE Silver Qualifying Expedition (South Downs) (returns)
Tu 22 Sixth Form: Maths, Design & Spanish trip to Barcelona (returns)
Classics: Trip to Greece (departs)
W 23 Sports: U14/U15 Rugby tour to Spain (returns)
Th 24 Geography: Sixth Form trip to Norway (returns)
F 25
Sa 26
Su 27 Classics: Trip to Greece (returns)
All events are subject to change, postponement, cancellation or to be held virtually subject to guidelines set by the DfE and other governing bodies.
M 28
Tu 29
W 30
Th 31
Library: open for independent study (Library) 10:00-13:00
F 01 Library: open for independent study (Library) 10:00-13:00
Sa 02
Su 03
All events are subject to change, postponement, cancellation or to be held virtually subject to guidelines set by the DfE and other governing bodies.
M 04
Sixth Form: Assembly (Church) 08:35-09:00
Boys’ Rugby: U14A v National Cup Round 2 (A) 14:30
Staff: Health & Safety Committee (1) (Innovation) 16:00-17:00
Admissions: Live Q&A for prep schools (Online) 18:00-18:45
PFA: Committee Meeting (OL) 19:00-20:00
Tu 05 Staff: T&L/Admin briefing (PMH) 08:15-08:30
Admissions: 16+ interview evening (6FC) 16:15-20:00
W 06 Upper School: Assembly (Church) 08:35-09:00
Girls’ Hockey: U13A v UKSA Tournament (N) 10:00
Cross Country: U18 U16 U15 U14 U13 U12 v ESAA Regional Cup (TBC) 13:00
Second Form: Diwali presentation (OL) 14:15-15:50
Music: Concert and Cake (RR) 16:15-17:15
Drama: Theatre trip to Giant 17:00-23:00
Th 07 Staff: Tutor briefing 08:15-08:30
Lower School: Assembly (Church) 08:35-09:00
Admissions: Working Open Morning (PMH/OL) 09:00-11:30
Admissions: 16+ interview evening (6FC) 16:15-20:00
All events are subject to change, postponement, cancellation or to be held virtually subject to guidelines set by the DfE and other governing bodies.
F 08 Admissions: 13+ interviews and scholarship assessments (OL) 09:45-13:00
Mixed Chess: U17D v Trinity School Croydon (H) 16:00
Girls’ Hockey: 1st XI 2nd XI v St John’s, Leatherhead (H) 17:00
Chess 1st v Trinity School Croydon (H) 17:00
Sa 09 Outdoor Education: CCF at Lord Mayor's Show (London)
Girls’ Hockey: 3rd XI v St John’s, Leatherhead (H) 09:00
U14A&B (H) 10:15
U15A&B (A) 11:00
U12ABC&D (H) 11:15
U13ABC&D (A) 12:00
Boys’ Rugby: U18A&B U15A&B U12AB&C v Gordon's School (A) 10:30
U16A U14A&B U13A&B (H) 10:30
Su 10 Outdoor Education: CCF Remembrance Parade (Shaw's Corner) 09:00-12:00
All events are subject to change, postponement, cancellation or to be held virtually subject to guidelines set by the DfE and other governing bodies.
M 11
Boys’ Hockey: 1st XI v U18 Indoors Surrey Finals (N) TBC
Lower Sixth Form: Assembly (PMH) 08:35-09:00
Upper Sixth: Assembly (OL) 08:35-09:00
Lower Sixth Form: Trip to Chemistry in Action 09:00-16:00
Whole School: Remembrance Service (Playground) 10:45-11:15
Boys’ Touch Rugby: U14C v St Paul's School (A) 14:30
Staff: Heads of Department meeting (OL) 16:00-17:15
Governors: Finance and Foundation meeting (1) (OL) 17:30-18:30
Tu 12
Staff: T&L/Admin briefing (PMH) 08:15-08:30
Parents: Coffee & Chat (Online) 08:30-09:00
Cross Country: U18 U16 U15 U14 U13 U12 v District (A) 13:00
Third Form: PSHEE drop down afternoon 2 (OL) 14:15-15:50
Boys’ Touch Rugby: U13D v St James Senior Boys' School (A) 14:30
Careers: Apprenticeships evening (OL) 19:00-20:30
Library: Parents' Book Group (Library) 20:00-21:00
W 13 Fifth Form: Assembly (6FC) 08:35-09:00
Fourth Form: Assembly (OL) 08:35-09:00
Third Form: Assembly (PMH) 08:35-09:00
Fifth Form: Sixth Form taster day (6FC) 09:00-13:10
Fourth Form: PSHEE drop down afternoon 2 (PMH) 14:15-15:50
Staff: Sustainability Committee - education (Innovation) 16:00-17:00
Music: RGS Young Musician of the Year - Woodwind & Brass (RR) 16:00-21:00
Parents talk: Drugs and alcohol awareness (OL) 18:30-20:30
All events are subject to change, postponement, cancellation or to be held virtually subject to guidelines set by the DfE and other governing bodies.
