Art and Design
Business (BTEC)
Classical Civilisation Classical Greek Computer Science
Drama and Theatre Economics
English Literature French
Further Maths Geography German
Latin Maths Music Music Technology Photography Physical Education Physics Politics Product Design Psychology
Spanish Sport (BTEC) Theology and Philosophy
Head of Department: Mrs E Burns
What can I do to support my child’s progress in this subject?
The best exhibitions in London:
• Yayoi Kusama: Infinity Mirror Rooms at Tate Modern
• The Feminine Power: The Divine to the Demonic at the British Museum
• Astronomy Photographer of the Year at the Maritime Museum
• Japan: Courts and Culture at the Queen’s Gallery
The A Level in Art is 60% Coursework and 40% Exam. The coursework consists of three major elements, preparatory studies in and outside of sketchbooks, Practical outcomes and a Personal Study. Sketchbook work and practical outcomes will be developed from personal starting points and their portfolio of work should reflect the student’s interest and engagement in their chosen themes.
The personal study is a written piece of 3000 words which again is based on the student’s chosen theme and interest and should tie into what is being produced in their practical work.
The Exam is a theme set by the exam board, published on 1 February of the second year of the A Level. Students then produce preparatory studies and sit a 15 hour sustained focus under examination conditions where students produce a final outcome for the exam unit.
All coursework and exam work will cover the same assessment criteria.
Foundation project will be the theme ‘abstract, distort, enlarge’. This will be an opportunity to experiment, build up skills and knowledge that will help to inform them about what to choose as their personal investigation.
• Milton Avery at Royal Academy of Arts
• Walter Sickert at Tate Britain
• Picasso Ingres: Face to Face at the National Gallery
• Cornelia Parker at Tate Britain
• Pip & Pop at the Shirley Sherwood Gallery of Botanical Art
• Lubaina Himid at Tate Modern
Coursework and exam work. Each objective has 25% weighting on each. Coursework is 60% and Exam is 40%. The assessment objectives are as follows:
AO1 Develop ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical understanding.
AO2 Explore and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes, reviewing and refining ideas as work develops.
AO3 Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions, reflecting critically on work and progress.
AO4 Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and, where appropriate, makes connections between visual and other elements.
All coursework and exam work is marked and moderated internally and then an external examiner comes in to view and moderate the marking.
Head of Department: Miss M Pope
What can I do to support my child’s progress in this subject?
• Popular Biology books – the library has a great selection
• Biological Sciences Review
• Journal articles – search online and ask your teacher
Join Bio Book Club and BioBreak to discuss your reading
Watch and Listen
• Podcasts, e.g. from The BBC - The Life Scientific, The Science
Board: AQA
The A Level covers a diverse range of concepts and provides an excellent foundation for further study, either in a specialist area such as Biochemistry or Medicine, or on a wider Biology or Natural Sciences degree programme.
The course is divided into eight topics:
1. Biological molecules
2. Cells
3. Organisms exchange substances with their environment
4. Genetic information, variation and relationships between organisms
5. Energy transfers in and between organisms
6. Organisms respond to changes in their internal and external environments
7. Genetics, populations, evolution and ecosystems
8. The control of gene expression
In the Lower Sixth Form we focus on the fundamental concepts of Biology, including biological molecules, cells, genetic information and exchange processes.
In the Upper Sixth Form students apply this knowledge to explore more complex biochemical, physiological and ecosystem processes.
Hour and Infinite Monkey Cage
• Documentaries on natural history, medicine and the environment – the BBC is a great starting place
• Attend seminars and lectures in school
• The Natural History Museum
• The Wellcome Collection
• Public lectures – look out for information from the science department
Students sit three papers at the end of the Upper Sixth Form.
Paper 1:
2 hour written paper, 91 marks and worth 35% of A Level. Examines content from topics 1-4. This consists of a mixture of short and long answer questions, plus 15 marks for extended response questions.
Paper 2:
2 hour written paper, 91 marks and worth 35% of A Level. Examines content from topics 5-8. This consists of a mixture of short and long answer questions, plus 15 marks for comprehension questions.
Paper 3:
2 hour written paper, 78 marks and worth 30% of A Level. Examines content from topics 1-8, with an emphasis on relevant practical skills.
This consists of a mixture of short and long answer questions, 15 marks for critical analysis of experimental data and 25 marks for a synoptic essay exploring a general theme in Biology.
Students’ investigative skills are assessed throughout the A Level course and demonstrating competence in all skill areas results in the achievement of a pass in the Practical Endorsement. Skills assessed include:
• Designing, following and modifying a method
• Assessing risk and working safely
• Presenting and analysing results
• Identifying, using and referencing secondary sources
Head of Department: Miss McGinty
What can I do to support my child’s progress in this subject?
• Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead: What Every Business Can Learn from the Most Iconic Band in History
• Creating a World Without Poverty: Social Business and the Future of Capitalism
• How I Made It: 40 Successful Entrepreneurs Reveal How They Made Millions by Rachel Bridge
• The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference by Malcolm Gladwell
The qualification enables learners to demonstrate effective writing, analytical skills, creative development, as well as preparation for assessment used in degrees.
Typical internally assessed units include:
• Unit 1: Exploring Business
• Unit 4: Managing an Event
• Unit 5: International Business
• Unit 8: Recruitment and Selection Process
• Unit 14: Investigating Customer Service
• Unit 15: Investigating Retail Business
• Unit 19: Pitching for a New Business
• Unit 20: Investigating Corporate Social Responsibility
• Unit 27: Work Experience in Business
Externally assessed units include:
• Unit 2: Developing a Marketing Campaign
• Unit 3: Personal and Business Finance
• Unit 6: Principles of Management
• Unit 7: Business Decision Making
• The Google Story by David A. Vise
• Quality broadsheet (Financial Times, Sunday Times)
• The Economist - free via your Surrey Library membership
• BTEC National Business Revision Guides
Watch and Listen
• The Founder (12)
• Moneyball, 2011 (12A)
• POM Wonderful Presents: The Greatest Movie Ever Sold, 2011 (PG)
• Jobs, 2013 (15) and Steve Jobs, 2015 (15)
• The Social Network, 2019 (12)
• Margin Call, 2011, (15)
• The Apprentice (BBC)
• Dragon’s Den (BBC)
• BBC Business Briefing
• Diary of a CEO with Steven Bartlett
Learners can study the qualification in multiple formats including the: L3 diploma in business, which is the equivalent of two A Levels, this will be supplemented by a further one or two A Levels (considered on an individual basis). Similarly, students can study the BTEC L3 extended diploma which is the equivalent of three A Levels and a full-time course.
For students undertaking the BTEC L3 diploma in business, learners are required to complete eight units over the two-year course, of which six are mandatory, and three are externally assessed. The externally assessed units are worth 45% of the overall qualification.
For students undertaking the BTEC L3 extended diploma in business, learners are required to complete 13 units over the two-year course, of which seven units are mandatory and four are external. The externally assessed units are worth 42% of the overall qualification.
Head of Department: Mr T Thake
What can I do to support my child’s progress in this subject?
