Burgess Hill School for Girls Prospectus

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Welcome to our prospectus in which we aim to give you just a snapshot of life at Burgess Hill School for Girls.

The forging of strong links with parents was at the core of the School’s foundation and this remains one of our top priorities. We value the open and friendly partnership we have with our parents as we believe that this will give the children the best start in life - a good education.

The School is a flourishing day and boarding school for girls between 21/ 2 and 18 years. We also welcome boys into the Nursery department. The School is small enough that your child is known as an individual yet large enough to provide breadth, choice and opportunity. Each phase retains its own identity whilst being supportive of the rest of the School. Senior students benefit from the opportunity to work with the younger children and are excellent role models in return. The mix of ages, working together on the same site, gives the School a special character valued by all. This is a busy school founded on a culture of mutual respect which values learning. Pupils, teachers and parents work in partnership to make the most of the educational opportunities available. Your daughter can strive for excellence wherever her talents may lie. Most pupils take part in a wide range of activities and learn the skills of time management and prioritising as a natural consequence of their enthusiasm for joining in as much as they can. There is a strong tradition of accomplishment in every area of the curriculum and beyond.



The excellent relationship which exists between staff, pupils and parents is one of the School’s greatest strengths. Teachers know the girls very well and they work hard to help them learn to build upon their strengths, grow in confidence and be at ease with themselves.

We uphold traditional values and aim to teach the girls to work and play hard and to take pride in all they do; to have good manners; to develop empathy and to grow up into self-disciplined, responsible young people who will want to contribute to their community.

Key points


Engender a sense of G








Demonstrate The vibrant and friendly atmosphere is best experienced in person.












Key points School areas G

Nursery School


Junior School


Senior School


13+ entrants welcome


Sixth Form


Boarding - from Year 7

Entrance G

Entrance at all ages subject to available spaces


initial philosophy continues to this day with the girls displaying fine talents in art, drama, music, sport and technology as a perfect complement to strong academic performance.

Academic & Music Scholarships available for entry into Years 3, 4, 7, 8, 9 and the Lower Sixth.


Creative Scholarships; Sport, Drama and Art available into Year 9 and the Lower Sixth

(source: article from ‘Private Education’ Issue 10)


Technology Scholarships available into the Lower Sixth


Bursaries available

A PROUD TRADITION “Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life” – that was the philosophy of Beatrice Goode when, in 1906, she responded to the requests of local parents in Burgess Hill and the surrounding area for a qualified teacher to educate their children. One hundred years later, Burgess Hill School for Girls is still going strong and that




TURNING VISION INTO REALITY Burgess Hill School for Girls is an environment in which girls can fulfil their potential and are motivated to do so. We seek to develop each pupil’s ability to learn and communicate and to be responsive and confident to meet and accept new challenges. From Reception onwards, the School is dedicated to meeting the specific educational needs of girls. Care for the individual pervades the pastoral and academic structure. We believe you cannot separate academic performance from pastoral care. Our small classes and approachable staff will ensure that your daughter will receive the individual attention she deserves. Enthusiastic, highly qualified teachers and excellent resources facilitate an enviable ambience for teaching and learning.


We aim to inspire a love of learning through challenges, both inside and outside the classroom. The range of extra-curricular options available is immense from Sixth Form girls assisting in our own and other local Junior Schools to ‘Racing the Sun’ in an overnight hike across the South Downs, from being a member of the Senior or Junior School Council to taking part in local Youth Cabinet events, from Public Speaking and Debating to performing in numerous musical and dramatic productions both in school and in the local community. Being involved in such a diverse range of endeavour will encourage your daughter to be aware of her personal qualities, skills, achievements and potential and will enable her to set personal goals. Through participation she will learn to manage

BURGESS HILL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS : www.burgesshill-school.com

praise and criticism and success and failure in a positive way and learn from the experience. The spirit within the school is exuberant; the girls enjoy being here. Every individual contributes in her own unique way. Together they develop a confidence in their own abilities and are empowered by that confidence to take on challenges, develop holistically, take risks, be adventurous, ambitious and excited by life.

