RGU Students' Union - Environmental Policy - Revised Jan 2014

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RGU Student Association Environmental Policy Background RGU Students’ Association recognises its impact upon both the local and global environment. One of its main objectives is to continue the implementation of policies and strategies which focuses on reducing our carbon footprint. We are committed to improving sustainable development within the Student Association and encouraging best practice, where possible. This policy will be subject to a periodical review by the Association Management and the Executive Board to ensure that progress is continually being made.

Introduction The aim of this policy is to assist the Student Association in continually improving its environmental performance through reduction of waste, and creating a more sustainable organisation. The Student Association has identified four environmental areas to monitor, review and implement positive working policies; - - - -

Minimising wastage of resources, such as energy, fuel and water within its buildings, educating these practices to the wider student audience. Increasing recycling opportunities and management of waste. Develop sustainable procurement throughout all areas of the Association. Promote green transport.

The Student Association plans to continue with initiatives that aim to help reduce its carbon footprint, reduce its operating costs and reduce its overall impact on the environment. This has been evident in the past with initiatives, such as, the ‘Switch On, Switch Off’ and ‘Leave your Mark’ campaigns.

Principles The Student Association aims to manage its operations in ways which are environmentally sustainable, socially acceptable and economically viable. In doing so, the Student Association will seek to undertake its business in accordance to the following principles:



Adopt and manage waste management procedures, which promote; re-use, recovery, minimizing waste for landfill and recycling. Where these options are unavailable we will ensure that our waste is correctly handled and disposed of, in accordance with the WEEE directive and in a way that has the least impact on the environment.


Promote sound environmental practices both on and off campus, raising awareness of the Student Association’s environmental standards and initiatives while actively encouraging the involvement of students, staff and other key stakeholders.


Work closely with the University on various environmental initiatives, to ensure standards are being met and maintained throughout all University and Student Association departments.


To support green transport initiatives on campus and in local community. Furthermore, the Union aims to prevent needless use of domestic air travel, where possible, for Union business. Air travel will be permitted if travel destination is more than 400 miles (one-way). RGU Student Association

Implementation In order to implement these principles in the most effective manner, the Student Association will gradually introduce a series of initiatives and plans. These will constantly be reviewed and assessed in order to ensure their effectiveness and to aid the continual development of the Student Association’s environmental strategies. - A green travel initiative, which will aim to monitor the various methods of transport used by: - its employees in order to travel to work, - the student body in order to travel to University, - the Student Association in order to attend events out with the city. The Student Association will act accordingly to encourage the use of more environmentally friendly transport solutions. - A waste management plan which will aim to reduce the amount of waste produced by the Student Association in all areas of the business. The re-use or recycling of waste will be actively encouraged through on-site services and various marketing methods. - A sustainable procurement plan which will aim to promote the procurement of sustainable, Fairtrade and ethically sound goods throughout the business. - An energy conservation initiative which will promote the responsible usage of energy and water to both staff and students throughout the University, on and off campus. As part of the Student Association’s commitment to sustainable development and environmental improvements, the advancement of these initiatives and plans will be monitored by the Student Association Management team and the Executive Board. Progress will be measured and benchmarked against those using similar systems. As part of the Student Association’s long-term Strategic Plan, SMART objectives will be introduced to measure progress. These initiatives and targets are documented in the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy.

Communication In order to help the Student Association progress through the aims and objectives noted above, it will: -

Communicate with staff and the student body in order to raise awareness of the Student Association’s environmental aims and achievements.


Develop and promote staff and student involvement along with the Environmental Officer role in areas of environmental concern through environmental training and access to relevant information, for continuous development.


Induct all staff with the Environmental policy, plans and initiatives to encourage employees to be aware of their own environmental responsibilities in the workplace, creating a culture of environmental sustainability.


Introduce ‘Environmental Sustainability’ as a regular point on the agendas of all Student Association meetings in order to monitor development.

Environmental Policy


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