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General Manager’s Message
from Ahoy! July/Aug 2022
by Koko Mueller
Well, it certainly was a very busy June with the Club getting increasingly back to normal, holding the first of the Club’s celebration races for the 25 year anniversary (25A) of the establishment of the Hong Kong SAR, reopening the refurbished Chart Room, Club Room and Ward Room which feature furniture from our new furniture partner, Timothy Oulton, and towards the end of the month launching our new mobile friendly website – more on that General Manager Mark Bovaird later! But as always, this great Club 總經理布馬克 will not be resting on its laurels and we have a huge programme of races and events ahead in the next couple of months. There are plenty more 25A races to come from Sailing/Rowing/ Paddling, and of course the ever-popular Sunset Series on Friday nights. But in addition, there are plenty of wine events coming up too starting with the Cloudy Bay Wine Dinner on 21 July. Cloudy Bay has always been a firm favourite with members so this is one winery that needs no introduction from me – just be sure to book quickly! For a long while now we haven’t been able to have our large-scale wine fair at the poolside but I’m happy to say that with the latest relaxation in Covid restrictions, we have a new format for a Global Wine Fair coming to the Regatta Room and Rooftop on 29 July. This event features over 100 wines from 30 regions, brought to you by eight of our wine suppliers. Over to Japan now for something different and we are pleased to have the Kamoshibito Kuheiji 釀人九平次 and Tenryo 天領 Sake Dinner in the Compass Room on 17 August. If you have never been to a sake dinner or even tried sake, this is a fantastic new experience for you, and if you have, you know this is one not to miss. One of the sake breweries featured has been in business since 1647!
Then, on 27 August, join us for a Black Tie Champagne Dinner featuring Moët Chandon and Dom Pérignon. As it is still two months away, we hope that social distancing measures will be further relaxed by then, and if they are, we are poised to add some live entertainment to this great evening too.
Our cadet members (aged 12 to 18) are being treated in August to an event JUST for them. Sorry mums and dads, this one isn’t for you. We have been working with the Family Committee on this one and we will be bringing in the inflatable water slide and adding some pool toys. Add to the mix a buffet and party games and it’s a fabulous party for our younger members.
The Annual Mussel Party makes a welcome return too on 20 August – so popular is this event that it is factually four parties in one that takes up the Regatta Room, Rooftop, Main Deck and the Main Lawn! This is one of our most sought after and fastest events to sell out at the Club!
So, as you can appreciate, there is plenty to keep you occupied here at the Club over the summer and even more promotions to learn about within these pages – and of course, on our new website! The new website was launched on 14 June and I hope you have had a chance to visit it. It’s wonderful to have a website that is finally viewable on any device – yes including your mobile phone! Feedback on the new website has been overwhelmingly positive and we hope that you will enjoy using it to keep up to date with races and events at your club.
If you are travelling for the summer, we hope you have a brilliant time while you are away and look forward to welcoming you back soon. If you are staying in Hong Kong, we are sure you will have a brilliant time at all the events at the Club.
6月可是一個繁忙的月份,因為本會的活動已逐步回復正常。本月我們在新 裝修的 Chart Room、Club Room 及 Ward Room 舉行了「香港特別行政 區25周年回歸帆船賽」揭幕禮,內裡添置了很多出自 Timothy Oulton 的傢 俱;而到本月下旬,本會的新網頁亦正式面世了,有關網頁的相關資訊,稍後 再與大家一起分享。一如以往,本會的步伐永不休止,在未來數月精彩的賽 事及活動可謂精彩紛呈。
有關回歸25周年的帆船、賽艇及划槳運動和廣受歡迎的周五黃昏系列帆船 賽陸續上演。與此同時,又怎會少得「美酒巡禮」等活動呢?活動將由7月7日 舉行的「Cloudy Bay 葡萄酒晚宴」揭開序幕。「Cloudy Bay」的品牌一向是 本會會員的心頭好,相信大家都不用我再加以介紹呢!預約從速,萬勿錯過。
本會已有一段時間未能在泳池旁邊場舉行大型的美酒展覽,但我很高興在 此宣佈隨著社交距離措施放寬,我們將在7月29日在 Regatta Room 舉行 一個嶄新的環球美酒盛會。當晚為大家帶來8個參展酒商,連同來自30個地 方,100款美酒將一次過呈現於大家眼前。
8月17日我們將舉行「Kamoshibito Kuheiji 釀人九平次及 Tenryo 天領清 酒晚宴」。如果你從未參與過任何清酒晚宴甚或未嚐過清酒,今次的晚宴 大家可萬勿錯過呢!你知道嗎?其中一款清酒的酒廠歷史悠久,其產業始於 1647年呢! 8月27日大家可別錯過「Black Tie 香檳晚宴」呢!當晚將為大家呈獻 Moët Chandon 及 Dom Pérignon 兩款香檳。由現在至活動舉行期間尚有約兩個 月時間,希望屆時社交距離限制措施得以鬆綁;倘如願以償,我們當晚將為 大家帶來現場娛樂節目呢!
8月為本會年齡屆乎12至18歲的「cadet members」尊享月份。我們一直與
Family Committee」籌備,在月8月將為他們帶來水上充氣滑梯,加入多款 水池玩具,再配以自助餐及派對遊戲,絕對是年輕一代的會員的不二之選。
年度「青口任食派對」將於8月20日載譽回歸。這個活動廣受歡迎,由 Regatta Room、Rooftop、Main Deck 及 Main Lawn 均座無虛席。相信大 家已經期待已久,此活動更是瞬間滿座的,大家萬物錯過。
大家可見,本會舉辦的精彩活動浪接浪,足夠令你在整個暑假在會內「忙得 不可開交」。今期Ahoy!內頁有更多不同的活動優惠及推廣,請詳閱內容。 當然,在眾多精彩活動中,又怎可以把本會的新網頁「拋諸腦後」呢?本會的 全新網頁已於6月14日面世,大家可以不同的電子產品瀏覽本會網頁,包括 你的手提電話。新網頁推出後好評如潮,希望大家喜歡,亦可以從新網頁中 得悉更多本會賽事及活動的最新資訊。
如果大家在暑假將會外遊,我們希望你渡過一個美好時光,更期特大家歸 來。如果大家選擇留港渡假,我們深信本會所舉辦的活動將為你帶來與別 不同的時光。