Minutes of the BIG Student Forum 19th November, 2014 N241, Riverside East
Attendance: University staff: Richard Lynch (RL), Head of IT Operations and Support; Andrew McCreath (AM), Executive Director of IT; Kim Walsh (KW), Campus IT Service Lead. Union staff: Paul Greene (PG), President of Communications & Democracy; Stefan Gheorghe (SG), President of Education & Welfare; Stephen Fiddes (SF), Student Advice & Administration Coordinator. A head-count of students was taken by SF, and approximately 20 students were in attendance. PG introduced the members of IT Services, and outlined how he and AM have met to discuss IT issues on campus and what can be improved. Student input is sought. AM outlined the Student-Facing Review that IT is undertaking. It is the first systematic review with students that has been done. They want it to be inclusive: with home and international students, on-campus and distancelearners all consulted. In December, focus groups will be set-up with Faculty Officers to find out key topics. They are also working with SPARQS, an independent body that