MONTHLY REPORT December 2014
Edward Pollock Vice President (Entertainment and Events) 27/01/15
Updates and Achievements from Past Month Support and Guidance § § § §
Continue to develop RGU Event Society and hold meetings to provide event support to students and groups at RGU. Represent students during meetings such as the student IT review and discussion. Attended meetings with RGU:Radio to conduct workshops and develop students to present entertaining content. Attended executive meetings to discuss ideas, projects and developments.
Community Engagement Representation Support Development Representation
Awareness and Communication § §
Develop ‘Whats On RGU’ platforms through working to promote various events. Continue to support student media, and attend meetings and engage on social media with current projects.
Support Development Support
Investigate and Research NONE
Sat on Aberdeen Business School 50th Anniversary Events and Communications Sub-Committees to work on planning events for the 50th Anniversary. Looked into the decision to change the date of the ‘One RGU Many Nations Carnival’ to November, to avoid busy March period and improve organisation. Postpone the next event to November 2015.
Plan for Current Month § § § § §
Attend Meetings Where Possible to Represent Students Continue Support of Student Media Develop Event Plan For Following Semester Begin Planning of Key Semester Two Events Attend Executive Meetings and Publish Activities