Student Affairs Forum: Minutes of Meeting on February 25, 2014

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Robert Gordon University Student’s Association Student Affairs Meeting 25th February 2014, 12noon Student’s Union, University Street Attending:

Student Body Assembly General , including: Steve Mills, President (Education and Welfare) (Chair) – (SM) Paul Greene, President (Communication and Democracy) – (PG) Ana-Maria Bogdan (1109114) – (AB) Lukas Podhrazky (1203711) – (LP) Ana Custura (0906538) – (AC) Natasha Pinkerton (1004196) – (NP) Jess Beattie (1004877) – (JB) Edward Pollock (1209043) – (EP) RGU:Union Staff: Michele Collie, General Manager – (MC) George Lawie, Student Advice and Admin Co-ordinator (secretary) – (GL)



SM welcomed the group and introductions were made.

Updates on LISC


SM shared some updates from a recent Learning Infrastructure Sub-Committee (LISC) and requested feedback. •

Timetables A working group has been set up regarding timetabling and looking for feedback. Keeping Wednesday afternoons free benefits sports but also societies and other Union activities. Attendees agreed that was fair.

Communication SM reported that LISC were looking at different communication methods and how effective the student body feels they are. Email was felt by the group to be unpopular and overused. NP remarked that many students aren’t fussed to read them. JB said that email is handy, but many feel unnecessary (e.g. warnings about 30min risk periods for Moodle). EP suggested that clearer subject headings, or tags, would improve the situation to allow students to scan for important emails. AB mentioned Gmail’s automatic grouping feature, which funnels emails into categories such as Social, Forums and Updates. The Bulletin was generally read by the attendees but felt that it wasn’t by the wider student body. LP remarked it often felt inconsistent due to mix of text and screenshots. Suggestions included showing on screens by AB, or at computer login by AC. EP asked if Bulletin was available online in an archive, and suggested articles could be grouped by type with opt-in mailing list options. It was reported that the forums on Campus Moodle felt underused, as are the University’s

social networking capabilities. AC and LP mentioned that needing to repeatedly log-in to Campus Moodle was frustrating, especially on mobile devices. A situation from a few years ago was mentioned where a lecturer had used Facebook to coordinate and discuss with students, but it had been quickly shut down. SM stated that anything involving social media would need to have concerns about privacy satisfied and privacy controls highlighted to users. EP noted it can be difficult to keep up with the multiple communication streams (Moodle, Bulletin, email, etc) •

Student Media LISC had mentioned increasing a student media presence across the University. EP suggested this should be linked to the Union’s own offerings with RGU Radio, Radar and RGU TV. It was stated that it feels that the new screens in RSE are not utilized at all, only showing a few rotating images.

Events In terms of communication, LISC wanted to know if students would like bigger and larger events. The group felt that many events were not adequately advertised. It was suggested that events should be more integrated throughout multiple University buildings.

Engagement Staff involved have had high praise regarding the quantity and quality of student feedback this year. Engagement has significantly improved, student opinion is good to hear, and University keen to continue this. LISC wished to ensure thanks was passed back to Faculty Officers and Class Reps.

Assessments and Feedback SM has received over 550 forms back from students regarding exam and coursework feedback. DELTA will be running data analysis on the information to get results, which SM will report. SM thanked the Faculty Officers and Class Reps for their help in distributing and collecting the forms. The timeframe for receiving assessment feedback was inconsistent across the University despite a policy in place. AB’s class was split roughly equally on whether length of time for results was fair or unfair, with ‘fair’ referring to size of class, but also stated that many students would like face-to-face feedback sessions. EP noted a situation where all feedback was returned on one day as a package, which was liked. SM asked if the group was aware that feedback on exam papers could be requested, but most weren’t. Some modules in the Faculty of Health and Social Care have started using “audio feedback”, with lecturers recording their vocal comments in order to talk students through the feedback – this was favourably received.

SM will take the group’s feedback to the next LISC meeting and to appropriate University staff.