• Watch out for documentaries, especially those presented by Jim Al-Khalili
• Ask what your son/daughter has been learning about recently
• Offer to help your son/daughter make or learn flashcards for factual content
• Ensure your son/daughter has readily available access to their year-group SharePoint site
This A Level course covers all of the familiar areas of the subject studied at GCSE but with a much greater focus on understanding the concepts and applying them to unfamiliar situations.
The course is divided into the following topics:
• Atomic Structure
• Bonding and Structure
• Redox
• Inorganic Chemistry
• Formulae, Equations and Moles
• Organic Chemistry
• Modern Analytical Techniques
• Energetics and Thermodynamics
• Kinetics
• Equilibria
• Acid-Base Equilibria
A good grounding in all of these topics is essential for students wishing to continue to undergraduate study in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Biology and Biochemistry, as well as Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Sciences.
Students sit three papers at the end of the Upper Sixth Form:
Paper 1: Advanced Inorganic and Physical Chemistry
Written exam 1 hour 45 minutes
Total marks: 90. Weighting 30%
This consists of multiple-choice, short open, open-response, calculations and extended writing questions.
Paper 2: Advanced Organic and Physical Chemistry
Written exam 1 hour 45 minutes
Total marks: 90. Weighting 30%
This consists of multiple-choice, short open, open-response, calculations and extended writing questions.
Paper 3: General and Practical Principles in Chemistry
Written exam 2 hours 30 minutes
Total marks: 120. Weighting 40%
This consists of synoptic questions that may draw on two or more of the topics, and also assesses conceptual and theoretical understanding of experimental methods.
Head of Department: Mrs G Brickley
What can I do to support my child’s progress in this subject?
• R D Williams, Aeneas and the Roman Hero
• Madeleine Miller, Song of Achilles
• Simon Armitage, The Last Days of Troy
• Omnibus articles, available in student documents
• Robert Harris, Imperium trilogy
Board: OCR
The world of the hero – The Iliad and Aeneid
In this core component candidates will read Homer’s Iliad and Virgil’s Aeneid , both cornerstones of western literature. The epic poem The Iliad describes the Trojan war, with its heroes, villains, gods and mortals. In The Aeneid Virgil explored what it was to be a hero in the Roman world and created a work which has proven enduringly popular. These brilliant and fascinating works of literature are studied within their context, evaluating and comparing the heroic world they each create. This is a broad core module looking at character, theme, culture and language and provides a fantastic opportunity to get both an in-depth study of the societies and a close analysis of enormously important works.
Culture and the arts – Greek Art
The 6th-4th centuries BC was a period of great change in the Greek world, and this is reflected in the art which was produced. In this component learners will gain a thorough knowledge of the selected aspects of Greek art, but they will also gain some understanding of, and insight into, the context in which it was created, particularly the areas of religion, society, values and history/politics.
Beliefs and ideas – Politics of the Late Republic
The Late Roman Republic was a period of huge upheaval and conflict, which eventually led to the downfall of the Republican state and the rise of the Roman emperors. In this component learners will examine three key political figures – Cato the Younger, Caesar and Cicero. The exploration of their different ideas brings this tumultuous period to life for learners and moves beyond simply studying ideals and abstracts, and into discussion of the practical difficulties familiar to states throughout history.
Watch and Listen
• BBC Troy, fall of a city
• Mary Beard, Julius Caesar Revealed
• Simon Sebag Montefiore, Rome: a history of the eternal city
• Catharine Edwards, Mothers, murderers and mistresses
• BBC In Our Time podcasts
• The British Museum, particularly the Troy exhibition
The course is assessed via three written examinations.
Component 1 – The world of the hero
This written examination consists of literary analysis of a stimulus passage, mini-essays and a comparative analysis essay of Greek and Roman epic where candidates are expected to make use of secondary sources and academic views to support their argument.
Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes
Weighting: 40%
Component 2 – Culture and the arts
This written examination consists of short answer questions, analysis of a visual stimulus from a list of prescribed sources, a mini-essay and a longer essay where candidates are expected to make use of secondary sources and academic views to support their argument.
Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes
Weighting: 30%
Component 3 – Beliefs and ideas
This written examination consists of short answer questions, analysis of a stimulus source from a list of prescribed material, a mini-essay and a longer essay where candidates are expected to make use of secondary sources and academic views to support their argument.
Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes
Weighting: 30%
Head of Department: Mrs G Brickley
What can I do to support my child’s progress in this subject?
• Tom Holland, Herodotus The Histories
• Tragedies by Sophocles
• Allan, W, Euripides: Medea
• Clauss, J.J. and S.I. Johnston, eds., Medea: Essays on Medea in myth, literature, philosophy and art
Watch and Listen
• Tom Holland on Herodotus at the Hay festival (YouTube)
Board: OCR
Content Language
Candidates build on and develop their range of vocabulary, accidence and syntax from GCSE, progressing to reading carefully selected passages of original, unadapted Greek. The unseen prose passage for translation will be taken from Thucydides and the unseen verse passage will be taken from the poetry of Sophocles; preparation for this takes the form of linguistic study and wider reading of these authors. Candidates also learn to scan the Greek trimeter when studying Sophocles.
For both the prose and verse components, candidates study in detail a short section in Greek from a prescribed text. Additional sections in translation from this set text are also studied to enhance understanding of the context from which the set texts have been taken. Candidates develop their skills in analysing literary style, characterisation and argument.
The prose set text selections offer the opportunity to read some of Herodotus’ Histories, while the verse offers an exciting choice to study either part of Homer’s enduring epic, The Iliad or a fantastic tragedy, Euripides’ Hippolytus.
• Oxford University’s production of Medea (YouTube)
• The Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk has an e-book concerned with the history of performances of Euripides’ Medea www.apgrd.ox.ac.uk/about-us/programmes/ interactivemultimedia-e-books
• KCL and UCL Classics’ Greek play
Component 1 – Unseen Translation
Section A: Translation of an unseen prose passage from Greek into English
Section B: Translation of an unseen passage of verse from Greek into English
Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes; Weighting: 33%
Component 2 – Comprehension
Either: Answer comprehension and grammar questions on an unseen passage of Greek prose
Or: Translation of a passage from English into Greek Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes; Weighting: 17%
Component 3 – Prose Literature
Sections A & B: Short answer questions, including both translation and comprehension, showing understanding and appreciation of the set text studied
Section C: Essay on set text studied
Duration: 2 hours; Weighting: 25%
Component 4 – Verse Literature
Sections A & B: Short answer questions, including both translation and comprehension, showing understanding and appreciation of the set text studied
Section C: Essay on set text studied
Duration: 2 hours; Weighting: 25%
Head of Department: Miss P Lewty
What can I do to support my child’s progress in this subject?
• The New Turing Omnibus by A Kee Dewdney
• Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software by Charles Petzold
• AI: Its Nature and Future by Margaret A Boden
• The Code Book by Simon Singh
• Outnumbered: From Facebook and Google to Fake News and Filter-Bubbles – The Algorithms That Control Our Lives by David Sumpter.