Th 14
Fifth Form: Mock examination feedback
Girls’ Hockey: 1st XI v Girls U18 Surrey Indoor Finals (N) TBC
Staff: Tutor briefing 08:15-08:30
First Form: Assembly (OL) 08:35-09:00
Second Form: Assembly (PMH) 08:35-09:00
First Form: PSHEE talk for anti-bullying week (PMH) 09:00-11:40
Governors: RGS visit day (1) 09:00-13:30
Upper Sixth: Economics trip to Chase de Vere London 09:00-16:00
Cross Country U18 U16 U15 U14 U13 U12 v District (A) 13:00
F 15 Fifth Form: Mock examination feedback
House Assembly: Bird (PMH) 08:35-09:00
House Assembly: Cranston (SH) 08:35-09:00
Careers: Corporal Ryan Walker on Careers in the RAF (HC21) 13:30-14:10
House: Senior Debating (1) (OL) 13:30-14:10
Boys’ Touch Rugby: U12D v KCS Wimbledon (A) 14:30
Mixed Chess: U17D v Wilson's School (A) 16:00
Sports: International Exhibition Hockey Matches (HW) 16:00-19:00
Chess 1st v Wilson's School (A) 16:30
Lower School: Disco (PMH) 18:00-19:30
All events are subject to change, postponement, cancellation or to be held virtually subject to guidelines set by the DfE and other governing bodies.
Sa 16
Girls’ Hockey: U15B U14B v Wimbledon High School (TBC)
U12ABC&D (H) 09:00
U14A (A) 09:00
U15A (A) 10:00
U13ABC&D v Wimbledon High School (H) 10:00
Boys’ Rugby: U13A&B v Cranmore School (A) 09:30
U12A&B v Cranmore School (H) 09:30
Girls’ Hockey:
1st XI Girls 2nd XI v KCS Wimbledon (A) 09:30
3rd XI (A) 10:45
Boys’ Rugby: U13A&B U12A&B v RAAS (TBC) 09:30
Boys’ Rugby: U16A U15A&B v Shiplake College (A) 10:30
Boys’ Rugby: U18A&B U14A&B v Shiplake College (H) 10:30
Su 17 Skiing Snr Ski Squad v Surrey Schools Ski Competition (N) TBC
Drama: Shakespeare in Love rehearsal (DS2) 10:00-14:00
All events are subject to change, postponement, cancellation or to be held virtually subject to guidelines set by the DfE and other governing bodies.
M 18 Fifth Form: Mock examination feedback
Sixth Form: Assembly (Church) 08:35-09:00
Fifth Form: PSHEE drop down afternoon 2 (PMH) 14:15-15:50
Staff: Teaching Staff meeting (PMH) 16:00-17:15
Tu 19 Fifth Form: Mock examination feedback
Staff: T&L/Admin briefing (PMH) 08:15-08:30
First Form: Parents’ evening Harrison Centre 17:30-20:30
W 20 Fifth Form: Mock examination feedback
Upper School: Assembly (Church) 08:35-09:00
Maths: Senior Kangaroo (OL) 09:00-10:00
Maths: British Olympiad round 1 (BR) 09:00-12:30
Careers: Medicine MMI (6FC) 16:00-17:00
PFA: Christmas Fair (SH) 18:30-21:00
Th 21 Staff: Tutor briefing 08:15-08:30
Lower School: Assembly (Church) 08:35-09:00
Lower Sixth Form: A Level trip to Biology Live! 09:00-16:00
Careers: Oxbridge application process (OL) 13:30-14:00
Outdoor Education: Mountain biking trip to North Wales (departs) 14:15
F 22 Staff: Training Day 3
Mixed Chess: U17D v Wilson's School (H) 16:00 Chess 1st v Wilson's School (H) 16:30
Sa 23 Outdoor Education: mountain biking trip to North Wales (returns) 22:00
Su 24 Drama: Shakespeare in Love rehearsal (DS2/CH) 10:00-16:00
All events are subject to change, postponement, cancellation or to be held virtually subject to guidelines set by the DfE and other governing bodies.
