What Is The Students' Union?

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Here to support you during your time at RGU!

Welcome to RGU, from your elected Students’ Union Presidents! Hi Everyone, We are your student presidents, and we are delighted to welcome you to RGU! We have been elected by RGU students to develop the student experience. What this means is that we want you to have the best possible time at university, and will support you in any way possible to make this happen. Paul is our President of Communication & Democracy, meaning that he is the spokesperson for the Union. You’ll hear from him regularly as he keeps you up to date with what’s going on at the Union throughout the year. He also deals with student media, and works closely with students to help shape the policies and direction of the Union. Lorna primarily deals with student welfare issues and concerns, and any matters that relate to student wellbeing, academics or your studies; while Vinny’s focus is on making sure you are keeping physically active and healthy - he’s also the person to speak to if you want to get involved with sports clubs. Being a student is about much more than simply attending lectures, it is ultimately about the change students can make in their lives and to society overall. There are a whole range of things that you can get involved with at university, including societies, sports clubs, volunteering (both at home and abroad) and much more. There is always something going on, and we hope that you make the most of these opportunities during your time here. If you have any queries or issues please don’t hesitate to speak to us - we are here to listen and will do all we can to support you. Feel free to stop us if you see us around campus or pop in and see us in the RGU:Union offices any time, we have an open door policy. Have an amazing Freshers Week and make the most of your time at RGU!

Paul, Lorna & Vinny Paul Greene Lorna Stewart Vinny O’Donovan

President of Communication & Democracy President of Education & Welfare President of Sport & Physical Activity

What is the

Students’ Union? Going to university isn’t just about getting a degree. There is an entire lifestyle that comes with being a student. Although studying is a big part of it, it is also about the overall experience; trying new things, being adventurous and making the most of the opportunities available to you. The Students’ Union is all about making your experience the best it can be. Our purpose is to support students by providing a number of different services and opportunities for you to get involved in. Being a student gives you the opportunity to try any number of exciting new things, such as being part of a sports team or society, taking part in student activities or trips, volunteering, raising money for charity, or simply meeting new people! The list is endless, but the bottom line is that we are here to help students, and that is our number one priority.

We don’t meanoatost, but... b

NUS Scotland Awards Winners 2O14 Officer Team of the Year Equality & Diversity Award Lifetime Achievement Award

Although studying is a big part of the student lifestyle, it’s also about trying new things, being adventurous, and making the most of the opportunities available to you. This is where we come in! .

So, how do we do all of this?

Well, it’s simple: the Union is run by students, for students. Elections are held each year to vote in a team of student leaders. It’s their duty to make sure that you get the most out of your experience here. All of this is largely funded by the University, but we also raise profits through our student shop and events, which then gets fed right back into helping you! However, we don’t just concentrate solely on providing extracurricular activities, we also focus on being the student voice and representing your wants and needs, not only to the University but on a national basis too. So, with our full support, we guarantee you a fantastic student experience!

Want to get involved? The Union thrives on student involvement, and we are always on the look-out for keen students to get involved with the good work that goes on here. There are countless different opportunities available throughout the year, ranging from becoming a Class Representative or a Faculty Officer, to playing a part in our Freshers Team or taking part in volunteering programs. Choose an area that interests you and help us to help students at Robert Gordon University!


ion Robert Gordon University Student Guide 2014/15


How does the Union represent students? Representation

Presidents & VPs

Representation; It’s how we support our students, turning a good time into a great time! Unfortunately the definition is lost on most people. Representation is standing in for a person or group of people, acting on their behalf. And that’s exactly what we do at the Union. We tackle the tough problems so you don’t have to! We also make sure you get every opportunity to enjoy yourself whether it’s within the University, locally, nationally and sometimes even internationally! But why is this so important? Well, for many of you, it might be your first time away from home and there is certainly a lot to learn – we want to make this move for you the best it can be. Don’t stress by getting hung up on problems – we’re here to help! But we’re not just here to help students who have moved away from home for the first time. Issues we tackle could relate to any number of things such as funding for your education, cost of living, the quality of your course or even the quality of your social life!…the list goes on. It can often be difficult for students to sort these problems on their own and that is why the Union is here - check out some of the following examples to give you an even better idea.

