Rhyddings Business & Enterprise School
Subject: Business Studies Course: GCSE Applied Business Studies
Overview of course: 1 GCSE A* - G This Applied GCSE means that the course work covered is focused around existing businesses. Theoretical knowledge is applied to real life situations. Students must be able to work independently, have an enquiring mind and have strong analytical skills.
Course Content / Topics Covered: Unit 1 – Investigating how businesses work What is a business and what do businesses do? How are businesses organised? Why are stakeholders so important? This unit is internally assessed and will focus on 1 local business and 1 national business. Coursework will be carried out in controlled conditions and cannot be improved once it is completed. Unit 2 – Financial Records Investigating the flow of financial documents used in business trading Investigate business payment methods and costs Investigating the nature of financial statements This unit is externally assessed by a 1 hour exam at the end of year 11
For more information see: Mrs Bancroft or Mrs Grue