Monthly report dec

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MONTHLY REPORT (Ref.001) NAME: Rachel Sanders ELECTED POST: RAG Chair DATE: 3.12.13 Update and achievements from previous month • Met with Aberlour Childcare Trust • End of Movember across campus – raised £1,600 so far • Doric Dictionaries have raised £2,600 so far • World Aids Day street collection for National Aids Trust • Philippines collection on behalf of the DEC • Launch of the Festive Food Drive across campus • Attended AGM and rescheduled AGM Outline and plan, with timeline, for current month • • • • • • • • •

Bag Pack at Sainsburys – 5th Dec Carol Singing at Asda – 7th Dec Carol Concert at RGU – 17th Dec RAG Christmas night out – 10th Dec Meeting with individual challenge participants Supporting Challenge Team Leaders Meeting with Events Management Students re class projects Planning for semester 2 Launching RAG Collection Bucket Scheme

Personal objectives/Manifesto update Growing RAG Continued engagement from volunteers at events More Local Volunteering and Community Engagement Festive Food Drive across campus with opportunity to cook and make food parcels at Aberdeen Cyrenians International Challenges and Volunteering Challenge event team leaders in place, working with team leaders and participants to begin fundraising RAG Recognition Movember story covered by university comms dpt. Continuing Relations with Charities and RAGs Continued use of NaSFA, and relation building with charities

Team objectives/progress update Strategic Themes Community • Developing community volunteering opportunities and events to engage students in the local community. The food drive is local to Aberdeen with staff and students been provided the opportunity to come along to the Cyrenians homeless shelter and help out with meal preparation throughout the month • Encouraging student community across the Garthdee campus, launching Movember to staff and students at RGU and holding events throughout the month to continue the momentum. Engagement • Allowing for a mix of local, national and international charities to be supported to encourage student engagement within events and volunteering opportunities • A range of events that are local to RGU as well as exploring events that are further afield such as challenge events Representation • RAG representation at the AGM • Allowing for students to bring any union/university issues to the RAG meeting and following these up • Representing RGU:RAG at NaSFA Support • Supporting students to explore volunteering opportunities they are interested in • Supporting societies and sport clubs in their fundraising efforts Development • Developing RAG policies in order to ensure guidelines are in place for successful running of RAG • Continued use of communication methods; using Wired, Bulletin and Radar magazine Campaign(s) proposal outline (Please remember to submit your completed campaign form.)

Future Training Course(s)/Conferences details (Please remember to submit your completed Training Course/ Conference form.)

Are there any points you would like raised at the next Executive Board (Please attach any relevant papers for circulation)

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