Board: OCR
Computational Thinking and Problem Solving
• Programming techniques
• Algorithms
Computer Systems
• Structure and function of the processor
• Type of processor
• Input, output and storage hardware
• Systems software
• Applications generation
• Software development
• Types of programming language
• Compression, Encryption and Hashing
• Databases
• Networks
• Web technologies
• Data types
• Data structures
• Boolean algebra
Legal, Ethical, Moral and Social Issues
• Automated decision making
• Artificial intelligence
• Censorship
• Behaviour monitoring
• Piracy
Programming Project
Watch and Listen
• BBC Technology Webpage - www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology
• BBC Click Episodes - www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/n13xtmd5
• Subject Specific Videos by Topic - https://student.craigndave. org/a-level-videos
• Computerphile - www.youtube.com/user/Computerphile
The National Museum of Computing at Bletchley Park.
• Hursley Park, Hampshire.
• James Clerk Maxwell House and Foundation, Edinburgh.
Assessment Computer Systems
Written exam 2.5 hour
Total marks: 140. Weighting 40%
Algorithms and Programming
Written exam 2.5 hour
Total marks 140. Weighting 40%
Programming Project
Total marks 70. Weighting 20%
Head of Department: S Branston
What can I do to support my child’s progress in this subject?
• Any play from the vast array in the Drama Department Library
• News-politics and society IS theatre
• The Director’s Craft by Katie Mitchell
• https://fivebooks.com/best-books/michael-billington-on-20thcentury-theatre
• Theatre Reviews in newspapers
• www.theatredesign.org.uk/designers/gallery
The new Eduquas course provides a superb balance between the practical and theoretical aspects of contemporary performance. Students must understand the relationship between culture, society, politics and theatre. Candidates will read, analyse, direct and act from classical and contemporary texts. They will also have the opportunity to develop their own devised work through improvisation. Reviewing live theatre is a vital requirement of the course. Candidates will be given the opportunity to develop both acting, directing and technical production skills.
The specification aims to:
• Develop students’ interest and enjoyment in performance and theatre both as a performer and an informed member of an audience
• Foster an enthusiasm for, and a critical appreciation of theatre, culture, and the Arts
• Develop an understanding and appreciation of the significance of social, cultural and historical influences on the development of drama and theatre
• Give students a range of opportunities to develop a variety of dramatic and theatrical skills
• Integrate theory and practice through understanding of critical concepts, practitioners and the way directors interpret texts
Watch and Listen
• https://player.bfi.org.uk
• www.youtube.com/user/ntdiscovertheatre
• Check out this for 31 podcasts for curious minds:
• www.wired.co.uk/article/best-podcasts
• To join or watch local, amateur and regional theatre companies
• To watch NT Live at cinemas-ballet, opera, theatre, art
• To Edinburgh, Brighton, NSDF or Vaults Festival
• The V&A Museum for costume, architecture, historical artefacts and cultural inspiration
• To Tate Modern for design inspiration
Theatre Workshop – 20%
This internally assessed, non-examined unit will develop the learning skills and theatrical knowledge of students of theatre. It will include theatre visits, performances alone and in small groups and workshops from industry professionals. Students will reinterpret texts for a contemporary audience and submit a creative log of the process. They can be examined as actors or designers.
Text In Action – 40%
The exploration of how text can be explored and understood through use of practical techniques and traditions. This unit will involve creating performances from a script and an original, devised piece of theatre. This unit is externally assessed by a visiting examiner. Students will write an evaluation of the process, analysing the influence of theatre companies and practitioners on their own work. They can be examined as actors or designers.
Text In Performance – 40%
This unit comprises a written examination in three parts. The questions will focus on; the students’ visual concept for realising a text in performance; students’ directing knowledge and the students’ ability to respond critically to live theatre. Students will study two contrasting texts – one Classical text and one contemporary text. In addition, the students will need to create their own theatrical concept for a stage adaptation of the novel, A Monster Calls
Subject Leader: Mrs A Ryzak-McGhee
What can I do to support my child’s progress in this subject?
• Quality broadsheet (Financial Times, Sunday Times especially David Smith)
• The Economist - free via your Surrey Library membership
• Economics Revision workbooks
• Hodder education revision guide
Watch and Listen
• Channel 4 news - Helia Ebrahimi
• BBC News – Faisal Islam
• Newsnight/Panorama/Dispatches
Board: AQA
Individuals, firms, markets and market failure
1. Economic methodology and the economic problem
2. Individual economic decision making
3. Price determination in a competitive market
4. Production, costs and revenue
5. Perfect competition, imperfectly competitive markets and monopoly
6. The labour market
7. The distribution of income and wealth: poverty and inequality
8. The market mechanism, market failure, and government intervention in markets
The national and international economy
9. The measurement of macroeconomic performance
10. How the macro-economy works; the circular flow of income, AD/AS analysis, and related concepts.
11. Economic performance
12. Financial markets and monetary policy
13. Fiscal policy and supply-side policies
14. The international economy
• Podcasts – BBC - More or Less, Pop-Up Economics, Economics with Subtitles, Simon Evans Goes to Market, PWC Economics in business, Times Business
• Youtube – EconPlusDal
• Dinner table discussions about current news stories
• Twitter and follow lots of interesting people with different opinions about Economics.
• LSE public lectures, Gresham College public lectures
• www.tutor2u.net economicshelp.org , economicsonline.co.uk
Paper 1: Markets and Market Failure (questions drawn from points 1-8)
Total marks: 80. Weighting 33.3%. Exam time: 2hrs
Section A: Data response, choice of 1 from 2 contexts worth 40 marks
Section B: Essay question, choice of 1 from 3 worth 40 marks
Paper 2: National and International economy (questions drawn from points 9-14)
Total marks: 80. Weighting 33.3%. Exam time: 2hrs
Section A: Data response, choice of 1 from 2 contexts worth 40 marks
Section B: Essay question, choice of 1 from 3 worth 40 marks
Paper 3: Economic Principles and Issues (questions drawn from points 1-14)
Total marks: 80. Weighting 33.3%. Exam time: 2hrs
Section A: Multiple choice worth 30 marks
Section B: Case Study, worth 50 marks
Head of Department: Ms C Harvey
What can I do to support my child’s progress in this subject?
• Newspapers such as The Guardian
• The London Review of Books
Watch and Listen
• Adaptations of the plays live or recorded productions
• A History of Ideas – Radio 4
Component 1: Poetry
Pre-1900 poetry and post-1900 poetry. John Donne, Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes are studied to give you a well-rounded overview of the developments in poetry across time.
Component 2: Drama
Shakespeare – the incredible opportunity to study King Lear (not to be missed).
Pre-1900 and post-1900 drama with a focus on A Streetcar Named Desire (Tennessee Williams) and The Duchess of Malfi (John Webster). An impressive and challenging range of work.
Component 3: Unseen Texts
This module presents unseen prose and poetry for analysis. You will study a wide range of prose from the Victorian era through to the Modernist movement of the 20th Century. Your wider reading of poetry will also be challenged with a poem from the literary canon to consider how its meanings are shaped through language.
Component 4: Prose Study
In this module you undertake an independent comparative study of a pre and post 2000 novel of your choice.
• The Globe
• The National Poetry Library
• The British Library
• Theatre productions of linked plays to the drama text
Assessment Component 1: Poetry
Written examination: 2 hours (open-book) 30% of qualification
Component 2: Drama
Written examination: 2 hours (closed-book) 30% of qualification
Component 3: Unseen Texts
Written examination: 2 hours 20% of qualification
Component 4: Prose Study
Non-exam assessment: 2500 –3500 word assignment 20% of qualification Go
Head of Department: Mme F Chartrain
What can I do to support my child’s progress in this subject?
