RGU Radar // 2 // Winter 2013

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ot emoclew dna olleH eht ,enizagam RADAR revoC egaP tnorF uoy rof enizagam ylno lleW !tneduts UGR eht si revoc tnorf eht nO ton lliw uoy fo tsom nac uoy hcihw( htimS ennaeL llet llahs I os em wonk yhpargotohP )51 egap no dnfi tuoba elNews, ttil a uoylocal and national Page 3 IMS yb si eman ym llew ,flesym I dna 62 ma I ,trawetS ammStudent eG Gossip Page 5 ni emac tsuj I ,aideM ni tneduts raey driht a ma needrebA ta DNH ym gnitelpmoc retfa raey siht and Events .....su Page dniF 7 ytisrevinu ot gnimoc fo thguoht eht dna eSocieties gelloC gnivol ma I yas ot evah I tub yracs etiuq saw .raf os ti fo etunim yrOriginal eve 106nFM o suPage dnfi na11 c uoY si enizagam siht ,enizagam eht otno teg ot woN gnihcraes yb koobecaF uoy morf gnimoc sgniht gniticxe dna nuf fo lluf enizagam UGR13 - RADAR Elaine C Smith Page ot elba eb ot ecnahc ruoy si siht ,tneduts eht eht rof enoemos weivretni neve ro erutaef a etirw rettiwT Munford Page 14 uoy sa reffo no tol a evah od ew dna enizagJason am RADAR UGR gnihcraes yB .eussi siht ni ees lliw


Leanne Smith Page 15

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Front Page Cover On the front cover is Leanne Smith (which you can find on page 15) Photography by SMI

Find us..... You can find us on Facebook by searching RGU-Magazine. Follow us on Twitter @ RADARRGU.

Team Members Arham Aziz Charlotte Dougall Diana Bengea Eoin Cheyne Fatima Joji Gabriele Montvidaite Gregor Mailer Hollie Bain Joanne Dunn Marta Perna Paula Buskevica Vesen Kasen John Doran Steve Mills Alasdair Lemon Paul Greene Katie Keilloh Jordon Higgins Debra Wray

The only magazine for you the RGU Student! Most of you won’t know me, so let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Gemma Stewart, I am 26 and a 3rd year student in Media and I have just started my 3rd year at University after completing my HND at Aberdeen College. The thought of starting University was quite scary - but I have to say I am loving every minute of it so far. Now to get on to the magazine - The magazine is full of fun and exciting content which comes from you, the student. This is your chance to write a feature or interview someone for the magazine and we have lots to offer as you will see in this issue! Our sections range from news, which can be world, national, local, or even from University. We have success stories from former students, interviews from students who study here, and of course, more of the fun stuff including interviews from celebrities, sports people in Aberdeen, local bands and singers, reviews, beauty and fashion. Have a wee peak inside and see what I’m talking about! I want to say a HUGE thank you to all the people who have got involved with this issue. Each and every one of you deserve to be recognised for the hard work you have put in! The magazine team considers to grow which is incredible, and we are always looking for new members. I hope you enjoy this magazine, but please come along and visit our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter, and keep up to date with what’s going on! Speak soon, Gemma Stewart.


NEWS campaign alive to keep the cone!

Legend has it that over 30 years ago a student in Glasgow, inspired by a night of drinking in the city, climbed a statue of the Duke of Wellington in the city’s Royal Exchange Square and placed a nearby traffic cone on his head. Fast forward to 2013 and it seems that iconic sense of humour is lost on a group of the city’s councillors who have proposed increasing the height of the statue’s plinth as part of a restoration project expected to cost around £65,000 in order to deter locals from replacing the cone as they often do. Glasgwegians, as always, didn’t fail to rise to the challenge and took to various social media sites in defence of the Duke’s hat with a Facebook group entitled “Keep the cone” showing just under 100,000 “likes” at the time of writing this - with myself helping push it towards the milestone. More seriously an online petition garnered over 10,000 signatures in 24 hours and, of course, the cone got its own Twitter (@WellingtonCone)!

Although this might seem like an excuse for people in the city to make light of a serious situation, after all the vandalism of this monument has produced all kind of cries about “yobs” and its “depressing” effect on the city - not to mention the alleged £10,000 spent annually removing cones! It seems clear to me that my hometown isn’t getting excited about its right to continue vandalising a statue, it’s getting excited about its right to preserve it in the familiar way it exists today. I would argue that the reason Glasgow has risen so strongly in defence of this tradition is that the city has always held a fantastic sense of humour amongst its virtues. Last year, when Glasgow and the rest of the UK were enjoying in the success of London 2012 and experiencing what was later identified as patriotism, a radio show polled its listeners in the city by asking them how they would like to commemorate Glasgow’s olympians. In their thousands, residents decided it would be best to remove the cone from their beloved Duke of Wellington statue in Exchange Square… and replace it with a gold one instead. Before long a golden traffic cone appeared on the statue and the city had managed to express its pride with the lightness with which a Scot expresses most things. In all of this hype and hysteria the most reasonable point has to go the author of the petition when they said that; “Raising the statue will, in any case, only result in people injuring themselves attempting to put the cone on anyway: does anyone really think that a raised plinth will deter drunk Glaswegians?”

support needed for typhoon survivors Survivors of Haiyan typhoon are still desperate for food, medicine and clean water. At least 2 million people have been affected by the disaster according to OCHA (Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) and NDRRMC (National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council). The typhoon hit the eastern seaboard of the Philippines on Friday the 8TH of November, tearing across its central islands and smashing its way through Tacloban, 580km southeast of Manila, while waves swept away coastal villages. In some towns 90% of housing has been destroyed according to the UN. The country has declared a “state of calamity” right after the Typhoon happened. Philippine people are used to typhoons and meteorologists had predicted the Haiyan as a “super typhoon”. The government evacuated thousands of people but the typhoon went beyond their preparation. The typhoon is, in fact, though to be the deadliest typhoon since 1991. People have been evacuated to shelters, many of which had been destroyed even thought considered to be safe. Damage to roads and infrastructure has interrupt the

distribution of aid, although food, water and medical help are beginning to reach residents as soldiers clear roads blocked by remains. It is a real emergency situation, health experts have warned that some areas are entering a danger period for the spread of infectious diseases. People have been forced to scour for food and water facing a real risk of starvation and dehydration if the aid does not get to them in time. Thousands of decomposing bodies remain uncollected, creating further health risks. 673,000 people have been displaced according to government estimates. The disaster has pushed the 40% of the country’s population more into poverty. The UK government is sending £23m in aid along with a team of medical experts and a RAF transport aircraft. The fund are going to help directly those hit by the typhoon. Here is the details on how to make a donation, please help these people. Donation can be made in various ways. Visiting dec.org.uk, Calling 0370 60 60 900 Texting SUPPORT to 70000 to donate £5

rgu:rag named ‘best newcomers’ by childreach international It was selected from universities across the country and was honored for the level of support and efforts in recruiting students and its overall fundraising. The expedition saw 21 Students take part in the Mount Kilimanjaro challenge that involved a grueling four-day trek up the mountain and a two-day descent. They also got to visit a local school supported by Childreach.

