MONTHLY REPORT NAME: Deena Tissera ELECTED POST: VP International DATE: January Update and achievements from previous month
Finalising dates and location for the study skills fair 10 – 11.30am on Tuesday 9th Feb 10 – 11.30am on 23rd Feb 2 – 3.30pm on 24th Feb 2 – 3.30pm on 2nd March At the Student Learning Centre (the old library) The sessions will include: How How How How How How How
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avoid plagiarism reference use Excel structure a dissertation improve academic writing research use library catalogue
Planning a stall for refreshers: including banners and posters and study skills event sign up. Helping RGU International students in the educational transition to the UK academic system. Attended to complaints by students to postpone examination due to RGU IT administrative error of campus Moodle unavailability. Contacted head of schools and requested for leniency in grading ranges as requested by students due to campus Moodle being unavailable for 14 hours the day prior to the examination. Extenuating circumstances will halt final year students from