Update on TLASC


SM shared some updates from a recent Teaching, Learning & Assessment Sub-Committee (TLASC) meeting that he attended. •

National Student Survey TLASC reported that at this time last year, only 14% of eligible fourth-year students had completed the National Student Survey (NSS), but this year is at an improved 29%. However it is still necessary to encourage relevant students to complete this, as the University’s

position on league tables depends on this, and is a useful tool for recognising areas that need development. SM asked Class Reps of fourth years to help encourage completion of the NSS, and noted that some courses have set aside some class time in order to have them completed. •

Distance Learning SM reported that this meeting of TLASC had focussed heavily on Distance Learning courses, and discussed things such as refining and improving the introduction to the courses so it was clearer to students what was going to be expected of them. SM will liaise with Brian (ABS Faculty Officer) who has a network with their Distance Learning students.

Library and Reading Lists Despite some excuses, there is a move to include more copies of core textbooks in the Library. It was suggested that more co-ordination between the Library and module reading lists would be useful. The distribution of reading lists to courses was inconsistent, with some lecturers using Moodle, others only released lists at the first class, and so on. SM will be pushing for more uniformity of style. AB suggested a method for students to get in touch with older students to acquire the textbooks, perhaps through an online portal, or a second-hand bookshop like Bookends at Aberdeen University. The Union’s second-hand bookshop, Edgeworn Books, was mentioned but it hadn’t been heard of. MC explained its purpose and location, and explained the Union shop in RSE would be getting an overhaul.


Staff-Student Liaison Update

SM asked about Staff-Student Liaison (SSL) meetings. EP, a Class Rep, mentioned he had missed one this week due to having very short notice about the time and location. LP and NP have four to attend this week, in their capacity as Faculty Officers for the Faculty of Design and Technology . 5.

Issues to Raise

SM asked the group if there were any issues needing raised. 5.1 eBooks LP discussed an issue with modules requiring core texts, where these texts are also available online but only a limited number of pages could be accessed for free. SM discussed about the University receiving a certain number of eBook credits and these being shared among all students. SM said he would look into the issue and feedback. 5.2 Library NP noted that the temperature in the library recently has fluctuated between uncomfortably hot and freezing cold. LP highlighted that the ‘call’ buttons on the two library lifts are not connected, meaning many students will call both lifts in order to take the first one, causing further inconvenience to other users on other floors. SM noted these, and reported back that the Library are in the process of fixing the issue of noise disturbance coming from the elevators. AB enquired about the Library’s 24-hour opening, and stated that many students feel it would be useful for the 24-hour opening to begin a week before the exams, rather than on the day that the Assessment Weeks begin. LP shared that he’d met with library staff

who had said there were plans to extend the 24-hour provision for Semester 2’s assessments, but they were still confirming the exact details. 5.3 Wifi SM noted that it had improved across campus but still was not perfect. 5.4 Transport and Parking LP stated that he often shares a car with friends for 9am classes, despite having an Academic bus pass, as the buses are unreliable and full in the mornings, which the group agreed with. NP noted that she often has to park as far away as Riverside Drive, and also that there were issues obtaining 2hr parking passes from the University with them being completely unavailable on some days. JB remarked that the parking requirements weren't clear to students who were not already regular users of the car park. 5.5 Microwaves and Food LP noted that there is a high demand among students for microwaves to be available to use, especially from Research students who are often in University at hours when regular catering facilities are closed, and that RSE didn’t have any vending machines either. JB asked for the reasoning behind food and drink restrictions in the Library, especially during 24-hour opening. SM will look into this. 6.

I Love RGU Week

SM explained that part of the reason behind I Love RGU Week was to celebrate the positive aspects of being at RGU. One of the aims is to balance out the negative feedback, to show that students aren’t always complaining and do often appreciate the University. To help with this, SM requested to receive any appropriate positive feedback. 7.

I Love My Lecturer

SM explained about the I Love My Lecturer awards, and that these were launching on February 26 via the Union’s online presences and as part of I Love RGU Week. The awards ceremony will be held on April 20, inside Riverside East. SM encouraged all present to nominate any University staff members who deserve recognition, and to share the word among other students. 8.


SM briefly discussed the available positions, and encouraged everyone to run if they could commit the time next session. 9.

Any Other Business 9.1 LP asked SM about distributing his own survey to relevant students, which was agreed. 9.2 SM handed out registration and logging forms for volunteering hours. He explained the possible awards and encouraged everyone to complete and log their volunteer hours.



SM thanked everyone for attending and stated that minutes would be circulated following the meeting. All were invited to stay for lunch and the business of the meeting concluded at 12.50pm.

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