RGU’s RAG has received an award for ‘Best Newcomer’ after raising more than £62,000 for Childreach international. The society took part in the Tanzania Fundraising expedition and was presented the accolade at the Childreach international’s annual awards.

RGU RAG Chair, Rachel Sanders, who took part in the expedition and was there at the award ceremony said: ‘We were very honored to receive the award and so pleased that our students had all their work recognized. I am so very proud of my team, not only for reaching the top of Kilimanjaro but also for the amazing fundraising total they reached.’ It will be celebrating its 11th Birthday in May next year and will be doing the challenge again in August 2014. They are also looking at the possibility of trekking the Great Wall of China with AICR (The Association for International Cancer Research).

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Have you ever wondered how your fellow students get on at RGU, how different their courses are to yours and what you have in common? Well Hollie Bain aims to investigate how the other student studies with some Q&As with Mental Health Nursing Student, Stephanie Cargill. at RGU? What’s the best thing about studying it has a more I do like studying at RGU, yes… I feel rsities, which for modern edge comparison to other univecreates an easier me is definitely less intimidating! It also learning environment. ing, I feel I really like the Health and Social buildthe building and comfortable knowing my way aroundthe staff are lovely everything you need is on hand and and very helpful. Health Nursing? Why did you choose to study Mental the mind very I chose to study mental health as I findwith substance intriguing, with age or an accident or . It’s not only misuse the mind reacts in different ways get to care and/ a great learning experience but you illnesses that can’t or support people with mental health quite care for themselves. course? What’s the hardest thing about your me personally is The hardest thing about the course, for emic person- I don’t the assignments, I’m not a very acad s. I’d say other think! So I find it difficult to write essay and you’re in a than that it would be when on placementral not knowing difficult situation, as a student or in gene what you can do.

What’s it like going on a placement? Placement is nerve wracking, exciting, helpful, educational and fun and sometimes sad and hard work, all at the same time! It’s a great way of learning nursing practice and observe and take part in new things that will be you can from now onwards. All the mental health nursing helpful students get different placements to have a ‘taster’ of differe nt fields and ages within mental health. The varied placements does broaden your learning and also helps you in your thoughts of what you would like to specify in when you graduate as a nurse. What’s a normal week at university like for you? The mental health students have a lot of directed as we get a lot of self learning modules. So becaustudy, of that we are rarely in university! But when we arese its normally full days like 9 to 5, which consists of lecture s and smaller class tutorials. Also a lot of our annua timetable is filled by placement time which takes l up months, though I believe on placement is where you learn the most! What do you find most interesting about studyi ng mental health nursing? In studying mental health I find the behaviour of patients very interesting, certain illnesses carry recognisable behaviour. It’s also amazing how the medication situated with mental health illnesses can have such a positiv effect on patients, it’s nice and interesting to observe e. Do you think going to university has helped you become a better person? Yeah I would say so! Responsibility, especially when you’re on placement makes you feel very grown also like a member of staff – you’re taken seriousup, ly and respected even as a student.


gray’s interview radar has a chat with annie mulvey (painting stage 1) and ellen berns (communication design stage 1) about their time at gray’s

Where would you be now, if you weren’t at Gray’s? Annie: I’d be doing midwifery. Watching ‘One Born Every Minute’ every day. Or sitting and doing nothing. By myself. Very lonely. Patting my cat or my dogs! Ellen: I would be in Sweden and doing. What’s it called? Computer games design? That is the only course in Sweden which I sort of wanted to do, but this is what I actually wanted to do. Do you feel like you would get on better with your artwork if you didn’t study at an art school, but would just stay at home and do art? A: I think I would just keep doing the same thing. Because I would get stuck in a routine and I’d be painting in the same style and I wouldn’t move from that. E: I think that, yea. I would probably develop, but I would develop much slower and in a different way. So my art stuff would probably change but maybe not in the best way. So are you happy you made the decision to apply to Gray’s School of Art instead? A: Yes, because you know you’re doing what you love doing. The first day we went to Gray’s they told us ‘We don’t want you to feel comfortable.’ Can you feel that they’re really pushing us out of our comfort zones? E: Yes. I AM NEVER COMFORTABLE. A: Yes, we’re not really doing what we expected to be doing every day. E: But I think it’s about finding a way to be comfortable in an uncomfortable situation. Now, after a couple of months spent at Gray’s, would you say that ‘uncomfortable’ is good or bad? A: Good, because it challenges you. You learn to see things from a different perspective. What is the greatest thing about the course that you do? E: I think, the best thing overall is that it’s my hobby that I do every day now. It has turned into my career. A: And the different things we do and the people. What have been the most fun or ridiculous things you’ve done during your time at Gray’s? A: THE BIG SICORS - the big objects we had to make out of cardboard. There’s actually been a lot of fun days, though a lot of stressful days too. But I loved going to places, like the tunnels or the River Dee, where we had to draw different bits and explore the sense of place. E: The time we sat inside a square, taped on the ground, in the middle of a street. That was quite silly. Also sitting in the middle of B&Q and drawing was a bit awkward. People look at you and you’re like ‘It’s an art project!’, feeling like the biggest dork on the planet. Oh and the tunnels! That was a bit creepy.

Do you feel like you see things differently now compared to how you saw them in the beginning of this year? A: Yes! I was so confused. Where do i go? What do i do? E: I was just really nervous and back then we didn’t really know the routine yet. Now I’ve got a way better view on how exactly things work here. The most important thing you’ve learned from your time here so far? A: To challenge yourself and not to trust your eyes. E: I really liked learning about Family of Ideas, which is a process of how you develop your ideas. What is your work like? What inspires you? A: I do abstract impressionism. All the stuff that I do is based on my life. It’s kinda like my biography. It has me in it. E: I get inspired by as good as everything- as it’s almost impossible not to. So a lot of the things I produce have a starting point in things going on in my life. Apart from that, I often find inspiration from illustrations, sometimes even from colour schemes, movies, typography etc

s e i t e i c o S

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Every society is a small community which you can always be a part of. As a fresher myself, I was fairly confused in the beginning as to how they worked and what they stood for. After ‘Give it a Go!’ week, that all changed. I had a chance to interview many wonderful and ambitious people, who were either starting something fresh and new or were taking over the management of a society established a few years back. You would think that it’s a crazy responsibility to start up a society of your own and work on its development. And in a sense, you’d be right. While I talked with the presidents of new societies, they looked both excited and nervous at the fair. I asked them what it felt like to start managing something new, and all of them told me that it was a terrifying thought in the beginning, but definitely worth it in the end. What they considered important was not the paperwork or the time lost in organizing the events, but the people who would enjoy being part in their idea. The Student Union had guided them through the more official responsibilities, such as application forms or budget planning, and they had succeeded in creating a place that was previously missing in the student community. The management of older societies felt a bit more confident, but still realized the importance of their work. They shared that there was a responsibility to continue the efforts of those who had been before them. The more established clubs have a larger base of participants and the presidents showed a strong passion for supporting them and making sure that the society continues to grow.