Our Presidents and VPs are students who have been elected to deal with many issues that affect students, such as Welfare, Sports, Societies, International and Equality & Diversity to name but a few. It is the duty of these Presidents and VPs, with the support of the Union, to represent the student body in the hope of making things better. Currently there are three sabbatical Presidents. These positions are available for students who wish to take a year out of their studies to work full time supporting their fellow students. Look out for your Vice Presidents, and if you need any help, simply check out www.rguunion.co.uk to see if they can lend a hand. Find out who your Presidents and VPs are over the page.


Robert Gordon University Student Guide 2014/15

Union Committees The Union is run ‘by students, for students’. It’s like your very own organisation, and if you want, you can get involved in running it too! There are a number of committees which exist within the Union, where students get to put forward their own ideas on how things should be run. Examples of this are the Sports Forum, Union & Societies Committee and Student Affairs Committee. However, there are also other committees which deal with a wider range of responsibilities such as the Executive Board (the highest ranking decision making committee of the Union) which makes decisions on how the Union as a whole should be helping students.

Student Led Campaigns What do you care most about? Campaigns can take shape in a number of different ways. One of the most common forms is the awareness campaign. When a campaign is done well it can attract attention from all over the UK, allowing students to get their voice heard loud and clear. It’s all about taking your ideas forward, and running a campaign is one of the best ways to do this.

University Committees

some massive changes in the University, ranging from having all lectures recorded on podcast to having free drinking water available on campus. We are always looking for students to sit on these committees, giving them a chance to get across their point of view to key members of the University management – you would be amazed what can be achieved in these meetings! So there you have it, a quick rundown of some of the things that we do. But it’s important for you to remember that if you become a student here, you have a say in the Student Union. The reason the Union keeps up-to-date with what students want is because it lets students make the decisions. So when you join us, get involved, and don’t look back!

The University has a number of committees which include student membership. This gives students the opportunity to make

How the Union That’s you! works... STUDENTS EXECUTIVE BOARD President



(Education & Welfare)

(Communication & Democracy)

(Sport & Physical Activity)

Student Affairs Committee

Union & Societies Committee

Sports Forum

Find out more about our Presidents on the next page Robert Gordon University Student Guide 2014/15


Meet your student

Presidents Paul Greene President ofation Communicacy & Democr Age: 25 From: Glasgow ement with Course: Manag Marketing

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01224 262 295 Phone: 50 615 787 Mobile: 079 D@rguunion.co.uk sC Email: Pre _PresCD GU Twitter: @R 18

Robert Gordon University Student Guide 2014/15

Meet Paul, Lorna & Vinny, your elected Presidents. They were voted in by your fellow students last year and work full time to represent you on many levels throughout the University. Read on to find out a bit more about what their jobs involve...

Lorna Stewart President of Education & Welfare Age: 22 From: Sutherland Course: Law & M anagement

Lorna is in her first year as Pr this is her first ro esident of Educ representing st le within the Students’ Union ation and Welfare, and whi udents at RGU, lst , two years. having been a she has previous experience of class representa tive for the past Her manifesto promoting healconsiders many educational an inclusive, howevthy lifestyle and ensuring that d social aspects, such as “Coming from coer her specific area of intere representation is equal and but I have love llege, I have had a shorter st lies with transitional studen enjoy their timed every minute of it so far! I RGU experience than some otts: and represente at university as muc h as I hawant to make sure that all studhers, ve, and that they d at every stag en e. feel supported ts She goes on to representation say “My vision for this comin to ac hieve thei and support for the RGU studg year is to provide quality facilities and rer best on a personal and coho ent body, and to help indivi du sources are in pl rt level by, ensu ring that adeq als ace.” uate

Phone: 01224 2 Mobile: 079 62 297 50 Email: Pre 615 742 sEW@rguunio n.co.uk Twitter: @R GU_PresEW Robert Gordon University Student Guide 2014/15


