5 minute read
RGS Connect
from DialOGue 2021
CLASS OF 2021 LEAVERS’ CELEBRATION 10 September 2021
OGs and parents from the Class of 2021 gathered in Great Hall for an evening celebration to mark the boys’ leaving the School and heading off to university, gap years and more. One of our first events post-pandemic, it was wonderful to see so many happy faces back in the School once more.


The Society comprises OGs, parents and staff who have pledged a legacy to the School and this is a wonderful occasion to bring them together, thank them for their generosity and support and bring them up to date with School news and future plans. Most have been attending the Lunch for several years and were delighted to meet up with each other once again. Speeches from the Headmaster and Monica Popa gave them an insight into the real impact of a bursary on the boys who receive one, and how often these boys go on to play a big part in School life. We remembered Society friends who have sadly passed away since we last met – Agnes Pullen, Ken Joyner, John Mills and Perri Perriman – and acknowledged their lasting contribution to the Bursary Programme through their legacy gifts.
CLASSES OF 1990 & ’91 OG REUNION 2 October 2021
Great to see OGs from the Classes of 1990 & ’91 reunited back at the RGS for a tour of the School and a Dinner in Big School.

1960s OG LUNCH AT THE IVY GUILDFORD 26 January 2022
OGs from the 1960s met for a delicious lunch in The Looking Glass Room at the Ivy restaurant in Guildford. Organised by OGs Peter Langford, Chris Ayerst and Gil Carter with input from the RGS Alumni office, it was a very sociable occasion with a speech from the Headmaster about times past and present, and some OGs were meeting up for the first time in over 50 years. To be continued...

OG QUIZZES December 2021 & February 2022
Hosted by Matt Bailey OG 2003, Head of 3rd form and Design & Technology teacher, the OG quiz (online) is proving very popular, with OGs, parents and former staff competing individually and in teams in a great evening of quizzing. Matt is a Quizmaster extraordinaire with a great set of questions – tech gadgets, RGS visual clues and trivia and general knowledge galore. Watch out for future quizzes!
Current Oxbridge OG undergraduates and RGS staff had a great evening catching up with each other, swapping news and stories, and enjoying amazing pub food in this fabulous venue.

The RGS is keen to support our boys long after they have walked through the school gates for the last time as students. Helping them forge their own path beyond university by establishing a mentoring programme is something we are keen to pursue.
In the next academic year we will be establishing a small mentoring programme, connecting experts from the RGS community with graduates.
Being able to guide our young men through the process of applying to graduate schemes or for business investment is one way that we can pass it on.
If you are interested to find out more or offer your skills please email
og@rgsg.co.uk Connect
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Your skills, experience and knowledge with the next generation of Old Guildfordians.
Pass it On
Give back to the RGS community through knowledge or support to the RGS bursary programme.
It really is the best way to keep in touch with the School, find out about events and encourage skills development.
RGS Connect in numbers
of the RGS community online
of people willing to help
countries across 6 continents
universities in the UK and internationally
members willing to give careers advice on specific industries
willing to introduce others to their connections and open doors at their workplace
Alex Peer OG 2017