All societies have a particular set of goals that they strive to achieve each year. Some, like the new Chinese society, aim at creating a place for foreign students where they can feel comfortable and supported when separated from family and friends. Others have included charity work and campaigns in their programs. The Mental Health society and the Nutrition society shared in their interviews that they work on informing the community about different problems connected to their fields. The Gaming society launches several charity events to raise money for people with disabilities. And People & Planet work to raise awareness of environmental and public issues. A few groups have incorporated academic support into their activities, providing students with any sort of information they might need. For example, second and third-year students from the Engineering society help out those who are just getting started with the course. Others, like The Research Student Association, focus their efforts on making the RGU experience as enjoyable as possible for postgraduate and research students. All of these are only the tip of the iceberg. There are many more you can join - just go to the societies’ page on RGU’s official website or contact the student union. I would definitely recommend becoming involved because it helps you meet many wonderful new people and gives you the chance to try out things you’ve never thought of before. I personally wanted to join every single society I interviewed because of the enthusiasm that each of their presidents showed. These charming people have set their eyes on making things happen. Go and help them out. You’ll enjoy it.

rgu societies give it a go directory 5710 architecture christian union electronic gaming society interprofessional education law society lgbt mental health society engineering society rgu international erasmus/exchange nutrition society research student association for more details or for help starting your own society, drop into the union on university street, garthdee

week 2013 University life can be one of the most unique and colorful experiences for every single student. Although an important part of your stay at RGU, studying isn’t all there is to it. ‘Study now, party later’ is all good, but make sure you don’t miss out on the diverse and dynamic community at Uni. With so many societies, clubs and volunteering opportunities, RGU can offer for every interest. Or if you find it lacking in some department, you can always create a society of your own and contribute to the diversity. ‘Give it a Go!’ week was an event the Union organized to promote exactly that: student involvement in the university’s community. From Oct 21st to Oct 25th, the team at the union aimed to raise awareness among this year’s newcomers about finding, joining or even creating a society that would suit their interests. The event began with an open day at the Student Base in the Garthdee campus. Through the days it gave both new and established clubs the opportunity to advertise and gather more members. Student Media, consisting of a radio, magazine and TV club, also got a chance to promote their activities and gather enthusiastic young volunteers. The week included many meetings, information sessions and even elections for this year’s committees for several societies, finishing off with a fair on Oct 25th.


Leanne Smith

I met Leanne last year at Aberdeen College, when I worked as the Vice President, she was one of my talent show contestants who then went on to perform at the end of year bash. Leanne has a beautiful voice and wouldn’t fail to blow you away. Here I take the chance to ask her some questions and let you all get to know her a wee bit better!

Can you give me a little background about yourself? I have always loved music since a very young age. Hours were spent in my room where I used to fiddle with my Barbie keyboard, making up tunes. My earliest inspiration for playing guitar was when I was four years old: I was at the butchers in Macduff (my hometown) with my mum and next door was a music shop at the time. There was a guy sitting playing guitar and I was staring at him, listening. He said to me, “Tell your mum to buy a guitar.” That stuck in my head and on my 7th birthday my parents got me my first guitar- one of those kid ones from Argos. I mucked around with it but only started taking the instrument seriously when I was 12. I was inspired and hugely motivated after seeing hard rock bands playing in the assembly hall at lunchtime at Banff Academy. So, I took up lessons. In my first three years of learning guitar, I played electric. My influences were rock bands like Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Boston, Hendrix, ACDC, The Darkness and Led Zeppelin. It wasn’t until my third year of learning guitar when I started learning fingerstyle and found a love for playing the acoustic. I was strongly influenced by Jimi Page and Eva Cassidy. Whilst exploring this type of music, I found Jose Gonzalez and John Butler. I then started listening to singer/songwriters such as Dashboard Confessional, Bon Iver and many others. I started writing songs properly in July 2011.

a career in music to go for it! The course showed me how there are many ways of making a career out of music. I studied here for two years and was able to link into 3rd year BA music course at Perth College which I am currently studying. I have been gigging since January 2012 and my first gig was at Cafe Drummonds. I somehow managed to get through to the finals of Drummnds £2k tournament 2013 which meant a lot because it was the place I started What makes you passionate about your music? My love for music is what makes me passionate about my music. Tell me about one of your favourite gigs and why? My favourite gig was back in May where I was fortunate enough to support my favourite female artist Lucy Rose at the Lemon Tree. Still can’t believe it happened... Tell me about the new album and the reasons behind it? I released my debut album Clockwise in May 2013. I have Steve Ransome to thank for recording and producing and also Michael Smith (Smi photography) for the artwork and design. I also have Tony Young to thank from Aberdeen College for all of his advice and guidance with this project. There are six songs based on personal experiences/thoughts but hopefully people can interpret their own meanings to them. I named it Clockwise because each song has the theme of time and moving forward. Who is your idol and why? Ben Howard. His music and lyrics are beautiful and extremely crafty.

Music was always my favourite subject at school. The music department at Banff Academy was brilliant and I have the teachers to thank for this. In my 6th year, I went through so many ideas of what to do when I left school. I always wanted to do music but stupidly thought that it wasn’t a stable job because it has that stereotype but I soon realized how wrong I was. I actually applied to an animal care course at Aberdeen College but luckily went with my gut instinct and pulled out of that course and applied last minute for the music course.

Leanne also has a charity single out at the moment for CLAN, here she has a little something to say about it. I got in touch with family friend, Marjory Nicholson, who does a lot of fundraising for local cancer charities after the death of her son, Andy, who died of testicular cancer in 2007. I wanted to help and offered to write a song for Marjory’s charity of choice. Marjory nominated CLAN support centre in Aberdeen in recognition of the amazing service they provide to anyone affected by cancer in Grampian, Orkney and Shetland.

It was the best decision I could have made. The lecturers are brilliant and the facilities are too. It was a fantastic experience and I would urge anyone thinking about pursuing

The song is about missing someone and all profits go to CLAN Aberdeen until Jan 2015. You can download it from itunes or buy a physical copy. Please contact- LS.mith93@hotmail.co.uk

for a wide variety of audiences. But Hussain says they usually perform for “oil workers, aged between twenty five and fifty five years old. So we get a lot of engineers, people from offshore, directors of companies, you know” – come on, it is Aberdeen after all. For comedians, there is no desirable or undesirable crowd really. Breakneck Comedy’s worst show probably was, when after one act, the audience started heckling and throwing things; “but that was fun”, Hussain says with a smile. “If somebody heckles a comedian, usually the comedian deals with it, “but if somebody is being rude, or talking on their phone, we ask them to leave”, says Hussain, on a slightly serious note.


next BIG


As the economy teeters, a night of quality comedy can be quite a good experience. Radar sat down with one of Scotland’s top comedy companies, Breakneck Comedy’s, promoter, Naz Hussain, for an interview. Breakneck Comedy, now almost two-and-a-half years, and more than a thousand shows old, started out as “a hobby, you know; just once a month”, remembers Hussain. “From the day we started, we just started getting more popular”. A graduate from our own, Aberdeen’s Robert Gordon University, Hussain sought a change of career: “all these people were in uni with me, they’re all working for other companies now, and I (thought I) will be my own boss, and make more money”, he says. “It worked out well for me”. The inspiration for the company’s name came from an unlikely quarter: Iraqi former President, Saddam Hussain’s death by hanging – hence the mention of the breaking of the neck. Hussain says, “Because my surname’s ‘Hussain’, people called me Saddam’s son, and obviously Saddam got…he got executed by hanging”, he recounts with a laugh. Hussain has his work cut out for him. He says that “all the comedians come up with their own material… If I think they are good enough, I let them perform in my show”. Not performing himself, Hussain considers himself as a “promoter…and with the management (side of things)”.