M 25
Lower Sixth Form: Assembly (PMH) 08:35-09:00
Upper Sixth: Assembly (OL) 08:35-09:00
First Form: School Council meeting (BR) 08:40-09:00
Fifth Form: Careers interviews with Bryony Thomas 09:00-15:30
Music: RGS in Concert rehearsals for concert at Leatherhead Theatre 09:00-15:30
Fifth Form: PSHEE drop down afternoon 3 (PMH) 14:15-15:50
Boys’ Touch Rugby: U14C v Caterham School (A) 14:30
Boys’ Hockey:
1st XI v U18 Indoor Southeast Regional Finals (N) 14:30
Music: RGS in Concert at Leatherhead Theatre 19:00-21:00
Tu 26 Staff: T&L/Admin briefing (PMH) 08:15-08:30
Sixth Form: Exam Access Arrangements briefing (PMH) 08:35-09:00
Fifth Form: Peer Mentors visiting Second to Fourth Forms 08:40-09:00
Third Form: School Council meeting (BR) 08:40-09:00
Fifth Form: Careers interviews with Bryony Thomas 09:00-15:30
Careers: Pat Morgan on Current Issues in the NHS (HC21) 13:30-14:10
House: Senior Debating (2) (OL) 13:30-14:10
Boys’ Touch Rugby: U13D v Tiffin School (A) 14:30
Governors: Full board meeting (1) (OL) 17:30-19:00
W 27
Fifth Form: Assembly (OL) 08:35-09:00
Fourth Form: Assembly (Online) 08:35-09:00
Third Form: Assembly (PMH) 08:35-09:00
Second Form: School Council meeting (BR) 08:40-09:00
First Form (1LCS/1LKB/1LPS/1RJF): FPN Workshop (PMH) 09:-00-10:30
Computing: Trip to Computer Science in Action 09:00-16:00
Boys’ Rugby: U18B v Eltham College (H) 14:30
First Form (1BAW/1BWZ/1JCW/1KLL): FPN Workshop (PMH) 14:15-15:50
Outreach: Wreath Making evening for Giant Pledge (6FC) 19:00-21:30
All events are subject to change, postponement, cancellation or to be held virtually subject to guidelines set by the DfE and other governing bodies.
Th 28 Girls’ Hockey: 1st XI v U18 Indoor Southeast Regional Finals (N) TBC
Staff: Pastoral & Safeguarding training 08:15-08:30
Second Form: Assembly (OL) 08:35-09:00
First Form: Zumbathon (PMH) 08:35-09:45
Fourth Form: School Council meeting (BR) 08:40-09:00
Fifth Form: Art and Photography mock exams (1) (Rms 29/30/31) 09:00-15:45
Fifth Form: Parents’ evening (1) (Online) 17:30-20:30
F 29 Girls’ Hockey: 1st XI v Eltham College (TBC) TBC
U12ABC&D (A) 14:30
House Assembly: Hodgson (PMH) 08:35-09:00
House Assembly: Williamson (SH) 08:35-09:00
Fifth Form: Art and Photography mock exams (2) (Rms 29/30/31) 09:00-15:45
Boys’ Touch Rugby: U12D v Emanuel School (A) 14:30
House: Christmas Tree decorating 16:00-17:30
Sa 30 350: Tree Planting (HW)
PFA: Christmas Tree collection (Playground) 08:00-10:00
Girls’ Hockey: U15A&B v Eltham College (H) 09:00
U14A&B (A) 09:00
2nd XI (A) 10:00
U13ABC&D (H) 10:30
2nd XI U14C (A) 10:45
Boys’ Rugby: U13AB&C v Caterham School (A) 09:30
U12AB&C (H) 09:30
U18A&B U14A&B (A) 10:30
U16A U15A&B (H) 10:30
Su 01 Drama: Shakespeare in Love full rehearsal day 1 (CH) 10:0018:00
All events are subject to change, postponement, cancellation or to be held virtually subject to guidelines set by the DfE and other governing bodies.
M 02
Lower Sixth Form: Assembly (PMH) 08:35-09:00
Upper Sixth: Assembly (OL) 08:35-09:00
Fifth Form: School Council meeting (BR) 08:40-09:00
Fifth Form: Photography mock exam - day 1 Room 29/30/31
Drama: Shakespeare in Love full rehearsal day 2 (CH) 09:00-17:00
Fifth Form: PSHEE drop down afternoon 4 (PMH) 14:15-15:50
Staff: Pastoral Care Committee meeting (Innovation) 16:00-17:15
Swimming: U18 U15 U13 v Sevenoaks School (A) 16:30
Tu 03 Staff: T&L/Admin briefing (PMH) 08:15-08:30
Fifth Form: Photography mock exam - day 2 Room 29/30/31
Sports: Winter Team photographs (SH) 13:00-15:00
Drama: Shakespeare in Love dress rehearsal (CH) 19:00-22:00
W 04
Fifth Form: Assembly (PMH) 08:35-09:00
Fourth Form: Assembly (OL) 08:35-09:00
Third Form: Assembly (Online) 08:35-09:00
Sports: Winter Team photographs (SH) 13:00-15:00
Girls’ Hockey: 1st XI Girls 2nd XI v Woldingham School (H) 14:30
Staff: Department Digital Reps Meeting (2) (Innovation) 16:00-17:00
Foundation: Pre-show drinks (1 Chart Lane) 18:00-18:30
Drama: Shakespeare in Love show 1 (CH) 19:00-22:00
All events are subject to change, postponement, cancellation or to be held virtually subject to guidelines set by the DfE and other governing bodies.
