11+ Scholarships

The RGS embraces a philosophy of scholarship for all and firmly believes that, as a highlyselective school, all our students have considerable potential. The award of scholarships, however, allows us to celebrate those who have demonstrated particular talent and aptitude. As an RGS scholar there is expectation that the students will lead by example, will take the initiative to lead, support and inspire others, and will stretch and challenge themselves thereby becoming ambassadors for the RGS in their particular discipline. Scholars are expected to make a significant contribution to the academic, sporting or creative life of the School throughout their time at the RGS.

All students who register are automatically considered for the academic scholarship. The deadline for requesting information for art, drama, music and sport scholarships is Monday 21 October 2024; the deadline for submitting the applications is Friday 29 November 2024. Those applicants short-listed for art, drama, music and sport scholarships will be invited to interview/audition in the week commencing Monday 20 January 2025; candidates will be notified by Monday 6 January 2025 at the latest. Candidates will be short-listed against the published criteria.
The number and value of scholarship awards vary from year to year. Both honorary and financial scholarships are awarded by the School. Typically, other than the prestigious King’s Scholarship which is a 20% (fee remission) award, most financial scholarships are worth 10% (fee remission). Scholarships are not means-tested and may be supplemented by a means-tested bursary award.
All scholarships will be reviewed annually by the Headmaster and/or the relevant Director or Head of Department; only in exceptional circumstances would a scholarship not be automatically renewed.
Students will only be allowed to receive a maximum of one academic scholarship and one other scholarship (i.e. art, drama, music or sport). All students who register are automatically considered for the academic scholarship; parents may, therefore, only nominate their sons for one of the following scholarship awards: art, drama, music, or sport.
Following the scholarship assessments, the decisions are sent out with the main 11+ results on the Trinity Group posting date in mid-February.
Academic scholars are expected to make a significant and sustained contribution to the academic life of the School. They are expected to embrace the opportunities afforded by the School for stretch and challenge: this could take the form of participation in national competitions; attendance at, or active involvement in, relevant clubs, societies, talks or conferences; taking a leading role in the Junior Scholarship Conference; or simply setting the standards for their peers to aspire to.

All students who register for the 11+ assessments are automatically considered for the Academic Scholarship. Candidates who have performed exceptionally well in the 11+ Entrance Examinations will be invited to sit the RGS 11+ Academic Scholarship papers in the middle of January. Please note that 11+ Scholarship papers are not available outside the RGS.
The academic scholarship will comprise the following:
• An English paper (1 hour): this will be similar to the 11+ Entrance Examination but more rigorous and not a multiple-choice format.
• A Mathematics paper (1 hour): this is not a multiple-choice format, but requires the showing of working and is more rigorous than the 11+ Entrance Examination. It consists of a mixture of different types of problems, some involving multiple steps in order to arrive at a solution.
• An interview with the Head of Admissions (Academic) or the Senior Master.

RGS scholars will have full access to the range of opportunities afforded to inspire new passions and to stretch individuals academically. Visiting speakers, clubs and societies, trips and conferences, county and national competitions will all provide a wealth of opportunities in the broadest range of subject areas. Scholars will also sign the historic Scholar’s Register as they join a longstanding tradition of inspiring, dynamic and passionate learners.
11+ ART
Art scholars are expected to make a significant and sustained contribution to art activities in school. They will be proactive and energetic leaders when in curriculum lessons and actively embrace opportunities to participate in co-curricular clubs and opportunities.
The Art School is a purpose-built facility with consideration to north-facing light and high windows to maximise the ability to display students work. It comprises two junior studios, two studios specific to Fifth and Sixth Form artists, an ICT suite, an Art library, and a ceramics studio. Students enjoy making a great variety of both 2D and 3D work, as well as etchings and lino prints on the presses. There is a gallery space which hosts the annual Summer Art Exhibition, an event that shows a cross section of work from Key Stages 3, 4 and 5. Competitions, clubs and societies, visiting artists and illustrators, as well as visits and trips are established parts of the departmental philosophy.

Candidates will be required to have a portfolio of approximately 10 pieces of art, including drawing, as well as other media. Candidates should have a passion for art – in its various forms and media – and the expectation is that students will have a strong interest in opting for Art at GCSE.
• An interview with the Head of Art and the opportunity to present and discuss the portfolio of their work.
• A timed practical assessment at the RGS which will include drawing from observation.


There will be opportunities for a number of exciting extra-curricular art trips and participation in art workshops run by external specialists. The School encourages scholars to undertake their own initiatives, especially as students progress through the School, and will provide appropriate support for scholars undertaking independent projects. The School offers comprehensive advice and guidance to those wishing to go on pursue Art or Art-related courses beyond the RGS.
Drama scholars are expected to make a significant and sustained contribution to drama activities in school. This might be through being a performer, director, writer or in the delivery of technical theatre. They will be proactive and energetic leaders when in curriculum lessons and actively seek out and volunteer for roles within relevant co-curricular productions.
The Hansford Room is a purpose-built Drama Studio which is used for teaching and for smallscale and exam performances; it has a small lighting rig and integrated sound system. The main performance space for large shows is the Auditorium which is fully equipped with professional-standard sound and lighting systems. The Department has a props and costume store; however, for whole-school productions the necessary set and costumes are professionally hired.