• French magazines in the library
• My Day – The Day (translations)
• French short stories in bilingual edition (ask French teachers)
• Chez Nous (Mary Glasgow Magazine – issued free to French A Level students)
Watch and Listen
• www.tv5monde.com (Francophone news, listening tasks,
Board: AQA
Theme 1: Aspects of French-speaking society
– current trends
• Modern and traditional family values
• Technological advances & cyber-society
• The role of volunteering in society
Theme 2: Artistic culture in the French-speaking world
• French patrimony and its assets for tourism
• Contemporary francophone music
• Cinema
Theme 3: Current issues in French-speaking society
• Positive aspects of a diverse society
• Social exclusion
• How criminals are treated (prevention, prison, rehabilitation, etc.)
Theme 4: Aspects of political life in the French-speaking world
• Young people and politics
• Demonstrations and strikes: who has power?
• Politics and immigration
Literature and film studies
Individual research project
language exercises, games, etc.)
• French news channels (TV/radio) : www.mytf1.fr www.francetv.fr www.europe1.fr
• French DVDs (Library/French Department)
• Favourite DVDs: select French subtitles and/or audio if available
• Netflix – French series
• www.tv5monde.com (Francophone news, listening exercises, language exercises, games, etc.)
• French news channels (TV/radio) : www.mytf1.fr www.francetv.fr www.europe1.fr
• https://maryglasgowplus.com (Mary Glasgow Magazines)
• Kerboodle/Dynamic Learning (supporting textbooks used)
Paper 1: Listening, reading and writing
2 hours and 30 minutes 50% of the qualification Listening and responding, summary Reading and responding, summary Translation into and from French
Paper 2: Writing 2 hours
20% of the qualification
Written response to a text (300 words) Written response to a film (300 words)
Paper 3: Speaking
Internally conducted and externally assessed 21-23 minutes (including 5 minutes preparation time) 30% of the qualification
Part 1: discussion on a sub-theme of a stimulus card
Part 2: presentation and discussion of the student’s individual research project
Head of Department: Mr G Sillience
What can I do to support my child’s progress in this subject?
• Ask them what topic they have covered in lessons recently
• Ask them if they have organised their Maths folder recently
• Encourage them to start their homework on the night it is set, so that they can seek help if they get stuck, before the homework is due
• Encourage them to be proactive in asking their teachers for help outside of lessons and to attend Maths Clinic on a Thursday/Friday lunchtime
• Ask them to identify the top five topics they need to focus their revision on
• Encourage them to take part in the National Cipher Challenge
Content Papers 1 & 2: Core Pure Mathematics
Proof, Complex Numbers, Matrices, Further Algebra and Functions, Further Calculus, Further Vectors, Polar Coordinates, Hyperbolic Functions, Differential Equations.
Papers 3 & 4:
Students take two of the following three options:
Further Pure Mathematics 1 Further Trigonometry, Further Calculus, Further Differential Equations, Co-ordinate Systems, Further Vectors, Further Numerical Methods, Inequalities.
Further Mechanics 1 Momentum and Impulse, Work, Energy & Power, Elastic Strings & Springs and Elastic Energy, Elastic Collisions in One Dimension, Elastic Collisions in Two Dimensions.
Decision Mathematics 1 Algorithms, Graphs & Networks, Algorithms on Graphs, Route Inspection, The Travelling Salesman Problem, Linear Programming, The Simplex Algorithm, Critical Path Analysis.
which starts in October: www.cipherchallenge.org
• Encourage them to take part in the Maths Bombe Competition which starts in January www.maths.manchester.ac.ukmathsbombe
• Encourage them to take part in the Senior Maths Challenge www.ukmt.org.uk/competitions/solo/senior-mathematicalchallenge
• Read STEM related articles regularly: https://plus.maths.org/content/Article
• Encourage students to apply for and take part in Outreach programs, such as: www.maths.ox.ac.uk/study-here/ undergraduate-study/outreach/years-12-13 https://debatechamber.com/project/mathematics-summerschool, www.etrust.org.uk/headstart-courses https://bletchleypark.org.uk www.bankofengland.co.uk/
A2 Further Mathematics
Each paper is assessed by written examination lasting 1 hour and 30 minutes and consists of 4 units: 2 on Core Pure Mathematics, plus a choice of 2 units from: Further Pure, Further Mechanics or Decision Mathematics units.
AS Further Mathematics
Each paper is assessed by written examination lasting 1 hour and 40 minutes and will consist of 2 units: Core Pure Mathematics, plus a choice of: Further Pure, Further Mechanics or Decision Mathematics.
Each unit carries an equal weighting.
Calculators are allowed in all papers.
Head of Department: Miss N Innes
What can I do to support my child’s progress in this subject?
• Newspapers – The Guardian, The Times, The Telegraph, The Independent
• Magazines – Geographical, Geography Review, The Economist
Watch and Listen
• The news
• Series such as The Earth from Space, Blue Planet etc
Board: AQA
The specification is designed to excite minds, challenge perceptions and stimulate investigative and analytical skills. Each section offers opportunity to exercise and develop geographical skills including observation, measurement and geospatial mapping skills, together with data manipulation and statistical skills including those associated with, and arising from, fieldwork.
Paper 1: Physical Geography
• Water and carbon cycles
• Coastal landscapes
• Hazards
Paper 2: Human Geography
• Global systems and governance
• Changing places
• Population and resources
Paper 3: Geographical Investigation
• A minimum of four days of fieldwork for a piece of independent research
Recent field trips have included:
• Brixton
• Camber
• River Mole flood defences at Gatwick
• Reigate Heath
• Dorking
• Boxhill
• Shanghai, China
• There is a planned trip to Norway in October 2022.
• Students are required to undertake data collection on their chosen non-exam assessment. Visits to the sites and help in data collection will be much appreciated
• Earth Science Galleries at the Natural History Museum
Paper 1: Physical Geography
Written exam 2 hours 30 minutes 96 marks 40% of A2
Paper 2: Human Geography Written exam 2 hours 30 minutes 96 marks 40% of A2
Both Papers 1 and 2 will be tested by 4, 6, 9 and 20 mark questions (requiring extended writing)
Paper 3: Geographical Investigation 3000-4,000 words 60 marks 20% of A2 Marked by teachers, moderated by external examiners. This is an opportunity to do well without the pressure of an exam. Recent topics have included carbon content of trees, infiltration, gentrification, environmental quality, quality of life, beach profiles, sand dune succession and changes in town centres.
Head of Department: Ms M Sowa
What can I do to support my child’s progress in this subject?
