Monthly report environmental vp 22 10 13

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MONTHLY REPORT (Ref.001) NAME: Elena Daniela Stanica ELECTED POST: Vice President Environmental and Ethics DATE: 22.10.2013 Update and achievements from previous month

I have joined SAG-Sustainability Advisory Group at Robert Gordon and in the future I am going to attend their meetings. To begin with, I have met with Keith Fraser( University Records Manager & Information Compliance Officer) and we had a very productive meeting while he introduced me to the concept of SAG and we have discussed about what they did in the past.He shared with me the Waste Management Group meeting Minutes since 2007 to present and I had a look at those in order to accustom myself with their activities. Liaised with Jane Williams from CUSP and she set up for me upcoming meetings with Judith Logan and Prof Peter Robertson-chairman of SAG. Discussed with CUSP the possibility of setting up a Freecycle Group for RGU and we are going to take this idea forward.

Outline and plan, with timeline, for current month

This month I had an informal meeting with Alan Owen from CUSP who approached me to ask whether I believe that setting up a Student Prize for Sustainability would be a good idea or not. His idea is to put forward an annual prize for the best final year undergrad project that relates to sustainable development. The suggestion was to make it University – wide so that we can include all disciplines-anyone can take part and there will be a reward of £300. He is currently formulating the advert for the prize and as soon as he is ready, I will be helping to advertise it and get students involved and excited about the possibility of entering the competition. This will be an ongoing project during the month of November as well. Moreover, together with Alan Owen who had the initiative of setting up a Freecycle group before, we are going to look into this again and give it another try. Also, I am going to have a meeting with Judith Logan and prof Peter Robertson

during the next 2 weeks. Moreover, most likely on Thursday I will be having a meeting with Marta from the People and Planet society . Personal objectives/Manifesto update As part of my manifesto, I am managing very well to keep in touch with CUSP and we are currently working together at 2 ideas-FreeCycle group at Rgu and Student Sustainability Prize .

Team objectives/progress update

Campaign(s) proposal outline (Please remember to submit your completed campaign form.)

Future Training Course(s)/Conferences details (Please remember to submit your completed Training Course/ Conference form.)

Are there any points you would like raised at the next Executive Board (Please attach any relevant papers for circulation)

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