Dear Parent/Guardian In recent surveys of parental opinion, homework has been raised as an issue of concern. In response to this at Rhyddings we have introduced a new approach to homework; it is called Project Based Home Learning. This has been designed to provide years 7, 8 and 9 with a carefully structured, balanced, and easy to access series of projects to support their learning. It will also help in developing the 12 Skills for Learning introduced in Year 7 within the Zone. In addition some subjects such as Mathematics, Art and Science will continue to set homework that is directly related to learning in lessons. The projects run on a half-termly basis and are available to access via RealSmart. If computer access is a concern the projects can be printed off in school, during break or lunch, and can be completed on paper at home. Alternatively, students can stay behind after school to use the computers in the LRC or ICT rooms. With this approach in mind, we hope that Project Based Home Learning will be seen as having a definite purpose and will encourage independent learning. We are aware that many students take part in activities out of school, which we would wish to encourage. By setting the tasks over a half term we believe that this will allow these activities to continue while still encouraging learning at home with the support of parents. Project based home learning is not voluntary and it is expected that all students will complete all of the projects set for them. Normal school rewards and sanctions will apply for this work. Timetable 2012-2013 Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
ICT + PE English
English RE + Technology
RE Geography
MFL Technology + Geography
Drama + Music History + PE
History Drama + Music
Summer term Half term 1 Drama + Music
Half term 2
ICT+ Geography
English + Technology PE
Autumn term Half term 1 Half term 2 Spring term Half term 1 Half term 2
History + RE
If you require any further information feel free to contact the school.
Yours sincerely Mr T Ainsworth (Deputy Headteacher)
Mrs V Grue (Teacher of ICT and Business)