2 minute read
Leaving a Legacy
from DialOGue 2021

Because of the generosity of George Pullen OG 1919 and his wife Agnes, and their decision to bequeath the Foundation a gift of £1 million, we are delighted to announce the creation of the ‘The George & Agnes Pullen Bursary’.
Remembering the RGS in your Will is one of the most personal and enduring ways you can pass on the gift of education for generations to come. Legacy gifts will benefit our Enduring Bursary Fund and create an endowment that will help guarantee the education of bright local boys, allowing them to achieve their full potential and purpose in life by beginning their journey at RGS.
Opening the door of education to bright local boys has always been central to the RGS philosophy. Over a century ago, we awarded a bursary to one such boy named George Pullen OG 1919. When he left, he joined the Chartered Bank as a humble bank clerk and rose to Chairman in 1967. In 1960, George married Agnes, a former model and chief buyer at Fenwick’s. Their life together was one of excitement and travel, balancing big business with diplomatic parties, and always supporting each other. George always attributed his successes in life to his education at the RGS. After George’s death in 1994 Agnes returned to the UK and continued to support the bursary programme in memory of her husband. We were all saddened by her death last year – Agnes was always full of joy and smiles, but she and George will continue to be a part of the RGS. We are truly honoured that in memory of her husband George, Agnes bequeathed the School £1 million to create a bursary place in perpetuity. This incredible act of generosity will ensure the education of many bright local boys for years to come. And just like her husband, George Pullen, these boys will thrive because of an outstanding education.
Leave Your Legacy
Our Enduring Bursary Fund is the first step on the ‘Road to 2035’, and our ambition to be able to offer any boy an RGS education irrespective of their financial circumstances. To achieve this and safeguard bursary places in perpetuity, we need to raise £13 million in capital by 2035, the School’s 525th anniversary. A gift in your Will is a chance to become a part of our history, and to join the names of our founding benefactors and support boys who would otherwise not be able to afford the RGS. If you choose to remember the RGS in your Will and inform us of your intention, you will be included in our Beckingham Society, a group of dedicated supporters who have chosen to remember our School and meet annually with each other and the Headmaster here at the RGS.
In Memoriam Gifts are a particularly poignant way of commemorating the life of a relation, friend or colleague for whom the Royal Grammar School was a special place.

If you would like an informal and confidential conversation about leaving your legacy, please do get in touch with Monica Popa, our Development Director.
Monica Popa
Development Director

+44 (0)1483 880665 mpo@rgsg.co.uk