Meet your student

Presidents van Vinny O’Dono President ofysical Sport & Ph Activity Age: 22 From: Cork stic Course: Diagno Radiography

ity, having & Physical Activ d his t or Sp of t en Presid lub, an his first term as Weightlifting C eat Vinny is startingding and captaining the RGUsports clubs at RGU. “I got gr e, ov un y pr fo an im m ly g the Club to previous cludes supportin e Weightlifting role this year inof helping the members of th enjoyment out people.” Vinny is and meet new ts clubs at RGU,at university; or sp of t en pm ents develo , in le amongsts stud ith helping the However, outw promoting a healthy lifesty of physical activity, however g. in on ity liv al ed y ss tic th e prac of heal also focu emphasis on th e to the wheel ded “there is a huge ical activity is only one spokally, with the help of like-mind well ys on an ph rs n se pe io ci exer ribute my opin and its links to pport and cont I’m aiming to su promotion of healthy nutrition societies, to the during your being.” up a sports club any of the ng tti se or g in g usin t join questions abou touc h with Vinny If you have any about healthy living, get in time at RGU, or. methods below

01224 263 665 Phone: 50 618 547 Mobile: 079 A@rguunion.co.uk sSP Email: Pre _PresSPA GU Twitter: @R


Robert Gordon University Student Guide 2014/15

d ...an yourVice

Presidents Say hello to our Vice Presidents for this coming year.

Much like our Presidents, they were voted in by your fellow students in our elections last year. However, instead of being paid to work fulltime, they give up their own time to volunteer their services, helping to ensure that the various needs of RGU students are represented to the Union and the University. If you have an issue that falls under their remit, get in touch with the relevant VP and they will work with both the Union and the University to help you resolve it. Alasdair Lemon Vice President Community

Steve Mills Vice President Wellbeing & Equality

vpc@rguunion.co.uk twitter.com/rgu_vpc

vpwe@rguunion.co.uk twitter.com/rgu_vpwe

Edward Pollock Vice President Entertainment & Events

Deena Tissera Vice President International

vpenev@rguunion.co.uk twitter.com/rgu_vpenev

vpi@rguunion.co.uk twitter.com/rgu_vpi

Naimh Healy RAG Chair ragchair@rguunion.co.uk twitter.com/rgu_ragchair

Robert Gordon University Student Guide 2014/15



Nightline RGU: Nightline is a Student-Led peer to peer helpline that offers a non-judgmental, confidential and anonymous listening and support service to students at Robert Gordon University outside of University academic hours (operating 8pm-8am). Our specially trained student volunteers recognise that university is a time of many changes and challenges and can empathise with callers. They don’t judge; they don’t give advice; and they certainly don’t tell callers what to do – they just listen. Best of all, Nightline is confidential and anonymous, meaning students accessing the service don’t even have to give their name. It is said that 1 in 4 people suffer from mental health illnesses, and for students this may be for a variety of issues: from academic stress, bullying or debt to loneliness, depression or bereavement; from arguments with flatmates or worries about a friend, to addictions, eating disorders or self-harm; from relationship or family problems to sexuality, sexual abuse or abortion. As well as our phone lines, we also offer support via email, instant messaging, and can provide information and supplies such as pregnancy tests, condoms, and attack alarms. The service will be launching at the start of semester 1 and we will be looking for volunteers to become Nightline Listeners! Check out our Facebook page or email us to find out how to get involved!

A brand new telephone support service from the Students’ Union

nightline@rguunion.co.uk twitter.com/rgunightline facebook.com/rgunightline Robert Gordon University Student Guide 2014/15


Union Spaces University Street The home of our main Union Student Base on campus. Situated just below the entrance to RGU: SPORT, this is where you’ll find your Student Presidents and Union support staff on a daily basis. The door is always open, so drop in if you have a question about societies, volunteering, events, student media, or if you need to speak to somebody for some confidential advice.

Riverside East The newest University building on the Garthdee Campus, and home to our shop, Deeview Student Store, and our student media hub.

Kaim Cottage Hidden away in between Aberdeen Business School and the Scott Sutherland building. You’ll find multi-faith prayer facilities in here, as well as confidential meeting spaces for when you need to speak to us in private.