• German magazines and newspapers online
• German short stories
Watch and Listen
• www.deutschewelle.de
• (German and worldwide news; podcasts on various current affairs topics)
• www.ard.de (news, videos and livestreams)
Board: AQA
Theme 1: Aspects of German-speaking society
• Traditional and modern family structures
• The digital world
• Youth culture
Theme 2: Artistic culture in the German-speaking world
• Festivals and traditions
• Art and architecture
• Berlin’s cultural life and heritage
Theme 3: Multiculturalism in German-speaking society
• Immigration
• Integration and multiculturalism
• Racism
Theme 4: Aspects of political life in the German-speaking world
• Germany and the EU
• Youth and politics
• The Reunification and its consequences
Literature and film studies
Individual research project
• www.zdf.de (news, videos and livestreams)
• German DVDs (Library/German Department)
• Favourite DVDs: select German subtitles and/or audio if available
• Netflix – German films and series
• www.deutschewelle.de (news, listening and grammar exercises, games etc.)
• German news channels (TV/radio)
• Dynamic Learning online (to support the textbooks used)
Paper 1: Listening, reading and writing
2 hours and 30 minutes
50% of the qualification
Listening and responding Reading and responding
Translation into and from German
Paper 2: Writing
2 hours
20% of the qualification
Written response to a text (300 words)
Written response to a film (300 words)
Paper 3: Speaking
Internally conducted and externally assessed 21-23 minutes (including 5 minutes preparation time). 30% of the qualification
Part 1: discussion on a sub-theme of a stimulus card
Part 2: presentation and discussion of the student’s individual research project
Head of Department: Mrs F Gunning
What can I do to support my child’s progress in this subject?
• A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch
• Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel
• The Three Whys of the Russian Revolution by Richard Pipes.
• The Romanovs by Simon Sebag Montifiore
• The Romanovs by Lucy Worsley
Board: AQA
Unit 1: Tsarist and Communist Russia, 1855-1964
This option allows students to study in breadth issues of change, continuity, cause and consequence in this period through the following questions:
• How was Russia governed and how did political authority change and develop?
• Why did opposition develop and how effective was it?
• How important were ideas and ideology?
• How important was the role of the individual?
Unit 2: Religious Conflict and the Church in England, c1529-c1570
This option provides for the study in depth of a period of major change in the English Church and government, focusing on issues which led England to break with Rome and the problems surrounding the establishment of a new Anglican Church and faith.
Unit 3: The growth of American Civil Rights, 1865-1968 Coursework module.
• Hampton Court Palace
• The National Portrait Gallery
• Take a walking tour of London
Unit 1 examination
2 hours 30 minutes.
Section A: one compulsory question testing students’ ability to analyse and evaluate the views of historians. (30 marks)
Section B: three essay questions of which students are required to answer two. These will test historical understanding over a broad chronology. (2 x 25 marks) 40% of the A Level.
Unit 2 examination 2 hours 30 minutes.
Section A: one compulsory question linked to primary sources or sources contemporary to the period. (30 marks)
Section B: three essay questions of which students are required to answer two. These will test historical understanding of an event or issue in depth. (2 x25 marks) 40% of the A Level.
Unit 3 coursework module Students will submit an essay of 3000-3500 words. It will be marked by teachers and moderated by AQA. 20% of the A Level.
Head of Department: Mrs G Brickley
What can I do to support my child’s progress in this subject?
• R D Williams, Aeneas and the Roman Hero
• Omnibus articles, available in student documents
• Robert Harris, Imperium trilogy
Watch and Listen
• Mary Beard, Julius Caesar Revealed
• Simon Sebag Montefiore, Rome: a history of the eternal city
• Catharine Edwards, Mothers, murderers and mistresses
• BBC In Our Time podcasts
Board: OCR
Content Language
Candidates build on and develop their range of vocabulary, accidence and syntax from GCSE, progressing to reading carefully selected passages of original Latin. The unseen prose passage for translation will be taken from Livy and the unseen verse passage will be taken from the poetry of Ovid; preparation for this takes the form of linguistic study and wider reading of these authors. Candidates also learn to scan a variety of metres used in Ovid’s poetry.
For both the prose and verse components, candidates study in detail a short section in Latin from a prescribed text. Additional sections in translation from this set text are also studied to enhance understanding of the context from which the set texts have been taken. Candidates develop their skills in analysing literary style, characterisation and argument.
The prose text studied will be Cicero’s Pro Caelio. This speech sees Cicero defending the son of his friend from accusations of murder, conspiracy to murder, and civil unrest, and has Cicero adopting the age-old tactic of ignoring the accusations and attacking the witness – in this case, an older woman named Clodia.
The verse component offers the opportunity to study selections from Book 2 of Virgil’s Aeneid, which is filled with thrilling descriptions of the fall of Troy.
• The British Museum, particularly the Troy exhibition
The course is assessed via four written examinations.
Component 1 – Unseen Translation
Section A: Translation of an unseen prose passage from Latin into English
Section B: Translation of an unseen passage of verse from Latin into English
Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes; Weighting: 33%
Component 2 – Comprehension
Either: Answer comprehension and grammar questions on an unseen passage of Latin prose
Or: Translation of a passage from English into Latin Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes; Weighting: 17%
Component 3 – Prose Literature
Sections A & B: Short answer questions, including both translation and comprehension, showing understanding and appreciation of the set text studied
Section C: Essay on set text studied
Duration: 2 hours; Weighting: 25%
Component 4 – Verse Literature
Sections A & B: Short answer questions, including both translation and comprehension, showing understanding and appreciation of the set text studied
Section C: Essay on set text studied
Duration: 2 hours; Weighting: 25%
Head of Department: Mr G Sillience
What can I do to support my child’s progress in this subject?
• Encourage them to start their homework on the night it is set, so they can seek help if they get stuck before the homework is due
• Encourage them to ask their teachers for help outside of lessons and to attend Maths Clinic on a Thursday/Friday lunchtime
• Identify the top five topics they need to focus their revision on
• Encourage them to take part in the National Cipher Challenge which starts in October: www.cipherchallenge.org
Pure Mathematics
Algebra & Functions, Proof, Coordinate Geometry, Sequences & Series, Trigonometry, Exponentials & Logarithms, Differentiation, Integration, Numerical Methods and Vectors.
Statistical Sampling, Data Presentation & Interpretation, Probability, Statistical Distributions and Statistical Hypothesis Testing.
Quantities & Units in Mechanics, Kinematics, Moments, Forces and Newton’s laws.
Encourage them to take part in the Maths Bombe Competition which starts in January www.maths.manchester. ac.uk/mathsbombe
• Encourage them to take part in the Senior Maths Challenge www.ukmt.org.uk/competitions/solo/senior-mathematicalchallenge
• Read STEM related articles regularly: https://plus.maths.org/content/Article
• Encourage students to apply for and take part in Outreach programs, such as: www.maths.ox.ac.uk/study-here/undergraduate-study/outreach/ years-12-13
h ttps://debatechamber.com/project/mathematics-summer-school www.etrust.org.uk/headstart-courses https://bletchleypark.org.uk www.bankofengland.co.uk/museum
There are three papers, each of which is assessed by written examination lasting 2 hours.
Paper 1: Pure Mathematics
Paper 2: Pure Mathematics Paper 3: Statistics & Mechanics
Each unit carries an equal weighting.
Calculators are allowed in all papers.
Head of Department: Miss J Korzinek
What can I do to support my child’s progress in this subject?
