Dear Parent Carer and Guardian Child Sexual Exploitation E-Safety Parent Evening
Our students spend a lot of time online and it can be a great way for them to socialise, explore and have fun. However many children may also face risks of cyberbullying in many different forms. All parents and students have been invited to a special evening at school on Monday 1st February at 6:00pm till 7:30pm. The aim is to share clear guidelines for parents regardingsafety particularly linked to current changes in the laws, to explore different ways our students can remain safe when using social media sites and to ensure all parents feel confident about supporting their child on-line. I believe this evening is very important for all students and parents, our students are currently living in an exciting revolutionary world which is constantly changing, all forms of technology can and do help them to learn. E-Safety is delivered to students throughout the curriculum, this is an opportunity for you as parents to be involved. Important issues such as reporting cyberbullying, instructions on safety checks for personal details on facebook accounts, Instagram, current laws linked to use of inappropriate material and material of an extreme nature all will be discussed. As a guest speaker from Lancashire county Council Sarah Wells (Child Sexual Exploitation officer) will be sharing her knowledge about risks and dangers regarding grooming on-line for young people. Martin Breckell (Rhyddings Child Protection Officer) and Sarah Bedwell (ESafety Officer) in school will be sharing our school guidelines. All parents will be provided with a resource pack which will include extra material from Lancashire CSE officers, NSPCC, Lancashire Police and Rhyddings School. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me I look forward to seeing you. Yours Sincerely
Mrs Ali (Assistant Headteacher)