He proudly mentions that he has just signed up to do the Aberdeen Comedy Festival, which will be held in 2014: it will be “one of the biggest festivals in the city”. Hussain made a special mention of the last year’s Christmas Special that his company did, saying that “it was just really good!” Hussain’s Breakneck Comedy has experience in performing

Does it even happen that the audience simply does not laugh at a joke or a gimmick? Hussain replies, “Yeah sometimes, sometimes on a Tuesday night, when we do our open night” (and when they give a chance to the newest talent). If “we don’t like a comedian, after five minutes, we just flash a light; and that means they have to go off after like, thirty seconds”. “It’s quite brutal”, he adds. According to Hussain, a good comedian should “choose topics of everyday life, and manage to turn things out funny; they should not try to be somebody else; be their own comedian, their own person”. He says they get a lot of aspirants are trying be some other, well-known comedian, “but we just want new people to do their own thing”. “Just be themselves; come up with their own unique material”, Hussain emphasises. It has been observed, that many comedians describe themselves as miserable in their personal lives. When this question was put to Hussain, if there was a correlation between ‘sadness’, and a certain past, and being a comedian, he seemed to agree. “A lot of them got bullied at school; their parents don’t like them”, he said. Though it felt to be a general observation, not the rule. On the future trajectory and prospects of his Breakneck Comedy company, Hussain says that “hopefully, we are going to be the biggest in Scotland”. They have worked with numerous charities. They are planning on doing a community tour in those areas, “where people can’t afford to come to comedy”. Discussing his company, Hussain asserted that “eighty percent of comedy coming out of the north east, is coming from Breakneck Comedy”. “Breakneck Comedy was the only place in the UK, where live comedy outsells live music, and that is very unusual to happen in one city”, he added. Currently, “Breakneck Comedy is looking for the next best comedian”. “It’s really good” he says, regarding the feeling he has, when he sees the audience being amused by the performers’ gimmicks. “I am thinking what a great night it is”.

Stay real and listen Original 106 FM is an independent radio station broadcasting from Aberdeen and was launched back in 2007 and is one of Aberdeen’s local radio stations. A little fact for you, the first song to be played on Original 106 was “Revolution” by the Beatles. People say that Original 106 is mainly for mid-aged people to the older kind but who ever said this is talking rubbish Original 106 is definitely for us students out there. Original 106i FM is along an independent radio station to broadcasting Aberdeen. It was launched Fatima and went one Thursday morning meet Davidfrom Lewis and Martin Ingram, of course back in 2007 is one of IAberdeen’s stations. Here’s little fact for what you - to the excited by theand experience. have neverlocal beenradio to Original before soaI didn’t know expect first be go played on Original 106at was “Revolution” the IBeatles. and song couldto only by what I had seen Northsound, so by when got in and noticed that it is quite small I was amazed at how they work from this one studio. We received a very warm welcome People that Original 106 show is mainly for was mid-aged people or forof.older generations, however and got say to sit in on Martian’s which great to be a part Martin was very chatty andthis is simplywait not true. has a(of student couldn’t to getOriginal started 106 with definitely the questions coursefocus. he didn’t know what to expect from us as we are students after all). Here I will let into a few secrets that martin let us into ‘Here I will let into a few secrets that Martin let us into:’ “Can you give us a wee background on how you got into radio?” “Can you give us a wee background on how you got into radio?” “When I was a wee boy I used to like to use a pen and fake that I was a presenter but I never liked “When I was a wee I used to likeenjoyed to use amusic pen and that with I wasa apretend presenter but I never liked the sound of my ownboy voice! I always andfake playing microphone and the sound myfolks own seen voice!the I always music and set playing with microphone andto that’s whenofmy writingenjoyed in the wall. I never out to beainpretend radio I always wanted that’s when my folks writing in the wall. I never set out to be inloved radiomy I always to be a camera man as seen I wasthe always interested in broadcasting, I always musicwanted and went be camera man asmusic I was every alwaysweek, interested in broadcasting. I always mydoing musicdiscos and went outaand bought new the radio was always on. I thenloved started when out and bought new music everyget week, the radio on. done I thenitstarted discos I was about 18 years old, didn’t a lotand of money for was doingalways it, I even for freedoing but I still enwhen was about 18 years old and get a lot offor money forsomeone doing it. Itold even it forinfree joyed Idoing it. I always felt that radioI didn’t was impossible me but medone to stick a tape but I still enjoyed doing I always felt that radio impossible me but someone told me to Northsound and that’sit.where it all started whenwas I got a few gigsforwhere I ended up being there to tapetime to Northsound that’s where it all started. I got a few where I ended up forstick quiteinaalong then I cameand to Original 106 when it was launched in gigs 2007”. being there for quite a long time and then I came to Original 106 when it was launched in 2007”. “What are your highlights with working in radio”? “What are your highlights with working in radio?” “Meeting the famous David Lewis (who of course is his morning presenter); we have bit of a ro“Meeting the going famous Lewis (who of of course is his morning presenter); we havewhen bit ofwe a were mance thing onDavid here “laughs.” One my highlights was back at Northsound romance thing going on here”, he laughed. of my highlights wasSea, backthat at Northsound when asked to do a weekends broadcasting from “One oil platforms in the North was very exciting we to do a weekends broadcasting from oilbefore, platforms theidea North Sea. was aand very andwere very asked nerve racking as I have never been offshore I hadinno what to It expect exciting and very wracking as I have never before. hadlike no Brian idea what I was amazed by nerve it. I have been lucky enough to been meet offshore a few people as Iwell May to from expect I was amazed by great it. Queen and is one of the best; it’s to meet someone who has achieved legendary status”. I have been lucky enough to meet a few people as well like Brian May from Queen who was one of the best. It’s great to meet someone who has achieved legendary status”.

Interviewed by Gemma Stewart & Fatima Joli Interviewed by Gemma Stewart & Fatima Joli

