June 7th 2013.
Dear Parent / Guardian, Ref: Cefn Lea Camp. We will be meeting at School on Monday June 24th at 9am. Please ensure that your child arrives promptly, and reports to the Arts’ Centre. We will travel to Cefn Lea by coach. As the luggage space will be limited, we politely ask that each student brings only one, small case or bag, and one item of hand-luggage. Could you also please provide your child either with a packed lunch, or with the money to buy one? We aim to arrive at the Camp Site at 2pm. We have planned an action-packed week for the students. A range of casual, practical and preferably waterproof clothing and footwear will be required for most of the activities, along with one smarter outfit for the party at the end of the week. The following items are also essential: • Towels • Sleeping bag • Pillow • Sun Lotion • Torch • At least one waterproof coat or jacket. Each cabin has its own kitchen, and basic cooking equipment. If you wish to provide your child with a range of food / snacks this is acceptable. For more information about the facilities please take a look at the website www.cefnlea.co.uk. Your child should bring with him / her any medication which may be needed throughout the course of the week. Medical issues will be dealt with by a team of qualified First Aiders, which includes Mr. Fielding. We do not contact Parents / Guardians about minor injuries, but please be assured that we will contact you immediately in the unlikely event of anything more serious occurring. The amount of money your child brings to Camp is completely at your discretion. Please be aware however that money is the sole responsibility of the student. This is also the case for any valuable items such as mobile phones.
Mobile reception at Cefn Lea is very limited. There is, however, a pay-phone on site, to which your child will have access. The full address of the Camp Site is: Cefn Lea Park, Dolfor, Newtown, Powys, SY16 4AJ. The telephone number is: 01686 625275. We aim to return to School no later than 3pm on Friday June 28th. If you require any further information please contact Mrs. J. Bell (Camp Leader.) Yours sincerely,
Mrs. J. Bell (Camp Leader.) Mr. G. Fielding. Mr. P. Grave.