Practising regularly and taking advantage of performance opportunities will support this element of the course. Be aware that students are not expected to perform their latest piece; this may be an opportunity to revisit a well-loved piece apply to it newly developed skills, thereby building a repertoire library.
Composing will require independent study time beyond lessons if it is to be completed to a high standard. Students will have
A Level Music consists of three components: Performing, Composing and Appraising.
This can be performing on an instrument or with voice, either as a soloist or in a group. Improvisation can be chosen instead of ‘traditional’ performing, or a Music Technology option is available.
Students learn how to compose music in a variety of ways, including using a set brief, writing freely and employing compositional techniques learned through studying the music of other composers. Composition can be with or without the use of technology, and can be in any style.
The study of musical elements, contexts and language through music appraisal. This will include studying a variety of set works covering vocal music, instrumental music, music for film, popular music and jazz, fusions and new music. Music will range from Mozart’s Magic Flute to Danny Elfman’s score for Batman Returns ; from Berlioz’s Symphonie Fantastique to the Beatles’ Revolver album; from contemporary jazz fusion to pieces with electronics.
access to Logic and Sibelius at School; MuseScore is a free download that students may wish to use at home (an online ‘version’ of Sibelius; scores may be converted from MuseScore to Sibelius). Sources of support for theory can be found at www.musictheory.net , www.teoria.com (English version) www.philharmonia.org
Listening to as much music as possible from genres connected to the set works and elsewhere. Asking questions such as “What instruments can I hear?”, ‘What role does each instrument provide?” (e.g. melody, accompaniment, driving the rhythm, filling out the harmonies), “What is the tempo/metre/tonality/structure/genre?”, “What makes this piece typical of its genre?”, will encourage active aural analysis. Students’ own listening diary is the place for this activity to be recorded and will prove an invaluable source of reference as the course progresses. Students will also be provided with practice listening/essay questions at points in the course.
A recital of a minimum of eight minutes’ duration, either playing/ singing solo, in a group, improvising or realising music using technology. Recorded in school towards the end of the Upper Sixth Form, and sent to Edexcel for assessment.
Worth 30% of the A Level.
Two compositions written during the course and submitted to Edexcel for assessment. At least one of these will be in response to a set brief (there is a choice of briefs) and will include the assessment of compositional techniques.
Minimum of six minutes overall duration.
Worth 30% of the A Level.
One written paper (2 hours) with two sections. Section A will contain various listening questions on the set works and Section B will consist of two questions asking students to evaluate the music they have studied and draw links to other music that they have not heard before.
Worth 40% of the A Level.
Head of Department: Miss J KorzinekWhat can I do to support my child’s progress in this subject?
• The students have access to a class OneNote page, which is full of resources on a range of different topics, including articles and exemplar essays. This is a good place to look for subject content.
• There are also details of the course requirements and assessment criteria.
• In addition to this, students should revise their notes, look over practice papers and compare the papers to the mark schemes.
Content Language
Students will learn about studio recording, looking at a wide range of studio recording techniques and also developing listening and mixing skills. Students will learn how different recording equipment works and how this can best be used to achieve high quality recordings.
The study of composition is a mix of traditional music techniques with an effective use of music technology. Compositions will feature effective use of synthesis (with appropriate editing), sampling, automation, sound capture and effects. Students will look at the creation of different moods through the use of various music and technology features.
Students will study a wide range of music genres, from jazz to dance music, looking at the range of production techniques used in each and how the development of music technology had an impact on the music.
Students will learn about the history of music technology equipment, how different items work and how they can be used in a practical application.
Subject Leader: Mr LobbWatch and Listen: YouTube videos:
• History of Music Technology: Phonograph to Spotify
• Microphones: Microphones and Recording
• Effects: Plate Reverb, Plate and Spring Reverb, Tape Delay
• Synthesis: Logic ES2 Synth
• Digital Recording: Analogue to Digital Conversion
• Sampers: History of Sampling, What is a Sampler, Logic EXS24 Sampler, Sampling in Logic
• Sound on Sound website
• YouTube
• Quizlet
• Kahoot
A studio-based recording project, where students will be given a choice of artists from which to select a song to record. Students will be expected to record a number of compulsory instruments and will have a range of further additional instruments.
The recording forms 20% of the overall mark.
The students will compose one piece of music from a choice of three briefs. One will be to compose a piece of music to a short film (provided by the exam board), another to compose a piece of music based on a set text and finally, a composition using samples based on a particular theme.
This forms 20% of the overall mark.
The students will sit two exams for this subject. The first is a listening and appraising exam with two sections. Section A is made of short questions where students are expected to identify and analyse different recording techniques. Section B has two longer questions, one is a comparison of recording techniques from two versions of the same song. The second is an essay-style question where students would be expected to comment on a particular aspect of recording and producing techniques.
The final exam requires students to manipulate and mix audio, completing a series of set tasks. This will be completed using a digital audio workstation in exam conditions.
Head of Department: Mrs E Burns
What can I do to support my child’s progress in this subject?
The best exhibitions in London
• Yayoi Kusama: Infinity Mirror Rooms at Tate Modern
• The Feminine Power: The Divine to the Demonic at the British Museum
• Astronomy Photographer of the Year at the Maritime Museum
• Japan: Courts and Culture at the Queen’s Gallery
• Milton Avery at Royal Academy of Arts
The A Level in Photography is 60% Coursework and 40% Exam. The coursework consists of three major elements, preparatory studies in and outside of sketchbooks, practical outcomes and a Personal Study. Sketchbook work and practical outcomes will be developed from personal starting points and their portfolio of work should reflect the student’s interest and engagement in their chosen themes.
The Personal Study is a written piece of 3000 words which is based on the student’s chosen theme and interest and should tie into what is being produced in their practical work. The exam is a theme set by the exam board, published on the 1 February of the second year of the studying the A Level. Students then produce preparatory studies and sit a 15 hour sustained focus under examination conditions where students produce a final outcome for the exam unit.
All coursework and exam work will cover the same assessment criteria.
Foundation project will be the theme, ‘abstract, distort, enlarge’. This will be an opportunity to experiment, build up skills and knowledge that will help to inform them about what to choose as their personal investigation.
• Walter Sickert at Tate Britain
• Picasso Ingres: Face to Face at the National Gallery
• Cornelia Parker at Tate Britain
• Pip & Pop at the Shirley Sherwood Gallery of Botanical Art
• Lubaina Himid at Tate Modern
Coursework and exam work, each objective has 25% weighting on each. Coursework is 60% and Exam is 40%. The assessment objectives are as follows:
AO1 Develop ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical understanding.
AO2 Explore and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes, reviewing and refining ideas as work develops.
AO3 Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions, reflecting critically on work and progress.
AO4 Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and, where appropriate, makes connections between visual and other elements.
All coursework and exam work is marked and moderated internally and then an external examiner comes in to view and moderate the marking.
Head of Department: Mr G BrowningWhat can I do to support my child’s progress in this subject?
• Non-exam assessment – enure video element is started early
• The more footage there is, the easier it is to identify skills/ tactics
• Whole matches/competitions/performances need to be recorded
• Easiest to set up a tripod with video equipment at the side so we can see the whole game
Subject Leader: Mrs K BellCOURSE DETAILS
Board: AQA
Applied anatomy and physiology: Cardiovascular system, respiratory system, neuromuscular system, the musculo-skeletal system and analysis of movement in physical activities, energy systems.