“All of our three daughters were educated at Burgess Hill from the age of 5 - their time at Burgess Hill School for Girls has set them securely on the path for their future.” Parent

Key points Our vision G

Each achieves beyond her expectations


Each develops the confidence, curiosity and skills to face the challenges of the future


Each takes a pride in all that she does

Skills acquired











AN EDUCATION THAT LASTS A LIFETIME From the first experiences in ‘Pandas’ and ‘Penguins’ Early Years’ classes, having fun working as a team with a parachute or performing in a Christmas tableau, we provide a rich and varied curriculum that goes far beyond the taught syllabus. The skills required are developed within and outside the classroom. Leading by example,


staff expertise and enthusiasm promote the principle that there is always more to learn. All areas of the School readily embrace advances in technology and combine the finest traditions with developments in best practice in teaching and learning. The atmosphere throughout the School supports learning, the girls enjoy lessons and take a pride in what they do. From an early age the pupils at Burgess Hill School for Girls support each other in striving for improvement. Success inspires pursuit of further challenge.

BURGESS HILL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS : www.burgesshill-school.com

Personal and social development is fundamental to happiness and fulfilment in life. Your daughter will contribute to our friendly community which gives an excellent foundation for growth and for developing good relationships and respect for the differences between people. Learning to work, relax and play together helps to prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences they will face in the future. A strong pastoral system nurtures the girls, fostering self-esteem, encouraging aspiration and building independence as they mature into young women ready to use their initiative and talents for the benefit of themselves and others.

Key points Values G














Attributes To be at ease when meeting new people and to have the confidence to relate to all age groups is a major strength for any future career. The girls manifest their confidence in many ways. They act as guides on Open Days, meet and question speakers from a variety of walks of life, lead assemblies, perform in public, do voluntary work in the community to name but a few. They are universally complimented on their presence, their manners and their ability to fill these often demanding roles.

















RECOGNISING TALENT, REWARDING COMMITMENT The School is keen to support pupils in setting and achieving personal goals - be it in an activity within school or an interest pursued out of school. The strength of the School across the full panoply of subjects and specialisms enables each pupil to exercise her talents to the full. We support the girls in balancing the demands of the academic curriculum with their other commitments. We understand the benefit of pursuing interests beyond the classroom and encourage the girls to embrace opportunities. Whether exploring


a new pursuit, learning the importance and value of commitment or taking a talent to further heights, it is important to broaden experience. Throughout the School, events and activities are designed to enrich the wider curriculum. Many extra-curricular activities are popular year after year whilst others emerge to respond to new interests and enthusiasms. The girls’ achievements are regularly applauded in School assemblies and the support they give one another is heart-

BURGESS HILL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS : www.burgesshill-school.com

warming. Accomplishment of every kind is celebrated, from national awards received to recognition of voluntary work. The girls themselves nominate recipients for good citizenship awards for particular contribution to the School community. In the Senior School, awards are given each year for academic achievement and for progress.

Key points Accomplishments G









Good Citizenship




Public Speaking
















MEETING CHALLENGES, ACHIEVING NEW HEIGHTS Challenges come in all shapes and sizes. What is routine for one person may represent a significant personal challenge for someone else. At Burgess Hill School for Girls, we believe in encouraging each individual to raise her expectations, to set herself targets which will stretch her and give real satisfaction when those goals are achieved. Your daughter is encouraged not

only to play to her strengths but also to identify those areas she needs to develop. Our community enables her to push her own boundaries within an environment that is both supportive and rich in opportunity. Using government measures, the achievements of all pupils show significant added value when compared to pupils in

10. BURGESS HILL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS : www.burgesshill-school.com

schools with a similar intake. The benefits of learning in this, a girls’ school, are tangible and in no small measure due to our ability to focus firmly on girls and the way they learn. The single sex environment gives the girls space and security in which to build their self-esteem and confidence. Our small classes allow staff to get to know each individual well, to understand her strengths and her needs.

aim to please can be channelled to good effect whilst their reluctance to risk being wrong can be challenged. We have high expectations of all our pupils. As Goethe said - “If I accept you as you are I will make you worse; however if I treat you as though you are what you are capable of becoming, I help you become that.”

