Our ref: TT/KS 13 July 2015 Dear Parent / Carer RE
House Continents Launch Day / Party Animals
I write to inform you that on Friday 11 September 2015 we will be holding our first ever House Continents’ Launch Day of which all the students will be taking part. As part of this day arrangements have been made for the company ‘Party Animals’ to attend. Party Animals is a countrywide exotic animal talks service. It is educational on many different levels, whilst at the same time entertaining. The exotic animal presentations are illustrated with around 35 animals, representing most of the classes and many species. You can find further information at www.cornerexotics.co.uk. We have completed the necessary risk assessments within school and Party Animals have provided us with their relevant safety documents. If you have any questions regarding the school@rhyddings.co.uk or contact the above number. Yours sincerely
Mr P Trickett Headteacher