March 2015 Dear Parent/Carer Changes to Punctuality Sanctions
The vast majority of our students arrive at school on time and ready to learn. We would like to ensure that these young people get the best start to their school day by avoiding interruptions to their learning time caused by individuals who arrive late. From Monday 9th March we will be changing the sanctions we give to students who arrive late to school in the following ways: LEVEL 1: If a student arrives late to form or assembly a ten minute after school detention with the year leader will be given on that same day. For most young people this will be the only sanction required. LEVEL 2: If a student is late more than twice in one week, or if they fail to attend the short detention a 30 min detention will be given at the end of that week on Friday. This detention will be supervised by Mrs Stobbs. LEVEL 3: Finally, if a student’s punctuality pattern does not improve over a two week period or if they fail to attend previous sanctions a 45 min detention with the senior leadership team will be given, also on a Friday. If a young person has genuine reason to be late, for example due to a medical appointment, duties as a carer or other reason beyond their control please contact the school and leave a message for the relevant year leader briefly explaining the situation. Our aim is not to sanction students who have genuine need. We know that these measures will apply to few students and we thank you in advance for your support. If you have any questions or comments please contact the relevant year leader or myself on the number above. Thankyou
Alison Stobbs Lead Pastoral Practitioner