Your Guide to the RGU:Union Annual General Meeting. st When: 5pm on 21 November 2013. Where: The Amphitheatre, Riverside East, Garthdee Campus.
What is the AGM? The AGM is a big meeting of students normally held once a year where the elected Union officers (Presidents and VPs) can update the students on its successes, priorities and activities. It is also the key place where students are able to meet up and shape the policies of the Students Union.
What does the AGM do? As well as update the student body, it exists to allow students to submit motions to the Union which, if voted on by the students, shapes the policies and focus of the Union. In this case students will also decide whether they intend to endorse a new constitution for the Union. It is where students actively run the Union in a democratic way.
Am I a voting member? Every matriculated student at RGU is automatically voting member because they are automatically members of the Union, providing they haven’t contacted the Union to opt out from membership.
What is a motion? It’s a line of text submitted by you to shape our policies! You submit it with your name and someone to back it up. Then, when students are considering your motion you get to stand up for a minute and tell them why they should vote in favour – and your may have the opportunity to do the same after you or at the end of the debate. The motion is put to a vote by the students present at the AGM, and is adopted by the students Union Executive Board if voted by enough of the students present. Whether it is to do with putting pressure on the University to keep marking anonymous, or disability access to buildings or even to do with the Union’s services – You can make the change you want to see by submitting a motion!
How do I write a motion? You submit your motion with the three areas listed below: AGM notes, AGM further notes and AGM resolves. This is submitted with names of the person who has put it forward (you) and someone to second the motion (someone to back you up).
What happens at the AGM? Once proposed, other students then get the opportunity to respectfully oppose the motion and this process carries on until the AGM has heard enough. If need be the argument can then be summed up by the proposer or backer. This will then be considered and voted on by those who run the Union – the students!
Motions consist of 3 areas: AGM notes: This is where you state the background of your motion and the facts which are relevant. AGM further notes: You begin to develop your point with more information to back it up. This is information you believe to be true. AGM resolves: This is where you tell the Union what you want them to do to create that change.
Examples: Example 1
Example 2
AGM Notes:
AGM Notes:
The majority of RGU students live in the city centre of town.
RGU is currently investigating new forms of technology around assessment marking techniques.
Halls of residences will not be in Garthdee for a number of years.
AGM Further Notes:
AGM Further Notes:
Student’s require pastoral and meeting places in the centre of town as stated in Survey X, and Y which was conducted by the students association
The policy of anonymous marking where possible should be maintained by the University.
AGM Resolves: RGU:Union should lobby the University to maintain a presence in the city centre of Aberdeen.
AGM Resolves: For the students Union to lobby the University to maintain the policy of anonymous marking wherever possible.
RGU:Union should lobby the University to be included in their long term plans to create a separate building on the Garthdee campus when the campus community moves to and develops in Garthdee.
All motions must be submitted to with you and your backers name and course by 2pm on 14th November. Please do not hesitate to contact or if you want any further guidance, more information on submitting motions. You can even just get in touch if you would like to find out more about the AGM!