29 June 2015 Dear Parents / Carers and Students The Continent House System is brand new to Rhyddings and will be launched across school in the first week of September. As well as continuing to be a member of a form and a year group all students will be a member of a Continent House led by a Continent House Leader. The Continent Houses are based around the five populated Continents: Europe, Africa, Asia, Australasia and the Americas. Each Continent House will include students from all year groups. The Continent Houses are an exciting opportunity for everyone to learn more about the world in which we live. Students will develop high quality learning skills through global learning activities, supporting their literacy, numeracy and communication. Throughout the year there will be many fun, thought – provoking and sometimes challenging activities for students to be involved in. These may include: Sport, Performing Arts, Eco Warriors and Charity Projects. As students participate in the Continent Houses’ activities and events THEY will be rewarded via our vivo system. Parents and carers, families and students will continue to liaise with the Year Leaders and form teachers regarding the pastoral care, emotional support and well – being of individual students.
This is an exciting move on Rhyddings’ part to ensure that all our students continue to have a wide, challenging, exciting and relevant curriculum. The House Leaders of the five areas will, of course, continue to up-date you about future developments of the Continent House System. Yours sincerely
Paul Trickett Headteacher
Adele Nuttall Deputy Headteacher