MONTHLY REPORT NAME: Steven Mills ELECTED POST: VP Wellbeing & Equality DATE: 12/10/2014 Update and achievements from previous month •
Supported Fresher’s week with day activities such as Bus Tours and Halls BBQ. • Attended most inductions with Edward Pollock • Spent lots of time on social media helping students with problems and answering questions. • Made a find your flatmate document and updated it daily. • Supported the Fit for the Future event and assisted on the day. • Interviewed and appointed Faculty Officers for FHSC and FDT. • Created a Faculty Officer training and delivered it to the newly appointed officers. • Relaunched new RGU Mental Wellbeing Society and appointed a committee. • Working on RGU Nightline. Released application forms and obtained 52 candidates. Acquired £500 from woodgroup with possibility of more. Promoted Nightline and acquired mascot Robbie. • Wrote Welfairy guide, Neon interview, RGU: LGBT+ intro and Paul/ Steve night out guide for RADAR. • Appointed Equality Champions for Women, Faith, Disability and LGBT. • Developed new Class rep training and social media channels. • Attended EDAG and planning for upcoming diversity week events. • Supported RGU: LGBT+ society and attended events. • Woking on the LGBT Charter Mark. • Planning for World Aids campaign • Supported RGU RAG, attended events and meetings and launched EAP challenge event and recruiting fundraisers. • Launched the #NoBystader campaign • Became a student again o Outline and plan, with timeline, for current month Train class reps. Train Nightline volunteers. Organise event and campaign for RGU mental Wellbeing Society.