If you’re not sure where to go, find a full campus map on page 10 24

Robert Gordon University Student Guide 2014/15

Get the gear! Stop off at the Deeside Student Store in the Riverside East building and take a look at the fantastic stock of RGU branded items on offer. Our shelves are stacked with various clothing options, including a wide range of hoodies, tees and joggers, as well as pens, folders and other essential course stationery. You’ll also find our Edgeworn second-hand bookshop, plus artwork and designs from students at Gray’s School of Art. Don’t forget to ask our friendly shop staff about our customised course-based hoody service. Most of our items can also be purchased online through our website at www.rguunion.co.uk and shipped worldwide. For more details about any of the items in our shop, call 01224 262 266

Don’t spend all your cash on textbooks! Got some textbooks you don’t need anymore? Why not make some cash out of them, or grab yourself a bargain! Edgeworn Books is RGU:Union’s second-hand bookshop, giving students the opportunity to recycle and sell on any old Uni textbooks that are just sitting gathering dust. Take a look at the Edgeworn section in the Deeview Student Store and see if you can save yourself some cash!

Multi Faith Facilities There are multi-faith prayer facilities available at Kaim Cottage on campus. You can obtain the passcode from the Aberdeen Business School reception desk. Robert Gordon University Student Guide 2014/15


Student Media Student-led media plays a key part in student life at Robert Gordon University. Each of our different media outlets are run exclusively by RGU students for RGU students We have split our media outlets into three parts; Radar Magazine, RGU:Radio and RGU:TV.

Radar Magazine Radar is the Union’s student magazine, which was re-born by a new editorial team formed in 2013. Four copies of the magazine were released by the team in the 2013/14 academic year with topics ranging including student activities, sport, societies fashion, arts, music, and food to name a few. There was also a range interviews with top 40 acts such as Elyar Fox and Neon Jungle as well as local Aberdeen talent, sports stars, former students and many more. The Radar team now look towards launching an online version of the magazine, and are looking for as many students as possible to get involved.


Robert Gordon University Student Guide 2014/15

RGU:Radio RGU:Radio is the official student-run radio station at the university. The station works as an arm of the Students’ Union, and aims to be the voice of the students for information, news and entertainment. RGU Radio re-launched in early 2013 and since then, has been grown and expanded, gaining a wide variety of new student volunteers, listeners and supporters. RGU:Radio aims to be a fresh, modern station for the students at RGU, with the aim of playing the songs and shows that reflect the interests of the students. ZINE RADAR MAGA ISSUE 03 FEB/MAR 2014 .UK RGUUNION.CO


RGU:TV RGU:TV is a new initiative aimed at launching RGU’s very own student-led TV channel!




Although still in the early stages of development, with RGU:TV currently produces on demand video content to help promote events on campus, and raise awareness of societies, sports clubs and more.

Get Involved!


The media team want you to get involved. Whether you’re a photographer, journalist, reviewer, graphic designer, hosts – RGU media needs you! Don’t worry if you have no experience, we’ll give you all the training and help to get you started. There will be loads of opportunities to get involved throughout the year, so keep your eyes peeled!

Robert Gordon University Student Guide 2014/15


society Find a

s ve load a h e W eties of soci to get for youd with , invol vetter what no ma interests! your

for you!

Our societies range from academic course related ones such as the Law Society, to good fun extra curricular ones, Dumbledore’s Army (Harry Potter Society) or Electronic Gaming Society. No matter what you’re into, there’s bound to be a society for you! If not, why not start your own? Simply take a hobby or an interest, find some friends to join, apply for a budget and get started! It really is that easy (plus it looks great on your CV!). Getting involved with your class society can be a great way to bond with your fellow classmates and learn more about your degree subject. Not only will this help you with your University work, but going the extra mile to learn more about your chosen subject is sure to impress future employers. Class fundraisers could pay for trips away or perhaps even a ball at the end of the year. We have quite a number of course-related societies, including Applied Social Sciences, Engineering, Life Sciences, 57°10 (Architecture Society), Nursing & Midwifery, Law, and Academic Supply Chain. If your course isn’t covered by any of these then you can get together with your classmates and start a society of your own!

For more information on the various societies that we have on offer, speak to our Student Development & Volunteering Co-ordinator, or our VP Societies. We’re always happy to help! ext.kearney@rgu.ac.uk vpso@rguunion.co.uk 28