n to Original 106 FM

Well this follows onto the next question which is “who is the most famous person you have interviewed?” Well this follows onto the next question which is “who is the most famous person you have interviewed”? “Oh well I would have to say S Club 7! The whole lot of them, back then Northsound was a pop music station where all the new artists and bands would tour all the radio stations to plug “Oh well I would have sayaSfew Club 7 “laughs” whoSwhole of them, back then their first singles. I met to quite people then like Club 7lotand Westlife, and to Northsound be honest all was a pop music station where all the new artists bands tour all the radio stations to people are important to me, but on a serious note itand would be would Brain May!”. plug their first singles so I met quite a few people then like S Club 7 and Westlife, to be honest people are important me interviewing “laughs” but Martin, on a serious it would be Brain Throughout this wholetotime we allnote had a great laugh andMay”! this showed Throughout this whole wedown all had greatthis laugh showed his true character and ittime wasinterviewing amazing to Martin, see, how to aearth manand wasthis and the level of Martin’she true character and it was amazing to see, how down to earth this man was and he was humility displayed. just as humble as the rest of us. We then got a chance to catch up with David Lewis, who was with us throughout the whole We then and got aI was chance to catch up with Lewisand whoMartin was with throughout the whole morning, amazed to see how David well David workustogether. They don’t do a morning to joinbut in the interview was they amazed see how David work to show together it was easy toand seeI that knewtoeach otherwell quite welland andMartin was fantastic together, don’t do a show it was easya to see that they knew each other quite hear their they banter throughout thetogether day. Webut asked David few questions: well and their banter was laughed at throughout the whole experience. Here we asked David a few questions We then got a chance to catch up with David Lewis who was with us throughout the whole “Can wetoknow a little about your background and to how you gotwell intoDavid Radio”? morning join in the interview and I was amazed see how and Martin work together, they don’t do a show together but it was easy to see that they knew each other quite “I didand thetheir radiobanter course at Aberdeen and the thatwhole was the same yearHere that we Original well was laughed atCollege throughout experience. askedlaunched, David a onequestions of my tutors from the course, a man called Neil got the job here as program controller, so few by known him I got work experience here, so I done a lot of hours of work experience for free, I happened to be in theabout right your placebackground at the right and time,how oneyou Saturday “Can we know a little got intosomeone Radio?” fell off a ladder who done the evening show and with an hour to go I got asked to fill in for him which was my first so from thereatitAberdeen continued”. “Iever did one the radio course College and that was the same year that Original [FM] launched. One of my tutors from the course, a man called Neil, got the job here as program “What is your favourite moment Original controller and so by knowing himatI got work 106”? experience here! I done a lot of hours of work experience for free and I happened to be in the right place at the right time. One Saturday “Probablyfell meeting Noel Gallagher, wethe had Munford andand Sons in before were someone off a ladder who was on evening show with an hourthey to go I gotfamous asked but to fill they large band and weand hadso to from fit them all itincontinued”. this little room so I had to in for had him such whichawas my first with everthem opportunity there leave the room to let them record a session so I got to watch one of Munford and Sons first ever sessions fromfavourite outside the room”. “What is your moment at Original 106?” This over meeting all experience was worthwhile and we bothand hadSons lots of I didn’t like we “Probably Noel Gallagher. We had Munford in fun, before they even were feel famous but werehad in asuch radioastation, these guys areand justwe brilliant. intoall Original catchSo, upI with they large band with them had toTune fit them in this 106 little to room. had to leave to let them record a session. I got to watch one of Munford and Sons first ever Davidthe androom Martin in the mornings! sessions from outside the room!”.

' t! n is e h s o n Oh Oh yes she is !

h t i m S C e n i a l E is


Panto season is upon us once again, and this year His Majesty’s Theatre will play host to Cinderella! For 2013, Aberdeen welcomes back Scotland’s own Elaine C. Smith for the 5th year running. Joining her this year is Gillian Parkhouse, who plays the lead role, and fellow Rab C Nesbitt star Barbara Rafferty as the Wicked Stepmother. It’s a reunion that Barbara couldn’t be happier about: “It’s wonderful. We’re great friends, and we’ve worked together in Panto many times before down in Glasgow. We’ve also worked recently on the Rab C Nesbitt special and an STV stand-up show as well.” She’s also looking forward to returning to Aberdeen, having previously been a part of the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang show in the north-east. “It’s a great standard of pantomime in Aberdeen. They really go for it up here.” Smith is also no stranger to Aberdeen, and she explains what keeps bringing her back: “The people, the theatre. I’ve been offered lots of other places to go, but I’ve fallen in love with Aberdeen. I get a terrific welcome up here and the audiences are growing year-on-year, so they can’t hate me yet!” So with many years’ worth of memories in Aberdeen, do any of them stand out? “Not really, to be honest they all become a blur and run into one! [laughs] The first was interesting to see how it would all go down with the audience and whether it would work or not. In the second year I played a baddie for the first time. Last year, I got the chance to do Snow White which I’ve never done before, so each year is something different. But I’m really looking forward to this year as well, to get the chance to come back and be a goodie. Cinderella really is

the most magical of all the pantos, I can’t wait.” The role of Fairy Godmother is one that Elaine undertook back in 2009, and she admits that she now comes into this year’s Panto with a bit of a new perspective. “You’re more able to go ‘this works, which works’. In the first year, I hadn’t worked with Alan McHugh before and you don’t want to offend anybody. But now, it feels like much more of a collaborative process. It’s about learning every year as you go.” One person who’s hoping to learn a lot from this year’s panto is Gillian Parkhouse, whose casting as Cinderella marks her first professional leading role: “I’m thrilled to have been asked. All these children know Cinderella very well, so you’ve got to do her justice.” She says there’s a big difference between being in Aberdeen to the West End, where she’s recently been performing in Singin’ In The Rain. “I’m based in London now, my partner’s in London, so the half hour journey home obviously isn’t an option after a show. You’re quite far away from those comforts, so you have to invest quite a lot in socialising and making friends here. A wee trip here and there to the pub. [laughs] I love Aberdeen though, I used to visit my gran up here every Saturday and my cousin is from Westhill. There’s nothing better than having a fish supper up here as well, it’s one of the highlights of coming to Aberdeen!” The Cinderella pantomime runs from Saturday 30th November to Sunday 5th January. Tickets are available from the Aberdeen Box Office or online at aberdeenperformingarts.com

Jason manford Everybody’s favourite northern comedian, Jason Manford, has announced a brand new tour for 2013. The show promises to feature a wealth of comedy anecdotes, misunderstandings and audience banter delivered with Jason’s likeable charm and teasingly intelligent wit. Jason has had a busy time since he was last on the road. After his opera singing turn saw him emerge the winner on Born To Shine (ITV1) Jason put his new found talent into practice joining Alfie Boe on tour prior to a well-received run in the critically acclaimed hit west-end musical Sweeney Todd alongside Michael Ball and Imelda Staunton. However, his comedy bones weren’t completely idle as he enjoyed appearances on QI (BBC Two), Big Fat Quiz of the Year (Channel 4), and Comedy World Cup (Channel 4). Jason said: “Some of you might think I’ve had a career change what with all the opera and musical theatre I’ve been doing lately. Not a chance, I’m excited to be getting back to what I really love the most – stand up!” Stand up sets on ‘Live at the Apollo’ (BBC One), ‘Michael McIntyre’s Comedy Roadshow’ (BBC One) and ‘The Royal Variety Performance’ (ITV1, 2009) have all helped establish Jason as a nationally known comic, a position which made him the ideal host of ITV’s reality comedy competition, Show Me the Funny. A second series of his hilarious creation ‘Walk on the Wild Side’ (BBC One) aired in 2010, and Jason has hosted ‘Comedy Rocks with Jason Manford’ (ITV1) and been a regular panelist on two series of ‘Odd One In’ (ITV1).

Look out for Jason Manford in Aberdeen on Saturday the 4th of January at the Music Hall, check online for ticket details.

Reviews the great gatsby

perfectly shot, heart-wrenching glimpse in to life in New York in the 1920s and surprisingly stays very true to Fitzgerald’s original work in terms of plot and dialogue.

