One of the most instantly recognisable commercial advertising campaigns, for those of a certain vintage, was the Quality Street® Magic Moments campaign in the 1990s. The premise was that it is often mundane events, the unspectacular in the bigger scheme of things, which stay with you forever. A lollipop lady – an old-fashioned term for someone who helped schoolchildren across the road using a STOP sign which resembled a giant lollipop – helps the same young boy day in, day out, in all weathers, even when she has a filthy cold. The boy then surprises her with her a box of Quality Street® to say thank you. As the annoyingly catchy backing song highlights, “Time can't erase the memory of these magic moments.” Our Guest of Honour at our Senior Prizegiving ceremony and Old Guildfordian, Group Captain Edward Cripps, reflected this same sentiment as he spoke of Moments that Matter: memories which are permanent, enduring and indelible.
This term’s The Register, our photographic record of the Trinity Term, provides a formal way of capturing for posterity many of the magic moments which have taken place this term. As I reflect on this memorable academic year, so many highlights stand out: students flourishing simply by being the very best versions of themselves that they can be, whether that is in their progress and achievements or in terms of their moral compass and encapsulating the School Values which define who we are. The sheer exuberance and enthusiasm of our actors in drama productions such as Oliver! The talent of our musicians at Musician of the Year, or the various concerts at Holy Trinity Church, or the rock or jazz gigs. The diverse artwork on display at the exhibition where, through different media, our artists had the selfbelief to express themselves in such innovative ways. The charitable and volunteering initiatives and partnership opportunities where students selflessly and altruistically threw themselves into activities simply for the benefit of others. The sports fields where our teams showed such dedication, determination and teamwork, perhaps none more so than our Under 14 hockey side which secured national success. The academic spheres with outstanding public examination results and university offers, success in science Olympiads, in the Independent Learning Assignments, or in the 200 Seconds competition. The cocurricular life of the School and the richness of opportunity during Period 8 and Field Days. The passionate focus of the community on the environment and sustainability. And so I could go on.
As well as these headline successes, it is, however, the more mundane, ordinary moments which I would like to focus on. These are the moments which, for me, have equal – if not more significant – meaning. The kindness showed to a friend who is going through a tough period personally.
Time can't erase the memory of these magic moments. “ ”
The time spent helping one of your peers who is struggling with one topic academically. The thoughtfulness picking up a lost bag and returning it to a fellow student. The words of consolation to a team mate after a defeat. None of these moments are captured within The Register, none of these aspects are worthy of photographic record, none of these actions grab the headlines or receive widespread appreciation or acknowledgement, and yet they are at the very heart of a community such as ours and are where the magic really happens.
And so, as we break-up for a very well-deserved rest, I would like to thank you, the parents, as well as the staff, the governors and all those who have contributed so much to our community Schooldays are, indeed, the best days of our lives and, as such, I would urge every student to reflect on – and store away – those moments which have contributed to your own personal photo album of the year You should all be rightly proud of how much you have achieved over the last twelve months in so many areas of school life
I wish you all a restful, relaxing and enjoyable summer and I look forward, with anticipation, to more magic next year at the RGS.
Holiday Trips
Fourth Form Engineering Trip to Ironbridge
CCF Summer Camp in Wales
Choir and Orchestra Tour to Madrid and Segovia
South Africa Rugby Tour
175 performers took part in a very special concert at Holy Trinity Church for the world premiere of Hamelin, a new work created especially for the music departments of the RGS and RGS Prep by Peter White, former Director of Music. The RGS students were joined by 28 members of the Boxgrove String Scheme Orchestra. Hamelin is based on the legendary Pied Piper of Hamelin, and the lead role was played by Oscar Ford, gamely dressed as a hippy! Other soloists included Ben Pilkington as the Mayor of Hamelin and Alex Pop as the Priest. With a full orchestra, a Chorus of (First Form) Rats and Schola Cantorum as the Town Folk the performance was an inspiring, feel-good event and fitting reward for all the hours put in behind the scenes.
Thanks to the generosity of the whole community we are delighted that we have raised over £21,000 in the last twelve months, raising money to support our school-nominated charities: Surrey Search and Rescue (local); Cardiac Risk in the Young (national); and Cancer Research (international). In addition, funds and awareness have been raised to support Transform UK and The Max Windle Memorial Trust. We have now raised over £130,000 over the past five years: a phenomenal achievement by the whole community.