Robert Gordon University Student Guide 2014/15


of societies E-MAIL ADDRESS

5710 Architecture Society Academic Supply Chain Society AFBE-UK (Association for Bme Engineers) African and Caribbean Society African Engineers Applied Social Science Society Association of African Students Believers Love World Campus Consulting Christian Union Dumbledores Army (Harry Potter) ESN RGU Events Society Fashion Society First Aid Africa Forensic Society Gaming Society IPE Language Society Law Society League of Anime Mental Wellbeing Society Midwifery Society Nigerian Association RGU RGU Comp Soc RGU Engineering Society RGU Film Society RGU IHI Patient Safety Chapter RGU International Society RGU LGBT+ RGU Nutrition Society RGU Science and Cake Society RGU Singers RSA (Research Students’ Association) Shooting Stars (Drama) South Asian Society Timothy Generation Toast Appreciation Society Whisky Appreciation Society

5710@rguunion.co.uk ascs@rguunion.co.uk abfe@rguunion.co.uk acs@rguunion.co.uk asss@rguunion.co.uk africanstudentsrgu@gmail.com believersloveworld@rguunion.co.uk campusconsulting@rguunion.co.uk cu@rguunion.co.uk harrypotter@rguunion.co.uk info@esnuk-rgu.org eventssociety@rguunion.co.uk fashion@rguunion.co.uk faa@rguunion.co.uk forensics@rguunion.co.uk gaming@rguunion.co.uk aberdeenipesociety@gmail.com languagesociety@rguunion.co.uk lawsoc@rguunion.co.uk anime@rguunion.co.uk mentalwellbeing@rguunion.co.uk midwifery@rguunion.co.uk nigeriancommunity@rguunion.co.uk compsoc@rguunion.co.uk engineering@rguunion.co.uk filmsociety@rguunion.co.uk ihi@rguunion.co.uk internationalsoc@rguunion.co.uk lgbtsociety@rguunion.co.uk rgunutrition@rguunion.co.uk scs@rguunion.co.uk singers@rguunion.co.uk rsa@rguunion.co.uk shootingstars@rguunion.co.uk southasiansociety@rguunion.co.uk timgenrgu@rguunion.co.uk toast@rguunion.co.uk

For the most up to date societies news, head to www.fb.com/rgusocieties and click Like! Robert Gordon University Student Guide 2014/15


Sport & ing Help keep youctive a ring dur time yout RGU a

physical activity

Sport is a key part of the student experience and enjoyment at University. You have the chance to get involved in any number of activities and sports, or even develop your own club! RGU: SPORT has on-site indoor facilities to support a range of sports from badminton, water polo and basketball to indoor hockey and rock climbing to name but a few. We use top facilities to ensure that you have the best experience possible, and cater for a large range of outdoor activities, from football and rugby to rifle and snow sports – everyone is invited to have a go!


Sports Clubs


With over 30 different sports clubs it’s hard not to find something that suits you. If nothing takes your fancy, why not set one up and let us support you in creating it. In recent years we have seen the creation of weightlifting and mountain biking clubs, as well as our very own cheerleading squad. Get in touch with our President (Sport & Physical Activity) for more details on our clubs.

We cater for all levels of sporting students, from beginners to elite. Even if all you want to do is get fitter we can help! However, if you are a top level athlete we have a strong scholarship programme on offer. RGU: SPORT’s Scholarship Co-ordinator, Neil Brown (n.brown@rgu.ac.uk), can help you through the application process.

Robert Gordon University Student Guide 2014/15

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For the most up to date RGU sports club news & results head to www.fb.com/rgusportsclubs and click Like!E

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t n e tud Scampaigns. You can make a difference! Campaigning is one of the most visible ways the Union represents Robert Gordon University students – we campaign to ensure that your views are heard on issues that are important to you. Campaigning can bring about serious change on a local, national or even global level while greatly improving your experience as a student. It is important that students speak out against injustice, and give their support to issues that they feel will have a positive impact on the lives of those around them.

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Robert Gordon University Student Guide 2014/15


Campaigning on an issue that is important to you can help to make a huge difference to your time here and make student life that little bit better.


Many progressive issues around the world have been born from the student movement. If there is something you feel strongly about and want to change, contact the Union for support and lead that change. You can contact your elected Union officers who will endeavour to support you with campaigns in any way they can.

Throughout the past year students at RGU have campaigned and achieved significant wins which have literally changed lives.

