PTCH : What Can You Teach in 60 Seconds? FREE App for iPhone and iPad. Android in the works.
Main Screen
Whether you use PTCH to produce learning or support materials or not, it’s an interesting way to look at shifting how you deliver information.
Camera Roll
r he
i al c o
d ee F ia d e
Move around and edit
Compose Screen Options
Compose Screen Options
Compose Screen Edit Options for Video
Compose Screen Edit Options for Video
Edit n e e e Scr ideo s o p Com ns for V Optio
Choose STYLE and MUSIC
Choose STYLE and MUSIC
Use PTCH music or music from your iTUNES account
ADD Name, Choose Privacy, Select Share, PUBLISH
BROWSER VERSUS APP Create only in APP. Various share opportunities, not embed. BROWSER has embed code. No edit or create.
Upgrades/ReFurbs Currently there is no edit or a time information that let’s you know you’re at 60 sec. Until these items are restored, rely on PREVIEW and be prepared to redo. A previous version also had a imaged duration edit. It is widely hoped this will return as it provides more control on flow. It also allowed for easy animation techniques.
What Can You Teach in 60 Seconds? resentations Or Or