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from RGS House Sports Day
by RGS
Welcome back to RGS Hartswood for this year’s RGS House Sports Day. This much lookedforward to event promises to be every bit as much fun as it has always been. Students have eagerly signed up for events and staff are working hard to prepare the ground for an exciting day ahead and fortunately the rain earlier in the spring has been followed by a muchneeded sunny spell, which is set to continue.
House banners will be flying, there will be refreshments and something for everyone. Students have signed up for events in their Houses with many challenging themselves in disciplines they otherwise would not have considered. This is what school sports days are all about: assessments are over, summer has begun and it is a chance to show your mettle on the sports field. Through such events we continue to promote our aim to ‘develop great people through sport’, and whilst winning is important, it is the taking part that shapes the personal outcome for each individual.
The RGS sporting philosophy supports a multi-sport approach, and today sees students compete at athletics, cricket, rounders, tennis and Ultimate Frisbee and one of the highlights of the day will be the track Inter-House mixed relays. Overall team and individual athletics prizes will be awarded at the final assembly at the end of term.
Please join me in thanking the Heads of House for organising teams, the RGS grounds department for all their work in preparing such a wonderful environment in which to enjoy sport, the PE department for the huge effort that goes into organising such an event, the catering team for the refreshments and for all families who put in so much effort throughout the year supporting students with sport and other extra-curricular activities.
Whether you are in Bird, Cranston, Hodgson or Williamson, we wish you a very happy and successful RGS House Sports Day.
Shaun Fenton Headmaster