To find out more, or to discuss a potential campaign, contact the Union’s President of Communication & Democracy by emailing prescd@rguunion.co.uk Robert Gordon University Student Guide 2014/15


Our students have led campaigns to raise awareness surrounding working conditions in sweatshops; and have shown support for liberation campaigns such as LGBT+, women, international students and many others. Students at RGU have also taken part in campaigns based around mental health issues, cultural awareness, environmental initiatives and many more. As well as helping to increase public awareness of these issues, pressure from RGU campaigners has directly resulted in better value tickets for students on public transport services and has seen RGU officers lobby MPs and MSPs on a range of issues that effect students. Campaigners have also set up a range of initiatives which has led to the Union being recognised by winning a green impact Gold Award and an Equality and Diversity award at a national level.

Go Green RGU:Union was awarded over 200,000 pounds from the Scottish Government to run an environmental project and campaign called ‘Go Green’. This initiative has bought about a community garden at RGU, a bike rental scheme, an energy auditing scheme to campus, the foundations of a food cooperative and there is much more to come!

Independence Referendum Awareness Students and elected officers at RGU have been making sure that students get engaged in the independence debate by getting informed ahead of this momentous occasion and making sure they were registered to vote. To raise the profile of the referendum, a live debate was set up on campus, inviting local MSPs, councillors and campaign leaders, and streamed live on RGU:Radio and through RGU:TV. There was also an RGU:Radio debate and a range of information handed out to students on how to register to vote. 38

Robert Gordon University Student Guide 2014/15

Mental Health Campaigns RGU:Union and the University have been working very hard to raise awareness of mental health general wellbeing. An agreement was signed between Union officers and University senior management to work to promote positive mental wellbeing and to provide greater support and mental health provision for students at RGU. The agreement also commits both parties to challenging the stigma which faces mental health. Mental health week saw a sustained campaign promote healthy living. This included physical activity including noncompetitive sporting activities, zorbing, and by introducing local mental health charities to the student body. ‘Healthy body, Healthy mind’ is a campaign where the University, RGU: Union and RGU:Sport encourages physical participation to help achieve a healthy mind-set. This included opportunities to get involved with sporting activities, campus walks, and encouraging alternative travel to University such as using bikes.

S.H.A.G (Sexual health Awareness and Guidance) week is a key campaign in the RGU calendar, which promotes good sexual health at University. Many students will have seen RGU:Union’s ‘condom welfairy’ handing out free condoms to student while pregnancy tests, personal attack alarms and information on sexual health was also readily available. This campaign tied in with the ‘end revenge porn’ campaign which seeking to raise awareness of inappropriate postbreakups. This campaign received national and international press coverage. Examinations can be a stressful time. RGU:Union wanted to ensure that its students were going in to their exams suitably hydrated. This included handing out bottles of water containing positive messages to give students some encouragement, while making sure students were hydrated!

Pledge To Listen In the past year, RGU:Union officers backed a campaign to widen access to care leavers and to raise awareness of widening access to education for those with a care leavers background. The campaign was also about providing additional support provisions from students in a care leaver background. This was an incredibly successful national campaign and RGU provided 1/3 of the total pledges in Scotland.

Robert Gordon University Student Guide 2014/15


Do something

exciting with youre time! fre

If you’re looking for a fun way to boost your CV and gain invaluable experience, why not try volunteering! From skydiving and sports coaching to youth work and fundraising, we can help find the right opportunity for you. There are lots of different ways to get involved, so, get something more out of your time at university!

Volunteer with the Union There are loads of ways to get involved, from taking part in some of our many societies (which range from gaming and Harry Potter to first aid and law), playing for one of our sports clubs, or becoming a student representative. You can also work internally with us here at the Union by contributing to Radar, our student magazine, RGU:Radio, or as an elected Vice President.

Volunteer in the community Alternatively you can volunteer with any of our registered organisations and charities. We have a variety of registered charities offering activity-based placements for students including conservation work, befriending and office support, as well as marketing and media opportunities and a whole lot besides.


Robert Gordon University Student Guide 2014/15

To find out more about volunteering opportunities with the Union, email ext.kearney@rgu.ac.uk

One-off volunteering projects If you would rather not have a regular commitment, but would like to try volunteering out, why not get involved in one of our many one off projects we run throughout the year? Every year students are invited to get involved with the Torcher Parade. This involves students from Aberdeen University, North East Scotland College and Robert Gordon University, and is the biggest torch-lit procession in Europe. Each year the event raises thousands upon thousands of pounds for local charities.

