Music Lessons at the RGS

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“We encourage the growth of intellectual curiosity, independence, creativity, innovation and habits of learning within a scholarly community through inspirational subject specialists who provoke and stretch the students’ minds and inculcate a lifelong love of learning.”


Welcome to this short guide to instrumental and vocal lessons at the RGS. This is designed for students and parents alike as they start upon the rewarding experience that is learning a musical instrument.

All students are actively encouraged to learn a musical instrument or have singing lessons, either as a beginner or to continue studies already begun at their previous school.

The Director of Music, Mr Orchard, is always happy to speak to students and their parents to discuss instrumental or vocal tuition. Specific enquiries can also be addressed directly with the Head of Keyboard (Mrs Newman), Head of Strings (Mr Chambers) and Head of Woodwind and Brass (Ms Howells).


Music lessons are available at the School for students on all orchestral instruments and on piano, jazz piano, organ, saxophone, singing, drums and both classical and electric guitar.

Weekly thirty-minute lessons are provided by visiting specialist teachers - a current list of staff can be found at the end of this booklet. Lessons operate on a rotating basis so that a different academic lesson is missed each week. This system ensures that students do not miss the same subject too frequently. Students are also not taught during their games sessions.

Out of school times (i.e. before school, lunchtime and after school) are very limited and reserved in the first instance for students in the Fifth Form and Upper Sixth who are preparing for major public examinations.

Music timetables are posted on the notice board in the Music Department and in the New Building. It is the responsibility of students to check their timetables regularly, as changes occasionally have to be made. Lesson times are also published on SharePoint.

Students should contact the member of academic staff whose lesson they will be missing to attend their music lesson at least 24 hours before the music lesson as a matter of courtesy.


For reasons of professional courtesy, and to prevent conflicting teaching methods, it is advisable that your son should only be taught by one teacher on each instrument. Please do get in touch if this is likely to cause problems, and we are more than happy to discuss a way forward.


Students who have music tuition are encouraged to organise regular practice in their own free time. By undertaking regular practice students will make good progress so it is important that they are aware of this commitment beyond the individual weekly lesson

The Music School is open every day from 7.00am until 5.30pm and students are welcome to use any available practice room during that time.


There is an opportunity to meet your child’s instrumental teacher in the first half of the Lent Term each year. Professional work permitting, staff may be available to attend this to meet with you. These normally take place online at a mutually convenient time. If you have any queries regarding your child’s progress we recommend contacting your child’s teacher in the first instance. Staff are always happy to be contacted informally at other times to discuss any problems that might arise.


The main purpose of learning to play an instrument, apart from the personal satisfaction of achieving some degree of proficiency, must be to make music with other people. This can be hugely motivational and develop important musical skills.

There is a large variety of ensembles and performance opportunities available to students of all levels of ability. These provide essential opportunities for all students who express a wish to do so to participate in music-making together. Many of these activities are provided free of charge. There are also a number of competitions throughout the year in which students can compete for their respective School Houses.

Commitment is an essential part of being in an ensemble. It is a necessary requirement for all ensembles to function and for every student to find the experience rewarding. Students are expected to attend all applicable rehearsals and relevant concerts. In the event of a clash with another activity, it is the responsibility of the student to talk to the member of staff in charge, or the Director of Music. A solution will nearly always be possible and staff do all they can to prevent students from feeling torn between different activities.


Singing is an important part of school life and is a necessary skill for all musicians. We strongly encourage all students learning an instrument to sing in one of the many choirs that the department runs.


The School can enter students for their ABRSM practical and theoretical examinations. These take place towards the end of each term. Dates for these examinations can be found in the Music Department Calendar or online.

• Grade 5 Theory classes are provided at lunchtime for a small additional charge.

• Aural classes for each of the grades are provided in the second half of each term.


The standard rate for lessons in 2025 is £25.00 for each 30-minute session. Students typically receive thirty lessons throughout the academic year; however, additional lessons can be requested and will be charged accordingly. Instrumental lessons taught by our Head of Keyboard, Jan Newman, or our Head of Strings, Dale Chambers, are subject to VAT. The fees for lessons with them will be included in your termly invoice.

Please be aware that, as the rest of our peripatetic music teachers are self-employed, some lesson rates may vary. Payment should be made to the Visiting Music Teacher, who will invoice you directly after lessons have commenced. Please ensure that invoices are settled as swiftly as possible as this is their source of income.


If a student is unable to attend their lesson, they should advise their teacher as soon as possible, and at least 24 hours in advance. In this way, it is often possible to re-schedule the lesson.

Any scheduled lesson which is not attended will incur the full charge unless the music teacher is responsible for cancelling the lesson. It is the responsibility of the student or parent to inform the teacher of other times when they are unavailable to be taught or which the teacher cannot reasonably be expected to be aware.

Visiting Music Teachers work at the School on a freelance basis and specifically allocate their time to the RGS across the academic year, often turning down other guaranteed work. Their teaching here may form only a part of a broader schedule involving travelling to and from other schools. Therefore it may often be difficult to rearrange a lesson at short notice.


Any communication between the Visiting Music Teachers and students will be by school email to remind them of lesson times or other arrangements.


If you or your child wishes to discontinue instrumental lessons then notice terminating lessons must be given in writing to the teacher concerned a full term in advance. Alternatively, a full term’s payment in lieu of notice may be given. In exceptional circumstances, notice may be given at other times throughout the year with the agreement of all parties.

If your child is in the Fifth Form or Upper Sixth Form, instrumental tuition will continue during the Trinity Term examination period unless alternative arrangements have been made directly with their instrumental teacher. It is the responsibility of parents to give written notice by the beginning of the Lent Term if their child is to suspend or terminate lessons during the summer examinations.


At end of Michaelmas Term

At end of Lent Term

At end of Trinity Term

First Friday after start of Michaelmas Term

First Friday after start of Lent Term

First Friday after start of Trinity Term


Instruments can be stored safely in the lockers in School Room. These can be found downstairs in the Old Building. Please ensure that all instrument cases are clearly marked up on the outside with your son’s name so that they can be easily identified in the event that an instrument is moved or lost.


Sam Orchard

Pande Shahov

Lydia Dupont

Peter White

Director of Music

Assistant Director of Music/Head of Academic Music

Academic Music Teacher

Academic Music Teacher

Sally Doyle Music Department Administrator

Jan Newman Head of Keyboard / Piano

Jill Farrow Piano

Stephen Finch Piano

Maureen Galea Piano

Martyn Croston Jazz Piano

Asher Oliver Organ

Dale Chambers Head of Strings / Violin & Viola

Catherine Lett Violin

Matthew Lloyd-Wilson Violin

Walija Chew Cello

Ben Rogerson Cello

Caroline Harding

Double Bass


Karen Howells Head of Woodwind and Brass/Saxophone

Chris Brewster Trombone

Karen Brewster Oboe

Andrea Charles Flute

Peter Mankarious Trumpet

Elliot Phelps Trumpet

Jonathan Price Bassoon

Christopher Newport French Horn

Julian Wheeler Clarinet

Kieran Daniel Electric Guitar

Dave Locke Electric Guitar

Dennis Ng Electric Guitar

Peter Howe Classical Guitar

Russell Jarrett Classical Guitar

Myer Rosen Classical Guitar

Roy Rashbrook Singing

Claire Hasted Percussion

James Morley Percussion

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