Key points

Teaching approaches are tailored to the physical, mental and emotional maturity and preferred learning styles of girls. Every subject is promoted as a subject in which girls can and do succeed. At ease and in tune with others in the class, the atmosphere in lessons is positive and purposeful. Girls co-operate to solve problems by team work or compete as the occasion demands. Girls’ natural tendencies to

We offer G

Small classes


Positive learning ethos


Supportive peer groups


Excellent relationships with staff


High standards of behaviour


Extended school day


Outstanding role models

Your daughter will be expected to



Take advantage of the rich and diverse opportunities available


Give of her time and talents to support and enrich the school and wider community


Seek and embrace challenge

BURGESS HILL: THE NURSERY SCHOOL Learning in early childhood is the crucial foundation on which your child will build the rest of his or her life. We take the time and care to enable your child to develop at his or her own pace. Children learn from all that they experience and our Nursery provides an ideal environment in which your child can flourish and develop socially, emotionally and physically. We offer a varied curriculum that follows the Foundation Stage guidelines. This comprises six areas of learning: Personal, Social & Emotional Development; Communication, Language & Literacy; Mathematical Development; Knowledge & Understanding of the World; Physical Development and Creative Development. We have a dedicated and caring team with a ratio of one member of staff to eight pupils. We have three, well resourced classrooms that house our ‘Wrens’ and ‘Swallows’ children. The Nursery has access to wonderful facilities on the main school campus as well as our own enclosed outdoor play areas. We encourage polite behaviour and your child will be helped to develop into a valued and confident individual.

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Parent helpers are welcome in the Nursery and we encourage close partnerships between home and Nursery. Informal parent consultations are held during your child’s first term in the Nursery as well as in March each year. You will receive a written report at the end of your child’s last term.

Children with Special Educational Needs are very welcome provided that the parents and the Manager feel the Nursery will meet the needs of the child.

Key points

There is daily opportunity for you to discuss your child with the Class Supervisor. We enjoy getting together with our parents at special events which include Christmas productions, sports’ mornings and coffee mornings.

Sessions G

Morning sessions


Afternoon sessions


Full day sessions include snack and hot lunch


Breakfast and After School Club




Smooth transition for girls into Reception


Use of whole school facilities


School Nurse on site all day


Security keypads on external doors


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We aim for high academic standards, but of equal importance are the contributions individual girls make to whole school life – to sport, to the creative arts and to the social life of the School. The girls work hard but they have a lot of fun on the way. Educational visits and visiting speakers are greatly valued. In Year 6, the girls enjoy a residential fieldtrip which is always a highlight of their Junior School career. Every girl is treated as an individual and encouraged to develop as far and as fast as she is able. Children’s confidence and selfesteem are nurtured through being listened to, being respected and receiving individual attention as well as through experiencing success and being praised.

The girls learn to work co-operatively and to act with kindness and consideration towards others. Moral and spiritual values lay a foundation for life. Our pupils benefit from being part of the whole School, sharing the excellent facilities and modern resources. We have our own fully networked computer suite with twenty PCs and computers and interactive whiteboards in every classroom. We have a well equipped music room and spacious hall, a science and technology room, cookery room and library. Smiles at the end of the day are testimony to a happy experience and we have these in abundance. Small classes, a caring staff and an exciting learning programme ensure each child feels special.

