2013 Leavers Awards

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Our ref: TT/KS/awe-invite to students 20 November 2013 Dear All The presentation of BTEC, GCSE certificates and awards to students who left the school this Summer, will take place on Tuesday 10 December 2013 here at the school starting at 6:00pm. I will be making a speech and then hot food will be served. The event will take place in the ‘B’ rooms. We would very much like to see you and your parents on the presentation evening. It is an opportunity to meet your former school friends and let us know how you are getting along. Please make every effort to attend. Could we remind you that this is a celebration for family only and we cannot extend the invitation to your friends. If you are attending, could you arrive by 5.45pm. Please return the slip below by Friday 29 November 2013. IMPORTANT If you are unable to attend the awards ceremony, you should collect your certificates from the school office within 12 months. After this period ALL CERTIFICATES WILL BE DESTROYED, in accordance with Examination Boards’ regulations. On the same evening it is our annual Christmas Fair in the Sports Hall from 3:15pm – 6:00pm. There are lots of festive stalls so please feel free to bring your parents and have a look. Yours sincerely Mr P Trickett headteacher --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AWARDS EVENING : TUESDAY 10 DECEMBER 2013 (Please return this slip to school no later than Friday 29 November 2013). Please tick the appropriate box:  I will be attending the presentation and will require ______ seats (including my own) 

I will require


 I will not be attending the Presentation, but will collect my certificates from school within 12 months. I understand that after this period, they will be destroyed. Student Name .............................................. Date ..................................................................................

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