You also have the opportunity to participate in the Santa Run, which involves taking part in a 6k fun run along Aberdeen’s beach front dressed in a Santa suit! There are also regular one off events for students who would like to take time out, possibly only once a month, to help others with activities such as bag packing, street collecting or beach cleaning. There is a volunteering opportunity to suit everyone, we can work around your schedule to try and find an opportunity that incorporates your hobbies or your course.

How do we recognise the efforts of our volunteers? If you register as a volunteer with us you also have the opportunity to take advantage of the Saltire Awards. This scheme encourages young people to volunteer, and lets you log hours and work towards gaining certificates and recognition for the good work you do. Consider the benefits of volunteering; not only do you receive training and

practical experiences in challenging and rewarding situations, but we can help you gain recognition for this good work – the certificates that you receive will look fantastic to prospective employers. Pop in to the RGU:Union on University Street to find out more about our range of support for both new and existing volunteers.

Robert Gordon University Student Guide 2014/15


RGU:Union is committed to lowering Scotland’s carbon footprint. We are extremely excited to introduce Go Green, RGU Union’s carbon footprint initiative, and the new Climate Change Team. The initiative provides students with the opportunity to significantly reduce the environmental impact of the University whilst gaining valuable experience and qualifications. We have four exciting initiatives for you to get involved with!

Boost your employability by becoming an Energy Ambassador The Energy Ambassador Scheme will train you in carrying out energy audits on campus and in the local community. You will learn how to increase the energy efficiency of buildings. The Scheme will reduce carbon emission, decrease energy bills, and provide you with carbon management skills and practical experience along with potential to gain recognised accreditation.

Get on OUR bike - go green, get fit, and save money! The RGU Bike Rental Scheme will provide an easy and affordable link between campus and the city centre. Giving you great flexibility, bikes will be available for both short-term and longer lease. Give it a go and discover the cyclist’s freedom. Are you a cycling ace? Then come along and share your knowledge!

Save the planet from the comfort of your own room! The annual Halls Energy Challenge awards students for reducing carbon emissions by using less energy. Previously covering only Woolmanhill, the Energy Challenge will be rolled out across all of your halls. You will win great prizes, just for remembering to turn off the lights!

Grow your own! In collaboration with the local community, the RGU Community Garden Project will provide an allotment where you can gain hands-on experience in sustainability and an opportunity to get your hands dirty. Then, at the end of the day, take your produce home for a free, low carbon and delicious meal!

Fancy getting involved? Drop us an email on gogreen@rguunion.co.uk to register your interest and we will keep you up to date on events and volunteering possibilities. You can also follow us on Twitter @rguGoGreen, and find us on Facebook and Instagram.

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Raising $ And Giving € £


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RGU:RAG is the fundraising arm of the Union. They organise a number of charitable events throughout the year, with all the proceeds going to local, national and international charities. RAG is an entirely student-led group, supported by an elected RAG Chair and in-house elected committee. These core committee members assist in the organising of the overall running and support for the fundraising efforts of students and staff throughout the academic year. RGU:RAG has been established at RGU since 2003. Originally starting as a society, the group has continued to develop over the last ten years, and 2012/13 saw the expansion to becoming a fully fledged arm of the Students’ Union, and open to all members of the student body. This allows for a greater awareness but also increased involvement in our activities and volunteering opportunities. RAG has raised almost £90,000 for more than 20 different charities in the last two years alone, through various different methods including bake sales, nippy dips, street collections, fashion shows, challenge events and more. This year is no different and the team are always looking for more members to get involved with events or to think of new events to host. If you’ve got a interesting volunteering opportunity or a fun way to fundraising they would love to hear from you. For the low down on this years events, check out our RAG MAG available through Freshers Week and from the students union or drop by their stall at the Freshers Fayre.

For more information about Raising And Giving at RGU, contact our RAG Chair by emailling ragchair@rguunion.co.uk

advice &welfare During your time at Robert Gordon University, sometimes things may go wrong or you may need a little extra support – and that’s perfectly okay. This section will hopefully point you in the right direction. At the Student Union, we want to provide you with the aid to fully enjoy your time at RGU. We will listen, at a time and place that is convenient for you, and promise not to judge you but to offer help and support. You can be assured we will treat your concerns confidentially. The best way to deal with problems and worries is to face them straight on, as soon as they occur, with the confidence of knowing that support is there should you need it.

