Monthly report november steve mills

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MONTHLY REPORT NAME: Steve Mills ELECTED POST: VP (Wellbeing & Equaility) DATE: 23/11/2014 Update and achievements from previous month Community Engagement • Engaged and supported with events management students in their event by participating in the RGU: Undie run to help raise awareness and money for cancer charity Representation • Have now appointed an LGBT*, Faith & belief, Women and Disability Champion. • Supported the LGBT+ Equalty Champion publicity day on Trans* Day of Remembrance. Use of T-shirts, stickers, banner over ABS balcony and a team of volunteers • Supported Faith and Belief Champion for National Interfaith Week bringing it to RGU • Meeting with AUSA President (Welfare and Equal Opps) to see if there is joint activities we can work on • Trained 8/12 Student Class rep sessions and about 250 reps in total • Developed a Faculty Officer Training session and have supported the Faculty Officers • Was an Institution-Led Subject Reviewer panellist member for two full days for the FHSC Support • Running Mental Wellbeing Society • Held First evening social • Launched a student wide Mental Wellbeing survey with 110 responses so far Development NIGHTLINE • Shortlisted 65 applicants to 32 and hosted an Interview day for Nightline Applicants along with Alastair, Audrey and Paul. This then recruited 20 RGU: Nightline listeners • Held the RGU: Nightline committee elections and have now acquired a full committee and also offered the position of Co-Chair for this year which was given to Tom Sadler • Finally have confirmed venue for ‘hub’ as well as arranging furniture, and electricity and heating • Hosted National Nightline Awareness Week with using a social media photo campaign to promote RGU: Nightline using #NLWeek14 #RGUNL

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Hosted first fundraising bakesale collecting £385 Prepared a photo campaign from a photo-shoot with Tom which will be our official posters Had committee photos taken Attended Scottish Nightline Conference Arranged training with Aberdeen University Nightline

Outline and plan, with timeline, for current month Preparing for SHAG Week – NEED SUPPORT AND DESIGN SUPPORT • •

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Foreplay Friday - Promo/ Halls Tour – handing out SHAG packs Mass-Debate Monday - RGU: LGBT stuff o Light up RSE in Red o Sexual Health Screening o GMH/ NHS Stalls o Film Screening Teaser Tuesday - RAG stuff o RAG Underwear Fashion Show o National Aids Trust Promo Welfare Wednesday - Mental Well/ Nightline??? Threesome Thursday - Quiz In My Face/ Anne Summers Party? Friday - RAS/ Sexual Harasment/ Bystander SHAGTAG Saturday - Big Banging Theory Spooning Sundays - Halls Tour

Personal objectives/Manifesto update Feeling overwhelmed with commitments, work and exams but achieving my manifesto. Team objectives/progress update We have yet to lead a Union campaign? First Bus? Catering? Union autonomy? Campaign(s) proposal outline (Please remember to submit your completed campaign form.) Future of the Union?

Future Training Course(s)/Conferences details (Please remember to submit your completed Training Course/ Conference form.)

Are there any points you would like raised at the next Executive Board (Please attach any relevant papers for circulation) Awaiting hoodies

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