3 minute read
General Manager’s Message
from Ahoy! December 2020
by Koko Mueller
I can’t believe that we are already reaching the end of what has been a very unusual year indeed. Whilst it has been very challenging and at times frustrating, we have come through the worst of it very well, and with talk now turning towards vaccines being just around the corner and travel bubbles beginning to open up, the next few months are beginning to look more positive.
We launched our new Festive General Manager Mark Bovaird Season website last month 總經理布馬克 (www.festive.rhkyc.org.hk) which has been very well received and also helps our sustainability efforts by taking it online. Now we have added the Christmas food, goodies, hampers and wine as an option within the F&B app to make ordering of those items much easier too. We also have a new permanent home for the Bistro Deli so do pop down and visit it in its own dedicated space opposite the Bistro Bar. With most members not travelling, it has been great to see so many of you making use of the Club. Our races and regattas have been busier than ever which has been fantastic and my thanks go to all the teams of staff and volunteers who have made these events run so smoothly. My thanks also go to the Operations team who have been working tirelessly in both front and back of house areas to create an expanded programme of events to keep everyone entertained when not out on the water. And things are going to be get even busier this month as we head into the Christmas and New Year’s programme of events. But before we get there, there are a series of Rooftop events for you to enjoy whilst making the most of the spectacular weather at this time of year and of course, the views of the stunning Hong Kong skyline. There is a Korean Night on 3 December, a Raclette, Cheese Fondue and Wine Night on 10 December. Not to be missed – see more details on these and other F&B promotions on pages 42.
We have been working for some time towards providing charging stations for electric vehicles in the car parks at Kellett Island and Shelter Cove. I am pleased to say that we now have the Tesla charging stations operational. There will be no charge for using the stations however they are only available on a first come first served basis for cars with a valid RHKYC parking label. Members must register their details with the staff at the security gate upon arrival and leave a car key with the gate staff. The maximum charging time is limited to three hours on weekdays and to two hours on weekends and public holidays. Members will be responsible for moving their car at the end of the charging period, and if the car is not moved within the time period, a penalty charge will be applied. If, however, all charging stations are occupied and there is a car waiting to use the charging service, and if there is an authorised member of staff on duty, then that staff member will move a car that has overstayed their allotted time, in order to allow another member to charge their vehicle. The Club reserves the right to suspend the use of the charging stations on peak days at the Club and on those occasions the spaces allocated for charging will be available for use by any car. The General Committee will review the usage statistics at the end of a three month period to establish a permanent arrangement based on the usage.
Finally, to ensure that your family doesn’t miss out on our weekly news emails, please let us know if you would like to add your spouse/partner to the distribution list. Please email membership@rhkyc.org.hk to add more addresses to your profile.
All that remains is to thank you all for your support of the club over the past 12 months and to wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
2020年快到尾聲,今年大家都經歷了與別不同的一年;逆境自強,曙光 乍現,大家最近討論的話題均圍繞著疫苗研發進度及啟動旅遊氣泡等 議題,相信未來數月大家都可以變得正面起來。
我們在上月推出的全新節慶網站(www.festive.rhkyc.org.hk)不但大獲 好評,而把節慶資訊由傳統的紙版改為網上版,讓本會更能有效地支持可 持續發展。我們已把聖誕節慶食品、物品、禮籃及美酒在「香港遊艇會餐 飲應用程式」上架,讓大家更容易隨時進行訂購。全新的 Bistro Deli 現座 落於 Bistro Bar 對出位置,歡迎大家前來選購。
當大家都未能外遊之際,喜見大家前來本會享樂,而我們的賽事已陸續 恢復,讓大家都變得充實起來。在此,特別向所有前線及幕後工作的員 工及義工致謝,他們日以繼夜工作,更為沒有參加賽事的會員或賓客帶 來無窮歡樂。大家將踏入聖誕及新年的節慶活動,相信本月大家會更為 忙碌。
但在展開節慶活動之前,我們將在 Rooftop 舉行一連串活動,讓大家在 這個絕佳的季節欣賞維港美景。在12月3日,我們將舉辦「韓國之夜」、 12月10日將舉行「Raclette 芝士及葡萄酒晚宴」。更多餐飲活動的詳細 資料,大家可詳閱第42頁。
我很高興向大家宣佈,大家期待已久的電車充電站已經在吉列島及西貢 白沙灣會所投入服務了。持有效泊車證的會員使用充電站費用全免。使 用充電站前,會員需先向大閘職員登記,進入本會後,把車匙交予大閘 職員。會員每次使用充電站之時間平日上限為三小時,周末及公眾假期 上限為兩小時。會員為電車充電後,需自行把車駛離充電站位置;倘若 車輛未被駛離現場,本會將收取付加費。但是,一旦所有充電站均被使 用而當時有另一車輛正在等候充電站位置,現場獲授權之當值職員則會 把愈時充電之電車駛離現場,以撥出充電站予其他會員使用。香港遊艇 會保留任何權利在繁忙日子終止電車充電站之使用,而充電站屆時會撥 備作為其他車輛停泊之用。
最後,為確保您的家人不會錯過本會的每周電郵通訊,如 閣下有意把伴侶 的電郵地址加進本會的通訊錄內,請電郵至 membership@rhkyc.org.hk 以增加額外的電郵地址。