October 2018 Dear Parent/Carer, RE: ATTITUDE TO LEARNING Students in Year 11 have received a significant amount of information through assemblies and other means about how to revise, what they should be revising and how to manage this. They have also had an incredible amount of careers information too. Several further education providers and experts have been giving advice to the students each week on the options available to them once they leave high school. However, this information is redundant if students do not have the appropriate attitude to learning within the classroom. The teachers of year 11 students have recently graded students on a scale of 1 to 4 on their Attitude To Learning (ATL) in their subject areas. The descriptors are included below: 1. Excellent - Fully engaged, work finished to the highest standard, listens intently and actively participates at all times. Self-assured learner, eager to learn. 2. Good - Ready to learn, confident and good self-management. Usually engaged, and good work produced. A bit more concentration and application needed to get the higher standard. 3. Inconsistent - Needs reminding at times to stay on task. Not always listening, some low level disruption. Self-management and motivation need to be better. 4. Inadequate - No focus, not engaging with any work, no commitment to learning. Persistent low and/or high level disruption, no self-discipline and frequent absence from lesson. Each student has now received this information, including an average ATL score. Pupils and parents will be updated throughout the year, in each term, via a printed passport containing all of this performance data. This will be accompanied by a text notification to parents and will be in addition to the interim reports you will be familiar with. Please will you discuss with you child how vital this is and contact school if you have any questions. Yours sincerely,
Mrs Cath O’Loughlin Year 11 Progress Leader