MONTHLY REPORT (Ref.001) NAME: Paul Greene ELECTED POST: President (Communications & Democracy) DATE: 01/05/14 Update and achievements from previous month Community Attended a range of events to support student activities including ‘One RGU, Many Nations’, ‘I love my lecturer’, ‘Student Achievement and Contribution’ Awards, and ‘RGU:Blues (sports) ball. Met with a number of local groups to hear views of students on current political issues such as the independence referendum such as the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament the Radical Independence Campaign, Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign, representatives from Catelonia and Palestine, Labour for Independence, the Yes campaign, Better Together and others. Engagement - We now have a range of RGU:TV videos which are available on the RGU:TV Youtube and are embedded on the Union’s website. There is also a new version of ‘Radar’ available in hardcopy format and on the website. - I have arranged and publicised a range of student media info meetings (RGU TV, Radar and Radio), aimed at getting new students involved ahead of the new academic year and to plan for freshers week. Met with a range of students on issues concerning society set-ups, parking permits and training programs on campus. Representation - Have had meetings with University management on a range of issues including promoting the future of Union facilities and services, travel arrangements and parking permits and on possible up-coming environmental projects. - Represented RGU at NUS National (UK) conference along with three other students in Liverpool to debate and discuss issues in the students’ movement. - Created a distance learner Facebook Group which is to be widely publicised as one way of encouraging distance learners to make links with
the Union and other distance students. - Organised a mass on campus along with the University chaplain, Issac Poobalan, by request by some students and staff. I also met with the bishop of Aberdeen and the new Aberdeen University chaplains to discuss potential support for RGU. Support - I have continued to support student projects, societies and events by assisting in promotion in publications such as ‘Wired’ and in the Radar Magazine as well as meeting ad hoc with students on promotion and societies on an ad hoc basis. - I have looked at supporting media students by developing further opportunities specifically with the radio this month – reviewing the way we organise the team and train students to achieve a more active radio station. Development - I have been making contact with potential external trustees to make sure the Union have a strong trustee board in 2014/15 with a spread of different skills. - I have had a range of meetings and been involved with planning of the new budget for 2014/15 so that there is scope for the Union to further develop its services. - Organised the student media hub in Riverside East to be furnished. It is now ready to go, the only thing needed is IT equipment and keys for the room which is being chased currently. Outline and plan, with timeline, for current month - Promoting and chairing upcoming Union & Societies Forum and to organise how we move forward in terms of the future of the Union facilities – Moved to May. Date TBC. - To raise awareness of student media and the RGU Independence Referendum Campaign and also to assist Steve in promoting positive mental health during exam period. – Throughout May. - To continue developing student media ahead of freshers 2014 and create new ways to develop our communication channels – throughout May. - To start the early planning of freshers week. – Throughout May. - To have a full trustee board in place. – By 31st May. - To represent RGU, and encourage students to attend the annual Mayday March to support local workers in Aberdeen and to show international solidarity.
Personal objectives/Manifesto update Team objectives/progress update Campaign(s) proposal outline (Please remember to submit your completed campaign form.) Campaigns that I will be helping push are: - Staying informed and using your vote in the referendum – incorporate in freshers activities as well as consistently from now to the referendum - Student Media Campaigns to raise awareness of how they can get involved through info meetings. - Save the Union Campaign – I will propose at a students forum. Future Training Course(s)/Conferences details (Please remember to submit your completed Training Course/ Conference form.) n/a Are there any points you would like raised at the next Executive Board (Please attach any relevant papers for circulation) -