Students should have a proven track record of involvement in significant drama activities, ideally both inside and outside their school environment. This may be being part of an external drama club, amateur theatre company or attending weekend theatre school lessons as well as taking roles in school productions. A short reference should be provided in support of an application for a drama scholarship.
• An interview with the Head of Drama
• Prepare and deliver a short monologue

There will be opportunities for a number of exciting extra-curricular theatre trips and participation in drama workshops run by external specialists. The School encourages scholars to undertake their own initiatives, especially as they progress through the School, and will provide appropriate support for scholars undertaking independent projects. The School offers comprehensive advice and guidance to those wishing to go on pursue Drama beyond the RGS.
Music Scholarship appointments will be made on the basis of current playing ability as well as potential and likely contribution to the life of the Music Department. Music Scholars are expected to participate fully in the musical life of the School. They should be members of all ensembles appropriate to their instrumental speciality. They are expected to take a lead in all musical activities and they should set a good example in participation, punctuality and general conduct. Music Scholars will give concerts, participate in masterclasses, competitions and workshops. Whilst not a condition of an award, it is hoped that music scholars will want to take music as an academic subject at GCSE.
The Music Department is situated right in the heart of the RGS and is based in the historic Old Building. In 2013, the Department was extended to include a fantastic Recital Room and rehearsal space, two well-equipped Lower School teaching rooms (each fitted out with keyboards for practical work), a GCSE and A Level Composition Room and a Recording Studio. Additionally, there are separate practice rooms for individual music lessons which are also available for the students to use for practice throughout the school day.

Students should offer a principal instrument at a standard of about Grade V and singing or a second instrument at a standard of about Grade III (if the principal instrument is piano, a higher grade would be expected on a second instrument).
Auditions last about half an hour. Candidates should bring to the scholarship audition evidence of all their musical activities, including compositions. There will be aural tests and sight reading on a principal instrument both at a standard of about Grade IV and there will also be a short interview to assess a candidate’s musical interest and promise.


On occasion, the School may award Honorary Scholarships without fee remission but with free tuition on one instrument up to the termly value of the amount charged by our visiting teachers. Usually, this tuition will be given by one of the Department’s visiting music staff. The School encourages scholars to undertake their own initiatives, especially as they progress through the School, and will provide appropriate support for scholars undertaking independent projects. The School offers comprehensive advice and guidance to those wishing to go on pursue Music beyond the RGS.
Sport Scholars should aspire to be true ambassadors of sporting excellence at the RGS. They will be required to participate fully in the sporting life of the School, and are expected to set an example by their standards of commitment to training and school sport. In addition to this, scholars are required to participate in school sporting fixtures as required (including during examination periods), and assist with some coaching as they progress through the school.
The School has outstanding facilities. On site, the Sports Hall houses four badminton courts, a basketball court, five cricket nets and an indoor tennis court. The Athletic Performance Suite has been recently refurbished with the installation of top-of-therange, professional level equipment including: four weight racks and Olympic lift free weights, injury rehabilitation and posterior chain machines, and a variety of cardiovascular equipment. The newly laid tiger turf All-Weather Training Area houses a mini hockey pitch, four tennis courts, outdoor cricket nets and a shooting range underneath.

The hidden gem is the extensive, twenty-acre Bradstone Brook Sports Ground which is situated ten minutes from the School in the village of Chilworth. The pavilion is equipped with ten changing rooms on the ground floor with a large dining area, offices and a staff room above. The grounds themselves house six exquisite rugby pitches, three picturesque cricket squares, two pristine football pitches, three newly-laid tennis courts and six all-weather cricket nets. The RGS also uses two high-quality astro pitches at Guildford Hockey Club, as well as Surrey Sports Park for both hockey and football provision and the Guildford Spectrum athletics track.

The RGS competes on a nationally-renowned sporting circuit, particularly in its major sports, and therefore has exceptionally high sporting standards in its top teams. Scholarship candidates will need to demonstrate that they are currently playing (or have the potential to perform) at a minimum of county level or equivalent in one of the School’s major team sports of rugby, hockey or cricket. Outstanding playing skills (equivalent to school A team standard) in at least one of the other major sports will be advantageous. Students should also be able to demonstrate that they have a strong level of fitness and the qualities of coachability, leadership, teamwork and communication.
After reviewing the applications of prospective scholars, shortlisted candidates will be invited to an initial assessment morning consisting of problem solving ‘invasion game’ activities, and specialised sporting assessments in cricket, hockey and rugby Candidates will also take part in additional sessions in their specialist sport(s), undertake a series of individual fitness tests and will have an informal interview with the Director of Sport or Assistant Director of Sport.

Sports Scholars benefit from: outstanding specialist sports coaching; first-rate facilities both on the school site and at Bradstone Brook; extensive strength and conditioning provision, overseen by a specialist Head of Athletic Performance who has many years of experience of professional sport at the highest level; regular competitive opportunity on an outstanding schoolboy circuit; opportunities to attend international tours and sport specific extra-curricular trips; specialist sports science workshops; an individual staff mentor in the PE Department; the opportunity to ‘fly the flag’ for sport in the School, serving as a role model to others.

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