“The Junior School, including the Under Fives, provides an excellent foundation for the next stage in the pupils’ education.” Independent Schools’ Inspectorate (ISI) Inspection Report - March 2003

“Pupils talk easily and confidently about their life in the school and the extent of their enjoyment of it. They show great consideration for the feelings of others.” Independent Schools’ Inspectorate (ISI) Inspection Report - March 2003


Key points

When you visit our classes you will find a vibrant environment which buzzes with the sound of happy, enthusiastic and motivated young children. Every opportunity is taken to encourage creativity, individuality and a love of learning. In Reception there is a strong focus on learning through play.

Junior School G

Happy, enthusiastic children


Self motivated learners


Confident children


High expectations


Small classes


Automatic entry into the Senior School


Girls introduced to a wide range of sports


Strong emphasis on pastoral care


Sport, Music, Art and Drama enjoy a high profile


Specialist teaching in Music, PE, French and ICT


Extensive range of extracurricular activities


Breakfast and After School Club


Casual Boarding from 7 years


Relaxed and open communication with parents


School nurse on site

BURGESS HILL: THE SENIOR SCHOOL As girls enter the Senior School in Year 7 they are ready and keen to increase their independence. They are given more responsibility and develop their organisational skills. The change to a more complex timetable and specialist teachers for each subject is both demanding and exciting. Girls soon become accustomed to the routines and grow in confidence. Staff support and guide them in establishing good study habits which stand them in good stead when they reach the examination years. The Learning Resources Centre (LRC) is a welcoming space, well resourced and with qualified librarians on hand to assist with research. An early introductory session ensures that the girls are able to take advantage of this excellent facility to support their learning. It is a popular place to work, particularly after school when it is supervised until 6pm. Senior School also boasts two computer suites and two class sets of lap top computers for use in Science and other classroom based lessons. Almost all classrooms are equipped with Interactive Whiteboards and practical subjects have well equipped specialist rooms. Visiting speakers enrich learning and a range of educational visits provide context and experiences that add yet another dimension to bring subjects and topics alive. The curriculum is broad and balanced. In Years 7- 9 most subjects are taught in form groups with Mathematics, P.E. and Languages set according to ability to ensure

appropriate extension and support for each individual. The curriculum in these first years in Senior School provides an excellent foundation and it is designed to build upon prior knowledge whilst ensuring that your daughter is well placed to take her learning forward. These early years affect not only your daughter’s choice of GCSE courses, but also her attitude and confidence to embrace opportunities in the future. A second foreign language is introduced in Year 8 which prepares the ground for your daughter to take two Modern Foreign Languages at GCSE or to have a choice of which to take further. Year 9 sees the start of the options programme. Your daughter will have a programme of talks to help her to make appropriate subject choices. She will be guided to include a broad range of subjects which will keep future course and career options open. An information evening enables parents and staff to work in partnership to support the girls as they make their choices. With a few exceptions, based on consideration of individual strengths and needs, girls take nine GCSEs. We believe that this is a good balance between a desire to continue with as many subjects as possible and the practicalities associated with the demands of the courses. It is important for your daughter to use her time, energy and enthusiasm to gain as wide an experience as possible beyond the narrow confines of any

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By the time your daughter reaches Year 10 she will be ready and prepared to begin her examination courses. The transition to Year 10 brings with it a new maturity born of the opportunity to shape her own future and the responsibility that comes with it. Experienced staff will guide your daughter as she develops her study skills further. The supportive atmosphere within the peer group aids development of a purposeful work ethic and ensures enjoyment is achieved along the way.

Year 11 students enjoy the benefits of their own common room which strengthens their sense of community and support for each other. The girls are encouraged to look outwards too. For example, an invitation to the traditional Senior Citizens’ Tea Party, organised and run by Year 11, is highly prized locally and never fails to bring a smile to the faces of our guests. As your daughter approaches her mock examinations and subject choices for sixth form study, further support is available from Senior Staff in the form of individual interviews. At this stage some feel confident of their future direction whilst others have yet to decide, but all are well on their way to success as self-assured and caring young women.

