As we returned to the RGS in September with blue skies and sunshine still upon us, Tesco was one of the first supermarkets in the UK to have mince pies on its shelves “Rich, crumbly allbutter pastry packed with a delicious mix of plump vine fruits and glacé cherries. Infused with French brandy and ruby port, with a refreshing twist of lemon zest, tangerine oil and festive spices. It just isn’t Christmas without them!” And apparently it just isn’t September without mince pies either! Despite the hackneyed complaints about the ever-earlier start to the festive period, the excessive prevalence of glitter and tinsel, the incessant Christmas tunes wherever you go and the materialistic nature of Christmas, in my opinion, the messaging associated with this time of year becomes more and more relevant as each year passes. Our two Carol Services, which took place this week in Guildford Cathedral, encapsulate for me why this is the case as they provided an opportunity for us all to come together to pause and reflect
Some of our most traditional carols such as Hark! The herald Angels sing and O come, all ye faithful date back to the 1700s; arguably, it could be said that the language and messages contained in them also belong to another era. Yet, the carols sung at the Carol Services have as their very essence the themes of peace and hope, unity and togetherness, joy and praise, love and goodwill to all: light in the context of darkness. Irrespective of background or belief, at a time of continuing global challenges, it feels all the more important and poignant to unite as a RGS community and to share, surrounded by friends and colleagues, in the celebration of peace on earth, good will to men; being joyful and triumphant; and celebrating true love and brotherhood Indeed, the traditional blessing which concludes our final assembly talks of the joy of the angels, the enthusiasm of the shepherds, the diligence of the wise men and the peace of the child. As I reflect on this term, each one of these messages – joy, enthusiasm, diligence and peace – rather than simply the rhetoric of a bygone age, resonates for me.
The term got off to a memorable start as our students celebrated excellent results in public examinations, in particular for our departing Upper Sixth Form students securing offers on some of the most competitive courses at the leading universities in the country. Those who were fortunate enough to see the recent drama productions of The Canterbury Tales could not help but be swept along by the sheer infectious enthusiasm and energy of the actors
…peace and hope, unity and togetherness, joy and praise, love and goodwill. “ ”
That same joie de vivre has epitomised so many events this term: from the charitable initiatives such as the Stand-Up Comedy evening or the Christmas Fair, to our dynamic partnerships and links with local school children such as the Masterclasses or weekly Primary School Project, to the House competitions where students have competed against their peers with no little commitment and entertaining rivalry! Our students have flourished in the co-curricular life of the School On the sports fields, our rugby teams celebrated a succession of excellent results against some of the strongest schools in the area, while our swimmers achieved national recognition In music we have enjoyed such inspiring and uplifting concerts as the Orchestral Concert, the Ensembles Concert, the Advent Service and RGS Rock at The Boileroom, to name but a few. In every area of school life, I continually see RGS students who strive for ever-higher standards through their diligence and yet achieve this with cohesion and togetherness, kindness and support, a lightness of touch, humility, and – most importantly – a sense of humour and fun.
So, as term finishes today, I would like to personally offer my sincere thanks to all the staff and governors who give of their time so generously and willingly to support and inspire the students; to you, the parents, who are supportive of the School in so many ways; and most of all to the students whose good humour, enthusiasm and diligence make this such a wonderful community of which to be a part.
I wish you all a very relaxing, enjoyable and happy break, including an inner sense of peace, plenty of joy, and even the odd mince pie or two I offer you and your families the very best wishes for the new year and look forward to seeing you in 2025!
Friday 13 December
Michaelmas Term ends; the Christmas holidays officially begin!
Saturday 14 December
The Junior Ski trip departs for Les Deux Alpes.
Monday 6 January
Staff Development Day 4.
Tuesday 7 January
Lent Term begins.
GCSE mock examinations start for the Fifth Form.
from all at the RGS !