1. Welcome 2. New Staff 3. Constitution & Governance 4. Union Services & Facilities 5. Societies & Volunteering 6. Election & Awards Ball 7. Issues to Raise 8. AOB
Robert Gordon University Student’s Association Union & Societies Committee Meeting 26th February 2014, 12noon Student’s Union, University Street Attending:
Student Body Assembly General , including: Paul Greene, President (Communication and Democracy) (Chair) – (PG) Steve Mills, President (Education and Welfare)– (SM) Amy McNellis (1201771, Gaming Society) – (AM) Rachel Sanders (1007112, RAG) – (RS) Amit Jolly (1319888, South Asian Society) – (AJ) Edward Pollock (1209043, Media group) – (EP) RGU:Union Staff: Michele Collie, General Manager – (MC) Steve Kearney, Student Development and Volunteer Co-ordinator – (SK) George Lawie, Student Advice and Admin Co-ordinator (secretary) – (GL)
PG welcomed the group and introductions were made.
New Staff
PG introduced SK to the group as the new, permanent Student Development and Volunteer Coordinator. He also noted that RGU:Union had taken on three new staff as part of the new Green initiative.
Constitution and Governance
PG explained that the Union’s structure was currently changing. Following the successful approval of a new Constitution during the AGM in November 2013, the Union will be changing from being managed by the University committee SAMAG to its own internal Trustees Board. PG explained that the composition of the Trustee Board ensures there is always a majority of students on it, although still includes a single representative from the University.
Union Services and Facilities
PG talked about a number of Union services and facilities. •
City Centre Presence PG stated that the Union is still fighting to have a presence in Aberdeen city centre. There was a discussion about what services and provisions would be needed. PG wants to avoid a partnership with another business, as a pure commercial interest may be likely to take advantage of the student clientele. It was also stated by PG that he feels there is a general consensus among key University staff that a city centre Union presence is important.
Facilities and Storage PG discussed the new “Student Media Hub”, near the back atrium of Riverside East, which can be used by media groups and societies. It can be used for short-term storage, e.g. during small projects, and can be booked out for events, which has already been done successfully
by the Christian Union. The room was due to be furnished by February 26, to be split between social area and workspace, as well as flatscreen TVs and a standalone PC. Kaim Cottage can also be used for temporary storage, and there are intentions to make it a more accessible area. PG also explained that he was waiting on plans from the University’s Estates department for creating secure storage spaces directly underneath the spiral staircase in RGU:Sport, beside the Union offices. •
Student Media Groups Media groups are doing well. Radar magazine has a third issue printing next week, with work begun on the fourth already and a fifth issue before the semester finishes. RGU Radio had a successful first ‘live external broadcast’, airing a show from Riverside East alongside the Independence Debate. SK requested contact details from PG for the media groups.
Shop PG highlighted the usefulness of the shop in Riverside East, and also that it contained the second-hand bookshop, Edgeworn Books. PG also mentioned the current intention to rebrand the main shop from student feedback.
Societies and Volunteering
PG reported that there are currently 975 registered society members, and over 800 registered volunteers. There will be new opportunities available soon through the initiatives being organised by the new Energy staff. SM requested that volunteers submit their volunteering hours before Friday 7 th March, in order to ensure awards are available for the Student Achievement Awards (SAA) Ball.
Elections and Awards Ball
The deadline for submitting nominations for awards at the SAA Ball is today. The SAA Ball is being held at the Marriott Hotel on 28th March, with tickets available for £32.50 each from the Union Shop. Buses will be departing Schoolhill to the hotel at about 6:30pm on the night.
Issues to Raise
A number of issues were raised. •
AM asked about nominating non-student members of societies for awards, as it hadn’t been made clear. PG confirmed that it was possible for non-students to win ‘honorary’ awards, which use the same criteria.
AM enquired about the fourth sabbatical that had been approved at the previous AGM, who would tentatively have responsibility for student societies and activities. PG reported that because the Union is currently in a transitional stage, the University were not willing to finance a fourth sabbatical officer. This is because any significant budgetary changes would need to now be approved either by Emergency General Meeting (impractical with the timescales necessary) or by the Trustee Board (not yet in place). However, the University in principal would be willing to fund a student intern to provide a similar role. PG feels there is a significant need for equality between sports and society representation on the new Trustee Board.
EP asked about society meeting spaces. PG briefly repeated relevant information from Item 4 for EP’s benefit.
AM asked about the recent change of awards criteria from “Society” to “Society/Group” in all cases. PG explained this was to allow non-society groups – such as RAG and the three Media groups – to be able to participate in the awards. RS noted that the awards had historically been for societies, but widening the scope allowed branches of the Union to be involved.
PG then went on to discuss the local community. He is a member of the Garthdee Community Council (GCC) with encouraging progress being made. PG has been asked to pass on information to students from GCC, to promote opportunities and strengthen links.
Any Other Business 8.1 PG discussed the Aberlour Kilt Walk, and encouraged students to sign up and fundraise for it. 8.2 RS noted that an on-campus bungee jump was to be held later in March, with information available. 8.3 SK has received some volunteering opportunities from Cash4Kids, and stated that he plans to have volunteering opportunities listed on the Union’s website in future.
PG thanked everyone for attending and stated that minutes would be circulated following the meeting. All were invited to stay for lunch and the business of the meeting concluded at 12.40pm.