Key points

examination syllabus. With, on average, nine subjects there is sufficient breadth and challenge in the taught curriculum with ample time and opportunity to sample new activities, develop existing skills or use burgeoning talent to ensure a rich, rewarding and enjoyable experience.

Years 7-9 Subjects studied: G G G G G


Music P.E. G R.S. G Science - Biology - Chemistry (from Yr 8) Geography - Physics G Spanish (from Yr 8) History G Technology ICT - DT Latin Mathematics - Textiles Art Drama English French German


Years 10-11 Science available as G Three Separate Subjects OR G Science and Additional Science incorporating all three sciences Additional Subjects at GCSE Business Studies G Classical Civilisation G Greek (optional extra) G Statistics (optional extra) G


BURGESS HILL: THE SIXTH FORM When girls return to school after sitting their GCSE examinations they have matured through their first real challenge on the road to their future. They are ready to take responsibility and are keen to do so. Girls enjoy a different relationship with staff as a result of their increased maturity and the greater emphasis on independent learning. We offer a choice of twenty four subjects, each taught in small classes by enthusiastic and well qualified staff.

Choosing subjects she really wants to study in greater depth will give your daughter a sense of focus as she makes decisions that will influence her future. In addition to the subjects your daughter will study at AS and A2 Level, there is a Life Skills course which will prepare her for a wide variety of tasks that she may face as a student in Higher Education. By the end of the Lower Sixth she will have learned basic first aid, how to self-cater, to wire a plug, how to perform basic maintenance checks

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on a car and she will have been introduced to simple plumbing skills. She will have regularly applied her problem-solving skills and worked in a range of team-building situations such as outdoor pursuits at Bowles, Race the Sun, charity fund-raising, Young Enterprise or as a member of the Ball or Yearbook committees. One afternoon a week is devoted to Physical Education when the Lower Sixth and Upper Sixth have shared activities. The emphasis is on encouraging the girls to be physically

In the Upper Sixth there is a vibrant Speakers’ Programme which introduces a range of topics designed to raise awareness, provoke discussion and inform the girls. Topics can range from analysing Picasso's 'Guernica', to investigating the Theory of Knowledge and considering Student Finance issues, through to hearing insights on subjects such as HIV or travelling to exotic destinations. Extra-curricular activities provide opportunities to develop leadership and communication skills or simply to take part and enjoy them. A regular Symposium Programme is held after school in sessions designed to encourage girls to think ‘outside the box’, to extend their horizons beyond their subject areas and open their minds to new and interesting concepts. “I've never had a problem that the supportive staff haven't helped me solve.” Sixth Form Student “Our Sixth Form is a close social environment that allows everyone to be who they want to be.” Sixth Form Student


Key points

active now and in the future. The programme is responsive to the interests and talents of the year groups and includes activities as diverse as golf and salsa dancing, rowing and hockey, trampolining, selfdefence and keep fit in the gym.

Sixth Form Wider Curriculum G

Life Skills’ programme


Speakers’ programme


PE options


Extra-curricular activities




Links with wider community

Leadership Opportunities include: G

Magazine Committee


Young Enterprise


School Officer


Performing Arts Event Management


Ball and Yearbook Committees


Running Extra-Curricular Clubs


Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme

ARTISTIC ENCOURAGEMENT A major strength of the School is the Creative Arts. From the age of four girls are proud to present their musical and dramatic talents. “Music is in evidence around the school throughout the day, every day. Pupils obviously take delight in their music making as does the staff” Independent Schools’ Inspectorate (ISI) Inspection Report - March 2003

ability to work together, the self discipline required to learn to play or sing to a high standard and the confidence required to perform in public are highly desirable, transferable skills which contribute to the growth of mature, poised and assured young women capable of making a difference in the world. Drama too is of the highest standard with