Skill acquisition : Skill, skill continuums and transfer of skills; Impact of skill classification on structure of practice for learning; Principles and theories of learning and performance; Use of guidance and feedback; Memory models; General information processing model, Efficiency of information processing.
Sport and society : Emergence of globalisation of sport in the 21st century; Pre-industrial (pre-1780); Industrial and postindustrial (1780-1900); Post World War II (1950 to present); The impact of sport on society and of society on sport –sociological theory applied to equal opportunities.
Exercise physiology : Diet and nutrition and their effect on physical activity and performance, Preparation and training methods in relation to maintaining physical activity and performance, Injury prevention and the rehabilitation of injury Biomechanical movement – Biomechanical principles, Levers, Linear motion, Angular motion, Projectile motion, Fluid mechanics.
Sport Psychology : Aspects of personality, Attitudes, Arousal, Anxiety, Aggression, Motivation, Achievement motivation theory, Social facilitation, Group dynamics, Importance of goal setting, Attribution theory, Self-efficacy and confidence, Leadership, Stress management.
Sport and society and the role of technology in physical activity and sport: Concepts of physical activity and sport; Development of elite performers in sport; Ethics in sport; Violence in sport; Drugs in sport; Sport and the law; The role of technology in physical activity and sport.
• Video needs to be set up in appropriate location to see the best of the performer – e.g. in netball, to video GS, set up at attacking end not from the defensive end as it is harder to see the player.
Assessment Paper 1
Factors affecting participation in physical activity and sport
Section A: Applied anatomy and physiology (35 marks)
Section B: Skill acquisition (35 marks)
Section C: Sport and society (35 marks)
Written Exam: 2 hours
Total 105 marks, 35% of A Level
Paper 2
Factors affecting optimal performance in physical activity and sport
Section A: Exercise physiology and biomechanics (35 marks)
Section B: Sports psychology (35 marks)
Section C: Sport and society and technology in sport (35 marks)
Written exam: 2 hours
Total 105 marks, 35% of A Level
Paper 3
Practical Performance in physical activity and sport
• Student assessed as a performer or coach in a full-sided version of one activity 15% of non-exam assessment
• Written/verbal analysis and evaluation of performance. 15% of non-exam assessment
Internal assessment, external moderation
Total 90 marks, 30% of A Level
Head of Department: Mrs L Starr
What can I do to support my child’s progress in this subject?
• Popular Physics books – the library has a great selection
• Physics World magazine
• Journal articles – search online and ask your teacher
Watch and Listen
• Podcasts, e.g. from The BBC – 5 Live Science Podcast, Infinite Monkey Cage and Vertasium
• Documentaries on space, engineering e.g. The Secrets of Light and Energy – the BBC is a great starting place
Advanced Physics 1
• Working as a Physicist
• Mechanics
• Electric Circuits
• Further Mechanics
• Electric and Magnetic Fields
• Nuclear and Particle Physics
Advanced Physics 2
• Working as a Physicist
• Materials
• Waves and Particle Nature of Light
• Thermodynamics
• Space
• Nuclear Radiation
• Gravitational Fields
• Oscillations
• Attend TSI Friday and other lectures in school
• Physics in Action lecture day
• The Moon Exhibition at the National Maritime Museum
• Public lectures – look out for information from the science department
Advanced Physics 1 Paper 1 is 1 hour 45 minutes long. The paper consists of 90 marks Weighting 30%
Advanced Physics 2 Paper 2 is 1 hour 45 minutes long. The paper consists of 90 marks Weighting 30%
General and Practical Principles in Physics Paper 3 is 2 hours 30 minutes. The paper consists of 120 marks Weighting 40%
Questions in this paper may draw on any of the topics in this specification.
The paper will include synoptic questions that may draw on two or more different topics.
The paper will include questions that assess conceptual and theoretical understanding of experimental methods (indirect practical skills) that will draw on students’ experiences of the core practicals.
In all papers students will be expected to apply their knowledge and understanding to familiar and unfamiliar contexts. All papers may include multiple-choice, short open, openresponse, calculations and extended writing questions.
Head of Department: Mrs F Gunning
What can I do to support my child’s progress in this subject?
• Newspapers – The Guardian, The Times, The Telegraph, The Independent
• Magazines – The Week, The Spectator, The Economist, Prospect Watch and Listen
• Watch – BBC Question Time, Sky News – Adam Bolton Show, CNN, Fox News, The Daily Show with John Stewart,
Government and politics of the UK
• The evolution of democracy in the UK
• Elections and referendums
• Political parties
• Pressure groups
• The nature and sources of the British Constitution
• The structure and role of Parliament
• The Prime Minister and Cabinet
• The judiciary
• Devolution
Comparative politics – politics of the USA
The US Constitution and federalism, US congress, US presidency, US Supreme Court, democracy and participation, civil rights
Political ideas
Core ideologies: Liberalism, Conservatism, Socialism
Other ideologies (study just one): Nationalism, Feminism, Multiculturalism, Anarchism, Ecologism
BBC News – Beyond 100 Days
• Listen – BBC Today Programme, BBC Pienaar’s Politics, BBC – Westminster Hour, BBC – Political Thinking with Nick Robinson
• UK Supreme Court – Parliament Square
• Parliament
Three exam papers: Each paper will be two hours
Paper 1: UK Politics
Section A: UK Politics (extract question and essay question)
Section B: Core Political Ideas (essay question)
Paper 2: UK Government
Section A: UK Government (extract question and essay question)
Section B: Non-Core Political ideas – Anarchism (essay question)
Paper 3: Comparative Politics
Section A: Comparative Politics – USA and UK (short essay question)
Section B: Comparative Politics – USA and UK (short essay question)
Section C: USA Politics (two longer essay questions)
Head of Department: Mr S McShane
What can I do to support my child’s progress in this subject?
Eduqas Course Specification
• www.eduqas.co.uk
• Design Museum https://designmuseum.org
• V & A Museum www.vam.ac.uk
• Science Museum www.sciencemuseum.org.uk
Component 1 – Examination Paper
• Designing and innovation
• Materials and Components
• Processes
• Industrial and Commercial Practice
• Product Analysis & Systems
• Human responsibility
• Public interaction
Component 2 – Design and Make Project
Candidates will undertake a single substantial project – a sustained design and make project, based on a brief developed by the candidate, assessing the candidate’s ability to:
• Identify, investigate and outline design possibilities.
• Design and make prototypes
• Analyse and evaluate design decisions and wider issues in design and technology.
Candidates will submit a major project which will satisfy the A Level assessment criteria.
Component 1 – Examination Paper (50%) 3 hours
Learners take a single examination in Product Design. The examination includes a mix of structured and extended writing questions assessing the learner’s knowledge and understanding of:
• Technical Principles
• Designing and Making Principles.
Along with their ability to:
• Analyse and evaluate design decisions and wider issues in design and technology.
Component 2 (50%) Non-exam assessment (approximately 80 hours)
This component is marked by the centre and moderated by the WJEC.
Head of Department: Miss F Lee
What can I do to support my child’s progress in this subject?
