Minutes of the emergency executive board meeting held on wednesday 23rd october

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Minutes of the Executive Board Meeting held on Wednesday, 23 October Action 1.






Attendance: Paul Greene, Chair, Steve Mills, Patrick Maughan, Callum Martin, Rachel Sanders, Deena Tissera, Elena Stanica, Martin Mgbemere, Rachel Joyce, Michele Collie In attendance: Teo Benea Apologies: Fiona Duncan Welcome from Paul Greene Fresher’s week • Good event • Very positive feedback for the Fresher’s Fayre • Ideas to improve: Paddy brought up the Sports Hall issues and the fact that it started closing early and the Hall wasn’t set up in a very organise manner • Callum proposing Riverside Building as a possible location for Fresher’s week in the future • Bringing to the university’s attention that students were coming a week earlier than Freshers Week • Constitution • good and productive meeting with the university staff, good progress • changes to be made to the Schedule.. Trustee Board • external chairing • student led • encourage members of exec to put changes forward • propose to AGM to get another Sab • 9 am on Monday, 28.10.2013 to be the deadline for all the comments to come through Health & Safety • Michele met with the Health and Safety Officer to update the Health and Safety policy for the Garthdee premises. • Risk assessments have been conducted Accounts (August) • Income generated more than expected • Trading- shop did better than expected • The bar is doing ok, keeping the café open. • September’s accounts are not as good as August ones due to the

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transition to Garthdee MSL system almost finalised- £5160 a year The new system will be useful for elections packs, will help reduce the paper work and the student media can benefit of it too. Expenses: solicitor fees- £3650 Bought tills for the shop ( over £4000 depreciated)

Student Societies Forum • Class reps, student representatives • Key dates when these forums take place • Steve appointed all the Equality Champions- with Deena’s help, a equality opportunity committee is going to be set up. • Faculty officers- received a lot of applications + interviews next week) • Training sessions for the class reps conducted by Steve • Students need to attend the training in order to receive their certificates. • Deena helped set up the SASU society, give free membership to the University. • Callum to organise events for Halloween at the Union • Steve suggested more communication before partnerships are being established • Anti-bribery policy brought up by Michele to be included in the financial regulations • Rachel got a good response on the events coming up • RGU RAG has been nominated for 6 Awards at the Child Reach Awards • The Student Partnership Agreement has been signed • Paul informed the members of the exec of the Climate Change funding received by the Union and the fact that 3 new people are going to be employed to work on the project. • AGM taking place on the 21st November at 5pm. • Martin attended a conference in Glasgow and he will encourage the creation of academic societies • Rachel Joyce dealt with queries while Paddy was on holiday and is going to support Steve with the mental health campaign. • Elena joined SAG- Sustainability Advisory Group and is planning to set up a Free Cycle group • For the Student hub in Riverside building more furniture is needed • Paul has suggested that the attendance sheet from exec to be published and advised the exec members to send their apologies if they cant attend an exec meeting Student media • Student media- editorial team • RGU Radio- elections on Wednesday, 23.10.2013 Michele handed out the final audit for SUEI and the information that needs to be gather before the audit in December. As there was no further business the meeting closed at 7.00 pm

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