80% of pupils in the Junior School play at least one instrument with many in the Senior School playing three or more and singing too. Opportunities to perform in front of an audience are many. At every stage girls are encouraged to perform, from those at the early stages of learning an instrument to those with impressive talent and proficiency. There are lunchtime concerts in School that parents are welcome to attend and girls also perform to community groups in local venues. There are regular evening concerts; the Scholars’ Concert never fails to impress and inspires others to redouble their efforts to practise their own instrument. The Spring Concerts illustrate vividly the extent of the involvement of so many in the wide variety of musical groups from the orchestras and string quartets to flute groups and Jazz Band. It is hugely rewarding to be part of such a vibrant musical community. The

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powerful performances from Shakespearean to contemporary and physical theatre. Year on year, external examiners comment very favourably on the calibre of the improvised pieces produced by the A Level Theatre Studies students. Every age group is catered for with several major productions each year. There is barely a week in the year that someone is not rehearsing for a significant performance.

Key points Activities include:

The performances range from lively ensemble items to thoughtful and moving items of Drama dealing with sensitive topics and contemporary issues. Drama clubs, led by the Sixth Form Drama students produce their own plays and explore every aspect of performance and production. Commitment is required and given. The contribution of everyone from ‘front of house’, backstage and technical support is valued every bit as much as the star performers on the stage. Each performance extends those involved and adds significantly to their personal development. Creativity abounds in Art, Textiles and Technology. The dedication of the girls can be seen in the attention to detail and excellence evident in their practical work. They are given the space, freedom and resources to feed their enthusiasm and


talent. The passion of the teachers for their subjects is contagious and each girl gains satisfaction from her own personal masterpiece. The positive atmosphere and energy in the School is reflected in the high standard of creation from every department and in the pride that the girls have in their own work and in the work of others. “The art department is very good. It is successful and highly popular with the pupils. It provides a caring and supportive atmosphere in which pupils are encouraged to shine and develop as well-rounded individuals, within the framework the subject provides. Pupils are highly motivated by the very visually stimulating environment in this busy department” Independent Schools’ Inspectorate (ISI) Inspection Report - March 2003


In-house Performing Arts’ competition


Informal concerts


Concerts in the community


Christmas Carol Concert


Chamber Concert


Art Exhibition


Life Drawing Workshop


Textiles’ Taster Day


Young Craftsman of the Year competition


Infant Summer Concert


Senior and Junior Spring Concerts


Photography Club


Senior and Junior Drama Productions


Creative Arts’ Showcase

SPORTING ENDEAVOUR expertise of the staff, but there is generally something for everyone. Girls are encouraged to play sport at local clubs too and all are encouraged to participate.

Specialist PE teachers input into the taught curriculum from Reception upwards. Initially the emphasis is on co-ordination and movement with skill acquisition developing alongside fun

personal development. Girls are encouraged to set their own goals and understand the importance of commitment and perseverance in achieving improvement. In Years 7 to 9, year groups are set according to ability in PE which allows girls to learn and play within a group working at a similar standard, thus encouraging even the less talented members of the year group to feel they can contribute and receive guidance at an appropriate level.

events designed to encourage physical activity. The ability to play in a team develops naturally in sport, and games take place within classes and lead on to the beginnings of competitive sport with other local Junior Schools. Sport encourages not only physical fitness but also

Whatever her age or level of expertise there are opportunities for your daughter to participate in a wide range of extra curricular pursuits that promote physical exercise. The clubs on offer at any particular time vary according to the interests of the girls or

by school minibus to take part in such sports as rowing at Ardingly reservoir, golf at Mid Sussex Golf Club or swimming, squash, badminton and fitness classes at the Olympus leisure centre.

Attention to the physical development and wellbeing of our pupils begins with active play in Nursery and continues in Reception through BEAM, a programme aimed to improve co-ordination.