• Newspapers – a broad variety
• Magazines – Psychology Review
• Websites – BPS Research Digest
• A variety of books available in the department.
Watch and Listen
• Watch – a variety of documentaries from the BBC that focus on human behaviour
Board: AQA
Paper 1 – Introductory Topics in Psychology
Section A: Social Influence
Section B: Memory
Section C: Attachment
Section D: Psychopathology
Paper 2 – Psychology in Context
Section A: Approaches in Psychology
Section B: Biopsychology
Section C: Research Methods
Paper 3 – Issues and Options in Psychology
Section A: Issues and Debates
Section B: Gender or Cognition and Development
Section C: Schizophrenia
Section D: Forensics or Aggression
• Listen – podcasts including All In The Mind
• A variety of DVDs available in the department.
• Freud Museum
• Guildford Crown Court to listen to testimonies
• Science Museum
Paper 1 – Introductory Topics in Psychology (2 hours)
All sections feature multiple choice, short answer and extended writing. The paper consists of 96 marks.
Paper 2 – Psychology in Context (2 hours)
All sections feature multiple choice, short answer and extended writing. The paper consists of 96 marks.
Paper 3 – Issues and Options in Psychology (2 hours)
All sections feature multiple choice, short answer and extended writing. The paper consists of 96 marks.
The papers are evenly weighted and all assess the key skills of description, application and evaluation. Across the three papers students will be expected to apply their learning to unseen scenarios. Questions will also target mathematical skills including calculations.
Head of Department : Mme F Chartrain (Head of MFL)
What can I do to support my child’s progress in this subject?
• www.20minutos.es
• www.elmundo.es
• www.bbc.com/mundo
• My day-the day-translations
• Modern languages Study Guides-Hodder- La Casa de Bernarda Alba
• Critical Guides to Spanish Texts-La Casa de Bernarda AlbaC.B.Morris
Board: AQA
Theme 1: Aspects of Hispanic society
• Modern and traditional values
• Technological advances
• Equal rights
Theme 2: Artistic culture in the Hispanic world
• The influence of idols on young people
• Regional identity in Spain
• Hispanic heritage, traditions and festivals
Theme 3: Multiculturalism in Hispanic society
• Immigration
• Racism
• Integration and multiculturalism
Theme 4: Aspects of political life in the Hispanic world
• Young people and politics
• Monarchies and dictatorships
• Social movements
Literature and film studies
Individual research project
• Spanish short stories: Cuentos en español edited by John R.King- Penguin
Watch and Listen
• www.youtube.com/channel/UCS0lmlVIYVz2qeWlZ_ynIWg
• DVDs from the Spanish department/library available on loan
• Ensure attendance to language assistant individual classes
• Kerboodle
• Dynamic Learning
Paper 1: Listening, reading and writing
2 hours and 30 minutes
50% of the qualification Listening and responding Reading and responding Translation into and from Spanish
Paper 2: Writing 2 hours 20% of the qualification
Written response to a text (300 words) Written response to a film (300 words)
Paper 3: Speaking
Internally conducted and externally assessed 21-23 minutes (including 5 minutes preparation time 30% of the qualification
Part 1: discussion on a sub-theme of a stimulus card
Part 2: presentation and discussion of the student’s individual research project
Head of Department: Mr G BrowningWhat can I do to support my child’s progress in this subject?
• Encourage and support effective time management as part of a balanced schedule
• This is a demanding coursework based subject that requires meeting deadlines
• Where relevant, share contacts regarding real life case studies
Subject Leader: Mr J LeckCOURSE DETAILS
• Anatomy and Physiology
• Fitness Training & Programming for Health, Sport & Well-being
• Professional Development in the Sports Industry
• Sports Leadership
• Application of Fitness Testing
• Sports Psychology
• Practical Sports Performance
• Coaching for Performance
• Research Methods in Sport
• Sports Event Organisation
• Research Project in Sport
• Self-employment in the Sports Industry
• Instructing Gym-based Exercise
• Exercise and Circuit-based Physical Activity
• Instructing Exercise to Music
• Instructing Water-based Exercise
• Sports Injury Management
• Work Experience in Active Leisure Individual research project
• Development and Provision of Sport and Physical Activity
• Leisure Management
• Leisure Centre Operations
• Investigating Business in Sport and the Active Leisure Industry
• Skill Acquisition in Sport
• Sports Performance Analysis
• Rules, Regulations and Officiating in Sport
• Technical and Tactical Demands of Sport
• Principles & Practices for Outdoor and Adventurous Activities
• Environmental Sustainability Outdoor/Adventurous Activities
• Exercise for Specific Groups
• Exercise, Health and Lifestyle
• Sports Massage
Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma in Sport
1080 GLH (1390 TQT) 14 units of which 10 are mandatory and 4 are external. Mandatory content (78%). External assessment (42%).
This is intended as an Applied General qualification, equivalent in size to three A Levels. It is a two-year, full-time course that meets entry requirements in its own right for learners who want to progress to higher education courses in sport before entering employment.
Head of Department: Mr E Hogarth
What can I do to support my child’s progress in this subject?
• Newspapers - The Guardian, The Times, The Telegraph, The Independent
• Stephen Law - The Philosophy Gym
• Julian Baggini- The Pig that wants to be eaten
• Pirie - How to win every argument: the use and abuse of logic
• Vardy - The Puzzle of God/Ethics/Sex/Evil
• Davies - Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion
• Books from the T&P Library in BL10 (please see any of the T&P teachers for specific recommendations)
Board: OCR
Philosophy of Religion
The study begins with a glimpse of some of the philosophical issues discussed by the Ancient Greeks, including debates about God’s existence, and whether belief can be rationally justified. Classic philosophical arguments are explored to help students to think more clearly and to evaluate big questions such as those raised by the problem of evil and suffering. You will also explore the nature of the body and soul, the question of survival after death and whether religious experiences can give evidence of God.
Religious Ethics
This part of the course explores what it means to lead a good life. Are there ways in which I can be helped to make important moral decisions? A variety of ethical traditions will be studied, from the relativism of utilitarianism to the absolutism of Natural Law. Students will debate moral issues in the news and in society. Other topics include euthanasia, and the ethics of sex and business. Students are asked to consider what is distinctive about a religious perspective on ethical issues. The nature and role of conscience and the debate surrounding the language of right and wrong are also covered.
Religious Developments
This unit explores the inter-connections between religion and the contemporary world through an exploration of sources of religious wisdom and authority and how practices shape and express religious identity. We consider significant social and historical developments in theology and religious thought –feminism, communism and secularism – and questions such as How relevant is religion today? and How should I live a moral life?
Watch and Listen
• TED talks www.ted.com are a great way to find out about global and political issues, as well as philosophical or ethical debates.
• Horizon
• The Good Place (Netflix)
• Podcasts available from BBC Radio 4: In our time More or Less Moral Maze
Infinite Monkey Cage
• The Academy
• A current affair’s debating club that attracts pupils from across a wide range of disciplines. (5th and 6th Form only). Fridays 1:30pm in BL13
Three papers (Philosophy, Ethics, Developments) Each 2 hours long.
Questions will be 40 mark essays, three essays per paper.
Pupils will need to be comfortable writing at length.
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