Monthly report july

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MONTHLY REPORT (Ref.001) NAME: Rachel Sanders ELECTED POST: RAG Chair DATE: 31.7.2014 Update and achievements from previous month • Continued Handover meetings with Niamh • Heads and Tails at Grad Ball raised £1000 for Meningitis Research Foundation • Packed up the RAG cupboard ready for moving to Garthdee • Impact reported Outline and plan, with timeline, for current month •

RAG Chair term ends.

Personal objectives/Manifesto update Growing RAG Handing over with Niamh More Local Volunteering and Community Engagement International Challenges and Volunteering Introduction to new SMG from Childreach RAG Recognition Continuing Relations with Charities and RAGs Introducing Niamh to charity partners and representatives Team objectives/progress update Union Strategic Themes Community Engagement Representation Support Development Campaign(s) proposal outline (Please remember to submit your completed campaign form.)

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