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The School has excellent facilities on site; the PE department also uses the local leisure centre and other amenities to increase the range and number of activities on offer. For example, girls are transported

character, confidence and sportsmanship which are vital personal attributes for the future. Throughout the PE programme, we introduce the girls to a wide variety of sports. The activities are used to develop physical fitness, team spirit and self esteem. In Year 10 and above the girls choose their own programme from a selection of activities of a more recreational nature such as salsa dancing, badminton, squash and golf to further training in hockey or netball. The emphasis is on the girls trying a mixture of options which will, perhaps, introduce a new interest, or simply encourage them to try other things in the future. Most of all we want the girls to enjoy their sport and develop a healthy lifestyle.

Key points

The School has an enviable reputation locally for sporting prowess. Teams regularly gain success at County level and often progress to National Finals in a range of sports. The excellent standard achieved by the girls and the high level of motivation and commitment result in the School fielding a significant number of teams to play fixtures against other schools. Competition for places in school teams is often fierce, however, there are also House matches in the major sports of hockey, netball, rounders, tennis, cross country and athletics which give further opportunity for girls to play competitively. The highs and lows of securing a place in a team or not, of winning a game or losing, of gaining a place in the final or being knocked out by a last minute goal, are all part of taking part and building

Sport G

BEAM programme for Infants


Specialist teachers from Reception


Excellent facilities on site


Access to specialist facilities off site


Classes set by ability


Strong extracurricular programme


Extensive range of School Teams




Healthy lifestyle








Team spirit







INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Technology is now embedded within the school curriculum. It is as natural for a child to turn to the computer to do research on the internet, type up her essay or communicate via email as it is for her to turn on the television. New technologies are ever on the horizon. The role therefore of the School is to prepare your daughter for a future in which an ability to learn and adapt is absolutely crucial. At Burgess Hill School for Girls your daughter will benefit from the advantages that a well equipped school can provide.

ICT skills are now a core requirement alongside numeracy and literacy and the development of these skills begins early, but not at the expense of the traditional competences which every child needs to progress in her learning. Girls receive a first class grounding in the essential building blocks such as word processing, databases, spreadsheets and graphics’ packages, giving them confidence to embrace technology in a wide range of contexts in the future. The skills acquired are used to support other areas of the curriculum. Learning is consolidated through applications such as producing news sheets for activities in Junior School, or presenting a final investigation report in Senior School, where all aspects of the presentation and analysis have been enhanced by utilising appropriate technology.

Technology is used to enhance the learning experience and our staff use their professional expertise to ensure that there is appropriate balance and a varied and stimulating approach. The girls are encouraged to use the media best suited to the task in hand and to learn to see technology as an instrument to assist them rather than becoming a slave to the latest gimmick. The Interactive Whiteboards (IAWB) are a powerful and versatile tool and are used to excellent effect in all years and across the whole curriculum. The girls love pitting their wits against the clock in a fraction matching game or watching a live news feed on a significant world event. In the music technology suite, your daughter will be able to share her individual music composition readily with the class via the IAWB. Presentation skills are much in evidence with PowerPoint slides used with ease and panache from Year 5 upwards. Use of the IAWB allows not only interaction with the software being used but also encourages class interaction in a wide range of activities. In addition to three computer suites across the School, there are class sets of lap top computers with wireless links which enable the technology to be available when and where it is needed. The Senior girls are involved in developing and monitoring the School protocol for the safe use of technology. The benefits and the dangers are recognised and the need to educate young users to handle current and future technologies wisely is central to the ICT policy.

