Octobernovember monthly report officers sabs

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MONTHLY REPORT (Ref.001) NAME: STEVEN MILLS ELECTED POST: PRESIDENT (Education & Welfare) DATE: Update and achievements from previous month

I have been absent for the past two weeks so have been try to catch up on emails etc.

Now have a full set of Faculty Officers. Including a distance learner Faculty Officer from the states and am also in talks with Christine Buchanan about another Faculty Officer for the Student Help Point/ Careers/ Employability Centre.

Student Class Reps – All student rep training now complete.

Mental Health Agreement launched with Paddy. Publicity around this.

Received publicity from the Guardian around Distance Learning students.

Pledge2Listen – Received publicity, newspapers etc showing senior managers, Shona, John and Christine signing the pledge. Student Help Point and Governors also showing an interest. Submitted all my signed cards and was informed I have already gathered 1/3 of the total signatures already gathered for the whole of Scotland.

Student Affairs Forum – Hosted the first one. Very successful, great turnout and great interaction. Mixture of positive and negative feedback about the student experience.

Blurred Lines – Took this to student forum. Failed on banning.

SUEI – Helped a little with this.

Promoting AGM

Outline and plan, with timeline, for current month •

Starting Student Nightline. Have the guide and information I need.

World Aids Day Plans.

Santa’s Grotto at RGU: Union, University Street.

Further develop Equality Champions and hold first Equal opps committee.

Personal objectives/Manifesto update

I feel I am representing my position and my manifesto quite strong. I have achieved more than I have set out to do already, so I am feeling very positive.

Team objectives/progress update

Have a successful AGM

Campaign(s) proposal outline (Please remember to submit your completed campaign form.) Ongoing: Pledge2Listen Mental Health Campaign Sexual Health Campaign

Future Training Course(s)/Conferences details (Please remember to submit your completed Training Course/ Conference form.)

Are there any points you would like raised at the next Executive Board (Please attach any relevant papers for circulation) There has been very little communication from some members of Executive. Congrats to Alasdair and Lisanne

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