Th 05 Staff: Tutor briefing 08:15-08:30
First Form: Assembly (OL) 08:35-09:00
Second Form: Assembly (PMH) 08:35-09:00
Drama: Shakespeare in Love show 2 (CH) 13:30-16:00
Drama: Shakespeare in Love show 3 (CH) 19:00-22:00
F 06
RGSI: Teaching and Learning eConference (Online)
House Assembly: Bird (PMH) 08:35-09:00
House Assembly: Cranston (SH) 08:35-09:00
House: First Form Winter Sports (HW) 13:15-15:45
Drama: Shakespeare in Love show 4 (CH) 19:00-22:00
Sa 07 Girls’ Hockey: U15A v Woldingham School (A) 09:00
U14A&B (H) 09:00
U13AB&C (H) 10:15
U15B (A) 10:15
U12AB&C (H) 11:15
Boys’ Rugby: U18A&B U15A&B U13A&B U12A&B v Tiffin School (A) 10:30
U16A U14A&B (H) 10:30
Cross Country U18 U16 U15 U14 U13 U12 v ESAA National Cup (A) 12:15
Drama: Shakespeare in Love show 5 (CH) 19:00-22:00
Su 08
All events are subject to change, postponement, cancellation or to be held virtually subject to guidelines set by the DfE and other governing bodies.
M 09
Sports: Team photographs
Sixth Form: Assembly (Church) 08:35-09:00
Upper Sixth Form: Art mock exam (1) (Rms 29/30/31)
House: Third Form Winter Sports (HW/MUGA) 13:15-15:45
Staff: First to Upper Sixth Form tutor meetings 16:00-17:15
Classics: Christmas Film Night HC23 17:00-19:00
Geography: Iceland trip information evening (Online) 18:30-19:00
Tu 10 Staff: T&L/Admin briefing (PMH) 08:15-08:30
Whole School: Ice Rink (Playground) 08:30-16:00
Upper Sixth Form: Art mock exam (1) (Rms 29/30/31)
House: Second Form Winter Sports (HW/MUGA) 13:15-15:45
Music: Carols by Candlelight rehearsals (Church) 15:30-18:00
W 11
Whole School: Ice Rink (Playground) 08:30-16:00
Upper School: Assembly (Church) 08:35-09:00
Upper Sixth: art mock exam Rooms 29/30/31 09:00-15:45
Outdoor education: DofE conservation (3) Reigate Heath
Music: Carols by Candlelight (Church) 19:00-20:30
All events are subject to change, postponement, cancellation or to be held virtually subject to guidelines set by the DfE and other governing bodies.
Th 12 Whole School: Cosy Jumper Day
Staff: Tutor briefing 08:15-08:30
Whole School: Ice Rink (Playground) 08:30-16:00
Lower School: Assembly (Church) 08:35-09:00
Whole School: Christmas Lunch 12:00-14:00
Foundation: Christmas Drinks at The Pilgrim Brewery, Reigate 18:00-23:00
F 13 Outdoor Education: Ski trip to Saas Fee Switzerland (departs)
Whole School: Home Clothes Day
House: Singing competition & Esports final (CH/SH) 08:50-10:30
Whole School: End of Term assembly 11:30-12:15
Term ends 12:15
All events are subject to change, postponement, cancellation or to be held virtually subject to guidelines set by the DfE and other governing bodies. Week 13 December 2024
Th 19 Outdoor Education: Ski trip to Saas Fee Switzerland (returns)
Mo 23 School closes for the Christmas break 18:00
Th 02 School reopens 07:30
Sa 04 Boys’ Hockey: Preseason Internal Games: 1st XI 2nd XI U18C U16A&B U15A&B (H) 09:00
U14AB&C U13ABCD&E (H) 10:00
U12ABCD&E (H) 11:00
All events are subject to change, postponement, cancellation or to be held virtually subject to guidelines set by the DfE and other governing bodies. December 2024 Christmas Holidays
Su 05
M 06 Staff: Training Day 4 08:30-16:00 Boys’ Hockey: Preseason
1st XI 2nd XI U18C U16A&B U15A (H) 16:20 U15B v Preseason (H) 16:25
Tu 07 11+/13+ Pre-test assessments
W 08 Term starts 08:30
Reigate Grammar School Reigate Road, Reigate, Surrey RH2 0QS
Tel: 01737 222231 Fax: 01737 224201
Email: info@reigategrammar.org www.reigategrammar.org