Week 8th - 12th Feb
? k e e w .g .a .h s s what i SHAG Week stands for Sexual Health Awareness and Guidance week. Like it says on the label, it’s a week in which RGU:Union gets all rude and raunchy talking about Sexual Health, Sexuality, Sex Safety and of course, SEX! We have planned lots of fun activities and events to get students talking openly about sex, as well as educating, giving advice and answering any questions you may have about sex. We also have lots of condoms to be given out!
why does the union host s.h.a.g week? We want to organise events, activities and campaigns that is fun but and getting to meet lots of new people, it’s important that students understand the importance of safe sex. Sex can have a major effect on a person’s emotional and physical wellbeing. The Union has welfare as one of our priorities, so organising SHAG week not only encourages a fun social atmosphere, but it is to also highlight the importance of being responsible and safe.
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sexually transmitted infections
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are caused by infections that are passed from one person to another during sexual contact. These infections often do not cause any symptoms. Medically, infections are only called diseases when they cause symptoms. That is why STDs are also called “sexually transmitted infections.” But it’s very common for people to use the terms “sexually transmitted diseases” or “STDs,” even when there are no signs of disease.
because early-stage infections often cause few or no signs and symptoms. Signs and symptoms may include: • • • • • •
Painful urination Lower abdominal pain Vaginal discharge in women Discharge from the penis in men Pain during sexual intercourse in women Testicular pain in men
Treatment Chlamydia is usually treated with antibiotics as more than 95 out of 100 people with chlamydia will be cured if they take their antibiotics correctly. If you take all your antibiotics correctly then you should not need a follow-up test. However, a doctor or nurse will advise you to have a repeat test if: • • • •
You were treated for chlamydia and you are pregnant. You forgot to take any of your medication or did not take it correctly. Your symptoms have not gone or if they have come back.
Gonorrhoea or “the clap” is a bacterial infection mainly found in discharge from the Gonorrhoea is passed between two people by: · ·
Unprotected sex (vaginal, anal and oral all count!) Sharing sex toys and vibrators that have not been cleaned properly or used with a new condom.
Symptoms • • •
A thick green or yellow discharge from the penis or vagina. Pain when urinating. Bleeding in between periods (women)
However, approx. 1/10 infected men and ½ of women experience none of the symptoms. Treatment • • •
Single antibiotic injection/tablet. Very effective. Can see improvements after a few days. You will be asked to go back to the Doctors for a follow up appointment in 1-2 weeks’ time. Avoid sex until the symptoms have cleared to stop the infection from spreading.
s t r a w l a t i gen
Genital Warts are small growths, bumps and changes to the genital and anal region. It is often spread by sex toys and skin on skin contact, not sex alone. Condoms do not provide complete protection as they do not cover the skin around the infected area. Symptoms •
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masses. Genital warts usually are painless, but they may itch. You might see or feel genital warts in your vagina or on your vulva, cervix, penis, anus, or urethra.
Treatment • • •
Over the counter creams are available. They can take up to 3 months to tackle the infection. Freezing, known as cryotherapy is fully effective. It is highly recommended that you abstain from sex as this will speed recovery time and will stop the infection spreading.
pubic lice
Pubic lice are small insects that live in course body hair. (Pubic region, arm/leg hair, chest, abdomen, facial hair and eyelashes and eyebrows however, this is very uncommon.) It is not linked by poor personal hygiene. They are spread by sexual contact as well as sharing towels, bedding and clothes. It can take 5 days to a couple of weeks for symptoms to show. Symptoms • • • •
Redness, irritation, itching and Black power on your underwear. Blue coloured spots (lice bites) where the lice live. Thighs and lower abdomen. Tiny blood spots.
Treatment •
Lotions, creams and shampoos can be used. They normally take 3-7 days.
HIV stands for Human Virus. It can be passed from sex, infected needles and other injecting equipment. The virus attacks the immune system and weakens your ability to off infections and disease. Unfortunately there is no cure for HIV but there are treatments available to help patients live a long and healthy life. AIDS is the stage of the disease; you can no longer off infections. However if you get an early diagnosis and are given the correct treatment this can stop HIV developing into AIDS.
n o i t p e c a contr Contraception is free for most people in the UK. You have to remember that contraceptive methods do not protect you from STI’s, only a condom alone will protect you.
There are many types of protection: Combined pill, condoms, implants, injections, contraceptive patch, diaphragm, IUD, IUS and vaginal ring.
s m o d n o c e l a m •
Condoms are available at sexual health clinics and doctors however you can also drop into the Union and we can give you some. We also have a condom delivery service. Our welfare fairy will post condoms to your or student halls to save you from coming in to see us. Condoms are 98% effective and are the only protection against STI’s.
female condoms • •
Femidoms (the only brand of female condom) are also available from the Unio Female condoms are 95% effective and can be inserted 8 hours before sex. n. So you don’t have to worry about forgetting to put it on.
the pill •
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The pill is more than 99% effective. A woman can get pregnant if a man’s sperm reaches the egg so the Combined Pill tries to stop this from happening. As well as trying to prevent pregnancy the pill can also be used to help woman with period pain and irregular periods. There are 2 different types of pill available, 21 day and Every Day pill. You will need to see a Doctor before you are given the pill.
s n o i t c e j n i implants & •
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The implant is a 40mm tube that is inserted underneath the skin on your upper arm. The implant lasts for 3 years and is over 99% effective. The injection is also over 99% effective and lasts for 12 weeks. When you decide to stop with the injections it will take up to a year for your fertility to return to normal. Both methods of contraception are perfect if you think you will forget to take the pill every day.
s e i r a d n u o b consent
Consent is where both people agree. Always remember that no means no. The only way to be sure if someone wants to engage in the sexual activity is to ask them. Just because someone has said yes once does not mean that they are obliged to do so every time. Above all, if your partner ever says no during sex or asks you to stop, you must stop immediately. Saying no should never be treated as a game or as a signal that someone is “playing hard to get.” Simply put, “no” means “no” in any sexual encounter.
t n e m s s a r a h l a u sex
Sexual harassment is bullying of a sexual nature. Inappropriate comments are made and the promise of a reward in exchange for sexual favours.
If you have experienced sexual harassment, or have been in a situation where you have been made uncomfortable or forced to do something against your consent, get in touch with the RGU counselling service. Details at the end of this book.
sexuality sexuality
Sexuality is the word we use to describe our sexual interests and preferences. For some people these will stay the same throughout their lives, but for others they may change as they get older. It does not matter what sexuality you are, what is important is that you feel comfortable with the sex you are having and the person you are sharing your sex life with.
n io t c a r t t a x e s e sam
It is not at all unusual to feel attracted to someone of the same sex and many experience crushes or very close friendships with someone of the same sex as people growing up. For lots of people this does mean that they are gay or lesbian, they are and they go on to have relationships with people of the same sex. For others, their feeli ngs may sexes.
s t c a t n o c l u usef Condom Service
University Chaplaincy
Don’t forget, the Union’s Base on University Street has a huge supply of free condoms, pregnancy tests and personal attack alarms, available to RGU students for FREE.
University Counselling
Simply drop in and ask for them. All requests are handled in a completely non-judgemental and confidential manner.
01224 262 297 condomfairy@rguunion.co.uk
01224 591 517 chaplaincy@rgu.ac.uk
01224 262 120 counselling@rgu.ac.uk