Worcesterian | 2020/21
Worcesterian | 2020/21
DIG I TA L LE A R N I NG PROGRA MME The Covid-19 pandemic led to a global crisis of unprecedented reach and proportion. Almost every aspect of society has been affected in some way, shape or form whilst the world witnessed a seismic shift in digital adoption. Consumers moved dramatically toward online channels, with millions of employees forced to work online from home, whilst business expenditure on cloud migration and data security went through the roof. Indeed, many educational institutions across the world hastily developed plans to adopt technology and move teaching and learning online with inconsistent and mixed results. By utilising and rethinking our Digital Learning Programme (DLP), the four RGS Worcester Schools continued our full academic timetable, albeit remotely, and ensured the continuity of education for every one of our pupils. After the initial UK lockdown in spring 2020, RGS Worcester (one of only 535 Apple Distinguished Schools globally) immediately collated triangulated data. The information we received from pupils, parents and staff gauged the impact of our provision, assessed the benefits and analysed how we could do things better knowing that another lockdown during the 2020/21 academic year was an increasingly likely scenario. The initial results of the RGS Worcester in-house research were amazing; 97% of teachers agreed that pupil progress had continued during lockdown. Parents were also very impressed with the RGSW Covid Response Strategy; 86% stating that their children’s learning experience had been good or excellent. However, it was data from pupils that offered the most reward; 81% found lessons engaging, 88% stated lessons were interactive whilst 79% stated confidence with digital technology had improved.
The research also confirmed the importance of pre existing
and fixed school bubbles. They completed adapted Apple
digital deployment for the success of transition to remote
Teacher qualifications and learnt about meaningful uses for
schooling; the RGSW Digital Learning Programme meant that
Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence -
learning was kept alive. This data was eventually presented
all new technologies that the four RGS Worcester Schools are
to the Educational Select Committee in Westminster via the
Education Foundation’s ’EdTech Vision 2025’ paper. We were the only UK Independent School mentioned in the publication!
There are very few educational establishments globally that managed to rise to the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic in
Further recognition was received when, alongside Eton College,
2020/21 as proactively and successfully as the RGS Worcester
RGSW was among only eight schools globally shortlisted for a
Family of Schools. The Covid-19 Response Strategy ensured
prestigious BETT Award in the ‘Covid-19 Response’ category.
that over 1450+ pupils continued to progress, despite the
In addition, the RGS Worcester Family of Schools were
challenges of lockdown. The second lockdown provided even
‘Highly Commended’ by the Herefordshire and Worcestershire
more compelling data confirming this; over 90% of teachers,
Chamber of Commerce for the ‘Best Use of Technology’ award,
pupils and parents agreed that learning loss had been mitigated
and were also selected as finalists for Independent School of
by an innovative and strategic Digital Learning Programme
the Year Awards too. On the back of these successes, the RGS
remap. Exciting lessons and engaging clubs continued, whilst
Worcester Family of Schools have been asked by Edtech UK to
the unprecedented circumstances also resulted in a digital
form and lead the inaugural ‘West Midlands EdTech Hub’ which
upskilling of both teachers and pupils that supercharged their
will initially include a number of digitally proactive educational
confidence to further embrace and utilise digital technology.
institutions that are keen and willing to work together to focus on the next steps for Edtech across schools, universities and
The Digital Learning Programme has helped RGSW to gain
colleges in the region, and try to ensure we begin to bridge the
recognition locally, nationally and internationally and has
digital divide.
ensured the continuation of learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. RGSW cannot claim to have foreseen a global
Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, the RGS Worcester Family
pandemic but never has it been more obvious that the digital
of Schools assisted a number of other educational institutions
work-flows, skills and understanding that are a fundamental part
with their remote education. We met with the Windsor Academy
of our school culture are simply a prerequisite for both today and
Trust, the Stephen Perse Foundation and the Bridge School in
tomorrow’s world.
Malvern, offering support, advice and resources. In addition, RGSW donated over 20 iPads to Franche Community Primary School in Kidderminster, supporting pupils with remote learning and also provided relevant training. A further 25 iPads were donated to a local care home, aiding people with dementia and their families to communicate during the Covid-19 pandemic. In school itself, our pupil Digital Leaders continued to support and raise the profile of the DLP with the wider school community despite the significant challenges posed by remote education