Monthlyreport paul november

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MONTHLY REPORT (Ref.001) NAME: Paul Greene ELECTED POST: President (Communications & Democracy) DATE: 11/12/14 Update and achievements from previous month Community -

Met with NUS Scotland Director, Russell, to chat about Union/NUS collaboration.


Met with Vonnie Sandelan, NUS Scotland Women’s Officer, and Robb Henthorn to chat about NUS campaigns that could be supported from the Union’s end this year.


Met with Issac Poobalan (RGU chaplain) and the new Aberdeen University Catholic chaplain to discuss collaboration with RGU.

Engagement -

Attended some classes we couldn’t get to during freshers week to introduce the students union and presented to S5 and S6 school groups who were visiting RGU.


Held the ‘Big Student Forum’ where we discussed issues such as union facilities, and IT provision on campus with the RGU IT leads in attendance.


Held and assisted in promoting a range of student media and society AGM’s.

Representation -

Represented students on a range of University committees including board of governors, academic council, QUAEC and LISC.


Represented student body on a range of working groups including the parking permit allocation group, and in the on-going ‘student facing review of IT resources’ group. Also sat on a range of University panels such as course validation panels and teaching fellow panels and the catering management group.


Attended the ‘student transitions’ student network in Edinburgh, and met with key stakeholders at RGU with a view to assisting in improving student transitions in, through and out of University.


Represented student body at the Times Higher Education Awards in London. Unfortunately we didn’t win our award, and neither did any Scottish University.

Support -

Usual weekly comms on social media with 'Wired' going out to students on a Monday to provide updates on ways students can get involved with Union and promote the services we offer.


Assisted in promoting student by-elections, and I now have a new President of Education & Welfare working with me.


Met with head of campus services to develop a postering policy on campus so societies know where they stand, arranged temporary poster boards to be organised and arranged places in all University buildings to have more fixed poster areas.


Attended a range of student media meetings, student rep meetings with deans and nightline training.


Met with a range of students, staff members and University advisors on a range of student welfare issues in the absence of a President (Education & Welfare) including on issues specific to international students which are on-going.


Introduced Stefan to a range of key University staff and inducted him on union structures.


Attended first societies forum of the year, and responded to a range of issues and areas of focus raised by societies.

Development -

Have been involved in a range of conference calls and meetings around developing the Union’s strategic plan, assisted in arranging NUS to lead the research phase of this and have assisted in promoting the survey and focus-groups for the research phase to the students.


Took part in the interview phase to select a new Climate Change Manager and Project Assistant which has now been completed.

Outline and plan, with timeline, for current month -

To further advance student media - RGU:Radio, Radar and TV, including having a re-launch of RGU TV – Dec/Jan.


To advance the ‘building atmospheres’ theme of the student partnership agreement – 3rd week December.


To 'GOAT' and 'GOAL' more, with some specific actions to speak to people about our strategic plan and the living rent campaign – December.


To have the first meeting of the management group for the climate challenge fund to have student involvement in the process for day one and to kick start our carbon reduction project - Throughout December.


Plans to engage with ICRGU students more in remainder of semester 1 – Dec/Jan


Represent student body on a range of University committees and working groups – Throughout Dec

Personal objectives/Manifesto update Team objectives/progress update Campaign(s) proposal outline (Please remember to submit your completed campaign form.) Campaigns that I will be helping push are: -

RGU strategic plan research


The living rent campaign

Future Training Course(s)/Conferences details (Please remember to submit your completed Training Course/ Conference form.) -

Living rent campaign meeting and demonstration – Edinburgh, 18 th December.

Are there any points you would like raised at the next Executive Board (Please attach any relevant papers for circulation)


Exec communication Proposed exec away-days

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