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At Burgess Hill School for Girls, boarders experience life in a typical day school with the added dimension of making their home in one of three comfortable boarding houses. The School facilities are available in the evenings and at weekends. The musicians particularly enjoy doing their instrumental practice in the Music School and the younger girls take advantage of the Learning Resource Centre and computer suites when doing their homework. Sixth Form girls generally choose to work in their own study bedrooms. A diverse range of weekend activities is arranged and includes such outings as ice skating at Somerset House in London, a day at a local theme park, visits to the theatre or cinema and the ever popular shopping trips to Brighton or other retail centres. The boarders integrate quickly and regularly participate in musical and dramatic performances and other


School events. Throughout the year, the girls also create and perform their own entertainments. Invitations to join the boarders at their 'International Evening' or 'Quiz Evening' are enjoyed by the whole School community and a great deal of fun is had by all. Each individual contributes a great deal to the richness of the School and gains much in return. The unfailingly positive and cheery approach of the girls is ample proof of the happy environment within boarding.

Key points


Strengths G

Strong sense of community


Happy and friendly atmosphere


Excellent English Language support


Safe and secure environment

Amenities G

Boarding from age 11


Casual boarding from age 7


Comfortable family style boarding houses


Sixth Form girls have single rooms or share a double room


Younger boarders share with 2 or 3 other girls


Easy access to London airports, trains and ferries

THE HOUSE SYSTEM The House system in both Senior School and Junior School succeeds in promoting a powerful sense of identity and ensures communication between the year groups is strong and constructive. Major events each term provide openings for girls of all ages and talents to take part and support their Houses.

Sixth students plan, rehearse and present, a forty minute performance of theatre, music and dance involving girls from Year 7 upwards. All eagerly await the verdict of an external judge as their performances receive critical acclaim and the all important winner of ‘House Drama’ is announced.

In the Senior School, Performing Arts' Day in November each year sees an impressive number of girls entertain and inspire the rest of Senior School with their House interpretation of a given theme. Lower

The Spring Term involves a different year group each week in a General Knowledge Quiz with the Grand Final on the last afternoon of term. Keenly fought, the afternoon is a spectacular example of team

26. BURGESS HILL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS : www.burgesshill-school.com

spirit with everyone rooting for their own House yet appreciating and applauding everyone who takes part. The Summer Term sees the annual sports’ days when girls willingly represent their Houses in a wide variety of field and track events in pursuit of the coveted trophies. The atmosphere in the Hall or on the Sports field on these occasions is quite simply fantastic. The nature of this School can be seen for what it is; challenging, enjoyable and supportive.


Welcome to our prospectus in which we aim to give you just a snapshot of life at Burgess Hill School for Girls.

The forging of strong links with parents was at the core of the School’s foundation and this remains one of our top priorities. We value the open and friendly partnership we have with our parents as we believe that this will give the children the best start in life - a good education.

The School is a flourishing day and boarding school for girls between 21/ 2 and 18 years. We also welcome boys into the Nursery department. The School is small enough that your child is known as an individual yet large enough to provide breadth, choice and opportunity. Each phase retains its own identity whilst being supportive of the rest of the School. Senior students benefit from the opportunity to work with the younger children and are excellent role models in return. The mix of ages, working together on the same site, gives the School a special character valued by all. This is a busy school founded on a culture of mutual respect which values learning. Pupils, teachers and parents work in partnership to make the most of the educational opportunities available. Your daughter can strive for excellence wherever her talents may lie. Most pupils take part in a wide range of activities and learn the skills of time management and prioritising as a natural consequence of their enthusiasm for joining in as much as they can. There is a strong tradition of accomplishment in every area of the curriculum and beyond.



The excellent relationship which exists between staff, pupils and parents is one of the School’s greatest strengths. Teachers know the girls very well and they work hard to help them learn to build upon their strengths, grow in confidence and be at ease with themselves.

We uphold traditional values and aim to teach the girls to work and play hard and to take pride in all they do; to have good manners; to develop empathy and to grow up into self-disciplined, responsible young people who will want to contribute to their community.

Key points


Engender a sense of G








Demonstrate The vibrant and friendly atmosphere is best experienced in person.












INSPIRING MINDS OPENING DOORS telephone 01444 241050 web www.burgesshill-school.com email registrar@burgesshill-school.com Keymer Road, Burgess Hill, West Sussex RH15 0EG

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