Robert Gordon University Student’s Association Union and Societies Forum 12th December 2013, 12pm Student’s Union, University Street Present:
Student Body Assembly General , including: Steve Mills, President (Education and Welfare) (Chair) Lisanne Heijne (1311095), VP (Societies) Lodovica Avidano (1301020) Shadya El Shafiy (1307056) Marta Kotodziejczak (1011746) Amy McNellis (12017710) Justin Russell (1205446) Iris Wortelboer (1311097) Union Staff: Michele Collie, General Manager Claire Hargaden, Student Development and Volunteering Coordinator (temporary) Apologies: Paul Greene, President (Communications and Democracy)
1. Welcome Welcome from Steve Mills (SM). He explained that he was standing in for Paul Greene (PG) who had been delayed while travelling back from protesting in London. 2. Previous Minutes The previous minutes were distributed, discussed and approved. 3. Introductions SM introduced the new VP (Societies) Lisanne Heijne (LH) and the temporary Student Development and Volunteering Coordinator Claire Hargaden (CH). 4. Recap SM recapped on recent Union news, including the passing of the new Constitution, which he stated is considerably more flexible than the previous one, and the decision to appoint a fourth sabbatical position, with a special focus on societies, volunteering and extra-curricular activities, a position due to begin September 2014. Marta Kotodziejczak (MK) asked when it would be possible to run for this position and SM confirmed that the election of the fourth Sabbatical would take place at the same time as the general election in March 2014. 5. General Discussion SM invited the students present to bring their comments and suggestions for how best the Union can be supporting societies. 5.1
Shadya El Shafiy (SES) spoke for the Dutch Business Society, saying that they were finding it difficult to reach their target market. She said they were struggling to promote the society, although they had held their first meeting on December 5 th and had had 15-20 members. She noted that on the Union website that there is nowhere for them to discuss their society. Michele Collie (MC) said that the union would be happy to facilitate links to the society
Facebook pages. SM suggested that the society could advertise on the RGU Student Union radio and the Union newsletter, Wired. For radio, students must contact Edward Pollack. To advertise in Wired, they should contact Paul Greene. SM also recommended that societies should work hard to create strong branding. It was also noted that Refreshers’ week begins February 3rd and this will be an opportunity to attract more members to societies. 5.2
SM and MC gave a brief overview of what will be available to societies when the new website is completed. Amy McNellis (AM) raised the issue of membership for past students but it was confirmed that this would not be a problem.
AM and Justin Russell (JR) gave an update on the Gaming Society and confirmed that they had also taken over the Board Game society, as there was no leadership for it this year, but still quite a number of interested members. They said that they had found four boxes of gaming books which they had arranged, alphabetised and stored. They said that they had had quite a bit of interest from the members of the Harry Potter society. Am said that their only issue or concern was not knowing where they will meet next year.
Lodovica Avidano (LA) said that due to assignments she hadn’t yet managed to do a lot with RAG, but would be beginning work on some projects the following day (13/12/13).
Marta Kotodziejczak (MK) said that People and Planet was still going well, although they were unable to become an official society this year due to poor numbers. However she is hoping that they can increase society numbers at the Refreshers’ Fayre in February.
SES raised a question about the Spring Ball, previously arranged by the Business Society, which no longer seems to be active. She stated that the Golden Lion, a Dutch cruise ship, would be coming to Aberdeen in April or March and could potentially be a venue for a Spring Ball. SM suggested that we try to make contact with the previous Business Society to discuss this.
SM raised the issue of the loss of the Union buildings at Schoolhill. He explained that the campaign to save it had somewhat fallen flat. However, the campaign had ruffled some feathers and a working group had been formed to discuss future plans with the Union. He stated that while discussions are happening at present, to date no solution had been proposed. He expressed his frustration and the frustration of PG and Paddy Maughan at this lack of resolution and said that if there is not a change soon, the campaign to save the Union will be re-launched. He enumerated the many benefits of having a Union building to societies – disability access, prayer facilities, the student bar, an open, safe space and the ability for societies to meet ad-hoc without pre-booking space.
SM inquired as to whether the problem of storage for societies had been resolved, and it was confirmed that it had been.
MK suggested that a calendar of Society events could be made available generally online so that if a student had a free evening, they could look at what was happening that night and
go along. SM suggested that this calendar could be added to the Societies website. MC stated that this service would be available on the new site. 5.10
SM highlighted the Student Achievement Ball as the biggest event of the year which will take place on the last Friday in March 2014. He said that awards are distributed based on the evidence submitted and encouraged students to submit as much detail as possible, including videos, photos and notes. SM urged that students would log the hours they are spending volunteering for their societies and externally, both within the Union or if they are under 25, by registering with Saltire. LH asked if the students could be provided with an overview of how to achieve the bigger awards, like the Full Scarlet. MC said that the criteria will be put on the website. MC also said that a big hint for succeeding at the awards is to submit absolutely as much detail as possible as all nominations are looked at on an individual basis. SM also noted that you can put it on your CV that you were on committee when your society won an award. Some categories mentioned were Excellence and Consistency (Society) award, Volunteer of the Year, New Society of the Year and Best Improved Society of the Year.
6. Any Other Business 6.1
LH requested that the minutes of this meeting be forwarded to all of the societies. SM agreed that this can be done.
MC invited all students to write blurbs for their societies to be added to the website, LH to gather blurbs to be submitted to CH.
SM thanked everyone for coming and invited them to stay for lunch.
The official business of the meeting concluded at 12.40pm.