3 minute read
Commodore’s Message
from Ahoy! December 2020
by Koko Mueller
Lipton Trophy
One evening, leaning on the Main Bar railing, a glass in hand, I suddenly realised that Christmas decorations had started to sprout! It dawned on me that this year is about to end. And I am sure that we are all eager to turn the page on a year that has seen so many trials and tribulations, some peaks and many troughs. It also meant that I am halfway through my first year and that it has been rather “emotional” to borrow a line from thug turned thespian Vinnie Jones.
But our Club will certainly finish 2020 memorably and in sporting style! An Around The Island Race which was competing for centre stage with a Typhoon, an epic Lipton Trophy (wink wink nudge nudge), and not one but two further Around the Island races, one for rowers and the second for paddlers on outrigger canoes! Congratulations to all competitors. But equally importantly to all volunteers and race officials, and for the ATIR alone that’s over 60 people, who give their time willingly to ensure we can sail, row and paddle fiercely and safely. Thank you!
Talking of typhoon, two years on and we are still dealing with the aftermath of Typhoon Mangkhut which struck in September 2018 but I’m happy to report that work has started on the pile extensions at Shelter Cove.
Looking ahead, more paddling and rowing with the final race of the year, the Red Bull 3 Peaks that will take place from Middle Island over the weekend of 12 and 13 December. More sailing at Middle Island with both the Etchells and J80’s class champs, both classes boasting large numbers, promising to deliver fast and furious action off Lamma! Budding sailors will be duking it out in the Western Basin some Friday evenings, a great member initiative which I encourage all to come and watch!
The Club has been incredibly busy recently and my thanks to all of you for your support and to all our staff for working under less than ideal conditions. Many an event laid on has been sold out and several put on repeat. On the flip side some of our more traditional end of year events such as the Christmas Tree lighting and others may have to be reworked unless safe relaxation of social distancing measures takes place.
Planning for the Youth Foiling World Cup (YFWC) continues apace. The event has attracted significant international attention including entries from many of the Youth America’s Cup challengers. We look forward to publishing the final entry list by the time you receive this Ahoy! Please do follow the event on Facebook and Instagram (both @youthfoilingworldcup) and bookmark the website www. youthfoilingworldcup. Whilst we are talking social media, please also find RHKYC on YouTube and subscribe to our channel, there you will find not only the recently launched monthly Club videos but we’ve also uploaded an incredible video of our very own RHKYC Team Agiplast.
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and I look forward to seeing you at Kellett Island on New Year’s Eve for the traditional firing of the cannon. Let’s blast this rather annus horribilis where it belongs.
PS – Did I mention the Lipton Trophy?
某一天黃昏,我手裡拿著一杯美酒,依偎在Main Bar 的欄杆;屹然發現 聖誕節已經臨近;更提醒了我2020年快完結了。我相信大家都希望新一 年快點到來,畢竟這一年都是動蕩的一年,大家經歷了不少高低起跌。這 亦像徵了我的任期已過了一半,此刻的我心情帶點激動,或許要從一向有 鐵漢形象的影星「Vinnie Jones」借用一句台詞來形容我的心情。
當然,香港遊艇會以多項水上運動比賽為2020年劃上句號。「香港環島大 賽」及颱風襲港相爭下最終由前者勝出,盛大的「Lipton 盃帆船賽」(大家 應該還記得當天發生了什麼事吧!)亦隨之舉行;加上另外兩場環島賽, 一場是賽艇的;另一場則是懸浮獨木舟的。在此,恭喜各參賽者呢!但我 們同樣要向所有義工及賽事職員致謝,只是環島賽已有愈60人協助其中, 他們日以繼夜工作,為的就是讓大家可以盡情及安全地參與帆船、賽艇及 划槳運動比賽。
說到颱風,2018年9月28日超強颱風「山竹」襲港兩年後;我們仍在處理 修復工作,在西貢白沙灣的碼頭修繕工程亦已經展開。
展望將來,年終前,賽艇及划槳運動部將在12月12至13日在中途島舉辦最 後一場賽事 ─「Red Bull 3 Peaks 三項極限挑戰賽」。而在中途島舉辦 的帆船比賽則有「Etchells 級別」及「J80’s 級別」,多位帆船運員將 在 南丫島展開一場追風逐浪的比賽。另外,一些帆船運動明日之星在近數星期 的周五於灣仔吉列島旁西面海濱將展開比賽,我鼓勵大家前來觀賞賽事。
香港遊艇會近來的活動變得琳瑯滿目,多謝大家的支持;本會的職員在這 艱難時刻仍緊守崗位,我們要向他們衷心致謝。本會近來舉辦的數項新活 動都廣受歡迎,有些更載譽重臨。除非社交距離措施在安全的情況下再度 放寬,否則而一些傳統的節慶活動如「聖誕樹亮登儀式」需要再作安排。
青年水翼帆船世界盃」賽事的籌劃進行得如火如荼。這個賽事吸引 了不少出戰「青年美洲盃帆船賽」的國際選手關注。我們希望在今期 Ahoy! 出版之際可以公佈最後的報名名單。請追蹤賽事 Facebook 及 Instagram 專頁(二者的帳號均是@youthfoilingworldcup)以及標籤 www.youthfoilingworldcup 網頁以獲取最新資訊。談及社交平台,請大 家在 YouTube 訂閱「RHKYC頻道」,大家不但可以收看近期本會多個視 頻,更可以收看一條引人入勝的「RHKYC Team Agiplast」頻道呢!
祝大家聖誕節快樂!在除夕夜,我希望在吉列島會所鳴放禮炮時見到大 家。讓我們把今年不好的東西隨著鳴放禮炮時一起除去,希望來年更好。
後記:我有提過「Lipton 盃帆船賽」嗎?