Leonardo DiCaprio’s at it again with another blockbuster smash hit, this time in the form of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s literary classic The Great Gatsby. After the release date was pushed back from last Christmas Baz Luhrmann’s (Moulin Rouge, Romeo & Juliet) latest epic adaptation was finally released in the spring of 2013 to mixed reviews from the critics but saw major box office success. The Great Gatsby tells the life story of the mysterious millionaire Jay Gatsby (DiCaprio) as told by his former neighbour Nick Carraway – played by Tobey Maguire of Spiderman fame – who reflects on the first summer he met him at the height of the Roaring Twenties. With a star studded cast that also includes Isla Fisher, Carey Mulligan and Joel Edgerton it’s a sure fire hit with movie lovers. The film is a

The extravagant party scenes are jaw dropping, the lavish period costumes and impeccable soundtrack featuring original songs such as Lana Del Rey’s Young & Beautiful alongside many covers & remixes from artists including Jay Z and Emeli Sandé just bring the whole atmosphere together and suck the viewer in to Gatsby’s world of parties and romance. If you’re after a film that transports you to the dance floor of another decade then Gatsby is definitely it, and who knows – maybe Leonardo DiCaprio will finally get that Oscar! The Great Gatsby is available in stores on DVD & Blu Ray from November 11th onwards, the soundtrack is also available on CD or digital download.




sean lock The ever-popular Sean Lock descended upon the Aberdeen Music Hall on October 22nd for a night of comedy which did not disappoint. Commonly known for his appearances on TV panel shows such as 8 Out of 10 Cats, Lock has developed a bit of a reputation for his “inquisitive mind”.

Whilst this has always been entertaining in a panel format, live stand-up allows him to take things to another level entirely. Lock demonstrated tremendous amounts of energy and animation as he performed his routine, and this enthusiasm was clearly shared by the audience.

james blunt MOON LANDING Moon landing is the fourth album from the British singer-songwriter James Blunt, which was release in October. This is the first new material from James in the last three years. The album features production from the likes of Tom Rothrock, Steve Mac, Guy Chambers and Steve Robson and was executively produced by Tom Rothrock. His lead single from the album Bonfire Heart was released early October and hit the charts at number four, this song is quite an upbeat song from James and a great song to come back with. The song Miss America, from the album, is a tribute song to the late Whitney Houston, when you listen to the song you understand the reasons why this song was made for Whitney. The album has quite a mix of catchy songs and something you could have a little cry to which is something you would expect from Blunt. His album hasn’t had raving reviews from papers but I think this is a must have album due to the emotion behind the songs but it’s about time the charts had some of this genre back in it, with all the dance titles there is nowadays it nice to have something mellow to listen to. Must have songs from the album are Face the Sun, Heart to Heart, Miss America and Always Hate Me.



Perhaps Lock’s most distinct feature is the sheer randomness and variety of the topics he covers. Despite this, the show felt seamless and interlinked as he dropped in references to material he had used earlier. His ramblings about the work of opticians and pharmacists, to name but a few, were to-the-point and delightfully funny. When he’s not providing commentary on life itself, Lock has a tendency to drift towards ‘scenario’ comedy – with side-splitting results. He also presents a very convincing yet baffling argument that he is Chinese because the clothes he wears come from China, which then ties into a larger segment over the UK’s willingness to import everything and anything that is commercial. Such mundane topics are brought to life by Lock in ways that text cannot do justice, and the show as a whole provides an insightful and hilarious look at one of comedy’s most unique performers today. Make no mistake about it: the self-professed ‘Purple Van Man’ delivers on all levels.



nn u D e n n a o J Beauty by ! y t u a e B E of IC Hey all, my name is Joanne Dunn and I have the privilege of being your Beauty Correspondent for RADAR. I am a self employed beauty therapist and trainer working from ICE Hair and Beauty on Crown Street, Aberdeen. I hope to bring you articles that will be of interest to you. Please feel free to contract me at beautyevolutionfx@outlook.com if there are particular areas of interest you would like to see included. CHRISTMAS BEAUTY – SALON VERSUS BUDGET So it’s that time of year to party, drink and be merry! We all want to look amazing at this time of year and sparkle our way into the New Year, only problem is that being a student you may not be able to afford several trips to the Beauty Salon. Here are a few salon treatments versus beauty budget tips to get you glamorized this festive season: EYES - Lashes are HUGE this season and the bigger the better. SALON When it comes to eyelash enhancements there are so many to choose from. Club or Party Lashes £25 These are ‘clumps’ of lashes that are applied individually to your lash line. They can be quite dramatic and can also come in different colours other than black and brown. Usually lasting up to 2 weeks but can also be applied with strip glue so they only last up to 2 days. Semi-Permanent Lashes From £55 Individual lashes are adhered to you own lashes. These should never be more than one third longer than your own lash. The end look will depend very much on your own set of lashes.

BUDGET Grow your own Start now and nourish you own lashes. No need to buy expensive serums as good old Vaseline works just as well. Get an old mascara wand and clean. Pop some Vaseline onto the back of your hand and rub wand into it. Apply to your lashes every evening before bed and watch them bad boys grow. You could also invest in treatment mascara. Dreamweave Lash Construct is available in ICE for only £14. Not only does it act like lash extensions in a tube but it also treats and nourishes your lashes underneath, with a visible difference in only 15 days. Strip Lashes Available to buy cheaply at the likes of Primark and poundland, this is a cost effective way of enhancing you lashes for a night out. They can be tricky to apply but follow these tips and you should be applying them effectively in no time at all. 1. Ensure the lashes fit your own lash line by sizing them up, if they are too big trim a small area off from the far side of the lash. 2. Always flex and bend the lashes before applying. Some lashes can be quite hard and not very durable, with the result the ends pop up and don’t stick properly, so give them a good bend before applying the glue. 3. Apply glue to the full lash line and wait 30 seconds. It takes time for latex glue to get sticky, so don’t apply to lash straight away. 4. Always place gently on your lash line and put pressure on the ends, these are normally the first to come unstuck. 5. Once adhered to the lash you can apply eyeliner on top of the lashes at your own lash line to help them blend and look more natural.

March Hare Craft & Vintage Market JILLY TAIT/BOTTLED TREASURES

Forget genie in a bottle – why not have watermelons or butterflies instead? Bottled Treasures by Jilly Tait does exactly that. From adorable Dirty Dancing themed pieces to good old glitter in a bottle you can find plenty of pretty treasures to add to your collection. Find Bottle Treasures on Facebook or pop to www.bottledtreasures.co.uk for your fix!

ANTOINETTE JEWELLERY AND ACCESSORIES If unique, quirky jewellery is your thing then you will love Antoinette Jewellery & Accessories. With cool digital floral print necklaces and awesome brain shaped pieces you’re sure to find a one of a kind bargain for your jewellery box. You can also buy online at: http://antoinetter.bigcartel.com/

Picked by our own fashion host Charlotte Dougall

Some money and food tips! Often the result of little money is bad food choices. Healthy eating and living does not have to cost much. Unprocessed foods for instance are often cheaper and more nutriticous than processed foods. Good sources of unprocessed proteins include tins of tuna and frozen chicken breasts. Pasta and rice broccoli and spinach are good sources or carbohydrates while olive oil and mixed nuts are good sources of fats. Frozen fruit and veggies save money – they are half the price of fresh produce and are often pre washed and cut which saves time. Frozen does not mean you compromise on quality as often frozen veggies are nutrient dense and may contain more vitamin and minerals than fresh vegetables. Generic foods and store brands are often cheaper than well known brands. Don’t fall into the trap of paying for packaging. Buying store brands can mean buying twice the amount for less. Also check the unit price of goods. Two small bags may be cheaper than one large one. Drinking tap water can save money. It is important to be hydrated throughout the day. Investing in a water filter will ensure your tap water is thoroughly filtered for optimum cleanliness.