The 200 Seconds competition, open to all students in the First and Second Forms, requires the students to give a speech of exactly 200 seconds based on this year’s theme, The Unexpected. In addition, the speech must be accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation of 10 slides, each of which is shown for exactly 20 seconds before transitioning automatically; the students must plan their speech to match the timing of the slides carefully. This year’s theme prompted presentations on topics ranging from Shrek to space, from AI to atom bombs, and even included a mass-murdering monkey. Five students progressed to the final: Ishaan Ansar, Sam Low, Rory Mitchell, Cameron Sibbald and Samuel Webb. It was, however, after lengthy deliberations from the judges, Ishaan who won the coveted title.
13,000 students took part in the Cambridge Chemistry Challenge this year, and the RGS once again achieved an excellent set of results, in total winning 9 Gold, 11 Silver, and 7 Copper Awards. Yuvan Raja came top with an incredible score of 46, and Ronit Sachdeva secured a high Gold, all the more exceptional as they have not even started the A Level. Joel Sellers, Alex Mann, and Sam Thevenon came top in the Lower Sixth Form cohort with Joel winning the Chemistry Silver Cup for being the top Lower Sixth Form student in both the C3L6 and in the Olympiad.
The corridors of the RGS were filled with election fever, as the Polling Station opened for the RGS Mock General Election. With an impressive turnout of 70.4% among students and staff, James Trowbridge by the narrowest of margins won for the Liberal Democrat Party with 36.74% of the vote, closely followed by George Christiansen for the Reform Party with 35.23%.
A team of students ranging from novice First Form students to experienced Sixth Form delegates travelled to Wimbledon High School for their annual Model United Nations conference. The topics debated were varied and nuanced, including the question of Israel-Iran tensions, discussions surrounding animal hunting and poaching and, in the Historical Committee, the Suez Crisis. As well as the RGS securing a Highly Commended Delegation Award as a team, on an individual basis George Christiansen was highly commended for representing Egypt in the Historical Committee and Oscar York won top prize in his committee.
Our 1st VI travelled to Nottingham for the finals of the National Schools Chess Championship: a two -day affair featuring the top 26 schools in the country. After winning our first round, with captain Magnus Borissow securing an impressive draw against an FM (Fide Master!), we were placed in the top half of the draw. The team played valiantly, and, after four rounds, the RGS sat eleventh out of 26, with the team securing an excellent 4 – 2 victory over St Paul’s School in the Upper Sixth Form players’ last ever match for the RGS. We then made the difficult decision to default Round 5 in order to allow our four Upper Sixth players to make it back for the Leavers’ Ball! Heartfelt thanks to Magnus Borissow, Stuart Brown, James Dicker and Rohan McCauley for their services to RGS chess, and also to Ronit Sachdeva (Fifth Form) and James Guo (Third Form) for joint top scoring on 2.5 points out of 4.
In the block fixture against Hampton School, individual highlights included James Rogers with 73 for the Under 15Bs and Aarav Katarya with 54 for the Under 14Bs. Despite some tough fixtures, RGS teams emerged with credit with the Under 13Bs enjoyed a convincing 10-wicket victory. In the final block fixture of term, the RGS finished on a high winning all but one of the 14 fixtures across the age groups. The 1st XI won by 4 wickets ; however, it was the individual performances at the Under 14s level, in particular, which stood out. These included: Euan Thorburn with 82* and Idris Iqbal with 63*for the Under 14As; Aarav Katarya with 51* for the Under 14Bs; and Jamie Ellis with 53*for the Under 14Cs. Congratulations, and thanks, to every single student who has represented the RGS this term in cricket: your efforts and commitment are very much appreciated.
In the Surrey Youth Team Fencing Championships in the Under Épée the RGS Under 18 team secured Gold medal with Ben Kamstra (Captain), Ayad Safiullah, and Max Lerchster. At Under 16 Épée Seb Wallage was part of a team which won Gold. At Under 14 Épée our A team comprising Harry Radforth (Captain), Monty Membery, and Sam Weight emerged with Gold, while our B team consisting of Cyrus Choi (Captain) and Albert Adams achieved Silver.
In the England Youth Championships (EYC) in Under 13 Foil, Lucas Ngai impressed by winning the Silver medal: a superb result for Lucas and the best ever achieved by an RGS fencer in the EYC.
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