Aprilmaymonthly report

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MONTHLY REPORT (Ref.001) NAME: STEVEN MILLS ELECTED POST: PRESIDENT (Education & Welfare) DATE: 05/05/2014 Update and achievements from previous month COMMUNITY • I Love My Lecturer – Huge Success. 60 members of staff received an award. Criteria were changed allowing all members of staff to be nominated and awards were also changed to recognise personal tutors, supervisors, support staff etc. Used RSE as venue, had staging decorations, awards, catering and photographer. • Accommodation – Discussion around allocation • Shelter – Came on to campus offering students support in looking for private rented housing. • Rape Advice Support (RAS) – Met with Sheila from RAS with the counselling department. Found out more about the service nd established a partnership with Nightline. • Helped RGU: RAG with Torcher Parade. ENGAGEMENT • Filmed a ‘Fit for the Future’ video encouraging students to get engaged with physical activities, groups and societies which is linked to positive physical and mental health. • Took part in One RGU Many Nationns event – Great Success. • Attended Blues Ball. REPRESENTATION • Several Academic Misconduct Appeals • Working towards 24/7 Library using the survey which was successful. Feedback from Michele Anderson is that the Library is very busy in the evenings. • Spoke at 3 Parent open evenings about Student life. • Put out applications for Student Faculty Officers. • Put out applications for Equality Champions. • Arranged a meeting on behalf of the RSA with the Dean of Students and Transport Manager to discuss the allocation of parking permits. • Attended NUS Scotland & UK Conference.

SUPPORT • Student Nightline – Completed application forms and various policy documents. Now working on final policies. • Sexual Health Meeting with Winifred and Christine to start working on a Sexual Health Strategic plan for RGU. Also promoted a Sex talk seminar mostly directed towards African and Caribbean students. • Starting the “Transition” project which is the new QAA Enhancement Theme. Met with James Dunphy and Marcus White to pull together ideas and a starting base. DEVELOPMENT • Meeting in regards to future of the Union. Deciding closing date and reviewing finances. • Had dinner with incoming Executive team.

Outline and plan, with timeline, for current month • • •

Finish policies on Student Nightline and meet with counselling service for partnership support. Launch the LGBT+ Charter of Rights Student Affairs Forum along with Union and Socs forum.

Personal objectives/Manifesto update Manifesto done. Starting to look at plans for next year in my new role as VP Wellbeing and Diversity.

Team objectives/progress update

Campaign(s) proposal outline (Please remember to submit your completed campaign form.) Save RGU Union (again)?

Future Training Course(s)/Conferences details (Please remember to submit your completed Training Course/ Conference form.)

Are there any points you would like raised at the next Executive Board (Please attach any relevant papers for circulation)

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