Buying in season fruit and vegetables taste better and is cheaper. For Autumn and Winter chose root vegetables such as turnips and parsnips, apples and squash are also cheap healthy choices for this time of year. It is often when we are in the supermarket we fail to stick to our shopping list. Remember food companies and supermarkets market goods and place special offers in specific places in the supermarket to catch your attention. Avoid impulse buying make a shopping list and stick to it.

Calorie dense foods such as whole milk, potatoes, rice pasta and oats are filling healthy an easy to stockpile.

Plan your meals in advance purchase your shopping and get out of the supermarket. Avoid buying food outside of home. If you are meeting your friends for lunch take your food with you in containers. You have control over what goes into your food and you save money instantly, One last word of advice – never go shopping while you are hungry!


Welfairy r e th o Goesdyom ur problems! solv

Dear Welfairy, It is only the 8th day of the month and I have already spent my entire student loan. I don’t know how I am going to get through the rest of the month and I don’t know who to turn to. I’m thinking of taking out a loan from Wonga. From Anon, 22 Hello my Cherub, No! No Wonga! These pay day loan people are sharks, and sharks should not be trusted. If you are already struggling and take a pay-day loan out at the start of the month, this leaves weeks before your next income. The interest is going to skyrocket, leaving you worse off than you can imagine. I know it’s tough but you need to budget. No trolly dashing in Markies, or raiding the rails on Top Shop, you need to think money, money, money. When your money comes in, set cash aside for essentials and only buy what you need. You also need will power! If you girl, (let’s call her Diane), is all like, “Hey babes, cocktails at Revs then throw some shapes at Gavs tonight?”, then you need to say, “Not tonight Di-ane, I can’t afford it!”. Stay strong! Also I highly, highly recommend you book an appointment with the RGU Finance department at the Student Help Point or email finance@rgu.ac.uk and they can give you some money saving advice. There is also a chance you can apply for the nonrepayable, Hardship fund which can help you out a bit! Good luck my love! Your Welfairy Godmother

Dear Condom Welfairy, If I do not use a condom, can I get an STi if I only have sex for a minute? Mr Anon, 18 Oh My Wee Cherub, Yes you can get an STi no matter how long you are warming up Mr P for without his coat on (condom). You need to make sure your knight is shielded before he ventures into that dark cave. There are fluids, bacteria and blood at both entrances. If someone you’re having

Dear Fairy Godmother! I can’t decide what to do. I am a girl and I live in a mixed student flat with 3 girls and 3 boys and we all get on so well. We all moved in on the same weekend and enjoyed every night of Fresher’s Week together. Since then we go out 3-4 times a week as a flat. My flatmates are aged between 18-20. I am 18, and a virgin. I am starting to worry as my roommates have all had a least someone back with them and then they are all swapping stories the next day. I feel completely out of the loop and I feel now that I am 18, I should lose my virginity soon to get it over with. How do you think I should go about it? Miss Anon, 18 Well My Dear, You seriously want to lose your only cherry so you can be part of the flat-chat sex talk? If you and your roomies are all close like you say they are, then they shouldn’t care. Trust me, the first time will always be with you, do you really want to have it based on just getting it ‘out the way’. I am not saying wait all your life for ‘Mr Right’, but there is no rush, at least wait for somebody that has charm, decency and more importantly someone that you know. This way there might be a bit more sensitivity and won’t be so emotionless afterwards. Do not take home the first hormone that buys you a shot. When your time is right, make sure you wear a condom! Otherwise you are going to have to write back to me asking how you break ‘that’ news to your mother. Also do not forget about the STI’s! Condoms. Condoms. Condoms. You can get those for free from RGU:Union on University Street! Welfairy Godmother/ Condom Welfairy

sex with has an STi then it doesn’t matter how long you’re going at it for, there is still a high risk you can become infected too if you are not wearing a condom. Make sure you always carry some. Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. Remember to get the size that feels comfortable enough so that it doesn’t slip off but is also not too tight is splits. You can get condoms for free at the Union. Yours, Welfairy Godmother

home alone ‘HomeAlone’ DJ Scott Anderson tells us about his start up music company, his time studying at RGU and some highlights from his success so far! What made you want to become a DJ? I’m not too sure really! I guess I’ve always been interested in the manipulation of songs and how songs flow together, but I also always loved the idea of playing songs to people that they’ve never heard before and seeing their reaction to this day, I really enjoy playing obscure stuff and seeing people enjoy it! When did you realise you wanted to pursue this dream? I’ve always wanted to be a DJ, for as long as I can remember, but it’s only in the past year that I’ve actually worked hard to achieve this goal and take it seriously. You have your own music company HomeAlone. When did you start this? And How? I, alongside some friends, started the website about half way through our 3rd year at University! I was on placement as part of my course and was surrounded by good music from local acts so I figured I’d create an outlet for them to push their music towards a larger audience. I named it HomeAlone because Home Alone 2 is a fantastic film (and I’d watched it a few days before I was thinking of names!) and it just stuck. Since then, we’ve put out around 40 videos for local acts, 2 free downloadable compilation albums and I’ve expanded the brand to include my DJ’ing. How did you know you’d be a success/ensure you were? We didn’t know that we would be a success; we just worked very hard to get to this position! We were all intent on creating a portfolio to showcase to future employers and HomeAlone allowed this. We utilised all the equipment that we could take out of the technician’s room and just filmed anybody that wanted to be filmed!

Do you have any advice for aspiring DJs? Work hard and practice a lot but also don’t put yourself down. I’ve learned over the past that if you don’t ask, you don’t get so take risks and put your name out there. Also know your tunes and don’t be pretentious in your song choices! What was you first gig you played? The first gig I played was at The Lemon Tree in Aberdeen as part of their 2012 Music Open Day. I played some tunes between bands (to calm my nerves a bit) and then played for an hour and half at the end. It was a great learning experience and I’m always thankful to my pal Steven Milne for the opportunity! What has been the best gig/venue you’ve played at? I played Cellar 35 the evening before I had an hour broadcast on KissFM – it was probably my favourite gig that I’ve ever played. Everyone that comes down to Headache Music’s gigs know we have a proper party and that night in particular just felt very special. Everyone was up for a laugh and we all had a sing-along right until the end (playing Justin Timberlake’s “Seniorita”)! This was only further topped off with an encore of House of Pain’s “Jump Around” – a proper good night! Tell us about your Kiss FM experience. What was that like? How did you feel? How did you celebrate? It’s a long story but basically, I won a competition - based on a mini mix I made – to DJ at the Wireless Festival down in London on the same day as Jay-Z/ Justin Timberlake and more. I was so happy and had an amazing day meeting loads of my heroes and living the VIP life. My set time got moved