Contact the University Student Support Services: The Student Services Department has a team of specialists to support and advise you during your time at University to ensure you get the most out of your studies. For general, non-academic queries and questions you should visit the University’s information and advice centre (The Student Help Point) located on the Garthdee Campus.


Robert Gordon University Student Guide 2014/15

If you need to talk to someone for pastoral or emotional support you should contact the Counselling and Wellbeing Centre on 01224 262 120 and ask to speak to the University’s Wellbeing Adviser who can also refer you, where appropriate, to a Student Counsellor.

No matter how big or small the issue, let us help!

Alternatively, contact the Students’ Union: Academic If something has happened that significantly affects your academic performance – such as a medical concern, bereavement or an unexpected change in circumstances – we can help you to complete an extenuating circumstances form, in order to ensure your personal situation is taken fairly into account for assessments. We can also support you if you feel you have been treated unfairly during your course, and with issues you may be having with your modules. If you receive a letter asking you to attend a meeting to discuss alleged misconduct, we can support you. Please contact us to discuss the meeting, either in person or over the phone. Please be assured our conversation will be completely confidential.

Health If you have a short-term or long-term medical concern or illness that is affecting you, the Student Union can provide you with support and advice to minimize the impact of this on your time at RGU. Your mental wellbeing is also incredibly important. If you feel in need of emotional or pastoral support, whether this is a new or ongoing

RGU Counselling & Wellbeing Dept

01224 262 120

issue, there are a number of support services throughout the University, and we can help you get in touch with these. The Union also provides a discreet contraception delivery service for all genders, as well as supplying pregnancy tests. We want you to be safe whatever you do, and won’t ask invasive questions, nor judge in any way.

Equality & Diversity Your Students’ Union is here to represent you, and that includes ensuring that we have officers as well as staff members who can address any diversity issues that students may face. As members of the National Union of Students Scotland, our students also have access to the advice and support offered by NUS Scotland’s Women’s Officer and Black Students’ Officer. NUS UK has a Postgraduate Officer who can offer our students advice in this area. Whatever advice you’re looking for, or maybe you’ve identified areas of representation that the Students’ Union or University could develop further, do not hesitate to contact us on any of the numbers below.

Students’ Union Advice Department

01224 262 294 01224 263 636

union contact the

RGU Students’ Union, University St, Garthdee Campus, Garthdee Rd, Aberdeen, AB10 7GE Front Desk: 01224 262 263 E-Mail: hello@rguunion.co.uk

Staff Audrey Bainbridge Advice & Admin 01224 262 294 a.bainbridge@rgu.ac.uk

Management Michele Collie General Manager 01224 262 292 07814 683 331 m.collie@rgu.ac.uk

Presidents Paul Greene Communication & Democracy 01224 262 295 07950 615 787 prescd@rguunion.co.uk Lorna Stewart Education & Welfare 01224 262 297 07950 615 742 presew@rguunion.co.uk Vinny O’Donovan Sport & Physical Activity 01224 263 665 07950 618 547 presspa@rguunion.co.uk

Stephen Fiddes Advice & Admin 01224 263 636 s.j.fiddes@rgu.ac.uk

Staff Anthony Browne Climate Change Manager 01224 262 268 ext.browne2@rgu.ac.uk

Hugh Coleman Union Finance 01224 262 297 ext.coleman1@rgu.ac.uk

Mhairi Mackintosh Carbon Reduction Co-ordinator 01224 262 268 ext.browne2@rgu.ac.uk

Gregor Mailer Graphic Designer & Marketing Co-ordinator 01224 262 296 ext.mailer@rgu.ac.uk

Natalie Stypa Climate Change Engagement Co-ordinator 01224 262 268 ext.browne2@rgu.ac.uk

Stevie Kearney Student Development & Volunteering 01224 262 265 ext.kearney@rgu.ac.uk

Grant Stengs Graphic Designer 01224 262 268 grantstengs@rguunion.co.uk

Debbie Booth PA 01224 262 293 ext.booth@rgu.ac.uk Hannah Smith Receptionist 01224 262 266 hello@rguunion.co.uk

Norma Polson Deeview Student Store Supervisor 01224 262 264 Eileen Lawson Deeview Student Store Supervisor 01224 262 264

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