MONTHLY REPORT (Ref.001) NAME: STEVEN MILLS ELECTED POST: PRESIDENT (Education & Welfare) DATE: Update and achievements from previous month
UNION • • •
Assisted with the transition from City Centre to Garthdee. Attended Short Life Working group to discuss future of RGU: Union, commercial services and its presence on City centre and Garthdee. Working on the Constitution with Paul and Paddy and fellow exec.
FRESHERS WEEK • • • • • • • •
Organised ‘Welcome Week’ and Fresher’s Week, specifically ‘RGU In The Park’, and ‘Scottish Welcome’/ ‘Fresher’s Frat Challenges’ with Paul. Abseiled down library building for charity. Assisted with RGU: Union: RAG on their BBQ Tour and hosted their Fresher’s team Auction. Promoted Sexual Health through ‘Condom Welfairy’ – Very Successful. Paul and Steve’s Bus Tours – Better Success than last year. Myself and Paul attended most inductions to talk about Student Union. Attended Degree Preps and gave presentation and FAQs. Qualified as a Mini-Bus Driver with Iain and organised Airport Pickups all Welcome Week between 7.00am and 11.00pm.
Attended two NUS training weeks specific to my remit: Welfare & Community Conference Education and Representation Conference Attended the Gathering with Paddy, Paul, Greg and Michele Was successful in my application as a QAA Student Reviewer along with Paul. Attended Student Reviewer session in Glasgow. Attended SPARQS Student Rep train the trainer. Attended and worked at Carnegie Philanthropy event with Paul in Edinburgh.
Reformed Student Class Rep system
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Revised Class Rep Training, content and delivery. Meetings regarding Faculty Officers Interviewed potential candidate for FDT. Advertised for all positions. Received 14 Applications: o 5 Faculty Design and Technology o 6 Aberdeen Business School o 3 Faculty of Health Social Care Have advertised for EQUALITY CHAMPIONS.
Organised ‘Give It A Go’ week with Paul and Edward. Started Gender Equality In Action (Feminist) society. Helped organise ‘Mental Health Society’ (40 members).
Attended a meeting with Terry Knight, Edward Pollock and AUSA reps (Deena also involved), to host a Aberdeen Student Wide ‘International Event’ on St Andrews Day, November 23rd. Currently looking for venues.
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Working on the ‘Mental Health Partnership agreement’ with Paddy and Terry as part of the MH Board. Certificate and signs have been dsigned, just need to sign them with the Principle for Press Release. Working on Student Partnership Agreement with SPA Working group. Decided on 3 main themes: Representation, Community and Assessment & Feedback. I have been given the task on working on the 1st and 3rd theme for the year. Established a partnership with ‘Helping Hand’, a Student Guarantor agency. Working with the Widening Access group on various projects in including my own ‘Pledge2Listen’ Campaign to support Student Care Leavers. Working with Careers and Employability Centre, Lorraine and Will. I made a video for them about how to access the service and my own experience, for their careers toolkit on moodle. Will be working with Will on a Post-Graduate and International Symposium. Been working with Irina on the Extra Curricular Award. Have easily had over 100% increase in sign ups. Applied for See Me Grant £4,000. Was unsuccessful. Been working with RGU Senior management and Estates to set up RGU Student Nightline. Had meeting with Duncan Cameron, GM of First Bus and then attended a Publicity event for Student Carnie Ticket. Bus Pull Race with Freshers Team. Recieved National Publicity for #EndRevengePorn campaign. DEALING WITH LOTS OF STUDENT CASES.
GOVENORS Attended first Finance and General Purposes Committee
Outline and plan, with timeline, for current month • • •
Have Faculty Officers appointed for all positions by end of October. Have Equality Champions appointed by end of October. Have Faculty Officers and Equality Champions inducted and trained end of October/ Beginning of November.
Host the International Event with AUSA on 23rd November.
Moe further on Nightline project.
Potential SHAG week
Prep for Santas Grotto!
Personal objectives/Manifesto update
I feel I am representing my position and my manifesto quite strong. I have achieved more than I have set out to do already, so I am feeling very positive.
Team objectives/progress update
I hope we can have a fully completed Constitution and ensure it passes at the AGM in November. Fill positions of VP Societies and VP Equality and Diversity.
Campaign(s) proposal outline (Please remember to submit your completed campaign form.) Ongoing: Pledge2Listen Mental Health Campaign Sexual Health Campaign
Future Training Course(s)/Conferences details (Please remember to submit your completed Training Course/ Conference form.)
NUS Zone Conference. (November). Are there any points you would like raised at the next Executive Board (Please attach any relevant papers for circulation) There has been very little communication from some members of Executive.