to just before Will.I.Am (the third biggest slot at the entire festival) but then a problem arose with management and I couldn’t play! So KissFM stepped in and gave me an hour long slot on their radio station which was great fun to make and seemed to get a good reaction! I loved every minute of the entire experience, obviously I was a bit disappointed that I couldn’t play to the crowd (there was 6000 people packed into the tent at the time) but it was still a fantastic experience which really topped off an excellent week as I had also graduated from RGU three days before. You studied Media at RGU, How was your time there? I had the best time at Uni – embrace it while you can! What did you learn from your time at RGU? I learned that you need to carve out your own path to stand out from the rest. Is it because you studied at RGU why you’ve played at the RGU Union several times, including during Freshers Week? I played the Union because the opportunity came up and I love doing gigs so jumped at the chance! Also because I heard freshers crowds are ace (which they were)! Was it fun for you? Did it make you think of your own fresher’s experience? I missed most of my own freshers thanks to the foam party knocking me out (lame I know!). But playing freshers week was great – the headphone disco especially was a total highlight! To find out about new and local music and see Scott’s amazing work, visit the HomeAlone website at: www. homealoneabdn.com or check out the Facebook page; HomeAlone or Twitter page @HomeAloneAbdn

mark lons rgu graduate & founder of exclusive ltd recruitment

It is well known that RGU has the highest percentage of employed graduates in the United Kingdom. But getting employed is just the first step on the long road to success. Knowing this we have decided to talk to someone who has already graduated from Robert Gordon University and achieved success in their chosen field. This someone is Mark Lons founder of ‘‘Exclusive LTD’’. He studied Law and Management at RGU from 1994 to 1998 and very kindly agreed to answer some of our questions about his company, his studies and ways to success. What type of company is ‘‘Exclusive LTD’’? ‘‘Exclusive LTD’’ is a recruitment company mostly working with gas and oil industry, engineering, IT and Business projects and provides HR consultancy to companies. What kind of skill set is necessary to create a company as successful as yours? You have to be determined, have a good level of communication skills and business awareness. Did studying at RGU help you to obtain those skills? Absolutely. It gave me very broad understanding of business and gave me exposure to gas industry. It also helped me to create my business network. Is there any reason you have chose Robert Gordon University for your studies? I chose it for my course (Law and Management). This course was going to give me exposure to vide rage of things like law, business and oil and gas industry. It was also quite far away from my native Newcastle. Can you give any advice to current and future students about how to obtain success after graduation? Study hard, obtain your qualification, try to work your way up and don’t expect that just because you gained your diploma you are going to gain high ranking job so be realistic. So focus on your chosen sector and business, learn the profession because University gives you skills but not experience and exposition.

miles for myles “Note to self: ‘1 hour easy run’ up and down hills with Kenyans is never easy.” When I first read up about Aberdeen’s very own Myles, I was stunned because the amount he is doing just now is incredible. It’s no wonder he wishes for ‘more hours in a day’ and has his friends suggesting ‘he does too much work’, but he enjoys his crazy schedule and there is no telling when he will take a back seat. He graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a degree in Journalism and now he is in a marketing role for Gary Walker and co. He is also a journalist, a middle distance athlete and a PR man with his very own company ‘Myles Edwards Media ltd.’ When he is not hard at work in the office, you will find him at altitude in Kenya pursuing his athletic ambitions and raising funds for disadvantaged people in the country. His athletic ambition was always with him as he recalls being at a stage of his life where he was working lots of Part time jobs just to support his athletics. He did admit it tired him out but if you ask me, it sounds very much like student life, when you have a part time job and all the lecturers competing to see who could give out the most coursework. Starting his own Media Company was an offer he said he could not refuse only because it gave him the opportunity to work for himself and still earn money whilst in Kenya. His favorite place to be in the whole world is his very hometown Aberdeen where his friends and family still live and they mean a ‘great deal’ to him. He tributes his achievements to them but he admits Kenya has taught him a great deal too. Going to a 3rd world country makes you appreciate home

comforts so much more according to Myles and what makes him even more determined to help out there is the lack of opportunities for young people. A visit to just one country can be so inspiring. For Myles, Kenya has taught him that anything is possible with hard work and injury free training (He has had many injury plagued years but he is all better now). It is not a revelation to anyone who has an interest in track racing that Kenya just happens to be home to lots of World-class athletes. For Myles it was due to the ‘altitude, the diet and the focus on one thing’ that really improved his ability anytime he went to Kenya. He believes ‘it is a must-do for any aspiring athlete looking to i mprove themselves.’ He is in Kenya just now training 2-3 times per day but to add to his ever growing list of tasks, he is also in the process of setting up his own charity in the UK-The Gambia Edwards foundation so he is also gathering a lot of content for the website for this project. He is also focusing massively on raising funds for disadvantaged people in Kenya and is to have all 22 children at the Pavillion Village Childrens home fully supported for their education, food, water, shelter and clothing by the end of 2014 at the latest. Running Wise, he is working towards qualifying for the commonwealth games and workwise he is massively determined to help Gary Walker develop his financial service business into the best in Aberdeen. 2014 looks like a really busy year for him. One thing that keeps Myles going is the inspirational quotes he gets from his friend Peter Lees and he was kind enough to share one with us all, ‘if you are going through hell, keep going,’ but he is sure it was Winston Churchill who said it.

mp puts a h C g in x o B l a Loc es to rest! his boxing glov This month, RGU:Radar managed to catch up with Aberdeen boxing star Lee McAllister, who recently called time on his career at the age of 31. Lee talked to us about his retirement, some of his career highlights and even his beloved Aberdeen FC. Q: You recently decided to hang up the gloves this past October. How difficult of a decision was that for you? A: It was the biggest decision of my life. I’ve been boxing since I was about 8 or 9 years old, so it’s been my life for over 20 years...but it had to be done. My two kids come first, and the run of injuries meant I had to call it a day. Q: You did, however, retire as the Commonwealth light-welterweight champion. Did that make things any easier at all? A: Not really. At the end of the day, my mind was telling me yes but my body was telling me no. I don’t think retiring as a champion can make up for that, because there’s still so much I didn’t get the chance to do. Q: Is there any added pressure going into a fight if you know that it’s going to be televised? A: I wouldn’t say so. There’s definitely an awareness that you have the opportunity to impress and maybe show off a bit. I think some people maybe misinterpreted that when I was on TV! [laughs] It’s all in the best of spirit though. I’d always have a pint with the guy I was facing afterwards. Q: Any particular venues or fights that stick out for you? A: The Beach Ballroom. I’ve had many fights there and it’s crazy, the best atmosphere of my life. The crowd was fantastic every time, it will always stand out for me. In terms of fights, my first title match against Jeff Thomas was also the first time I’d competed in Aberdeen, so that was special. My first world title win against Craig Docherty in 2007 was one of my favourites as well. Q: It’s no secret that you’re a massive fan of Aberdeen Football Club and have even worn their colours whilst in the ring before. Are you sharing in the optimism surrounding the club as of late? A: I’ve been very impressed. The manager’s got the players focused from what I can see, their heads are screwed on right. Hopefully they can keep it going and maybe bring back a bit of silverware at the end of the season. I think that would be fantastic for the city as a whole. I’ve been lucky enough to train at Pittodrie for the last 10 years and I love taking the kids to the games. I’m feeling good about this season. Interviewed by Eoin Cheyne

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