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OG Sporting News
from DialOGue 2021
OG sport continues to flourish with OGs taking part in football, rugby, hockey and cross-country as well the annual Headmaster’s XI v OGs cricket fixture. Golf and shooting also feature so if you would like to take part or find out more about these and any other OG sporting opportunities, please email og@rgs.co.uk. All welcome!
28 January 2022 saw a number of OGs and staff represent The Guildfordians 1st XV and 2nd XV at Stoke Park. Any players who would like to a game or regular fixture would be very welcome to join them!
From left to right: Sam Baker (Staff), Guy Pearson OG 2010, Sam Herman-Wilson (Staff), Michael Wells OG 2008, Will Eves OG 2016, Dewi Eburne OG 2014 and Staff, Henry Gray OG 2017 and Staff. Not pictured: Thomas Halsey OG 2008 and Luke Arnold OG 2008 The annual OG RIFLE CLUB CHRISTMAS SHOOT took place on Saturday 11 December 2021. Contact us if you’d like to take part in the December 2022 Shoot or other Rifle Club events.
RGS FOOTBALL returned to Bradstone Brook in January 2022. Monsoon-like conditions did not deter over 30 footballers who were involved in our two annual fixtures against Guildfordians Football adult teams, and it was great to see a number of OGs featuring in the Guildfordians team.
From left to right: Richard Ollington, James Maloney, Joe Morwood, George Gathercole

The 2020 Thames Alumni Race was held virtually so there was less of an OG turnout than previously, but they produced impressive individual results: Joe Morwood OG 2009 came 1st for the second year running with a time of 25:03 and Richard Ollington OG 2012 came 5th with time of 28:48.
December 2021 saw fantastic OG Cross Country success at the annual Thames Alumni Race: 4 trophies between Joe Morwood
(1st), George Gathercole (4th), Richard Ollington (7th), Tom Hill
(16th), James Maloney (19th) and Chris Cooper (62nd). The trophies were awarded for Fastest Individual (Joe Morwood), King Henry VIII Trophy for Fastest Team, Wyndham Halswelle Cup for Fastest Age-graded Individual (Joe Morwood) and Shrewsbury Cup for Fastest Age-graded Team. Huge congratulations to you all, it’s great to see that Cross Country is achieving such success and enjoyment amongst OGs.
The next Alumni Race is likely to be Saturday 17 September 2022 so if you would like to join them next time, please email