MATHEMATICS Teachers of Mathematics: Curriculum Leader: Mrs H Whelan Assistant Curriculum Leader: Miss C Jackson Teachers: Mrs P Langton, Ms S Uttley, Mr P Mercer, Mrs J Dutton, Mr A Thomas, Mr R Patterson, Mr P Bradley, Mrs L Bancroft
What will my child be studying? Number Integers and Decimals; Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages; Ratio and Proportion; Calculations; Squares and Roots. Algebra Sequences and Functions; Expressions and Formulae; Graphs; Solving Equations; Inequalities. Shape, Space and Measure Measures; 2-D Shapes and 3-D shapes; Constructions; Transformations and Symmetry; Angles and Geometry; Perimeter, Area and Volume; Circle Geometry. Handling Data Collecting, Representing and Interpreting Data; Surveys and Sampling; Averages; Probability. Functional Mathematics Mathematics set out in the context of everyday life and the real world.
Key Stage 3 How are teaching groups organised? Pupils are in two parallel groups called X and Y band. Within these bands they are placed in sets 1 to 3. How will my child be assessed? A formal assessment will take place in the last week of every half term. These assessments will be levelled and used in progress checks. Classwork set by the teacher will be either peer assessed or marked by the teacher with targets for improvement written down. The teacher will monitor online homework and encourage pupils to achieve at least 70% or more in all assignments.
What Homework will be set? Most weeks all pupils will be set one or more MyMaths online assignments relating to work done in class.
Useful resources & websites to support learning: – my learning portfolio
Key Stage 4 EXAM BOARD AND DETAILS OF THE COURSE: Edexcel GCSE Mathematics Specification B Specification B is modular. This means that the examinations can be taken during the course, though Unit 3 is usually taken at the end of the course. Only the content specified for each unit is tested in the examination and students have the opportunity to re-sit units before the end of the course. No calculators are allowed for Unit 2. This specification is designed to provide manageable bite-sized units, have a clear structure, help students reach their potential, help teachers track performance and to encourage and motivate students. Edexcel GCSE Mathematics Specification A Specification A is linear. This means that the examinations for all the content are taken at the end of the two year course. The examination consists of two papers: one calculator and one non-calculator. Year 11 will be entered for the specification that gives them the greatest possibility of achieving their best result. For Year 10 and all year groups onwards, only the linear option is available.
EXAMINATION REQUIREMENTS: The hyperlink below allows you see the content of each unit, the exam requirements and how the students can be supported in their learning.
KEY DATES: Spring Exams Linear Thursday 28 February Paper 1 Monday 4 March Paper 2
Non-calculator Calculator
Modular Thursday 28 February Unit 1 Monday 4 March Unit 2 Wednesday 6 March Unit 3
Calculator Non-calculator Calculator
Summer Exams Linear Tuesday 11 June Friday 14 June
Paper 1 Paper 2
Non-calculator Calculator
Modular Tuesday 11 June Friday 14 June Monday 17 June
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3
Calculator Non-calculator Calculator
HOW TO PREPARE AND REVISE FOR THIS SUBJECT: DVDs can be purchased from the department, which contain videos covering the whole syllabus at foundation and higher and how to tackle exam questions. Revision and work books can be purchased from the department, which give examples of exam questions and gives students the opportunity to try out questions. Past papers are available on the ‘My Leaning Portfolio’ section of the school website for students to download and complete at home, along with grade targeting material and revision tips. Past papers are done in class with your teacher providing you with the opportunity to discover your weaker areas of understanding and to focus your learning on these areas. The MyMaths website is a useful tool for students to practice all areas of mathematics, and each online exercise is accompanied by a helpful lesson.