Monthlyreport paul november

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MONTHLY REPORT (Ref.001) NAME: Paul Greene ELECTED POST: President (Communications & Democracy) DATE: 18/11/13 Update and achievements from previous month Community - Organised for NUS to come on campus to sell Extra Cards. - Met with Gordon Maloney (NUS Scotland President) with Deena and spoke about some key issues including getting in touch with Aberdeen University to kick start the Aberdeen Students Forum with help from NUS. Engagement - Engaged with Grays placement students on board with student media and have received a range of applications to assist in graphic design for the magazine. - Wrote an opinion piece for the Universities 'NEXUS' publication to encourage involvement in Forums, AGM and elections in November. - Encouraged engagement with clubs and societies through Uni and Union comms such as social media, nexus, and Wired. - Met with possible University Challenge team members and other students with regards to society paper work and other queries. - Assisted in arranging some society start-up meetings. Representation - Had meeting with University senior management on student partnership agreement theme. - Held the Union & Societies Forum and met up with a range of society members to discuss current issues. - Helped promote by elections, AGM and standing forums as key decision making bodies for students to get involved with through newsletters and social media. - Created an RGU distance learner Facebook page to better contact distance learner students and contacted a student keen to be involved with reaching out to distance learning community.

- Announced AGM date, produced a handbook for the AGM to give students more information on the event and submitting motions. Support - Usual weekly comms on social media with 'Wired' going out to students on a Monday to provide updates on ways students can get involved with Union and promote the services we offer. - Attended QAA (Quality Assurance Agency) training in Glasgow to become a full member of ELIR reviewing teams. - Attended the Learning Infrastructure Sub-Committee to raise issues on student services. - Attended transport management group to discuss transport issues. - Met with HR Director David Briggs to discuss industrial action issues. Development - Had a financial accounts meeting to discuss September figures. - Went away for the weekend with Steve to focus on SUEI documentation, of which we completed one of the sections. - Worked on constitution with University, NUS, Paddy, Steve and Michelle to get to a final document which was proposed to the student body in advance of the AGM. - Met with Rachel and Michelle to discuss and allocate society budgets for 2013/14. Outline and plan, with timeline, for current month - Arrange the first all student media meeting of the year - TV/Mag/Radio Starting on 25th November. - To create a promotional video targeted at distance learner students to explain how the Union is relevant to them - Before Christmas Period. - To further advance student media - RGU:Radio, Radar and TV and provide support in comms and marketing for the first edition November/December. - Chair AGM on 21st November. - Attend Scotland zone conference in Edinburgh - 23rd/24th Nov. - Promoting and chairing upcoming Union & Societies Forum - Likely on December 4th.

- Continuing to work with rest of sabbs and management on constitution, and short life working group (future of Union) discussion - Ongoing. - To advance comms through means of video, update exec on my key meetings each Friday - Throughout December. - Pushing for the final furnishing of our student hub in Riverside East and developing the space to be used by student media participants and others - Ongoing. - Ensuring that mins of meetings and forums are published on Union website to advance transparency - Beginning in Nov/December. - To implement a placement student to assist in Media graphic design and to kick start work on web version of the student magazine - Nov/Dec. - Have a range of meetings with senior management including Dean of students, Principles policy advisor and catering management group. - To 'GOAT' and 'GOAL' more in order to raise awareness of AGM, student forums and student media. - Weekly. - To have the first meeting of the management group for the climate challenge fund to have student involvement in the process for day one and to kick start our carbon reduction project - Throughout December. Personal objectives/Manifesto update -

Team objectives/progress update -

Campaign(s) proposal outline (Please remember to submit your completed campaign form.) Campaigns that I will be helping push are: - Change Today/Imagine Tomorrow (NUS) - On campus awareness of this

new campaign which affect our students. - Student Media Campaigns to raise awareness of how they can get involved. - Save the Union Campaign - Assisting RAG during Movember as well as other charitable campaigns.

Future Training Course(s)/Conferences details (Please remember to submit your completed Training Course/ Conference form.) NUS Scotland Zone Conference - Edinburgh.

Are there any points you would like raised at the next Executive Board (Please attach any relevant papers for circulation) - Structuring exec meetings to be more in line with the aims of our strategic plan and common goals.

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